
This property specifies the amount of memory the OracleRefcursor internal cache needs to store one row of data.


// C#
public long RowSize {get;}

Property Value

A long that indicates the amount of memory (in bytes) that an OracleRefcursor needs to store one row of data for the executed query.


The RowSize property is set to a nonzero value when the OracleRefcursor object is created. This property can be used at design time or dynamically during run time, to set the FetchSize, based on number of rows. For example, to enable the OracleRefcursor to fetch N rows for each database round-trip, the OracleRefcursor FetchSize property can be set dynamically to RowSize * N. Note that for the FetchSize to take effect appropriately, it must be set before the it is used to fill the DataSet/DataTable using OracleDataAdapter.

If an OracleDataReader is obtained from the OracleRefCursor through the GetDataReader method, the resulting OracleDataReader will have its FetchSize property set to the FetchSize value of the OracleRefCursor.