70 OKSK-00000 to OKSK-00048

OKSK-00000: %2 %3

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00001: %2 %3

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00002: %2 %3

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00003: %2 %3

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00004: Module load succeeded. Build information: %2 %3 %4

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00005: Module failed to load and start with status %2. Build information: %3 %4 %5

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00006: Module unloaded.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00007: Information has been saved in the file %2 . Include the contents of this file if reporting a problem to Oracle.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00008: Cluster Membership Change starting - Incarnation %2.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00009: Cluster Membership Change complete.

Cause: Informational.

Action: n/a

OKSK-00010: Persistent OKS log opened at %2.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00011: Failed to allocate kernel memory for %2.

Cause: Unable to allocate memory for a required function.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

OKSK-00012: Failed to open %2.

Cause: Unable to open a persistent OKS log file. Likely an invalid file path was specified or there was an internal error.

Action: Ensure that the file or directory exists else. If it does, contact Oracle Support Services.

OKSK-00013: Terminating Persistent OKS log.

Cause: Persistent OKS logging terminated due to the previous message.

Action: Informational.

OKSK-00014: Unable to generate an persistent OKS log file name.

Cause: Failed to generate an persistent OKS log fime name.

Action: Internal error.

OKSK-00015: Persistent log thread creation failed.

Cause: Failed to create a kernel thread.

Action: Internal error.

OKSK-00016: Configuration error: buffer size %2 bytes is out of range.

Cause: The user selected an invalid buffer size.

Action: Select a different buffer size.

OKSK-00017: Configuration error: interval timer of %2 ms is out of range.

Cause: The user selected an invalid timer interval.

Action: Select a different timer value.

OKSK-00018: Configuration error: low water level of %2 bytes isout of range.

Cause: The user selected an invalid low water value.

Action: Select a different low water value.

OKSK-00019: Configuration error: high water level of %2 bytes is out of range.

Cause: The user selected an invalid high water value.

Action: Select a different high water value.

OKSK-00020: Configuration error: maximum number of log files (%2) is out of range.

Cause: The user selected an invalid maximum file number value.

Action: Select a different file number value.

OKSK-00021: Configuration error: The maximum file size of %2 bytes is out of range.

Cause: The user selected an invalid maximum log file size value.

Action: Select a different maximum log file size value.

OKSK-00022: File write error: File name 'string'.

Cause: A write to the persistent OKS log file failed - possibly due to a full file system. Otherwise, it is an internal error. The in-memory OKS log will contain details regarding the error.

Action: Free up file systems space and restart the OKS persistent log ('acfsutil plogconfig -d dir'). If freeing up file system space does not resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support Services.

OKSK-00023: Cluster membership node list:

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00024: Node %2 (Interconnect address: %3.%4.%5.%6) %7

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00025: Cluster membership node count: %2, Local Node Number: %3, Rebuild Master: %4

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00026: Cluster membership rebuild manager failed to initialize.

Cause: Informational.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OKSK-00027: Oracle kernel distributed lock manager hash size is %2

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00028: In memory kernel log buffer address: %2, size: %3

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00029: Unable to extend the log buffer.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00030: persistent OKS log buffer flush failure on OKS driver exit

Cause: The OKS driver failed to write the final log buffer to disk in a timely manner. The log file may be incomplete.

Action: None

OKSK-00031: Number of active kernel threads in Oracle ACFS drivers at driver unload time: %2 - reboot is recommended for driver cleanup

Cause: Kernel threads in Oracle ACFS drivers should have been terminated during driver unloading. However, some of those kernel threads were still active at the end of the unloading.

Action: Continued operation with the remaining active threads is possible. However, reboot is recommended to properly cleanup driver resources. For root cause analysis, a core dump should be generated.

OKSK-00032: Unable to allocate the log buffer.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00033: WARNING. Possible hung thread tid:%2 name:%3 pid:%4 tsd:%5 Volume Number:%6 record sequence count:%7

Cause: A potential ACFS thread hang has been detected. This message is accompanied by message(s) OKSK-00034 which also provides details on this warning. This message may also be accompanied by other message(s) providing details on this warning.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

OKSK-00035: %2

Cause: Follow up message to OKSUS-0033 and OKSUS-0034.

Action: See the preceeding message Contact Oracle Support.

OKSK-00036: Warning: A possible ACFS thread hang has been detected:%2 pid:%3 tid:%4

Cause: A potential ACFS thread hang has been detected.

Action: See the OKS persistent log for more detailed information describing this potentially hung thread using the specified pid and tid numbers. Contact Oracle Support.

OKSK-00037: Module failed to load, mismatch between compiled thread size (%2) and kernel thread size (%3).

Cause: An attempt to load the OKS driver failed because the kernel thread size compiled into the driver was incompatible with the currently running kernel.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OKSK-00038: unable to open /proc/meminfo (error %2)

Cause: An attempt to load the OKS driver failed because an attempt to open the /proc/meminfo file to ascertain the current kernel stack size failed with the indicated error.

Action: Ensure that the file exists and is accessible, address the indicated error and retry. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

OKSK-00039: WARNING. Possible lock contention. tid:%2 name:%3 pid:%4 tsd:%5 Volume Number:%6 record sequence count:%7

Cause: A different thread was hung and blocked on a lock that this thread was holding. This message is accompanied by at least 3 more messages. OKSK-00033 and OKSK-00034 provide information about the related hung thread. OKSK-00040 provides more information about this thread. Additional OKSK-00039 and OKSK-00040 messages may identify other threads which held the same lock.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

OKSK-00041: WARNING. Hung thread on node %2. thread:%3 tid:%4 pid:%5 lock_id1:%6 lock_id2:%7

Cause: A remote thread was hung on a DLM lock and was blocked on a lock that a local thread was holding. This message describes the remote thread and its DLM lock. This message is accompanied by at least 3 more messages. OKSK-00042 provides more information about the remote thread and its DLM lock instance. OKSK-0043 and OKSK-00044 provide information about local thread(s) that were holding the same DLM lock.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

OKSK-00042: WARNING. Hung thread on node %2. thread:%3 tid:%4 record_type:%5 lock_mode:%6 state:%7

Cause: A remote thread was hung on a DLM lock and was blocked on this lock that a local thread was holding. This message is accompanied by message OKSK-00041 which provides more information about this remote thread and lock.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

OKSK-00043: WARNING. Possible DLM lock contention. tid:%2 name:%3 pid:%4 tsd:%5 Volume Number:%6 record sequence count:%7

Cause: This message provides information about local thread(s) that might have been blocking a remote DLM lock. This message is accompanied by at least 3 additional messages. OKSK-00044 provides additional information about the local DLM lock instance. OKSK-00041 and OKSK-00042 provide information about the remote node's hung thread and blocked DLM lock instance.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

OKSK-00045: WARNING. syscall HM timeout. tid:%2 name:%3 pid:%4 tsd:%5 Volume Number:%6 record sequence count:%7

Cause: A potential ACFS thread hang has been detected due to a user mode thread accessing USM kernel modules for too long via a single instance of a system call. This message is accompanied by message OKSK-00046 which also provides details on this warning. This message may also be accompanied by other message(s) providing details on this warning.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

OKSK-00047: Additional build information: [devmsg: %2] [optimized: %3] [DNS: %4] [k_cflags: %5] [t_cflags: %6]

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKSK-00048: Tunable '%2' %3 (%4) changed to %5 (%6)

Cause: Informational.

Action: None