
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  X  Z  


  • (HS=) (TNSNAMES parameter for Oracle Net) 1
    • with TCP/IP protocol 1
  • $ cd $ORACLE_HOME $ mkdir dg4appc 1, 2
  • $ORACLE_HOME 1, 2, 3, 5


  • action items
    • for installing the gateway 1
  • activating and verifying SNA server profiles 1
  • AIX
    • activating profiles 1
    • configuring SNA 1
    • creating mode profiles 1
    • processing inbound connections 1
    • SNA conversation security 1
    • SNA security option SECURITY=NONE 1
    • SNA security option SECURITY=PROGRAM 1
    • SNA security option SECURITY =SAME 1
    • SNA security validation 1
    • System Management Interface Tool 1
  • AIX-based communications package
    • SNA server 1
  • ALTER USER command 1, 2
  • american_america_us7ascii 1
  • APPC 1
    • conversation security option 1, 2
    • installation verification 1
    • verification of configuration 1
  • architecture
    • components of the gateway 1
    • automatic conversion 1
  • authentication
    • for operating system 1
    • for Oracle 1
    • types, security 1


  • backout possibilities during migration 1


  • choosing the device type
    • on Linux 1
  • CICS 1, 2
    • ATTACHSEC parameter
      • on Solaris 1
    • installation verification
      • on gateway using SNA 1
    • security options not supported by the gateway
      • on Solaris 1
    • transaction ID 1
    • verifying configuration
      • on gateway using SNA 1
  • CICS Transaction Server for z/OS
    • authentication mechanism
      • on all platforms 1
    • OLTP
      • configuration verification 1
    • TP name length 1
  • command
    • SET 1, 2
  • COMMIT 1
  • COMMIT_CONFIRM 1, 3, 4
    • and PGA_CAPABILITY parameter 1
    • capability 1
  • commit-confirm 1
    • configuring 1, 2
      • gateway initialization parameters 1
      • OLTP 1
      • Oracle database 1
    • sample applications 1
    • transaction log 1
  • communications
    • between server, gateway and remote host 1
    • needed for Solaris 1
  • configuration
    • gateway directories 1
  • configuration verification
    • OLTP
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1, 2
  • configuring
    • commit-confirm 1, 2
    • gateway
      • optional steps to allow multiple users using SNA 1
      • optional steps to allow multiple users using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • gateway directories 1
    • Oracle database 1
      • upgrading from previous releases 1, 2
    • Oracle database for gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect
      • pre-configuration steps 1
    • SNAP-IX 1
    • TCP/IP for IMS Connect
      • on the gateway 1
    • the gateway
      • for TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
      • using SNA 1
    • the OLTP 1
    • your network
      • using SNA 1
  • configuring a LAN device
    • on Linux 1
  • Configuring APPC/MVS 1
  • Configuring CICS Transaction Server for z/OS 1
  • configuring your network 1
  • CONNECT clause 1
    • for database link security 1
    • in TCP/IP security 1
  • CPI-C 1
  • CPI-C profiles
    • creating
      • on Solaris 1
    • creating, on Solaris 1
  • creating
    • mode profiles, on AIX 1
    • public database link 1, 2
  • creating devices
    • on Linux systems 1
  • creating IBM communications server definitions for the gateway
    • on Linux 1
  • creating local LUs
    • on Linux 1
  • creating partner LUs
    • on Linux 1
  • creating peer connections
    • on Linux 1
  • creating the configuration
    • on Linux systems 1
  • creating the CPI-C side information profile
    • on Linux 1
  • creating the node
    • on Linux systems 1


