Adding Gold Images to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server
Use RHPCTL to add gold images for later provisioning of software.
The Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server stores and serves gold images of software homes. These images must be instantiated on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
Images are read-only, and you cannot run programs from them. To create a usable software home from an image, you must create a working copy of a gold image. You cannot directly use images as software homes. You can, however, use images to create working copies (software homes).
You can import software to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server using any one of the following methods:
You can import an image from an installed home on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server using the following command:
rhpctl import image -image image_name -path path_to_installed_home [-imagetype ORACLEDBSOFTWARE | ORACLEGISOFTWARE | ORACLEGGSOFTWARE | SOFTWARE]
You can import a ZIP file of an image created from an installed home on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server using the following command:
rhpctl import image -image image_name -zip zipped_home_path
You can import an image from an installed home on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, using the following command run from the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client:
rhpctl import image -image image_name -path path_to_installed_home
You can create an image from an existing working copy using the following command:
rhpctl add image –image image_name -workingcopy working_copy_name
Use the first two commands in the preceding list to seed the image repository, and to add additional images over time. Use the third command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server as part of the workflow for creating a gold image that includes patches applied to a pre-existing gold image.
The preceding three commands also create an Oracle ACFS file system in the Fleet Patching and Provisioning root directory, similar to the following:
- Image State
Am image state is a way to restrict provisioning of an image for users with specified roles. - Image Series
An image series is a convenient way to group different gold images into a logical sequence. - Image Type
When you add or import a gold image, you must specify an image type.
Related Topics
Parent topic: Managing Gold Images and Working Copies