Using Event Viewer

Learn how to use Event Viewer.

To access Event Viewer:

  1. From the Start menu, select All Programs, then select Administrative Tools, and then select Event Viewer.

    The Event Viewer window appears.

  2. Select Windows Logs.
  3. Double-click Application to open the Application view window.

Application View Window displays the Application view window, Application View Definitions shows what is recorded in each column, and Event Viewer Icons interprets icons that appear on the left hand side of the viewer.

Figure 7-1 Application View Window

Description of Figure 7-1 follows
Description of "Figure 7-1 Application View Window"

Table 7-2 Application View Definitions

Column Name Definition

Date and Time

Date and time at which an event took place


Application that recorded an event

Event ID

Unique number assigned to an event

Task Category

Classification of events

Table 7-3 Event Viewer Icons

Icon Event Type Suggested Action

Exclamation Point in Red Circle


Error identification. Always check these icons.

Lowercase "i" in Blue Circle


Noncritical system events. Check these icons only to track a specific event.

Exclamation Point in Yellow Triangle


Special events, such as instance termination or services shutdown. Investigate these icons, but they are usually noncritical.