
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  W  X  


  • Accessing PL/SQL Associative Arrays 4.2.6
  • ANYDATA 4.5.4
  • ANYTYPE 4.5.4
  • application continuity
    • configuring Oracle database 28.2
    • configuring Oracle JDBC 28.1
    • delaying the reconnection 28.7
    • disabling replay 28.10
    • identifying request boundaries 28.4
    • logical transaction identifier 27.1
    • registering a connection callback 28.6
    • retaining mutable values 28.8
    • transaction guard 28
  • arrays
  • at-most-once execution 27.1
  • authentication (security) 9.2
  • auto-commit 2.3.8
  • auto-commit mode


  • batch jobs, authenticating users in 9.8
  • batch updates--see update batching 21.1
  • BFILE locator, selecting 4.3.1
  • BLOB
  • branch qualifier (distributed transactions) 32.2.5


  • CachedRowSet 18.2
  • caching, client-side
    • Oracle use for scrollable result sets 17.1
  • callable statement
    • using getOracleObject() method 11.4.2
  • cancelling
  • casting return values 11.4.5
  • catalog arguments (DatabaseMetaData) A.5.4
  • character sets 4.4.3
  • CHAR columns
    • using setFixedCHAR() to match in WHERE
  • CLOB
  • close() method E.1.2
  • close method 20.3.2
  • collections
  • collections (nested tables and arrays) 16.4.1
  • column types
  • commit a distributed transaction branch 32.2.4
  • commit changes to database 2.3.8
  • CONNECT / feature 9.8
  • connection
  • connection properties 8.1.5
  • connections
    • read-only C.3
  • constants for SQL types
  • CursorName
  • cursors E.1.2
  • custom collection classes
  • custom Java classes 4.2.3
  • custom object classes
  • custom reference classes


  • database
    • connecting
      • with server-side internal driver 7.2
    • connection testing 2.2.5
  • DatabaseMetaData calls A.5.4
  • Database Resident Connection Pooling 23.1
  • database specifiers 8.2
  • database URL
    • including userid and password 2.3.2
  • database URL, specifying 2.3.2
  • database URLs
    • and database specifiers 8.2
  • data conversions 11.2
  • datasources 8.1
  • data sources
    • creating and connecting (with JNDI) 8.1.4
    • creating and connecting (without JNDI) 8.1.3
    • Oracle implementation 8.1.2
    • properties 8.1.2
    • standard interface 8.1.2
  • data streaming
  • data type mappings 11.1
  • data types
  • DATE class 4.3.1
  • DBOP tag 3.4.1
  • debugging JDBC programs E.2
  • defaultConnection() method 7.2
  • detachServerConnection 23.6
  • distributed transaction ID component 32.2.5
  • distributed transactions
    • branch qualifier 32.2.5
    • check for same resource manager 32.2.4
    • commit a transaction branch 32.2.4
    • components and scenarios 32.1.2
    • concepts 32.1.3
    • distributed transaction ID component 32.2.5
    • end a transaction branch 32.2.4
    • example of implementation 32.4
    • forget 32.2.4
    • global transaction identifier 32.2.5
    • ID format identifier 32.2.5
    • obtain the list of transaction brances during recovery 32.2.4
    • Oracle XA connection implementation 32.2.2
    • Oracle XA data source implementation 32.2.1
    • Oracle XA ID implementation 32.2.5
    • Oracle XA optimizations 32.3.4
    • Oracle XA resource implementation 32.2.3
    • overview 32.1
    • prepare a transaction branch 32.2.4
    • roll back a transaction branch 32.2.4
    • start a transaction branch 32.2.4
    • transaction branch ID component 32.2.5
    • XA connection interface 32.2.2
    • XA data source interface 32.2.1
    • XA error handling 32.3.3
    • XA exception classes 32.3.1
    • XA ID interface 32.2.5
    • XA resource functionality 32.2.4
    • XA resource interface 32.2.3
  • DML Returning 4.2.5, 4.6
  • Double.NaN
    • restrictions on use 4.3.1
  • DRCP 23.1


