- != comparison filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- ! filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- $, SQL/JSON path expressions
- && filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- <= comparison filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- <> comparison filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- < comparison filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- == comparison filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- >= comparison filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- > comparison filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- || filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- abs() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- ABSENT ON NULL, SQL/JSON generation functions 22.1
- absolute path expression 14.2.1
- syntax B
- add_vc trigger procedure 21.9
- add_virtual_columns, DBMS_JSON PL/SQL procedure 21.8, 21.8.1, 21.8.2
- adding virtual columns for JSON fields 21.8
- ad hoc search of JSON data 27.9
- array, JSON 2.2
- array element, JSON 2.2
- array index 14.2.1
- array range specification 14.2.1
- array step, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- syntax B
- ASCII keyword, SQL functions 15.1
- canonical form of a JSON number 15.1
- case-sensitivity
- ceiling() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- change trigger, data guide 21.9
- user-defined 21.9.1
- character sets 6
- check constraint used to ensure well-formed JSON data 4
- child COLUMNS clause, json_table SQL/JSON function 19.2
- client, using to retrieve JSON Data 3
- CLOB storage, using for JSON data 3
- COLUMNS clause, json_table SQL/JSON function 19.2
- columns of JSON data 1.1
- compare predicate, SQL/JSON path
- syntax B
- comparison, SQL/JSON path
- syntax B
- comparison filter predicates, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- comparison in SQL/JSON path expression, types 14.5
- compatibility of data types, item methods 14.3
- condition, SQL/JSON path
- syntax B
- conditions, Oracle SQL
- json_equal IV
- conditions, SQL/JSON
- conjunction, SQL/JSON path
- syntax B
- context item, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- create_view_on_path, DBMS_JSON PL/SQL procedure 21.7, 21.7.2
- create_view, DBMS_JSON PL/SQL procedure 21.7, 21.7.1
- data guide
- data types for JSON columns 3
- date() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- date and time formats, ISO 8601 14.4
- DBMS_JSON.add_virtual_columns PL/SQL procedure 21.8, 21.8.1, 21.8.2
- DBMS_JSON.create_view_on_path PL/SQL procedure 21.7, 21.7.2
- DBMS_JSON.create_view PL/SQL procedure 21.7, 21.7.1
- DBMS_JSON.drop_virtual_columns PL/SQL procedure 21.8, 21.8.3
- DBMS_JSON.FORMAT_FLAT 21.3, 21.4, 21.12
- DBMS_JSON.FORMAT_HIERARCHICAL 21.3, 21.7.1, 21.8.1, 21.13
- DBMS_JSON.get_index_dataguide PL/SQL function 21.3, 21.4, 21.7.1, 21.8.1
- DBMS_JSON.PRETTY 21.7.1, 21.12, 21.13
- DBMS_JSON.rename_column PL/SQL procedure 21.4
- descendant step, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- diagrams, basic SQL/JSON path expression syntax B
- disjunction, SQL/JSON path
- syntax B
- Document Object Model (DOM) 23
- DOM-like manipulation of JSON data 23
- dot-notation access to JSON data 13
- use with json_table SQL/JSON function 19
- double() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- drop_virtual_columns, DBMS_JSON PL/SQL procedure 21.8, 21.8.3
- dropping virtual columns for JSON fields 21.8, 21.8.3
- duplicate field names in JSON objects 5.1
- element of a JSON array 2.2
- eq_regex filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- error clause, SQL query functions and conditions 15.3
- ERROR ON MISMATCH clause, json_value 15.5
- exists filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- EXISTS keyword, json_table SQL/JSON function 19
- EXTRA DATA clause, ON MISMATCH clause, json_value 15.5
- field, JSON object 2.2
- field name, SQL/JSON path
