
A  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  


  • APPC
    • runtime 1
    • SENDs and RECEIVEs
      • TIP CALL correspondence 1
    • trace 1, 2
    • using with terminal-oriented transaction program 1
  • APPC conversation sharing 1
    • concepts 1
    • examples 1
    • for too large TIPs 1
    • overrides and diagnostics 1
    • TIP compatibility 1
    • usage 1
  • architecture
    • commit-confirm 1
    • components of the gateway 1
    • automatic conversion 1


  • CALL correspondence
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • call correspondence order restrictions
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • CICS 1
  • CICS Transaction Server
    • gateway starts communication with 1
  • client application development
    • calling a TIP
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • customized TIPs for remote host transaction 1
    • declaring TIP variables 1, 2
    • error handling
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • examples and samples 1
    • exchanging data 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • executing 1, 2
    • granting execute authority 1, 2
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • overriding TIP initializations 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • overview 1
    • preparation 1
    • remote host transaction types
      • multi-conversational transactions 1
      • one-shot transactions 1
      • persistent transactions 1
      • See also, index entries for each transaction type 1
    • requirements 1
      • declare RHT/TIP data to be exchanged 1
      • exchange data with RHT using TIP user function 1
      • initialize RHT for multi-conversational applications 1
      • initialize RHT using TIP initialization function 1
      • repetitively exchange data with RHT using TIP user function 1
      • terminate RHT using TIP termination function 1
    • security considerations 1, 2
    • terminating the conversation 1, 2
    • TIP and remote transaction program correspondence 1, 2
    • TIP CALL correspondence 1
    • TIP content and purpose 1
    • TIP DATA correspondence 1, 2
    • TIP TRANSACTION correspondence
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • client application development for gateway using TCP/IP
    • overview 1
  • client application development on gateway using TCP/IP
    • preparing 1
  • COBOL 1, 2, 3, 4
    • datatype conversion supported by PG DD and TIPs 1
    • lacks datatype for variable length data 1
    • PGAU interpretation of COBOL symbols 1
    • support for double byte character sets, PIC G datatypes 1, 2
  • COMMIT command 1, 2
    • user responsibility 1
  • commit-confirm 1
    • application design requirements 1
    • architecture 1
      • components 1
      • interactions 1
    • components 1
    • logic flow 1
      • step by step 1
    • Oracle Global Transaction ID 1
    • purpose 1
    • relation to two-phase commit 1
    • required components
      • logging server 1
      • OLTP commit-confirm transaction log 1
      • OLTP forget/recovery transaction 1
      • OLTP transaction logging code 1
    • supported OLTPs 1
    • transaction log 1
  • COMMIT processing 1
  • communication
    • between mainframe and Oracle database
      • on gateway using SNA 1
    • between server, gateway and remote host 1
  • compiling a TIP 1
  • CONNECT command 1, 2
  • control file
    • creating
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • conversation sharing, see APPC conversation sharing 1
  • creating a TIP
    • (detailed) 1
    • overview 1, 2


  • database link 1
  • data conversion
    • errors 1
  • DATA correspondence 1, 2
  • data dictionary, see PG DD 1
  • data exchange
    • PGAXFER function 1
  • data format conversion 1
  • datastores
    • gateway access to 1
  • datatype
    • RAW 1
  • datatype conversion 1
    • COBOL editing symbols 1
    • convert length 1
    • duplicate names 1
    • expected length 1
    • format conversion 1
    • parameters over 32K in length 1
    • PL/SQL 1
      • naming algorithms 1
    • receive length 1
    • removing support for parameters over 32K in length 1
    • See USAGE (PASS), USAGE (ASIS). USAGE (SKIP), and PL/SQL Naming Algorithms 1
    • send length 1
    • truncated and non-unique names 1
  • datatype conversions
    • COBOL symbols interpreted by PGAU 1
  • DBCS
    • See double-byte character sets 1, 2
  • DBMS_PIPE PL/SQL package 1
  • debugging tool
    • PGATRAC function 1
  • DEFINE CALL parameters 1
  • DEFINE CALL statement ("command") 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • DEFINE DATA statement ("command") 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • DEFINE TRANSACTION parameters 1
  • DEFINE TRANSACTION statement ("command") 1, 2, 3
  • defining and generating a TIP 1
  • definition versioning 1
  • deleting and inserting rows into PGA_TCP_IMSC table 1
  • DESCRIBE command 1
  • dg4pwd utility
    • definition 1
  • DISCONNECT command 1
  • double byte character sets (DBCS)
    • in application development 1, 2
  • driver procedure
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1


