Provisioning Copies of Gold Images

Use RHPCTL to provision copies of gold images to Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers, Clients, and targets.

After you create and import a gold image, you can provision software by adding a copy of the gold image (called a working copy) on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, or a target. You can run the software provisioning command on either the Server or a Client.

  • To create a working copy on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server:
    $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy working_copy_name -image image_name
  • To create a working copy in a local file system on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client:
    $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy working_copy_name -image image_name
       -storagetype LOCAL -path path_to_software_home
  • To create a working copy on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client from the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server:
    $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy working_copy_name -image image_name
       -client client_cluster_name


  • The directory you specify in the -path parameter must be empty.

  • You can re-run the provisioning command in case of an interruption or failure due to system or user errors. After you fix the reported errors, re-run the command and it will resume from the point of failure.