122 PRGP-01001 to PRGP-01028
- PRGP-01001: There is no cluster being moved to destination path {0}.
Cause: An attempt to resume or abort moving a cluster to the specified destination path was rejected because a move operation had not been initiated for the specified destination path.
- PRGP-01002: There are no databases being moved to destination path {0}.
Cause: An attempt to resume or abort moving databases from the specified destination path was rejected because a move operation had not been specified for the indicated destination path.
- PRGP-01003: No databases are being moved from Oracle home "{0}".
Cause: An attempt to patch Oracle databases was rejected because the '-excludedblist' option resulted in no database being identified as a database that needed to be moved from the specified Oracle home.
- PRGP-01004: missing information to move databases from or to Oracle home "{0}" on cluster "{1}"
Cause: An attempt to patch Oracle databases was rejected because the specified Oracle home is involved in parallel 'rhpctl move database' operations and the user did not specify sufficient information to uniquely identify a specific operation.
- PRGP-01005: cannot specify databases "{0}" along with databases "{1}"
Cause: An attempt to patch Oracle databases was rejected because the input for option '-dbname' was incorrect.
- PRGP-01006: Value for option '-excludedblist' matched multiple 'rhpctl move database' operations in progress: "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to patch Oracle databases was rejected because the input for option '-excludedblist' was incorrect.
- PRGP-01013: The specified source home "{0}" is not an active Cluster Ready Services (CRS) home.
Cause: An attempt to move or upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure home was rejected because the specified source home was not an active Cluster Ready Services (CRS) home.
- PRGP-01014: failed to move the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home because the source and the destination home cannot be the same
Cause: An attempt to move the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home was rejected because the specified source and destination homes were the same.
- PRGP-01015: Neither GNS server nor GNS client is configured on this RHP server cluster.
Cause: An 'rhpctl add workingcopy' command was rejected because neither the Grid Naming Service (GNS) server nor GNS client was configured on the Rapid Home Provisioning (RHP) server cluster.
- PRGP-01016: Zero impact patching is supported only for STANDALONE cluster, whereas the detected cluster is {0}.
Cause: An attempt to revert or move the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home was rejected because zero impact patching is not supported for the specified cluster class.
- PRGP-01017: Specifying more than one node for zero impact patching is unsupported.
Cause: An attempt to revert or move the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home was rejected because zero impact patching is supported one node at a time and more than one node was specified for the '-batch' option.
- PRGP-01018: Zero impact patching is not supported on Oracle Restart.
Cause: An attempt to revert or move the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home was rejected because zero impact patching is not supported on Oracle Restart.
- PRGP-01019: Zero impact patching is supported only on Oracle Linux platform, whereas the detected platform is {0}.
Cause: An attempt to revert or move the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home was rejected because zero impact patching is not supported for the indicated platform.
- PRGP-01025: No clients were found in the wallet file.
Cause: An attempt to import client credentials from a wallet file was rejected because the wallet file did not have client credentials.
- PRGP-01026: The specified wallet file '{0}' does not exist.
Cause: An attempt to read from a wallet file failed because the wallet file did not exist.
- PRGP-01027: The specified wallet file '{0}' already exists.
Cause: An attempt to write a wallet file failed because the wallet file already exists.
- PRGP-01028: An invalid client name '{0}' was found while reading the wallet file
Cause: An attempt to read clients from a wallet file failed because a client name was invalid.