omsfscmds Command Reference

Use the various omsfscmds commands to perform basic file system operations, such as mkfs, mount, and umount.


omsfscmds is a command line utility for administering Oracle Memory Speed (OMS). To use omsfscmds, ensure that the OMS daemon is running.

Example 8-5 omsfscmds for Mounting the File System

Set the $ORACLE SID to the same SID as the daemon and run omsfscmds.

$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/omsfscmds
OMS> mount /mnt/pmem0/omsuberfile.test /oracle/omsfs_1

In this example, the PMEM device /mnt/pmem0/omsuberfile.test is mounted in the Oracle Database path /oracle/omsfs_1.


Command Description

Use the help command to learn more about each command.

mkfs pmem_device block_size

Use this command to format a persistent memory (PMEM) device pmem_device with block size block_size.

forcemkfs pmem_device block_size

Use this command to format the existing file system and create a new file system with persistent memory (PMEM) device pmem_device with block size block_size.

mount pmem_device mount_path

Use this command to mount a PMEM device pmem_device in the mount path mount_path.

unmount mount_path

Use this command to unmount a PMEM device from the mount path mount_path.


Use this command to list all mounted file systems.

df mount_path

Display the amount of disk space available on the file system in the mount_path.

cp source_filepath dest_filepath

Use this command to copy from the source file store source_filepath to the destination file store dest_filepath.

ls mount_path

Use this command to list all files in the mount path mount_path.

lls mount_path

Use this command to list detailed information about all files in the mount path mount_path.

rm file_path

Use this command to delete a file in the path file_path.

cd dir_path

Use this command to change the current working directory to the path dir_path.


Use this command to print the current directory.

dump module_option pmem_device/mount_point dump_file_name

Use this command to dump diagnostic information to dump_file_name.

Available module_option values are dalog, malog, dftbl, oftbl, and heap.

pmem_device values can be dalog or dftbl.

mount_point values can be malog, heap, lsom, or oftbl.

absolute_file_path value can be lsof.

trace pmem_device trace_option_file

Use this command to enabling tracing for omsdaemon and omsfscmds.

daemon daemon_action

Use this command to set the OMS daemon trace level.

exit will shutdown the daemon.

trace lvl sets the daemon trace lvl to low, medium, or high.


Exit the omsfscmds command prompt.