11.9.2 Updating the Enterprise Manager Agent Base Directory After Upgrades

After upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure, update the Enterprise Manager Agent Base Directory on each cluster member node running an agent.

The Agent Base Directory is a directory where the Management Agent home is created. The Management Agent home is in the path Agent_Base_directory\core\EMAgent_Version. For example, if the Agent Base Directory is C:\app\emagent, then Oracle creates the Management Agent home as C:\app\emagent\core\

  1. Navigate to the bin directory in the Management Agent home.
  2. In the C:\app\emagent\core\\bin directory, open the file emctl with a text editor.
  3. Locate the parameter CRS_HOME, and update the parameter to the new Grid home path.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 on each node of the cluster with an Enterprise Manager agent.