Copying demo Directories to Oracle Base Home

In a read-only mode ORACLE_HOME, you must copy the demo directories listed in this topic from ORACLE_HOME to ORACLE_BASE_HOME.

Oracle Database contains various demo directories that include a variety of examples and product demonstrations that you can use to learn about the products, options, and features of Oracle Database. In a read-only mode ORACLE_HOME, you cannot use these demo directories in ORACLE_HOME because writes are performed to these demo directories when they are used.

Many of the demo directories are not available by default. You must install Oracle Database Examples to view and use the examples and product demonstrations.

Copy the respective demo directory to the corresponding location in ORACLE_BASE_HOME. Now, you can use this copy of the demo directory. You must create symbolic link to some of the demo directories.

You must copy the following demo directories from ORACLE_HOME to ORACLE_BASE_HOME:

  • jdbc\demo

  • odbc\demo

  • ord\http\demo

  • precomp\demo

  • rdbms\demo

  • sqlplus\demo

  • xdk\demo

Copying demo Directories

For example, to copy the rdbms\demo directory from ORACLE_HOME to ORACLE_BASE_HOME, perform the following:

  1. Login as the Oracle installation user (oracle).

  2. Check if the rdbms\demo directory is copied to ORACLE_BASE_HOME and whether the symbolic link has already been set up.

    ls -l -d %ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\demo %ORACLE_BASE_HOME%\rdbms\demo
  3. If the rdbms\demo directory is not copied to ORACLE_BASE_HOME, then copy the rdbms\demo directory to ORACLE_BASE_HOME.

    cp -r %ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\demo %ORACLE_BASE_HOME%\rdbms\demo

Similarly, copy all the demo directories listed earlier from ORACLE_HOME to ORACLE_BASE_HOME.

Creating Symbolic Links

You must create symbolic links for the rdbms/demo, odbc/demo, precomp/demo, and xdk/demo demo directories.

Before you create symbolic links, you must identify the ORACLE_BASE_HOME path. Run the orabasehome command from the %ORACLE_HOME%\bin directory:

set ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\oracle\product\19.0.0\dbhome_1
cd %ORACLE_HOME%\bin

For rdbms\demo, replace %ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\demo with a symbolic link to the copy.

  1. Ensure that the symbolic link does not already exist.

    ls -l -d %ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\demo
  2. If %ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\demo is still the original demo directory, rename it and replace it with the symbolic link.

    cd %ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms
    mv demo demo.installed
    set ORACLE_BASE_HOME=output_of_the_orabasehome_command
    mklink/D %ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\demo %ORACLE_BASE_HOME%\rdbms\demo

For odbc\demo, replace %ORACLE_HOME%\odbc\demo with a symbolic link to the copy.

  1. Ensure that the symbolic link does not already exist.

    ls -l -d %ORACLE_HOME%\odbc\demo
  2. If %ORACLE_HOME%\odbc\demo is still the original demo directory, rename it and replace it with the symbolic link.

    cd %ORACLE_HOME%\odbc
    mv demo demo.installed
    set ORACLE_BASE_HOME=output_of_the_orabasehome_command
    mklink/D %ORACLE_HOME%\odbc\demo %ORACLE_BASE_HOME%\odbc\demo

For precomp\demo, replace %ORACLE_HOME%\precomp\demo with a symbolic link to the copy.

  1. Ensure that the symbolic link does not already exist.

    ls -l -d %ORACLE_HOME%\precomp\demo
  2. If %ORACLE_HOME%\precomp\demo is still the original demo directory, rename it and replace it with the symbolic link.

    cd %ORACLE_HOME%\precomp
    mv demo demo.installed
    set ORACLE_BASE_HOME=output_of_the_orabasehome_command
    mklink/D %ORACLE_HOME%\precomp\demo %ORACLE_BASE_HOME%\precomp\demo

The xdk\demo directory requires a symbolic link at %ORACLE_HOME%\xdk\include pointing to %ORACLE_BASE_HOME%\xdk\include after you copy the xdk\demo directory.

  1. Ensure that the symbolic link does not already exist:

    ls -l -d %ORACLE_HOME%\xdk\include
  2. If the symbolic link does not exist, then, run the following command:

    set ORACLE_BASE_HOME=output_of_the_orabasehome_command
    mklink/D %ORACLE_BASE_HOME%\xdk\include %ORACLE_HOME%\xdk\include


In the plsql\demo directory, ncmpdemo.sql is unusable in read-only mode.

Copying the init.ora File

Copy the init.ora file from ORACLE_HOME to ORACLE_BASE_HOME.

  1. Log in as the Oracle software owner user (oracle).

  2. Check if the init.ora file exists in ORACLE_BASE_HOME.

    set ORACLE_BASE_HOME=output_of_the_orabasehome_command
    ls %ORACLE_BASE_HOME%\dbs\init.ora 

    If an init.ora file exists in ORACLE_BASE_HOME, then update this init.ora file to be in-sync with the %ORACLE_HOME%\dbs\init.ora file.

  3. If the init.ora file does not exist in ORACLE_BASE_HOME, then copy it from ORACLE_HOME.

    mkdir %ORABASEHOME%\dbs
    cp %ORACLE_HOME%\dbs\init.ora %ORACLE_BASE_HOME%\dbs\init.ora