  • database link 1, 2
    • creating 1, 2
      • when configuring Oracle database 1, 2
    • in configuring the network 1
    • in verifying gateway installation
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • public and private 1
    • security, CONNECT clause 1
  • database link name
    • modifying .sql files 1, 2
  • data dictionary
    • See PG DD 1
  • data exchange
    • PGAXFER function 1
  • datastores
    • gateway access to 1
  • DBMS_OUTPUT packages 1, 3
  • DBMS_PIPE 1, 3, 4, 6
  • defining local LUs
    • on Linux 1
  • defining partner LUs
    • on Linux 1
  • defining the adjacent node
    • on Linux 1
  • defining the link station
    • on Linux 1
  • de-installing
    • the gateway 1
  • dependent LU
    • on AIX 1
    • on Solaris 1
  • describe statement
  • DESCRIBE statement
    • DBMS_OUTPUT 1, 3
    • UTL_RAW 1, 2
  • dfhcsdup.jcl file 1
  • DFHRPL DD statement 1
    • known restrictions 1
    • see gateway 1
  • dg4pwd 1
  • dg4pwd utility
    • definition 1
    • recommended security utility feature, on gateway using SNA 1
  • directories
    • for installing gateway and OIS files 1, 2
  • DISPLAY datatypes 1


  • EBCDIC language 1
    • gateway know restrictions pertaining to 1
    • necessary to change to ASCII when using TCP/IP 1
  • enhancements
    • using PGAU to automatically upgrade PG DD entries 1, 2
  • error
    • during commit processing 1
    • obsolete parameters 1
    • parameter name misspelled 1, 2
    • treating incoming APPC CONFIRM requests as errors 1, 2


    • parameter added 1
  • FDS_CLASS parameter 1
  • FDS_INSTANCE parameter 1
  • file
    • dfhcsdup.jcl 1
    • initPGA.ora 1, 3
    • initsid.ora 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
      • gateway parameters for gateway using SNA 1
      • gateway parameters for gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
      • new parameters on gateway using SNA 1
      • new startup shell parameters 1
      • parameters changed since V4 1
    • listener.ora 1, 4
    • pgaims.sql 1
    • pgasna.export 1, 2
    • PGAU control files 1
    • pgavsn.sql 1
    • pgddapub.sql 1, 2
    • prvtpgb.plb 1, 2
    • tnsnames.ora 1
    • utlpg.sql 1, 2
    • utlraw.sql 1, 2
  • FLIP transaction
    • OLTP configuration
      • and verification for APPC/MVS 1
      • and verification for CICS Transaction Server for z/OS 1
      • and verification for IMS/TM on gateway using SNA 1
      • and verification for IMS/TM on gateway using TCP/IP 1, 2
  • function
    • put_line 1, 2
  • functions
    • see RPC (remote procedural call) 1
    • See UTL_PG 1
    • see UTL_RAW 1


  • gateway
    • access to IBM datastores 1
    • communication overview 1
    • communications with all platforms 1
    • compatibility with other SNA-enabled products 1
    • components 1, 2
      • for SNA and TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • configuring 1
      • for multiple users, on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
      • for SNA 1
      • for TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1, 2
    • configuring for multiple users
      • on gateway using SNA 1
    • creating
      • SNAP-IX definitions for 1
      • SNAP-IX profiles for 1
      • SNA server profiles for 1
    • de-installing 1
    • directory locations for configuration 1, 2
    • factors affecting memory requirements 1
    • features
      • application transparency 1
      • code generator 1
      • fast interface 1
      • flexible interface 1
      • location transparency 1
      • Oracle database integration 1
      • performs automatic conversions 1
      • site autonomy and security 1
      • support for tools 1
    • functions, using SNA 1
    • initialization files 1
    • initialization parameters
      • also see PGA parameters 1
      • described 1, 2
      • for gateway using SNA 1
      • new and changed since Version 4 gateway 1
      • renamed since V4 1
      • SET 1, 2, 3, 4
    • installation
      • first-time install, configuring the Oracle database 1, 2
      • pre-installation procedures 1
      • steps 1
      • verification 1, 2
      • with Oracle Universal Installer action items 1
    • installing 1
    • known restrictions, when using SNA 1
    • migrating to new release, using SNA 1
    • network attachment requirements 1
    • overview 1
    • parameter files 1, 2
      • also see gateway initialization parameters, and PGA parameters 1
      • initPGA.ora 1, 2
    • pre-installation steps for TPC/IP 1
    • remote procedure, definition 1
    • remote transaction initiation
      • using SNA 1
      • using TCP/IP 1
    • remote transaction termination
      • using SNA 1
      • using TCP/IP 1
    • requirements
      • hardware 1
    • restoring to previous releases 1
    • security options and overview 1
      • also see, security 1
    • server
      • restoring previous version 1
    • setting up multiple gateway instances 1
    • SNA
      • SNAP-IX configuration on Solaris 1, 2
    • SNA security validation 1
    • startup shell parameters
    • steps to install, via Oracle Universal Installer 1
    • upgrading
      • from previous release 1
      • preparing to upgrade 1
  • gateway initialization parameters
    • for commit-confirm support 1
    • new 1
  • gateway security requirements 1
  • gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect
    • gateway initialization parameters needed 1
    • transaction types 1
  • gpglocal 1, 2
    • needed to compile PGAU-generated TIP specifications 1, 2
  • gpglocal.pkb script 1, 2
  • gpglocal.pkh script 1, 2
  • gpglocal package 1
  • grant
    • access 1, 2
    • authorization 1, 2
    • execute 1, 2
    • explicit 1, 2
    • private 1, 2
    • public 1, 2


