
This property specifies the properties that are used when an XML document is created from the result set of a SQL query statement.


// C#
public OracleXmlQueryProperties XmlQueryProperties {get; set;}

Property Value



When a new instance of OracleCommand is created, an instance of OracleXmlQueryProperties is automatically available on the OracleCommand instance through the OracleCommand.XmlQueryProperties property.

A new instance of OracleXmlQueryProperties can be assigned to an OracleCommand instance. Assigning an instance of OracleXmlQueryProperties to the XmlQueryProperties of an OracleCommand instance creates a new instance of the given OracleXmlQueryProperties instance for the OracleCommand. This way each OracleCommand instance has its own OracleXmlQueryProperties instance.

Use the default constructor to get a new instance of OracleXmlQueryProperties.

Use the OracleXmlQueryProperties.Clone() method to get a copy of an OracleXmlQueryProperties instance.