Changes in This Release for Oracle Data Guard Broker

This preface lists changes in Oracle Data Guard Broker.

Changes in Oracle Database Release 19c

These are the changes in Oracle Data Guard Broker User’s Guide for Changes in Oracle Database Release 19c.

New Features

Deprecated Features

  • The following properties that are associated with database initialization parameters are deprecated in this release and may be desupported in a future release: ArchiveLagTarget, DataGuardSyncLatency, LogArchiveMaxProcesses, LogArchiveMinSucceedDest, LogArchiveTrace, StandbyFileManagement, DbFileNameConvert, LogArchiveFormat, LogFileNameConvert. These properties will no longer be stored in the Broker configuration file.

    Instead of using the EDIT DATABASE...SET PROPERTY command to modify deprecated properties, use the EDIT DATABASE…SET PARAMATER command to modify the database initialization parameters that correspond to the deprecated properties.

  • The InconsistentProperties property is deprecated in this release. This property will always have no value.

  • The following properties related to logical standbys are deprecated and may be desupported in a future release: LsbyMaxEventsRecorded, LsbyMaxServers, LsbyMaxSga, LsbyPreserveCommitOrder, LsbyRecordAppliedDdl, LsbyRecordSkipDdl, LsbyRecordSkipErrors, and LsbyParameter. Use the DBMS_LOGSTDBY.APPLY_SET procedure to configure properties related to logical standbys. The deprecated properties will no longer be stored in the Broker configuration file.

Desupported Features

  • The MaxConnections configuration property is desupported.

Other Changes

The OnlineArchiveLocation property is renamed to ArchiveLocation and the OnlineAlternateLocation property is renamed to AlternateLocation.

There are some changes to the behavior of the ArchiveLocation, AlternateLocation, StandbyArchiveLocation, and StandbyAlternateLocation properties. Additionally, these properties are not automatically upgraded from the Oracle Database Release 18c version of the metadata file. You must set the values of these properties after an upgrade to Oracle Database Release 19c.

See Oracle Data Guard Broker Properties and Specifying Locations for Archived Redo Log Files.

See Oracle Database Upgrade Guide.

Changes in Oracle Database Release 18c, Version 18.1

These are the changes in Oracle Data Guard Broker User’s Guide for Changes in Oracle Database Release 18c, Version 18.1.

  • This release provides several new commands:

    • VALIDATE DATABASE SPFILE performs a comparison of server parameter file (SPFILE) entries between the primary database and a specified standby database. See VALIDATE DATABASE SPFILE.

    • VALIDATE NETWORK CONFIGURATION performs network connectivity checks between members of a broker configuration. See VALIDATE NETWORK CONFIGURATION.

    • VALIDATE STATIC CONNECT IDENTIFIER validates the static connect identifier of a database. See VALIDATE STATIC CONNECT IDENTIFIER.

    • SET ECHO controls whether or not to echo commands that are issued either at the command-line prompt or from a DGMGRL script. See SET ECHO.

    • SHOW ALL (DGMGRL CLI properties) shows the values of DGMGRL CLI properties. See SHOW ALL.

  • The AlternateLocation configurable property is renamed to StandbyAlternateLocation and has new valid values. See StandbyAlternateLocation.

  • The StandbyArchiveLocation configurable property has new valid values. See StandbyArchiveLocation.

  • The new  OnlineArchiveLocation configurable property specifies the online redo log archive location for primary, logical, and snapshot standby databases. See ArchiveLocation.

  • The new OnlineAlternateLocation configurable property specifies an alternate online redo log archive location for primary, logical, and snapshot standby databases when the location specified by the OnlineArchiveLocation configurable property fails. See AlternateLocation.

  • The V$DATAGUARD_PROCESS view, introduced in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (, now shows broker processes. See Oracle Data Guard Monitor (DMON) Process.