    • automatic conversion 1
  • environment dictionary
    • sequence numbers 1
  • errors
    • causes of 1
    • data conversion 1
    • including exception handlers in your TIP 1, 2
    • NUMBER_TO_RAW function 1
    • PLS -00123
      • program too large 1
    • truncation 1
  • examples
    • APPC conversation sharing 1
  • EXECUTE command 1
  • executing
    • client application development 1, 2
  • EXIT command 1


  • file
    • initsid.ora 1, 2, 5, 6
    • pgadb2i.pkb 1, 2, 3
    • pgadb2i.pkh 1, 2, 4
    • pgadb2i.sql 1
    • pgau.trc 1
    • pgddausr.sql 1, 2
    • pgddcr8.sql 1, 2
    • pgtflip.pkb 1, 2
    • pgtflip.pkh 1, 2
    • tipname.doc 1, 2, 3
    • tipname.pkb 1
  • flexible call sequence
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • FLIP
    • and pgacics PL/SQL stored procedure
      • on gateway using SNA 1
    • transaction in CICS 1
    • transaction in IMS 1
  • format conversion 1
  • function
    • PGATERM 1
    • PGAXFER 1, 2, 3
    • UTL_PG 1
  • functions
    • see RPC (remote procedural call) 1
    • see UTL_PG 1
    • See UTL_PG 1
    • see UTL_RAW 1


  • gateway
    • access to IBM datastores 1
    • communication 1
      • overview 1
      • with CICS in mainframe on gateway using SNA 1
    • components 1
    • creating a TIP 1
    • enabling a trace 1
    • features
      • application transparency 1
      • code generator 1
      • fast interface 1
      • flexible interface 1
      • location transparency 1
      • Oracle database integration 1
      • performs automatic conversions 1
      • site autonomy and security 1
      • support for tools 1
    • initialization files 1
    • overview 1
      • using TCP/IP 1
    • remote procedure, definition 1
    • remote transaction initiation
      • using SNA 1
      • using TCP/IP 1
    • remote transaction termination
      • using SNA 1
      • using TCP/IP 1
    • tracing 1
    • transaction types
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • gateway sample files
    • using SNA
      • pgadb2i.pkb 1
      • pgadb2i.pkh 1
    • using TCP/IP
      • pgadb2i.pkh 1
  • gateway server 1
    • function in commit-confirm architecture 1
    • transaction log tables 1
  • gateway server trace 1, 2
  • GENERATE statement ("command") 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Globalization Support
    • multi-byte character set support 1, 2
  • granting privileges for creating TIPs 1
  • GROUP statement (PGAU) 1


  • HOST command 1


  • I/O PCB 1, 2, 3
  • implicit APPC 1
  • implicit versioning
    • sample definitions 1
  • IMS 1
    • communication with Integrating Server
      • using TCP/IP 1
  • IMS/TM
    • communication through the gateway 1
  • IMS inquiry
    • location of sample file 1
  • initialization files
    • see gateway initialization files, also see PGA parameters 1
  • initiating remote transactions 1
  • initsid.ora file 1, 2, 5, 6
    • parameters to run pg4tcpmap tool 1




  • keywords
    • PGAU 1


  • LENGTH IS field-2 1
  • logging server 1, 2
    • description 1
    • interaction with gateway database 1
  • LU_NAME 1


