Creating an Oracle Database

Create an Oracle Database on a working copy.

The Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can add a database on a working copy that is on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, itself, a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, or a non-Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client target. A Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client can create a database on a working copy that is running on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, itself.

  • After you create a working copy of a gold image and provision that working copy to a target, you can create an Oracle Database on the working copy using the rhpctl add database command, similar to the following command example, which creates an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database called db12201 on a working copy called wc_db122_1:
    $ rhpctl add database –workingcopy wc_db122_1 –dbname db12201 -node client_007_node1,client_007_node2 -dbtype RAC -datafileDestination DATA007_DG
The preceding example creates an administrator-managed Oracle RAC database on two nodes in a client cluster. The data file destination is an Oracle ASM disk group that was created prior to running the command. Additionally, you can create Oracle RAC One Node and non-cluster databases.


When you create a database using Fleet Patching and Provisioning, the feature uses random passwords for both the SYS and SYSTEM schemas in the database and you cannot retrieve these passwords. A user with the DBA or operator role must connect to the database, locally, on the node where it is running and reset the passwords to these two accounts.