- syntax B
- filter, SQL/JSON path
- syntax B
- filter condition, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- filter expression, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- floor() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- FORMAT_FLAT, package DBMS_JSON 21.3, 21.4, 21.12
- FORMAT_HIERARCHICAL, package DBMS_JSON 21.3, 21.7.1, 21.8.1, 21.13
- FORMAT JSON keywords
- FOR ORDINALITY keywords, json_table SQL/JSON function 19
- full-text search of JSON data 27.9
- functions, Oracle SQL
- json_serialize 20
- functions, SQL
- functions, SQL/JSON
- function step, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- syntax B
- IGNORE ON MISMATCH clause, json_value 15.5
- IM column store 28.1
- index, array 14.2.1
- indexing JSON data 27
- composite B-tree index for multiple fields 27.8
- for json_exists queries 27.6
- for json_table queries 27.5
- for search 27.9
- full-text and numeric-range 27.9
- function-based 27.4
- for geographic data 25
- GeoJSON 25
- is (not) json SQL/JSON condition 27.1
- json_exists SQL/JSON condition 27.3
- json_value SQL/JSON function 27.4
- spatial 25
- In-Memory Column Store 28.1
- inserting JSON data into a column 9
- introspection of PL/SQL object types 23
- is json SQL/JSON condition 5
- is not json SQL/JSON condition 5
- ISO 8601 date and time formats 14.4
- item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1, 14.3
- items data-guide field (JSON Schema keyword) 21.4
- JavaScript array 2.2
- JavaScript notation compared with JSON 2.1
- JavaScript object 2.2
- JavaScript object literal 2.2
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 2.1
- JSON 2.1
- JSON_ARRAY_T PL/SQL object type 23
- json_arrayagg SQL/JSON function 22.6
- json_array SQL/JSON function 22.4
- json_dataguide SQL function 21.3, 21.4
- JSON_ELEMENT_T PL/SQL object type 23
- json_equal Oracle SQL condition IV
- json_exists SQL/JSON condition 16
- JSON_KEY_LIST PL/SQL object type 23
- json_mergepatch SQL function 9
- JSON_OBJECT_T PL/SQL object type 23
- json_objectagg SQL/JSON function 22.5
- json_object SQL/JSON function 22.3
- json_query SQL/JSON function 18
- as json_table 18.1
- JSON_SCALAR_T PL/SQL object type 23
- json_serialize Oracle SQL function 20
- json_table SQL/JSON function 19
- json_textcontains SQL/JSON condition 27.9
- json_transform SQL function 9
- json_value SQL/JSON function 17
- JSON columns 1.1
- JSON data guide 21
- overview 21.1
- JSON generation functions 22
- JSON object types, PL/SQL
- overview 23
- JSON Schema 21
- keywords 21.4
- JSON search index 27.9
- lax JSON syntax 5.2
- specifying 5.3
- length() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- like_regex filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- like filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- limitations, Oracle Database support for JSON A
- loading JSON data into the database 9
- LOB storage, using for JSON data 3
- lower() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- NESTED clause, instead of json_table 19.1
- NESTED PATH clause, json_table 19.4
- NoSQL databases 1.1
- null handling, SQL/JSON generation functions 22.1, 22.2
- NULL-handling clause, SQL/JSON generation functions 22.1
- NULL ON EMPTY clause, SQL/JSON query functions 15.4
- NULL ON MISMATCH clause, json_value 15.5
- NULL ON NULL, SQL/JSON generation functions 22.1
- number() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- numberOnly() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- numeric-range indexing 27.9
- o:frequency data-guide field 21.4
- o:hidden data-guide field 21.8
- o:high_value data-guide field 21.4
- o:last_analyzed data-guide field 21.4
- o:length data-guide field 21.4
- o:low_value data-guide field 21.4
- o:num_nulls data-guide field 21.4
- o:path data-guide field 21.4
- o:preferred_column_name data-guide field 21.4
- object, Javascript and JSON 2.2
- object literal, Javascript 2.2
- object member, JSON 2.2
