
This method returns a collection containing zero or more PersonalizationStateInfo-derived objects based on scope and specific query parameters.


// C#
public override PersonalizationStateInfoCollection FindState(PersonalizationScope
   scope, PersonalizationStateQuery query, int pageIndex, int pageSize, 
   out int totalRecords);


  • scope

    The scope of query (User or Shared) for personalization information. This cannot be a null reference.

  • query

    The query to be used for filtering personalization information. This can be a null reference.

  • pageIndex

    The location where the query starts.

  • pageSize

    The number of records to return.

  • totalRecords

    The total number of records available.

Return Value

A PersonalizationStateInfoCollection object containing zero or more PersonalizationStateInfo-derived objects.


ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The scope contains a value other than PersonalizationScope.User or PersonalizationScope.Shared.

OracleException - An Oracle-related error has occurred.

ArgumentException - One of the following conditions exists:

  • The value of the pageSize parameter is 0 or 1.

  • The pageIndex or pageSize parameter is less than 0.

  • ((pageIndex * pageSize + pageSize) - 1) is greater than Int32.MaxValue. -1 accounts for zero-based indexing of records.


The PersonalizationStateInfo-derived objects should be returned in alphabetic order and sorted by a combination of their Path and Username property values, both in ascending order.

This method passes the query wildcard characters to the underlying Oracle database. The database performs a wildcard search on a partial path with the wildcard character appearing at the beginning, the end, or the middle of the search string text in the PathToMatch property of the query parameter. For example, setting the PathToMatch property to ~/appdir% finds all paths that start with ~/appdir.

Likewise, in a wildcard search on a partial user name, the wildcard character can appear at any point in the text string of the UsernameToMatch property of the query parameter. For example, to find all user names that start with scott, the UsernameToMatch parameter looks like scott%.

The following query rules must be followed:

  • If only the scope parameter is provided, and the query parameter is null or all the properties on the query parameter return either a null reference or default values, then all records matching the indicated scope parameter are returned.

  • If the PathToMatch property is not a null reference, then the returned records are also filtered based on paths that match the PathToMatch value.

  • If the UsernameToMatch property is not a null reference, then the returned records are also filtered based on user names that match the UsernameToMatch property value.

  • If the UserInactiveSinceDate property is not equal to the MaxValue, then the records returned are also filtered to return only those records associated with inactive users. The comparison includes records where the Last ActivityDate property is less than or equal to the User Inactive Since Date property.

This method does not validate combinations of query parameters. For example, the application code can request a set of personalization state records associated with a specific user name in the shared scope. Because user names are not associated with shared information, the returned collection is empty.