  • mapping parameters
    • from SNA to TCP/IP 1
  • mapping table
    • PGA_TCP_IMSC 1
  • MBCS, See multi-byte character sets 1, 2
  • multi-byte character sets (MBCS) 1, 2
    • application development support 1, 2
  • multi-conversational transactions 1, 2
  • multi-conversational transaction type
    • for gateway using SNA 1


  • non-persistent socket transaction type for TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
  • NUMBER_TO_RAW_FORMAT function 1
  • NUMBER_TO_RAW and RAW_TO_NUMBER argument values 1
  • NUMBER_TO_RAW function 1
    • errors 1


  • OLTP
    • and TCP/IP 1, 2
    • commit-confirm transaction log 1
    • definition 1
    • forget/recovery transaction 1
    • functional requirements of the gateway 1
    • in commit-confirm 1
    • in gateway architecture featuring SNA 1
    • in gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • logic flow for successful commit 1
    • only IMS supported on gateway using TCP/IP 1, 2
    • remote 1
    • security considerations 1, 2
    • transaction logging code 1
  • one-shot transaction types 1, 2, 3, 4
  • online transaction processor
    • See OLTP 1
  • operating system
    • role in gateway installation 1
  • Oracle database 1
    • between server and mainframe
      • using SNA 1
    • component of the gateway 1
    • definition 1
    • function in gateway communication
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • multiple servers on the gateway
      • using SNA 1
      • using TPC/IP 1
    • precompiles PL/SQL package 1
    • role
      • in gateway communication 1
    • simple communication
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • stores PL/SQL 1
  • Oracle Database Gateway for APPC
    • also see gateway 1
    • compatibility with version 3.4.0 1
    • development environment 1
    • See also, gateway server 1
  • Oracle global transaction ID 1, 3, 4, 5
  • Oracle integrating server 1
    • and role in client application, on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • calling RPC functions 1
    • component of commit-confirm architecture 1
    • interaction with gateway server in commit-confirm 1
    • simple communication
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • steps to communication
      • between server and IMS 1
  • Oracle Net 1, 2, 3, 4
    • restrictions for data conversion 1
  • overrides 1, 2
    • LOGMODE 1, 2
    • LUname 1, 2
    • Side profile 1, 2
    • TPname 1, 2