- object step, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- syntax B
- ON EMPTY clause, SQL/JSON query functions 15.4
- oneOf data-guide field (JSON Schema keyword) 21.4
- ON MISMATCH clause, json_value 15.5
- Oracle SQL conditions IV
- See also: SQL/JSON conditions
- json_equal IV
- Oracle SQL functions
- Oracle support for JSON in the database A
- parent COLUMNS clause, json_table SQL/JSON function 19.2
- parsing of JSON data to PL/SQL object types 23
- PASSING clause, json_exists 16
- PATH clause, json_table 19
- path expression, SQL/JSON 14, 14.1
- performance tuning 26
- PL/SQL functions
- PL/SQL object-type methods 23
- PL/SQL object types
- overview 23
- PL/SQL procedures
- PRETTY, package DBMS_JSON 21.7.1, 21.12, 21.13
- PRETTY keyword, SQL functions 15.1
- pretty-printing
- projecting virtual columns from JSON fields 21.8
- properties data-guide field (JSON Schema keyword) 21.4
- property, JSON object
- See: field, JSON object
- put() method, PL/SQL object types 23
- range specification, array 14.2.1
- rawtohex SQL function, for insert or update with BLOB JSON column 3
- relational database with JSON data 1.1
- relative path expression 14.2.1
- syntax B
- rename_column, DBMS_JSON PL/SQL procedure 21.4
- rendering of JSON data 15.1
- restrictions, Oracle Database support for JSON A
- RETURNING clause
- rewrite of JSON queries to a materialized view 29
- row source, JSON
- definition 19
- scalar, SQL/JSON path
- syntax B
- scalar value, JSON 2.2
- schema, JSON 21
- schemaless database data 1.1
- searching JSON data 27.9
- SELECT statement, NESTED clause instead of json_table 19.1
- serialization
- serializing JSON data 20
- setting values in PL/SQL object types 23
- sharding, data-guide information in index 21.2
- sibling COLUMNS clauses, json_table SQL/JSON function 19.2
- simple dot-notation access to JSON data 13
- use with json_table SQL/JSON function 19
- Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) 1
- simplified syntax
- See: simple dot-notation access to JSON data
- size() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- SODA 1
- spatial JSON data 25
- SQL/JSON conditions IV
- See also: Oracle SQL conditions
- SQL/JSON functions
- SQL/JSON generation functions 22, 22.1
- input SQL values 22.2
- SQL/JSON path expression 14, 14.1
- SQL/JSON query functions
- WITH WRAPPER keywords 15.2
- SQL/JSON variable 14.2.1
- SQL functions
- SQL NESTED clause, instead of json_table 19.1
- starts with filter predicate, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- step, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.2.1
- storing and managing JSON data, overview 3
- strict JSON syntax 5.2
- specifying 5.3
- STRICT keyword
- string() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- stringOnly() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- support for JSON, Oracle Database A
- syntax diagrams, basic SQL/JSON path expression B
- tables with JSON data 1.1
- time and date formats, ISO 8601 14.4
- timestamp() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- tree-like representation of JSON data 23
- trigger for data-guide changes 21.9
- TRUNCATE keyword, Oracle extension for SQL/JSON VARCHAR2 return value 19
- TRUNCATE keyword, Oracle extension for SQL VARCHAR2 return value 15.1
- type() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- type data-guide field (JSON Schema keyword) 21.4
- TYPE ERROR clause, ON MISMATCH clause, json_value 15.5
- UNCONDITIONAL keyword, SQL/JSON query functions 15.2
- unique field names in JSON objects 5.1
- updating JSON data 9
- upper() item method, SQL/JSON path expressions 14.3
- user-defined data-guide change trigger 21.9.1
- well formed JSON data 5
- well-formed JSON data
- ensuring 3
- WITHOUT UNIQUE KEYS keywords, JSON condition is json 5.1
- WITH UNIQUE KEYS keywords, JSON condition is json 5.1
- WITH WRAPPER keywords, SQL/JSON query functions 15.2
- wrapper clause, SQL/JSON query functions 15.2
- WRAPPER keyword, SQL/JSON query functions 15.2