  • hardware requirements 1
  • Heterogeneous Services (HS) 1
    • and Oracle Net considerations, on gateway using SNA 1
    • catalogs
      • installing, on gateway using SNA 1
      • installing, on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • parameters needed for gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • HS_DB_INTERNAL_NAME parameter 1
  • HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS parameter 1
  • HS parameters 1
    • description 1, 2
    • see also, (HS=) 1


  • IBM mainframe requirements 1
  • implementation of the gateway
    • for SNA and TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
  • implied APPC 1
  • IMS/TM
    • installation verification
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • mainframe requirements for gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • TP name length 1
    • verification of configuration
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
  • IMS Connect
    • and security 1
    • mainframe requirements, for gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • IMS FLIP transaction 1
  • independent LU 1, 2
  • independent LU, on AIX 1
  • independent versus dependent LUs
    • on Linux 1
  • initialization files
    • See gateway initialization files, also see PGA parameters 1
  • initiating remote transactions 1
  • initPGA.ora file 1, 3
  • initsid.ora file 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
    • gateway parameters on gateway using SNA 1
    • gateway parameters on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • HS parameter descriptions 1, 2
    • new parameters, on gateway using SNA 1
    • new startup shell parameters 1
    • parameters changed since V4 1
  • installation
    • steps 1
  • installation verification
    • CICS on gateway using SNA 1
    • gateway
      • with SNA 1
      • with TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • IMS/TM
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • OLTP 1
  • installing
    • and configuring the gateway 1
    • preinstallation steps 1
    • sample applications
      • on gateway for SNA protocol 1
      • on gateway with TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
  • IPC
    • key 1
    • protocol 1


  • key
    • IPC 1
  • known restrictions
    • for DG4APPC 1
    • for PGAU 1


  • Link Station profiles
    • on AIX 1
    • using smit to start, on AIX 1
  • listener.ora file 1, 4
    • sample file for gateway using SNA 1
    • sample for gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • Local LUs
    • creating
      • on AIX 1
      • on Solaris 1
  • LOG_DESTINATION parameter 1
    • for gateway using SNA 1
    • for gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • logmode entry name 1
  • LU6.2
    • and specifying SNA conversation security 1
  • LU name
    • assigning to the gateway, on AIX 1
  • LUs
    • (Logical Units) 1
    • alias identified by side information profile, on AIX 1
    • and gateway security 1
    • independent
      • in configuring APPC/MVS on the gateway 1
      • in configuring CICS Transaction Server for z/OS 1
      • vs. dependent, on AIX 1
      • vs. dependent, on Solaris 1
    • in SNA security validation 1
    • local
      • profile, on AIX 1
    • on AIX 1
    • Partner
      • location profile, on AIX 1
      • on AIX 1
      • on Solaris 1
      • profile 1
    • Partner LU name
      • assigning alias, on AIX 1


  • mainframe requirements 1
  • migrating
    • an existing gateway to use TCP/IP 1
    • backout considerations when migrating to new release 1
    • existing gateway instance to new release, using SNA 1
    • to
      • special parameters 1
  • mode definitions
    • creating
      • on Solaris 1
  • mode profiles
    • creating on AIX server 1
    • creating on Solaris 1
  • multi-conversational transaction type, for gateway using TCP/IP 1


  • network
    • configuring
      • with SNA 1
    • reconfiguring 1
  • networking products required 1
  • node profile, on AIX 1
  • non-persistent socket transaction type for TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1


  • obsolete parameters, in gateway using SNA 1
  • OLTP 1, 2
    • and dependent LUs
      • on AIX 1
      • on Solaris 1
    • and SECURITY=PROGRAM option, on all platforms 1
    • and SECURITY=PROGRAM option, on all platforms using TCP/IP 1
    • and SNA SECURITY=SAME option, on all platforms 1
    • configuration 1
    • configuration verification
      • APPC/MVS 1
      • CICS Transaction Server for z/OS 1
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using SNA IMS/TM 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • configuring
      • for gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • currently supported types 1, 2
    • definition 1
    • for TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • in gateway architecture featuring SNA 1
    • in gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • installation verification 1, 2
    • mode name specification, on AIX 1
    • post-installation steps
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • remote 1
    • requirements 1
    • security and inbound APPC session requests
      • on Solaris 1
    • security on the gateway 1
    • SNA security option
      • on all platforms 1
    • user ID mapping 1
    • verifying configuration
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
  • OLTP for SNA
    • mainframe requirements 1
  • OLTP for TCP/IP
    • IBM mainframe requirements 1
  • one-shot transaction types, for gateway using SNA 1
  • online transaction processor
    • See OLTP 1
  • Oracle10g Database
    • and networking products needed 1
  • Oracle database 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11
    • and gateway security 1
    • and TCP/IP for IMS Connect
      • pre-configuration steps 1
    • component of the gateway 1
    • configuring for commit-confirm 1
    • definition 1
    • enabling DBMS_OUTPUT PL/SQL package 1, 2
    • logon authentication needed 1
    • multiple servers on the gateway
      • using TPC/IP 1
    • multiple servers on the gateway using SNA 1
    • precompiles PL/SQL package 1
    • READ_ONLY mode 1
    • role
      • in gateway communication 1
      • in logon security 1
      • in starting the gateway 1
    • shipped with PL/SQL packages 1, 2
    • stores PL/SQL 1
    • upgrading
      • from previous releases 1, 2
    • verifying
      • APPC/MVS configuration 1
      • gateway installation with SNA 1
      • gateway installation with TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
      • IMS/TM, on gateway using SNA 1
      • IMS/TM, on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • version requirements 1
  • Oracle Database Gateway for APPC
    • also see gateway 1
    • de-installing 1
    • development environment 1
    • functions 1
  • Oracle Database Listener 1
  • Oracle global transaction ID 1
  • Oracle Heterogeneous Services
    • See Heterogeneous Services 1
  • Oracle Net 1, 2
    • considerations, when migrating gateway featuring SNA 1
    • Heterogeneous services/tnsnames.ora considerations, on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • security considerations 1
    • to start the gateway 1
  • Oracle Net Listener 1
  • Oracle Universal Installer
    • using 1
      • to install gateway 1
  • override
    • user ID and password 1, 2


  • package
    • DBMS_OUTPUT 1, 2
    • gpglocal 1
    • UTL_PG 1, 2, 3, 4
      • invalidated or deinstalled 1, 2
    • UTL_RAW 1, 2
      • invalidated or deinstalled 1, 2
  • package specifications
    • avoid reinstalling 1, 2
    • reinstalling 1, 2
  • parameter files
    • See gateway initialization files 1, 2
    • See PGA parameters 1, 2
    • See RRM parameters 1, 2
  • parameters
    • changed since Release 4, on gateway using SNA or TCP/IP 1
    • gateway initialization parameter, described 1, 2
    • needed for commit-confirm support 1
    • new
      • FDS_CLASS (startup shell) 1
      • FDS_INSTANCE (startup shell) 1
    • obsolete, in gateway using SNA 1
    • PGA
      • described for SNA 1
      • described for TCP/IP 1
    • renamed since version 4 (gateway initialization) 1
    • see PGA parameters and gateway 1
    • USING 1
  • Partner LU
    • locations profile, on AIX 1
    • on Solaris 1
    • profile 1
    • see also LUs
      • Partner 1
  • password
    • change using ALTER USER command 1, 2
    • Oracle authentication 1
    • Oracle password to be used by gateway 1
      • using TCP/IP 1
    • overrides 1, 2
    • with operating system authentication 1
  • PDS (partitioned dataset) 1
  • persistent socket transaction type
    • for TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
  • persistent transaction type, for gateway using SNA 1
  • pg4tcpmap table 1
    • see PGA_TCP_IMSC table 1
  • pg4tcpmap tool 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • definition 1
    • function 1, 2
      • in remote transaction initiation 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1, 2
    • output sample 1
  • PGA
    • definition 1
    • initialization files
      • initPGAI.ora and initPGAU.ora 1
    • See PGA parameters 1
    • See PGA parameters for gateway using SNA or TCP/IP 1
    • See PGA parameters 1, 2
  • PGA_SECURITY_TYPE=SAME, on all platforms 1
  • PGA_SECURITY_TYPE parameter
    • and TCP/IP security 1
    • PGA parameter
      • for gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • PGA_TCP_DB parameter (TCP/IP only) 1
  • PGA_TCP_DB PGA parameter (TCP/IP only) 1
  • PGA_TCP_IMSC table 1
    • for mapping SNA parameters to TCP/IP 1
    • loading, on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • PGA_TCP_PASS parameter (TCP/IP only) 1
  • PGA_TCP_PASS PGA parameter (TCP/IP only) 1
  • PGA_TCP_USER parameter (TCP/IP only) 1, 2
  • PGAADMIN 1, 3, 4, 6
    • creating the gateway administrator user ID 1, 2
    • granting access to additional users 1, 2
    • granting execution privileges on DBMS_PIPE 1, 2
    • initial password during creation 1, 2
  • pgacr8au.sql script 1, 2
  • PGAI
    • setting up 1
  • pgaims.sql file 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • PGAINIT function 1, 3
  • PGA parameters
    • described 1, 2
    • list of, for gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • on gateway using
      • SNA 1
      • TCP/IP 1
    • PGA_CAPABILITY 1, 2, 4
      • choosing settings 1
      • options for updating foreign databases 1
      • protections against data problems 1
    • PGA_CAPABILITY, for gateway using TCP/IP 1
      • choosing settings 1
    • PGA_LOG_DB 1, 3
    • PGA_LOG_PASS 1, 3
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • PGA_LOG_USER 1, 3
    • PGA_SECURITY_TYPE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • PGA_SECURITY_TYPE=SAME, on all platforms 1
      • for gateway using TCP/IP 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • pgasna.export file 1, 2
  • PGATERM function 1
  • PGAU 1
    • accesses definitions in PG DD 1
    • control files 1
    • definition
      • used to generate TIP specifications 1
    • -generated TIP specifications 1
    • -generated TIP specifications use UTL_PG 1, 2
    • -generated TIP specifications use UTL_RAW 1, 2
    • known restrictions in this release 1
    • purpose of PGDL 1
    • restoring previous versions 1
    • setting up 1
    • upgrading existing PG DD entries 1, 2
  • PGAU commands
      • COBOL COPY REPLACE restrictions 1
    • GENERATE 1, 3
      • produces TIP in output files 1, 2
      • to upgrade existing TIPs 1, 2
  • pgavsn.sql file 1
  • PGAXFER function 1, 2
  • PG Data Dictionary
    • See PG DD 1
  • PGDD
    • compatibility issues between new and older gateways 1
  • PG DD
    • after upgrade 1
    • allowing multiple users 1, 2
    • creating public synonyms for multiple users 1, 2
    • definition 1
    • installing for gateway configuration 1, 2
    • install script 1, 2
    • no access from earlier PGAU versions 1
    • restoring previous version 1
    • tables 1, 2
    • upgrade when upgrading gateway 1, 2
    • using PGAU to upgrade existing entries 1, 2
  • pgddapub.sql
    • file 1, 2
  • pgddcr8.sql script 1, 2
  • pgddcr8s.sql script 1
  • PGDDDEF role 1, 2
  • PGDDGEN role 1, 2
    • adding a privilege for upgrading PG DD entries 1, 2
  • pgddupgr.sql script 1, 2
  • PGDL (Procedural Gateway Definition Language)
    • definition 1
  • PL/SQL 1
    • code generator 1
    • datatypes 1
      • converted to RAW 1
    • function in the gateway 1, 2
    • running pgatiptr.sql script to create routines 1, 2
    • UTL_PG package function 1
    • UTL_RAW function 1
    • UTL_RAW package installation
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
  • PL/SQL package
    • definition 1, 2
    • developer access to 1, 2
    • enabled 1, 2
    • functions 1
    • See TIP 1
  • PL/SQL stored procedure 1
    • used for logging transactions 1
  • PL/SQL stored procedure specification
    • also called "TIP" 1
    • See PL/SQL package 1
  • post-installation steps for OLTP
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • pre-installation steps
    • for SNA 1
  • privileges
    • needed to create TIPs 1
  • Procedural Gateway Administration
    • See PGA 1
  • Procedural Gateway Administration Utility
    • see PGAU 1
  • processing inbound connections
    • Linux 1
  • processor OLTP
    • configuring, for commit-confirm 1
  • profiles
    • see SNA server profiles 1
  • protocol
    • IPC 1
    • TCP 1
  • prvtpgb.plb
    • file 1, 2
    • script 1, 2
  • prvtrawb.plb script 1, 2, 3, 4
  • public synonyms for multiple PG DD users 1, 2
  • put_line function 1, 2


  • RACF 1, 3
    • PGA_COMPATIBILITY setting 1
  • recompiling TIPs
    • See TIP 1, 2
  • reinstallation of package specifications 1, 2
  • release-specific information
    • restrictions 1
  • remote host transactions (RHT)
    • types 1
  • remote procedural call
    • See RPC 1
  • remote procedure
    • definition 1
  • remote transaction initiation
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TC/IP 1
  • remote transaction program
    • See RTP 1
  • remote transaction termination
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
  • requirements
    • hardware 1
    • network attachments 1
    • software 1
    • system 1
  • restoring a previous release of the gateway 1
  • restrictions
    • on gateway using SNA 1
  • resume configuration of the gateway
    • on Linux 1
  • role
    • PGDDDEF 1, 2
    • PGDDGEN 1, 2
  • ROLLBACK 1, 2
  • RPC
    • definition 1
    • function
      • PGAINIT 1, 3
      • PGATERM 1
      • PGAXFER 1, 2
      • within the gateway 1, 2
    • processing 1
  • RTP
    • definition 1
    • executing 1
    • function in the gateway 1
    • PGA_CAPABILITY settings for read-only RTPs 1


  • sample applications
    • included 1, 2
    • installing 1, 2
  • script
    • gpglocal.pkb 1, 2
    • gpglocal.pkh 1, 2
    • pgacr8au.sql 1, 2
    • pgddcr8.sql 1, 2
    • pgddcr8s.sql 1
    • pgddupgr.sql 1, 2
    • prvtpgb.plb 1, 2
    • prvtrawb.plb 1, 2, 3, 4
    • utlpg.sql 1
    • utlraw.sql 1, 2
  • security
    • and database links 1
    • and SNA validation 1
    • authenticating application logons 1
    • authentication mechanisms
      • in SNA security 1
    • for TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
    • link accessibility for public and private databases 1
    • links and CONNECT clauses 1
    • overview of gateway security requirements 1
    • processing inbound connections
      • on AIX 1
      • on Solaris 1
    • specifying SNA conversation security, on all platforms 1
  • SECURITY=NONE SNA security option, on all platforms 1
  • SECURITY=NONE TCP/IP security option 1
  • SECURITY=PROGRAM SNA security option, on all platforms 1
  • SECURITY=SAME SNA security option, on all platforms 1
  • SET
    • gateway initialization parameter 1, 2
  • SET command 1, 2
  • shells
    • see Bourne, Korn, and C shells 1
  • Side Information Profiles 1
    • function, on AIX 1
    • function, on Solaris 1
  • Side Profile Name 1
    • and PGA_CAPABILITY parameter 1
  • smit 1
    • System Management Interface Tool for AIX 1
  • SNA
    • and gateway components 1
    • implementation of the gateway 1
    • location of gateway initialization parameters 1
    • migrating existing gateway to the new release 1
    • new gateway initialization parameters 1
    • parameters 1
    • PGA parameters 1
    • preinstallation procedures 1
    • remote transaction initiation 1
    • remote transaction termination on the gateway 1
    • required for Solaris 1
    • transaction types 1
    • also see APPC 1
    • function in the gateway 1
  • SNA communication package 1, 2, 3, 4
    • and SNA security option, on all platforms 1
    • and SNA security validation, all platforms 1
    • configuration for the gateway 1
  • SNA definitions
    • creating SNAP-IX definitions 1
  • SNA node
    • profile, on AIX 1
    • communication support for Solaris 1, 2
    • configuring 1, 2
    • definitions stored 1
    • function in gateway communication 1, 2
    • profiles creating 1
  • SNA profiles 1
    • See SNA server profiles 1
  • SNA protocol
    • gateway initialization parameters 1
  • SNA security options
    • SECURITY=NONE, on all platforms 1
    • SECURITY=PROGRAM, on all platforms 1
    • SECURITY=SAME, on all platforms 1
  • SNA server 1
    • dependent LUs 1
    • independent LUs, on AIX 1
    • profiles 1, 2
      • activating and verifying 1
      • creating, on AIX 1
      • definition 1
      • for non APPN-capable nodes, on AIX 1
      • Link Station 1
      • local LU profile 1
      • mode profile 1
      • Partner LU 1
      • Partner LU location profile 1, 3
      • Side Information Profiles 1
      • SNA node profile 1
      • types, on AIX 1
    • verify and activate profiles, on AIX 1
  • socket file descriptor
    • returned by TCP/IP network to PGAINIT 1
  • software requirements 1
  • Solaris
    • APPC support provided by SNAP-IX 1
    • communication protocol needed 1
    • configuring SNA 1
    • configuring SNAP-IX 1, 2
    • LU types 1
    • SNA conversation security 1
    • SNA security option SECURITY=NONE 1
    • SNA security option SECURITY=PROGRAM 1
    • SNA security option SECURITY =SAME 1
    • SNA security validation 1
    • storing SNAP-IX SNA definitions 1
  • specifying LUs
    • on Solaris 1
  • SQL*Plus
    • sample, used when gateway and Oracle database share machine 1, 2
    • to configure Oracle database 1, 3
    • use in configuring Oracle database for Commit-Confirm 1
    • using to connect to Oracle database 1, 2
  • statement
    • describe 1
    • DESCRIBE 1
    • DFHRPL DD 1
  • system identifier
    • choosing 1
  • system requirements 1


  • TCP/IP
    • specifying conversation security 1
  • TCP/IP for IMS Connect
    • and Remote Transaction Initiation 1
    • configuring
      • for the gateway 1
      • gateway to permit multiple users 1
    • function in the gateway 1
    • gateway initialization parameters, list 1
    • gateway preinstallation procedures 1
    • gateway support for, description 1
    • Heterogeneous Services parameters needed 1
    • HS parameter descriptions 1, 2
    • implementation of the gateway 1
    • IMS Connect release required on IBM mainframe 1
    • installing sample applications 1
    • loading the PGA_TCP_IMSC table 1
    • mapping SNA parameters to 1
    • migrating existing gateway using SNA to TCP/IP 1
    • necessary to recompile TIPs when changing communication protocol 1
    • new gateway initialization parameters 1
    • non-persistent socket transaction type 1
    • OLTP in gateway architecture 1
    • parameter files
      • also see gateway initialization parameters, and PGA parameters 1
    • performing post-installation procedures 1
    • persistent socket transaction type 1
    • pg4tcpmap tool output sample 1
    • PGA_TCP_DB parameter 1
    • PGA_TCP_USER parameter 1
    • PGA parameters 1, 2
    • remote transaction initiation 1
    • remote transaction termination 1
    • security 1
    • security options
      • SECURITY=NONE, on all platforms 1
      • SECURITY=PROGRAM, on all platforms 1
    • TIP recompile needed on upgrade 1, 2
    • TRACE_LEVEL parameter 1
    • transaction types 1
    • using pg4tcpmap tool 1
    • verifying
      • gateway installation 1
      • OLTP configuration 1, 2
  • TCP/IP protocol adapter
    • for SNA 1
  • TCP protocol 1
  • terms, gateway terms defined 1
  • testing the connection
    • on Linux 1
  • TIP
    • Also called PL/SQL package 1
    • body output files 1, 2
    • conversions 1
    • converting PL/SQL datatypes to RAW 1
    • definition 1
    • developer access to PL/SQL packages 1, 2
    • developer authorization on gpglocal 1, 2
    • functions 1
      • in Oracle database 1
    • invalidated if package specifications reinstalled 1, 2
    • override, on all platforms 1
    • override, on all platforms, in security for TCP/IP 1
    • recompile
      • after reinstalling package specifications 1, 2
      • on upgrade from Release 4.0.1 1
    • recompile upon upgrade from SNA to TCP/IP 1, 2
    • recompiling when changing from SNA to TCP/IP 1
    • regenerate to upgrade function and maintenance 1, 2
    • remote transaction initiation (PGAINIT) 1
    • specification output files 1, 2
    • specifications 1, 3, 4, 7
      • generated by PGAU 1
      • use UTL_PG 1, 2
      • use UTL_RAW 1, 2
    • trace access PL/SQL routines 1, 2
    • upgrade considerations from previous versions 1
  • tnsnames.ora file 1
    • sample file for gateway using SNA 1
    • sample for gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • TP name 1
  • TRACE_LEVEL parameter 1, 2
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
  • trace access 1, 2
  • Transaction Interface Package
    • See TIP 1
  • transaction socket
    • transaction type for TCP/IP 1
  • transaction types
    • for TCP/IP for IMS/Connect 1
    • one-shot, persistent and multi-conversational, for SNA 1
  • transferring
    • initsid.ora gateway initialization file parameters 1
  • transparency
    • (application) 1
    • (location), on gateway using SNA 1


  • upgrading
    • considerations 1
    • existing TIP specifications 1, 2
  • user ID
    • as security authentication 1
    • uppercase translation, OLTP and SNA communications packages, on all platforms 1
  • user ID mapping
    • OLTP 1
  • USING parameter 1
  • using SNA security validation
    • Linux 1
  • utility
    • dg4pwd 1
  • UTL_PG 1, 2
    • installing 1, 2
    • package 1, 2
      • definition 1
      • invalidated or deinstalled 1, 2
  • UTL_RAW 1, 4, 5, 8
    • interface
      • PL/SQL package 1
    • package
      • invalidated or deinstalled 1, 2
    • PL/SQL package
      • definition 1
  • utlpg.sql
    • file 1, 2
    • script 1
  • utlraw.sql
    • file 1, 2
    • script 1, 2


  • VTAM 1
    • configuring for connection to the gateway 1
  • VTAM logmode table 1, 2


  • xsnaadmin
    • invoking on Solaris 1