List of Examples
- 2-1 A JSON Object (Representation of a JavaScript Object Literal)
- 4-1 Using IS JSON in a Check Constraint to Ensure JSON Data is Well-Formed
- 4-2 Inserting JSON Data Into a VARCHAR2 JSON Column
- 5-1 Using IS JSON in a Check Constraint to Ensure JSON Data is Strictly Well-Formed (Standard)
- 7-1 Creating a Partitioned Table Using a JSON Virtual Column
- 10-1 Updating a JSON Column Using JSON_TRANSFORM
- 10-2 Modifying JSON Data On the Fly With JSON_TRANSFORM
- 10-3 Adding a Field Using JSON_TRANSFORM
- 10-4 Removing a Field Using JSON_TRANSFORM
- 10-5 Creating or Replacing a Field Value Using JSON_TRANSFORM
- 10-6 Replacing an Existing Field Value Using JSON_TRANSFORM
- 10-7 Using FORMAT JSON To Set a JSON Boolean Value
- 10-8 Setting an Array Element Using JSON_TRANSFORM
- 10-9 Prepending an Array Element Using JSON_TRANSFORM
- 10-10 Appending an Array Element Using JSON_TRANSFORM
- 11-1 A JSON Merge Patch Document
- 11-2 A Merge-Patched JSON Document
- 11-3 Updating a JSON Column Using JSON Merge Patch
- 11-4 Updating Selected JSON Documents On the Fly
- 12-1 Creating a Database Directory Object for Purchase Orders
- 12-2 Creating an External Table and Filling It From a JSON Dump File
- 12-3 Creating a Table With a BLOB JSON Column
- 12-4 Copying JSON Data From an External Table To a Database Table
- 13-1 JSON Dot-Notation Query Compared With JSON_VALUE
- 13-2 JSON Dot-Notation Query Compared With JSON_QUERY
- 16-1 JSON_EXISTS: Path Expression Without Filter
- 16-2 JSON_EXISTS: Current Item and Scope in Path Expression Filters
- 16-3 JSON_EXISTS: Filter Conditions Depend On the Current Item
- 16-4 JSON_EXISTS: Filter Downscoping
- 16-5 JSON_EXISTS: Path Expression Using Path-Expression exists Condition
- 16-6 JSON_EXISTS Expressed Using JSON_TABLE
- 17-1 JSON_VALUE: Returning a JSON Boolean Value to PL/SQL as BOOLEAN
- 17-2 JSON_VALUE: Returning a JSON Boolean Value to SQL as VARCHAR2
- 17-3 Instantiate a User-Defined Object Instance From JSON Data with JSON_VALUE
- 17-4 Instantiate a Collection Type Instance From JSON Data with JSON_VALUE
- 17-5 JSON_VALUE Expressed Using JSON_TABLE
- 18-1 Selecting JSON Values Using JSON_QUERY
- 18-2 JSON_QUERY Expressed Using JSON_TABLE
- 19-1 Equivalent JSON_TABLE Queries: Simple and Full Syntax
- 19-2 Equivalent: SQL NESTED and JSON_TABLE with LEFT OUTER JOIN
- 19-3 Accessing JSON Data Multiple Times to Extract Data
- 19-4 Using JSON_TABLE to Extract Data Without Multiple Parses
- 19-5 Projecting an Entire JSON Array as JSON Data
- 19-6 Projecting Elements of a JSON Array
- 19-7 Projecting Elements of a JSON Array Plus Other Data
- 19-8 JSON_TABLE: Projecting Array Elements Using NESTED
- 19-9 Creating a View Over JSON Data
- 19-10 Creating a Materialized View Over JSON Data
- 20-1 Using JSON_SERIALIZE To Convert BLOB Data To Pretty-Printed Text
- 21-1 Enabling Persistent Support for a JSON Data Guide But Not For Search
- 21-2 Disabling JSON Data-Guide Support For an Existing JSON Search Index
- 21-3 Gathering Statistics on JSON Data Using a JSON Search Index
- 21-4 Specifying Preferred Column Names For Some JSON Fields
- 21-5 Creating a View Using a Hierarchical Data Guide Obtained With GET_INDEX_DATAGUIDE
- 21-6 Creating a View Using a Hierarchical Data Guide Obtained With JSON_DATAGUIDE
- 21-7 Creating a View That Projects All Scalar Fields
- 21-8 Creating a View That Projects Scalar Fields Targeted By a Path Expression
- 21-9 Creating a View That Projects Scalar Fields Having a Given Frequency
