Creating and Mounting the Oracle Memory Speed File System

Learn how to create an Oracle Memory Speed (OMS) file system and mount it.

  1. Create the mount directories and remove write permissions:
    $ mkdir /oracle/omsfs_1
    $ chmod -w /oracle/omsfs_1
    $ mkdir /oracle/omsfs_2
    $ chmod -w /oracle/omsfs_2
    $ ls -l /oracle
    dr-xr-xr-x 2 oracle dba 6 Feb 23 21:36 omsfs_1
    dr-xr-xr-x 2 oracle dba 6 Feb 23 21:36 omsfs_2
  2. Start the omsfscmds utility and create and mount the file systems using the mkfs and mount commands respectively.
    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/omsfscmds
    OMS> mkfs /mnt/pmem0/omsuberfile.test
    OMS:mkfs:No blocksize specified, using 4K
    OMS:mkfs: Device /mnt/pmem0/omsuberfile.test formatted with
    blocksize 4096
    OMS> mount /mnt/pmem0/omsuberfile.test /oracle/omsfs_1
    OMS:mount: Mounted /mnt/pmem0/omsuberfile.test at
    OMS> mkfs /mnt/pmem1/omsuberfile.test
    OMS:mkfs:No blocksize specified, using 4K
    OMS:mkfs: Device /mnt/pmem1/omsuberfile.test formatted with
    blocksize 4096
    OMS> mount /mnt/pmem1/omsuberfile.test /oracle/omsfs_2
    OMS:mount: Mounted /mnt/pmem1/omsuberfile.test at
    OMS> lsmount
    fsindex : 0
    Mountpt : /oracle/omsfs_1
    Deviceid: /mnt/pmem0/omsuberfile.test
    fsindex : 1
    Mountpt : /oracle/omsfs_2
    Deviceid: /mnt/pmem1/omsuberfile.test

    Currently, the only supported block size for OMS file systems is 4 KB. In this example, the two OMS file systems are mounted and available for use. /dev/pmem0 resides on socket 0, hence files placed in /oracle/omsfs_1 reside in socket 0. Similarly, /dev/pmem1 resides in socket 1, hence files placed in /oracle/omsfs_2 are in socket 1.

    You can mount a maximum of two file systems simultaneously. This enables OMS to use PMEM devices on two socket servers.

    OMS mount points are automatically remounted if you reboot the node and restart the daemon.