  • end a distributed transaction branch 32.2.4
  • Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) 18.2
  • errors
    • general JDBC messages, listed D.2
    • general JDBC message structure D.1
    • processing exceptions 2.13
    • TTC messages, listed D.4
  • explicit Statement caching
  • extensions to JDBC, Oracle 4, 11, 13, 15, 16, 21
  • external changes (result set)
  • external file


  • fetch direction in result sets 17.4.2
  • fetch size, result sets 17.4
  • FilteredRowSet 18.5
  • finalizer methods E.1.2
  • Firewalls, using with JDBC E.1.5
  • Float.NaN
    • restrictions on use 4.3.1
  • floating-point compliance A.5.3
  • format identifier, transaction ID 32.2.5
  • function call syntax, JDBC escape syntax A.4.6


  • getBinaryStream() method 12.2.4
  • getBytes() method 12.2.4
  • getColumns 2.5
  • getConnection() method 7.2
  • getCursorName() method
  • getLogicalTransactionId method 27.4.1
  • getMoreResultSet(int) 2.7
  • getObject() method
  • getOracleObject() method
  • getStatementCacheSize() method
  • getXXX() methods
    • casting return values 11.4.5
    • for specific data types 11.4.4
  • globalization 19
    • using 19
  • global transaction identifier (distributed transactions) 32.2.5
  • global transactions 32.1


  • IEEE 754 floating-point compliance A.5.3
  • implicit Statement caching
    • definition of 20.1.2
    • Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm 20.1.2
  • installation
    • verifying on the client 2.2
  • Instant Client feature 6.4.1
  • internal changes (result set)
  • isColumnInvisible 2.5
  • isSameRM() (distributed transactions) 32.2.4


  • Java
    • compiling and running 2.2.3
    • data types 11.1
    • native data types 11.1
    • stored procedures 2.12.2
    • stream data 12
  • java.sql.Connection interface
  • java.sql.Statement interface
  • java.util.Properties 22.3.4
  • Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) 8.1.1
  • Java Sockets 1.1
  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM) 7.1
  • JDBC
    • and IDEs 1.4.3
    • basic program 2.3
    • data types 11.1
    • defined 1
    • importing packages 2.3.1
    • limitations of Oracle extensions A.5
    • sample files 2.2.3
    • testing 2.2.5
    • version support 3
  • JDBC 2.0 support
    • data type support 3.1.1
    • extended feature support 3.1.3
    • introduction 3.1
    • JDK 1.2.x vs. JDK 1.1.x 3.1, 3.2
    • standard feature support 3.1.2
  • JdbcCheckup program 2.2.5
  • JDBC drivers
    • choosing a driver for your needs 1.2
    • common problems E.1
    • introduction 1.1
    • JDBC escape syntax A.4
  • JDBC escape syntax A.4
    • function call syntax A.4.6
    • LIKE escape characters A.4.3
    • outer joins A.4.5
    • scalar functions A.4.2
    • time and date literals A.4.1
    • translating to SQL example A.4.7
  • JDBCRowSet 18.3
  • JDBCSpy E.2.2
  • JDBCTest E.2.2
  • JDeveloper 1.4.3
  • JNDI
    • and datasources 8.1.4
    • looking up data source 8.1.4
    • overview of Oracle support 8.1.1
    • registering data source 8.1.4
  • JoinRowSet 18.6
  • JVM 7.1


  • KPRB driver
    • overview 1.1
    • relation to the SQL engine 7.1
    • session context 7.3
    • testing 7.4
    • transaction context 7.3
    • URL for 7.2


  • Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm 20.1.2, 22.3.5
  • LIKE escape characters, JDBC escape syntax A.4.3
  • limitations on setBytes() and setString(), use of streams to avoid 12.7.2
  • LOB
  • logical transaction identifier
  • LONG
  • LRU algorithm 20.1.2
  • LTXID 27.1


