Updating Oracle Exadata InfiniBand Switches

Update Oracle Exadata InfiniBand switches by importing and deploying a new InfiniBand switch gold image.

  1. Evaluate the current configuration and perform pre-upgrade checks for InfiniBand switches.

    The following command evaluates the current configuration and performs pre-upgrade checks. In the example, image specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata InfiniBand switch image that you want to use for update, client specifies the name of the cluster in which you want to update database nodes, and batches specifies a comma-delimited list of batches of nodes where each batch is a comma-delimited list of node names enclosed in parentheses and node names are enclosed in double quotation marks ("") in the format: "(nA,nB,...),(...,nY,nZ)".

    rhpctl update exadata -ibswitches -image image_name -client client_cluster_name
     -batches "(batch1),(batch2)" -eval
  2. Update Oracle Exadata InfiniBand switches with the new image.
    rhpctl update exadata -ibswitches -image image_name -client client_cluster_name
     -batches "(batch1),(batch2)"