explicit operator OracleDate(string)

This method converts the supplied string to an OracleDate structure.


// C#
public explicit operator OracleDate (string dateStr);


  • dateStr

    A string representation of an Oracle DATE.

Return Value

The returned OracleDate structure contains the date and time in the string dateStr.


ArgumentNullException - The dateStr is null.

ArgumentException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

  • The dateStr is an invalid string representation of an Oracle DATE.

  • The dateStr is not in the date format specified by the thread's OracleGlobalization.DateFormat property, which represents the Oracle NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter.


The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used.


// C#
using System;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
class OracleDateSample
  static void Main(string[] args)
    // Set the thread's DateFormat to a specific format
    OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo();
    info.DateFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD";
    // Construct OracleDate from a string using the DateFormat specified
    OracleDate date = (OracleDate)"1999-DEC-01";
    // Set a different DateFormat on the thread for ToString() 
    info.DateFormat = "MON DD YY";
    // Prints "DEC 01 99"