Setting ACLs on Net Service Entries

Use the Microsoft Dsacls.exe tool to set ACLs on directory objects.

The Dsacls.exe command-line tool displays and changes permissions (access control entries) in the Access Control List (ACL) of objects in Active Directory. This command-line tool is included with the support tools on the CD-ROM.


To enable an anonymous generic read on the orcl service, run the following command:

dsacls "CN=orcl,CN=OracleContext,OU=Example,O=Com" /G "anonymous logon":GR

To enable a generic read on the orcl service for the user smith in the EXAMPLE domain, run the following command:

dsacls "CN=orcl,CN=OracleContext,OU=Example,O=Com" /G example\smith:GR

To disable an anonymous generic read on the orcl service, run the following command:

dsacls "CN=orcl,CN=OracleContext,OU=Example,O=Com" /R "anonymous logon"

To disable a generic read on the orcl service for the user smith in the EXAMPLE domain, run the following command:

dsacls "CN=orcl,CN=OracleContext,OU=Example,O=com" /R example\smith

See Also: for a complete description of the Dsacls.exe tool