  • package
    • UTL_PG 1
  • parameters
    • mapped to TPC/IP 1
    • see PGAU commands 1
    • See remote procedural call (RPC) 1
  • persistent socket transaction type
    • for TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1
  • persistent transactions 1, 2, 4
  • persistent transaction type, for gateway using SNA 1
  • pg4tcpmap tool 1, 2, 3
    • calling, to map DEFINE TRANSACITON parameters 1
    • commands to operate PGA_TCP_IMSC table 1
    • definition 1
    • description and function in the gateway 1
    • function 1
      • in mapping input parameters 1
    • function in remote transaction initiation 1
    • preparation for populating PGA_TCP_IMSC table 1
    • setting parameters in initsid.ora 1
    • to map SideProfile name 1
  • PGA
    • administrator 1
    • definition 1
  • pga_call_parm table 1
  • pga_call table 1
  • PGA_CC_PENDING table
    • commit-confirm transaction log 1
  • pga_compilers table 1
  • pga_data_attr 1
  • pga_data_values table 1
  • pga_data table 1
  • pga_datatype_attr table 1
  • pga_datatype_values table 1
  • pga_datatypes table 1
  • pga_env_attr table 1
  • pga_env_values table 1
  • pga_environments table 1
  • pga_fields table 1
  • pga_maint table 1
  • pga_modes constant 1
  • PGA_TCP_IMSC table 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
    • content and parameters 1
    • querying 1
  • pga_trans_attr table 1
  • pga_trans_calls table 1
  • pga_trans_values table 1
  • pga_trans table 1
  • pga_usage 1
  • pga_usage constant 1
  • pgadb2i.pkb 1
  • pgadb2i.pkb file 1, 2, 3
  • pgadb2i.pkh file 1, 3
  • pgadb2i.sql file 1, 2
  • pgadb2id.sql file 1
  • PGAINIT 1, 2
    • role in mapping SNA parameters to TCP/IP 1
  • PGAINIT function 1, 2
  • PGATERM function 1, 2
  • PGAU 1
    • accesses definitions in PG DD 1
    • commands- also called "statements" 1
    • COMMIT processing 1
    • defining and testing a TIP 1
    • definition 1
      • used to generate TIP specifications 1
    • definition names 1
    • definitions 1
    • definition versioning 1
    • functions 1
    • -generated TIP specifications 1
    • generation 1
    • interpretation of COBOL symbols in datatype conversion 1
    • invoking 1
    • keywords 1
    • overview 1
    • purpose of PGDL 1
    • role in calling TIPs, on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • ROLLBACK processing 1
    • sample input 1
    • writing statements 1
  • pgau.trc file 1
  • PGAU commands 1, 2
    • CONNECT 1, 2
    • CONNECT, parameters 1
    • DEFINE CALL 1, 3, 4, 5
      • call list 1
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
      • sample 1
    • DEFINE DATA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
      • parameters 1
      • sample 1
    • DEFINE DATA, datatype conversions
      • USAGE (ASIS) 1
      • USAGE (PASS) 1
      • USAGE (SKIP) 1
    • DEFINE PGAU, call list 1
    • DEFINE TRANSACTION 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
      • sample 1
    • DEFINE TRANSACTION, parameters 1, 2
    • defining correlation between TIP and RTP 1
    • DESCRIBE 1
    • DESCRIBE, parameters 1
    • DISCONNECT, parameters 1
    • EXECUTE 1
    • EXECUTE, parameters 1
    • EXIT 1
    • EXIT, parameters 1
    • formatting of Call and Transaction reports 1
    • four main types, in control file 1, 2
    • GENERATE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
      • error messages 1
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
      • parameters 1
      • sample 1
      • support and non-support for parameters over 32K length 1
      • traces 1
    • GROUP 1, 3
    • HOST 1
      • parameters 1
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • PRINT 1
    • REDEFINE DATA 1, 3
      • sample 1
    • REM 1
    • REM, parameters 1
    • REPORT 1
    • REPORT, parameters 1
    • SET 1
    • SET, parameters 1
    • SHOW 1
    • SHOW, parameters 1
    • SPOOL 1
    • SPOOL, parameters 1
    • UNDEFINE, sample 1
    • UNDEFINE CALL, parameters 1
    • UNDEFINE DATA, parameters 1
    • UNDEFINE TRANSACTION, parameters 1
    • VARIABLE 1
    • VARIABLE, parameters 1
  • PGAU script file
    • adding spool and echo 1
    • creating 1
  • PGAXFER 1, 2
  • PGAXFER function 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • PGDD (Data Dictionary)
    • environment sequence numbers 1
  • PG DD (Data Dictionary) 1, 2
    • active dictionary 1
      • sequence numbers 1
      • versioning 1
    • active dictionary tables
      • pga_call 1
      • pga_call_parm 1
      • pga_data 1
      • pga_data_attr 1
      • pga_data_values 1
      • pga_fields 1
      • pga_trans 1
      • pga_trans_attr 1
      • pga_trans_calls 1
      • pga_trans_values 1
    • data definitions for parameters over 32K in length 1
    • datatype conversion support for COBOL 1
    • definition 1
    • definition names
      • valid characters in 1
    • diagnostic
      • options 1
      • references 1
    • entries, creating a TIP 1
    • environment dictionary tables 1, 2, 3
      • pga_modes 1
      • pga_usage 1
    • in writing PGAU statements 1
    • keyword form in storage 1
    • maintenance 1
    • overview 1
    • preparing client application
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • purpose of REPORT command 1
    • relationship to PGAU 1
    • remote transaction definitions 1
    • ROLLBACK command 1
    • select scripts 1
    • storage of information needed for PGAU GENERATE to perform 1, 2
    • transaction attributes 1, 2
    • USAGE (SKIP) 1
    • version definition tables 1
  • pgddausr.sql file 1, 2
  • pgddcr8.sql file 1, 2
  • PGDL (Procedural Gateway Definition Language) 1, 2
    • definition 1
  • pgtflip.pkb file 1, 2
  • pgtflip.pkh file 1
  • pgtflip.sql file 1
  • pgtflipd.sql 1
  • pgtflipd.sql file 1
  • PIC 9 1
  • PIC G 1
    • datatypes 1, 2
  • PIC G datatype conversions 1
  • PIC G datatypes 1
  • PIC X datatypes 1
  • PIC X data types 1
  • PKGEX(DC) diagnostic option 1
  • PL/SQL 1
    • call 1, 2
    • code 1
    • code generator 1, 2
    • data length limits 1
    • datatypes 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
      • converted to RAW 1
    • developing TIPs 1
    • enabling a trace 1
    • function in the gateway 1, 2
    • invoking DG4APPC 1, 2
    • naming algorithms 1
      • delimiters 1
      • duplicate names 1
      • qualified compound names 1
    • parameters 1, 2
    • record format 1
    • stored procedure 1
    • transferring data
      • using RAW datatype 1
    • UTL_PG package function 1
    • UTL_RAW function 1
    • variable names 1
      • datatype conversion 1
    • variables 1, 2, 5
  • PL/SQL package 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10
    • components 1, 3
    • contents
      • package specification 1, 2
    • DBMS_PIPE 1
    • definition 1
    • execute authority 1, 2
    • function 1, 2
    • functions 1
    • grants required 1
    • pagcics 1
    • parameter 1
    • See TIP 1, 2
    • specifying names 1, 2
  • PL/SQL stored procedure 1
    • changing trace level 1
    • starting up communication with mainframe 1, 2
  • PL/SQL stored procedure specification
    • also called "TIP" 1
    • See PL/SQL package 1
  • PRINT command 1
  • privileges
    • needed to use TIPs 1
  • problem analysis
    • of data conversion and truncation errors 1
    • with PG DD diagnostic references 1
    • with PG DD select scripts 1
    • with TIP runtime traces 1
  • Procedural Gateway Administration
    • see PGA 1
  • Procedural Gateway Administration Utility
    • see PGAU 1


