Performing External User Authentication Tasks on the Oracle Database Server

Use this procedure to perform external user authentication tasks.

Perform the following external user authentication tasks on the Oracle Database server:

  1. Add parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX to your init.ora file.

    The OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX value is prefixed to local or domain user names attempting to connect to the server with the user's operating system name and password. The prefixed user name is compared with Oracle Database user names in the database when a connection request is attempted. Using parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX with Windows native authentication methods is the recommended method for performing secure, trusted client connections to your server.

  2. Set a value for OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX. Your choices are:
    • Any character string

      If you specify xyz, as in this procedure's example, then xyz is prefixed to the beginning of the Windows user name (for example, xyzjones for local user jones or xyzsales\jones for domain user jones on domain sales). String values are case insensitive.

    • "" (two double quotes with no space between)

      This option is recommended, because it eliminates the need for any prefix to Windows user names (for example, jones for local user jones or sales\jones for domain user jones on domain sales).

    • No value specified

      If you do not specify a value for OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX, it defaults to OPS$ (for example, OPS$jones for local user jones or OPS$sales\jones for domain user jones on domain sales).


    On Windows and Linux, create a database user name with characters in upper case for successful authentication. Authentication fails when you use characters with lower case. For example, authentication fails when creating a database user name with characters in lower case ops$sales\jones, but is successful when creating a database user name with upper case characters such as OPS$SALES\JONES.
  3. Create a Windows local user name for jones with the Computer Management tool, or create a Windows domain user name for jones with Active Directory Users and Computers (if the appropriate name does not currently exist). See your operating system documentation for detailed instructions.
  4. Ensure that parameter SQLNET.AUTHENTICATN_SERVICES in file sqlnet.ora contains nts.
  5. Start SQL*Plus:
    C:\> sqlplus /NOLOG
  6. Connect to the database with the SYSTEM database administrator (DBA) name:
    Enter password: system_password

    Unless you have changed it, the SYSTEM password is MANAGER by default.

  7. Create a local external user by entering:

    where xyz is the value you chose for initialization parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX, and jones is the Windows local user name.

  8. Grant a local external user database roles by entering:
    SQL> GRANT DBA TO xyzjones;


    External authentication of Windows Local users is supported from the same computer only. While external authentication of Windows Domain user is supported from the same computer or a different computer.
  9. Create a domain external user by entering:

    where XYZ is the value you chose for initialization parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX, and SALES\JONES is the domain name and Windows domain user name. Double quotes are required and the entire syntax must be in uppercase.

  10. Grant a domain external user database roles by entering:

    Double quotes are required and the entire syntax must be in uppercase.

  11. Log on to the Windows system using the Windows local user jones or domain user SALES\JONES.
  12. Connect to the database with the SYSDBA name:
  13. Shut down the database:
  14. Restart the database:

    This causes the change to parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX to take effect.