  • memory leaks E.1.2
  • monitoring database operations



  • object references
  • OCI driver
    • described 1.1
  • ODBCSpy E.2.2
  • ODBCTest E.2.2
  • optimization, performance C.2
  • oracle.jdbc., Oracle JDBC extensions 2.3.1
  • oracle.jdbc.LogicalTransactionIdEventListener interface 27.4.2
  • oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement interface
  • oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection interface
  • oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement interface
  • oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet interface
  • oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData interface
  • oracle.jdbc.OracleSql class A.4.7
  • oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement interface
  • oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes class
  • oracle.jdbc.xa package and subpackages 32.1.5
  • oracle.sql.ARRAY class
    • methods for Java primitive types 16.3.1
  • oracle.sql.BFILE class 4.3.1
  • oracle.sql.BLOB class 4.3.1
  • oracle.sql.CLOB class 4.3.1
  • types
  • oracle.sql.DATE class 4.3.1
  • oracle.sql.NUMBER class 4.3.1
  • oracle.sql.RAW class 4.3.1
  • oracle.sql.STRUCT class 4.3.1
  • Oracle Advanced Security
    • support by JDBC 9.1
  • OracleCallableStatement interface
  • OracleCallableStatement object 20.1.2
  • OracleConnection class
  • OracleData interface
  • OracleDataSource class 8.1.2
  • Oracle data types
    • using 11
  • Oracle extensions 4.2
    • data type support 4.2.2
    • limitations A.5
      • catalog arguments to DatabaseMetaData calls A.5.4
      • CursorName A.5.1
      • IEEE 754 floating-point compliance A.5.3
      • JDBC outer join escapes A.5.2
      • read-only connection C.3
      • SQLWarning class A.5.5
    • object support 4.2.3
    • result sets 11.3
    • statements 11.3
    • to JDBC 4, 11, 13, 15, 16, 21
  • Oracle objects
    • and JDBC 13.1
    • Java classes which support 13.2.1
    • mapping to custom object classes 13.3.1
    • reading data by using SQLData interface 13.3.5
    • working with 13.1
    • writing data by using SQLData interface 13.3.5
  • OraclePreparedStatement interface
  • OraclePreparedStatement object 20.1.2
  • OracleResultSet interface
  • OracleResultSetMetaData interface
  • Oracle SQL data types 11.1
  • OracleStatement interface
  • OracleTypes class
  • OracleXAConnection class 32.2.2
  • OracleXADataSource class 32.2.1
  • OracleXAResource class 32.2.3
  • OracleXid class 32.2.5
  • ORAData interface
  • orai18n.jar file 19.1
  • outer joins, JDBC escape syntax A.4.5


  • password, specifying 2.3.2
  • PDA 18.2
  • performance enhancements, standard vs. Oracle 3.1.4
  • performance extensions
    • defining column types 21.2.3
  • performance optimization C.2
  • Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) 18.2
  • PL/SQL
  • PL/SQL Associative Arrays 4.7
  • prefetching rows 21.2
  • prepare a distributed transaction branch 32.2.4
  • put() method
    • for Properties object 8.1.9


  • RAW class 4.3.1
  • recover (distributed transactions) 32.2.4
  • REF CURSORs 4.5.2
  • refetching rows into a result set 17.5
  • registerConnectionInitializationCallback
  • Remote Method Invocation (RMI) 18.2
  • resource managers 32.1.2
  • result set
  • result set, processing 2.3.5
  • result set enhancements
    • downgrade rules 17.2
    • fetch size 17.4
    • limitations 17.2
    • Oracle scrollability requirements 17.1
    • Oracle updatability requirements 17.1
    • refetching rows 17.5
    • summary of visibility of changes 17.6.2
    • visibility vs. detection of external changes 17.6.1
  • result set fetch size 17.4
  • Result Set Holdability 3.2.4
  • result set object
  • Retrieval of Auto-Generated Keys 3.2.2
  • return types
  • return values
  • RMI 18.2
  • roll back a distributed transaction branch 32.2.4
  • roll back changes to database 2.3.8
  • ROWID, use for result set updates 17.1
  • ROWID class
  • row prefetching
  • RowSet


