Starting Windows Tools

Describes how to start each Windows tool and where to go for more information on using these products.

Table 2-4 Starting Windows Tools

Tool Start Procedure More Information

Event Viewer

From the Start menu, select All Programs, then select Administrative Tools and then select Event Viewer.

Your operating system documentation

Local Users and Groups

From the Start menu, select Settings, then select Control Panel. Double-click Administrative Tools. Double-click Computer Management. In the console tree, click Local Users and Groups.

Your operating system documentation

Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

From the Start menu, select All Programs, then select Oracle - HOMENAME, then select Configuration and Migration Tools and then select Administration Assistant for Windows.

Your operating system documentation

Registry Editor

At the command prompt, enter:

C:\> regedit

Your operating system documentation

Task Manager

Right-click the Task bar and select Task Manager.

Your operating system documentation


Microsoft Management Console is started whenever Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows is started.