  • RAW_TO_NUMBER FORMAT function 1
  • RAW_TO_NUMBER function 1
  • recompilation errors
    • causes 1
  • REDEFINE DATA statement 1, 2
  • REM command 1
  • remote host transactions (RHT)
    • APPC conversation sharing 1
    • attributes needed 1, 2
    • client application 1
    • defined using the PGAU DEFINE TRANSACTION statement 1, 2
    • evaluating 1
    • multi-conversational, client applications 1
    • one-shot, client applications 1
    • persistent, client applications 1
    • requirements
      • understanding 1
    • steps involved in 1
    • types
      • on gateway using SNA 1, 2
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • remote procedural call
    • See RPC 1
  • remote procedural call (RPC) 1
    • calling the gateway 1
    • executing gateway functions 1
    • parameters 1
    • PGAINIT and PGAINIT_SEC, parameters 1
    • PGATCTL 1
    • PGATERM 1
    • PGATERM, parameters 1
    • PGATRAC 1
    • PGATRAC, parameters 1
    • PGAXFER 1
    • PGAXFER, parameters 1
  • remote procedure
    • definition 1
  • remote transaction initiation
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TC/IP 1
  • remote transaction program
    • See RTP 1
  • remote transaction termination
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • REPORT statement 1
  • RHT, See remote host transactions 1
  • ROLLBACK command 1, 2
  • ROLLBACK processing 1
  • RPC
    • definition 1
    • function
      • PGAINIT 1, 2
      • PGATERM 1
      • PGAXFER 1, 2
      • within the gateway 1, 2
    • processing 1
  • RPC interface
    • PGATCTL 1
    • PGATERM 1
    • PGATRAC 1
    • PGAXFER 1
    • See also, remote procedural call (RPC) 1
  • RTP
    • activities 1
    • definition 1
    • executing 1
    • function in the gateway 1
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • purpose 1, 2
  • runtime traces 1
    • controls 1
    • conversion warnings 1
    • data conversion tracing 1
    • gateway exchange tracing 1
    • runtime function entry/exit tracing 1


