
This method returns a new OracleDecimal with the specified number of digits and indicates whether or not to round or truncate the number if the scale is less than the original.


// C#
public static OracleDecimal AdjustScale(OracleDecimal val, int digits,
     bool fRound);


  • val

    An OracleDecimal.

  • digits

    The number of digits.

  • fRound

    Indicates whether or not to round or truncate the number. Setting it to true rounds the number and setting it to false truncates the number.

Return Value

An OracleDecimal.


If the supplied OracleDecimal has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.


// C#
using System;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
class AdjustScaleSample
  static void Main(string[] args)
    OracleDecimal dec1 = new OracleDecimal(5.555); 
    // Adjust Scale to 2 with rounding off
    OracleDecimal dec2 = OracleDecimal.AdjustScale(dec1, 2, true);
    // Prints 5.56
    // Adjust Scale to 2 with truncation
    OracleDecimal dec3 = OracleDecimal.AdjustScale(dec1, 2, false);
    // Prints 5.55