explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(string)

This static type conversion operator converts the supplied string to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.


// C#
public static explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ (string tsStr);


  • tsStr

    A string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE.

Return Value

A OracleTimeStampLTZ.


ArgumentException - ThetsStr parameter is an invalid string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE or the tsStr is not in the timestamp format specified by the thread's OracleGlobalization.TimeStampFormat property, which represents the Oracle NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT parameter.


The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used.


// C#
using System;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
class OracleTimeStampLTZSample
  static void Main()
    // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the OracleTimeStampLTZ(string)
    // constructor
    OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo();
    info.TimeStampFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM";
    // construct OracleTimeStampLTZ from a string using the format specified.
    OracleTimeStampLTZ ts = 
      new OracleTimeStampLTZ("11-NOV-1999 11:02:33.444 AM");
    // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the ToString() method
    info.TimeStampFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM";
    // Prints "1999-NOV-11 11:02:33.444000000 AM"