  • savepoints
  • scalar functions, JDBC escape syntax A.4.2
  • SCAN
    • backward compatibility 31.4
    • configuring the database 31.2
    • connection load balancing 31.3
    • maximum availability architecture environment 31.5
    • Oracle connection manager 31.6
    • overview 31.1
    • version 31.4
  • Schema Naming 4.2.4
  • scripts, authenticating users in 9.8
  • scrollable result sets
    • fetch direction 17.4.2
    • implementation of scroll-sensitivity 17.6.3
    • refetching rows 17.5
    • visibility vs. detection of external changes 17.6.1
  • scroll-sensitive result sets
  • security
    • authentication 9.2
    • Oracle Advanced Security support 9.1
  • server-side internal driver
    • connection to database 7.2
  • server-side Thin driver, overview 1.1
  • session context
    • for KPRB driver 7.3
  • setBytes() limitations, using streams to avoid 12.7.2
  • setCursorName() method A.5.1
  • setDisableStmtCaching() method 20.2.3
  • setEscapeProcessing() method A.4
  • setFixedCHAR() method
  • setNull() 11.2.3
  • setObejct() method 11.4.6
  • setObject() method
  • setOracleObject() method 11.4.6
  • setString() limitations, using streams to avoid 12.7.2
  • setXXX() methods, for specific data types 11.4.7
  • Solaris
  • specifiers
  • SQL
    • data converting to Java data types 11.2
    • types, constants for
  • SQLData interface
    • advantages 13.3.2
    • reading data from Oracle objects 13.3.5
    • writing data from Oracle objects 13.3.5
  • SQL engine
    • relation to the KPRB driver 7.1
  • SQL syntax (Oracle) A.4
  • SQLWarning class, limitations A.5.5
  • start a distributed transaction branch 32.2.4
  • statement.cancel() E.1.4
  • Statement caching
    • explicit
    • implicit
      • definition of 20.1.2
      • Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm 20.1.2
  • Statement object
  • statements
    • Oracle extensions 11.3
  • stopping
    • statement execution E.1.4
  • stored procedures
  • stream data 12
  • stream data column
  • STRUCT class 4.3.1
  • STRUCT object
    • retrieving 13.2.2
    • retrieving attributes as oracle.sql types 13.2.2
  • SYS.ANYDATA 4.5.4
  • SYS.ANYTYPE 4.5.4


  • TAF, definition of 30.1
  • TCP/IP protocol 8.2.4
  • testing
  • Thin driver
    • overview 1.1
    • server-side, overview 1.1
  • time and date literals, JDBC escape syntax A.4.1
  • trace facility E.2.1
  • trace parameters
  • transaction branch 32.1.1
  • transaction branch ID component 32.2.5
  • transaction context
    • for KPRB driver 7.3
  • transaction guard 27.1, 28
    • at-most-once execution 27.1
    • logical transaction identifier 27.1
  • transaction IDs (distributed transactions) 32.1.3
  • transaction managers 32.1.2
  • transactions
    • switching between local and global 32.1.4
  • transaction savepoints
  • Transparent Application Failover (TAF), definition of 30.1
  • TTC error messages, listed D.4
  • type map 11.4.1
  • type map (SQL to Java) 13.3.1
  • type maps
    • relationship to database connection 7.2



  • WebRowSet 18.4
  • window, scroll-sensitive result sets 17.6.3


  • XA
    • connection implementation 32.2.2
    • connections (definition) 32.1.3
    • data source implementation 32.2.1
    • data sources (definition) 32.1.3
    • definition 32.1.1
    • error handling 32.3.3
    • example of implementation 32.4
    • exception classes 32.3.1
    • Oracle optimizations 32.3.4
    • Oracle transaction ID implementation 32.2.5
    • resource implementation 32.2.3
    • resources (definition) 32.1.3
    • transaction ID interface 32.2.5