OracleClob(OracleConnection, bool, bool)

This constructor creates an instance of the OracleClob class that is bound to a temporary CLOB, with an OracleConnection object, a boolean value for caching, and a boolean value for NCLOB.


// C#
public OracleClob(OracleConnection con, bool bCaching, bool bNCLOB);


  • con

    The OracleConnection object connection.

  • bCaching

    A flag that indicates whether or not server-side caching is enabled.

  • bNCLOB

    A flag that is set to true if the instance is a NCLOB or false if it is a CLOB.


InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.


The connection must be opened explicitly by the application. OracleClob does not open the connection implicitly. The temporary CLOB or NCLOB uses the provided connection to store CLOB data.