  • sample
    • PGAU DEFINE CALL command 1
    • PGAU DEFINE DATA command 1
    • PGAU GENERATE command 1
    • PGAU REDEFINE DATA command 1
    • PGAU UNDEFINE command 1
  • sample definitions
    • implicit versioning 1
  • script file 1
  • sequence objects
    • in the PGDD environment dictionary 1
  • SET command 1
  • SET LOG_DESTINATION parameter 1, 3
  • SET TRACE_LEVEL parameter 1, 3, 5, 6
  • Side Information Profile 1, 2
  • simple DG4APPC communication
    • on gateway using SNA 1
  • SNA
    • and gateway components 1
    • communication between mainframe and Oracle database 1
    • communications function 1
    • creating a TIP 1
    • determining validity of TIP specification 1
    • examples and sample files used in this guide 1
    • flexible call sequence 1
    • function in the gateway 1
    • gateway transaction types 1
    • implementing commit-confirm 1
    • overview of the gateway, using 1
    • parameters 1
    • remote transaction initiation 1
    • remote transaction termination on the gateway 1
    • steps to connecting Oracle database and mainframe 1
    • supported remote host languages 1
    • TIP internals 1
    • uses APPC to access all systems 1
    • writing TIPs 1
  • socket file descriptor
    • returned by TCP/IP network to PGAINIT 1
  • specification file
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • SPOOL command 1
  • SQL*Plus
    • connecting server and mainframe 1
    • invoking 1
    • recompiling TIP body changes 1
    • running scripts 1, 2
    • test scripts 1
  • statements
    • see PGAU commands 1


