Scenario Non-CDB Running the postupgrade_fixups.sql Script

Review this procedure to understand how to use the postupgrade_fixups.sql scripts for Non-CDB databases.

The postupgrade fixup scripts are generated when you run the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool (preupgrade.jar). Run the postupgrade scripts any time after completing an upgrade. For Non-CDB databases, the postupgrade fixup scripts provide general warnings, errors, and informational recommendations.

You can run the script either by using the utility, or by using SQL*Plus.

The location of the postupgrade SQL scripts and log files depends on how you set output folders, or define the Oracle base environment variable. The postupgrade fixup scripts are placed in the same directory path as the preupgrade fixup scripts.

If you specify an output directory by using the dir option with the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool, then the output logs and files are placed under that directory in the file path /cfgtoollogs/dbunique_name/preupgrade, where dbunique_name is the name of your source Oracle Database. If you do not specify an output directory when you run the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool, then the output is directed to one of the following default locations:

  • If you do not specify an output directory with DIR, but you have set an Oracle base environment variable, then the generated scripts and log files are created in the following file path:


  • If you do not specify an output directory, and you have not defined an Oracle base environment variable, then the generated scripts and log files are created in the following file path:


The postupgrade fixup scripts that the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool creates depend on whether your source database is a Non-CDB database, or a CDB database:

  • Non-CDB: postupgrade_fixups.sql

Example 10-4 Example of Spooling Postupgrade Fixup Results for a Non-CDB Oracle Database

Set the system to spool results to a log file so you can read the output. However, do not spool to the admin directory:

SQL> SPOOL postupgrade.log
SQL> @postupgrade_fixups.sql

Turn off the spooling of script results to the log file: