
This event is raised when row(s) have been updated by the Update() method.


// C#
public event OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler RowUpdated;

Event Data

The event handler receives an OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs object which exposes the following properties containing information about the event.

  • Command

    The OracleCommand executed during the Update.

  • Errors (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs)

    The exception, if any, is generated during the Update.

  • RecordsAffected (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs)

    The number of rows modified, inserted, or deleted by the execution of the Command.

  • Row (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs)

    The DataRow sent for Update.

  • StatementType (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs)

    The type of SQL statement executed.

  • Status (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs)

    The UpdateStatus of the Command.

  • TableMapping (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs)

    The DataTableMapping used during the Update.


The following example shows how to use the RowUpdating and RowUpdated events.

// C#
using System;
using System.Data;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
class RowUpdatedSample
  // Event handler for RowUpdating event
  protected static void OnRowUpdating(object sender, 
                                      OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("Row updating.....");
    Console.WriteLine("Event arguments:");
    Console.WriteLine("Command Text: " + e.Command.CommandText);
    Console.WriteLine("Command Type: " + e.StatementType);
    Console.WriteLine("Status: " + e.Status);
  // Event handler for RowUpdated event
  protected static void OnRowUpdated(object sender, 
                                     OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("Row updated.....");
    Console.WriteLine("Event arguments:");
    Console.WriteLine("Command Text: " + e.Command.CommandText);
    Console.WriteLine("Command Type: " + e.StatementType);
    Console.WriteLine("Status: " + e.Status);
  static void Main()
    string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle";
    string cmdstr = "SELECT EMPNO, ENAME, SAL FROM EMP";
    // Create the adapter with the selectCommand txt and the
    // connection string
    OracleDataAdapter adapter = new OracleDataAdapter(cmdstr, constr);
    // Create the builder for the adapter to automatically generate
    // the Command when needed
    OracleCommandBuilder builder = new OracleCommandBuilder(adapter);
    // Create and fill the DataSet using the EMP
    DataSet dataset = new DataSet();
    adapter.Fill(dataset, "EMP");
    // Get the EMP table from the dataset
    DataTable table = dataset.Tables["EMP"];
    // Indicate DataColumn EMPNO is unique
    // This is required by the OracleCommandBuilder to update the EMP table
    table.Columns["EMPNO"].Unique = true;
    // Get the first row from the EMP table
    DataRow row = table.Rows[0];
    // Update the salary
    double sal = double.Parse(row["SAL"].ToString());
    row["SAL"] = sal + .01;
    // Set the event handlers for the RowUpdated and the RowUpdating event
    // the OnRowUpdating() method will be triggered before the update, and
    // the OnRowUpdated() method will be triggered after the update
    adapter.RowUpdating += new OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler(OnRowUpdating);
    adapter.RowUpdated += new OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler(OnRowUpdated);
    // Now update the EMP using the adapter
    // The OracleCommandBuilder will create the UpdateCommand for the
    // adapter to update the EMP table
    // The OnRowUpdating() and the OnRowUpdated() methods will be triggered
    adapter.Update(dataset, "EMP");