  • TCP/IP for IMS Connect 1, 2
    • and gateway components 1
    • and PGA_TCP_IMSC parameter table 1
    • and PGAINIT 1
    • and Remote Transaction Initiation 1
    • Client application overview 1
    • communication between gateway and Oracle database 1
    • content of PGA_TCP_IMSC table 1
    • creating a TIP 1
    • determining validity of TIP specification 1
    • elements of TIP-RTP correspondence 1
    • examples and sample files used in this guide 1
    • function in the gateway 1
    • gateway support for, description 1
    • IMS enabled 1
    • mapping parameters using pg4tcpmap tool 1
    • mapping SNA parameters to TCP/IP 1
    • non-persistent socket transaction type 1
    • OLTP in gateway architecture 1
    • persistent socket transaction type 1
    • remote host languages supported 1
    • remote transaction initiation 1
    • remote transaction termination 1
    • SENDs and RECEIVEs
      • TIP CALL correspondence 1
    • setting initsid.ora parameters 1
    • simple communication
      • between gateway and integrating server 1
    • steps to communication between server and IMS 1
    • steps to writing a TIP 1
    • supports only IMS as OLTP 1, 2
    • TIP granting privileges needed 1
    • TIP internals 1
    • TRANSACTION correspondence 1
    • transaction types 1
  • terminal-oriented transactions
    • modifying 1
  • terminating a TIP conversation 1, 2
  • terms, gateway terms defined 1
  • TIP 1, 2, 3
    • APPC conversation sharing 1, 2
    • background references 1
    • CALL correspondence 1
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
      • order restrictions 1
    • calling
      • from the client application 1, 2
    • calling and controlling
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1, 2
    • client application development
      • content and purpose on gateway using SNA 1
      • content and purpose on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • compiling 1
    • content documentation (tipname.doc) 1
    • content file sections
      • GENERATION Status 1
      • TIP Default Calls 1
      • TIP Transaction 1
      • TIP User Calls 1
      • TIP User Declarations 1
      • TIP User Variables 1
    • control file 1
    • controlling
      • runtime conversion warnings 1
      • runtime data conversion tracing 1
      • runtime function tracing 1
      • runtime gateway exchange tracing 1
    • conversation sharing used to circumvent large TIPs 1
    • conversion 1, 2, 3
    • converting PL/SQL datatypes to RAW 1
    • creating 1
    • customized interface for each remote host transaction (RTP) 1
    • custom TIP writing 1
    • DATA correspondence 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • datatype conversion support for COBOL 1
    • declaring variables to create a TIP 1, 2
    • defining, with PGAU 1
    • defining and generating 1
    • definition 1
    • definition errors 1
    • dependent TIP body or specification changes 1
    • diagnostic parameters 1
    • driver procedures
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • flexible call sequence 1
    • four steps to generate
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • functions
      • in Oracle database 1
    • generated by PGAU 1
    • granting privileges to use 1, 2, 3
    • independent TIP body changes 1
    • initializations 1, 2
      • overriding 1
    • initializing the conversation 1, 2
    • internals 1
    • override parameters 1
    • overriding
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • overriding default attributes 1, 2
    • overview 1, 2
    • privileges needed 1, 2
    • public functions
      • tip_init 1
      • tip_inqr 1
      • tip_mode 1
      • tip_term 1
      • tip_updt 1
    • recompiling 1, 2, 3
    • remote transaction
      • correspondence 1
    • remote transaction correspondence, on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • remote transaction initiation (PGAINIT) 1
    • requirements for corresponding with RHT
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • requirements of the client application 1
    • service 1
    • specification file 1
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • specifications
      • generated by PGAU 1
    • steps to writing
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • terminating the conversation 1, 2
    • trace controls 1
    • tracing 1
    • TRANSACTION correspondence 1, 2
      • on gateway using SNA 1
    • using transaction instance parameter
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
    • writing
      • on gateway using SNA 1
      • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • TIP control file commands 1, 6
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • tipname.doc file 1, 2, 3
  • tipname.pkb file 1
  • TIP specification 1, 2, 3
    • changes 1
    • errors 1
  • TIP warnings and tracing
    • suppressing 1
  • TP_NAME 1
  • trace option 1
    • TIP definition errors 1
  • traces 1, 2, 3, 4
    • diagnostic 1
    • enable gateway server trace 1
    • enabling APPC trace from PL/SQL 1
    • enabling through initsid.ora 1
    • gateway server 1
    • purpose of initializing conversations 1, 2
    • runtime 1
      • trace controls 1
    • suppressing 1
    • TIP 1, 2
  • TRANSACTION correspondence
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • transaction instance parameter
    • on gateway using SNA 1
    • on gateway using TCP/IP 1
  • Transaction Interface Package
    • See TIP 1
  • transaction socket
    • transaction type for TCP/IP 1
  • transaction types
    • one-shot, persistent and multi-conversational, for SNA 1
  • transparency
    • (application) 1
    • (location), on gateway using SNA 1


  • UNDEFINE statement 1, 2
    • datatype conversion 1
      • FILLER 1
      • PIC G 1
    • format conversion
  • UTL_PG
    • package
      • definition 1
    • parameters (input and output) 1
    • PL/SQL package 1
  • UTL_PG function 1
    • NUMBER_TO_RAW and RAW_TO_NUMBER argument values 1
    • WMSG 1
    • WMSGCNT 1
  • UTL_RAW PL/SQL package 1, 3
    • definition 1


  • VARIABLE command 1


  • WMSGCNT function 1
  • WMSG function 1
  • writing PGAU statements 1