- 21-10 Adding Virtual Columns That Project JSON Fields Using a Data Guide Obtained With GET_INDEX_DATAGUIDE
- 21-11 Adding Virtual Columns, Hidden and Visible
- 21-12 Projecting All Scalar Fields Not Under an Array as Virtual Columns
- 21-13 Projecting Scalar Fields With a Minimum Frequency as Virtual Columns
- 21-14 Projecting Scalar Fields With a Minimum Frequency as Hidden Virtual Columns
- 21-15 Dropping Virtual Columns Projected From JSON Fields
- 21-16 Adding Virtual Columns Automatically With Change Trigger ADD_VC
- 21-17 Tracing Data-Guide Updates With a User-Defined Change Trigger
- 21-18 Adding a 2015 Purchase-Order Document
- 21-19 Adding a 2016 Purchase-Order Document
- 21-20 Creating Multiple Data Guides With Aggregate Function JSON_DATAGUIDE
- 21-21 Querying a Data Guide Obtained Using JSON_DATAGUIDE
- 21-22 Querying a Data Guide With Index Data For Paths With Frequency at Least 80%
- 21-23 Flat Data Guide For Purchase Orders
- 21-24 Hierarchical Data Guide For Purchase Orders
- 22-1 Declaring an Input Value To Be JSON
- 22-2 Using Name–Value Pairs with JSON_OBJECT
- 22-3 Using Column Names with JSON_OBJECT
- 22-4 Using a Wildcard (*) with JSON_OBJECT
- 22-6 Using a User-Defined Object-Type Instance with JSON_OBJECT
- 22-7 Using JSON_ARRAY to Construct a JSON Array
- 22-8 Using JSON_OBJECTAGG to Construct a JSON Object
- 22-9 Using JSON_ARRAYAGG to Construct a JSON Array
- 24-1 Constructing and Serializing an In-Memory JSON Object
- 24-2 Using Method GET_KEYS() to Obtain a List of Object Fields
- 24-3 Using Method PUT() to Update Parts of JSON Documents
- 25-1 A Table With GeoJSON Data
- 25-2 Selecting a geometry Object From a GeoJSON Feature As an SDO_GEOMETRY Instance
- 25-3 Retrieving Multiple geometry Objects From a GeoJSON Feature As SDO_GEOMETRY
- 25-4 Creating a Spatial Index For Scalar GeoJSON Data
- 25-5 Using GeoJSON Geometry With Spatial Operators
- 25-6 Creating a Materialized View Over GeoJSON Data
- 25-7 Creating a Spatial Index on a Materialized View Over GeoJSON Data
- 27-1 Creating a Bitmap Index for JSON_EXISTS
- 27-2 Creating a Bitmap Index for JSON_VALUE
- 27-3 Creating a Function-Based Index for a JSON Field: Dot Notation
- 27-4 Creating a Function-Based Index for a JSON Field: JSON_VALUE
- 27-5 Specifying NULL ON EMPTY for a JSON_VALUE Function-Based Index
- 27-6 Use of a JSON_VALUE Function-Based Index with a JSON_TABLE Query
- 27-7 JSON_EXISTS Query Targeting Field Compared to Literal Number
- 27-8 JSON_EXISTS Query Targeting Field Compared to Variable Value
- 27-9 JSON_EXISTS Query Targeting Field Cast to Number Compared to Variable Value
- 27-10 JSON_EXISTS Query Targeting a Conjunction of Field Comparisons
- 27-11 JSON_VALUE Query with Explicit RETURNING NUMBER
- 27-12 JSON_VALUE Query with Explicit Numerical Conversion
- 27-13 JSON_VALUE Query with Implicit Numerical Conversion
- 27-14 Creating Virtual Columns For JSON Object Fields
- 27-15 Creating a Composite B-tree Index For JSON Object Fields
- 27-16 Two Ways to Query JSON Data Indexed With a Composite Index
- 27-17 Creating a JSON Search Index That Is Synchronized On Commit
- 27-18 Creating a JSON Search Index That Is Synchronized Each Second
- 27-19 Execution Plan Indication that a JSON Search Index Is Used
- 27-20 Full-Text Query of JSON Data
- 27-21 Some Ad Hoc JSON Queries
- 28-1 Populating JSON Data Into the IM Column Store
- 29-1 Creating a Materialized View of JSON Data To Support Query Rewrite
- 29-2 Creating an Index Over a Materialized View of JSON Data