
Symbols  Numerics  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  


  • * parameter* parameter


  • 1291 ORA-01291: missing logfile 23.7.3


  • ABORT_STEP parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.2
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.2
  • ACCESS_METHOD parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.3
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.3
  • access privileges
  • ADD_FILE parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility
      • interactive-command mode 2.5.2
  • ADR
    • See: automatic diagnostic repository
  • ADR base
    • in ADRCI utility 20.2
  • ADRCI help 20.3.2
  • ADRCI utility 20
  • ADR home
    • in ADRCI utility 20.2
  • Advanced Queuing
    • exporting advanced queue tables 25.14.10
    • importing advanced queue tables 26.16.10
  • aliases
  • analyzer statistics 26.24
  • analyzing redo log files 23
  • ANYDATA type
    • using SQL strings to load 10.14.6
  • APPEND parameter
  • append to table
  • archived LOBs
    • restrictions on export 2.4.50
  • archive logging
    • disabling in Data Pump jobs 3.4.51
    • enabling in Data Pump jobs 3.4.51
  • archiving
    • disabling
  • array overflows 17.4.7
  • arrays
    • committing after insert 26.7.2
  • atomic null
  • attaching to an existing job
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.4
  • ATTACH parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.4
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.4
  • attributes
  • attribute-value constructors
  • auditing Data Pump jobs
    • unified auditing
  • auditing direct path loads
    • when using SQL*Loader 12.4.9
  • automatic diagnostic repository 20.2


  • backslash escape character
  • backups
    • restoring dropped snapshots
  • BADFILE parameter
  • bad files
    • specifying for SQL*Loader 9.11.1
  • BAD parameter
    • SQL*Loader command line 8.2.1
    • SQL*Loader express mode 13.3.1
  • BEGINDATA parameter
    • SQL*Loader control file 9.9
  • BFILEs
  • big-endian data
  • binary overflows 17.4.7
  • bind arrays
    • determining size of for SQL*Loader 9.21.4
    • minimizing SQL*Loader memory requirements 9.21.5
    • minimum requirements 9.21.1
    • size with multiple SQL*Loader INTO TABLE statements 9.21.6
    • specifying maximum size 8.2.2
    • specifying number of rows 8.2.31
    • SQL*Loader performance implications 9.21.2
  • BINDSIZE parameter
  • blanks
  • BLANKS parameter
  • BLOBs
    • loading with SQL*Loader 11.4
  • buffer cache size
    • and Data Pump operations involving GoldenGate Replication 5.3.1
  • BUFFER parameter
  • buffers
    • calculating for export 25.5.1
    • specifying with SQL*Loader BINDSIZE parameter 9.21.4
  • byte order 10.9.1
  • BYTEORDERMARK parameter
  • byte order marks 10.9.3
    • precedence
      • for first primary datafile 10.9.3
      • for LOBFILEs and SDFs 10.9.3
    • suppressing checks for 10.9.4
  • BYTEORDER parameter


  • cached sequence numbers
  • catalog.sql script
  • catexp.sql script
  • CDBs
    • Oracle Data Pump support 1.3
    • using Data Pump to move data into 1.3.2
  • changing a database ID 22.4.1
  • changing a database name 22.4.3
  • character fields
  • character-length semantics
  • character overflows 17.4.7
  • CHARACTERSET parameter
  • character sets
  • character strings
    • external tables
      • specifying bytes or characters 15.3.13
    • SQL*Loader 10.5.3
  • CHAR data type
    • delimited form and SQL*Loader 10.4.6
  • check constraints
  • CLOBs
    • loading with SQL*Loader 11.4
  • CLUSTER parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.5
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.5
  • collections 7.10
  • collection types supported by SQL*Loader 7.10.2
  • column array rows
    • SQL*Loader command line 8.2.3
  • column mapping 17.4.1
  • column objects
    • loading 11.1
      • with user-defined constructors 11.1.6
  • columns
    • exporting LONG data types 25.14.2
    • loading REF columns 11.3
    • naming
    • objects
      • loading nested column objects 11.1.3
      • stream record format 11.1.1
      • variable record format 11.1.2
    • reordering before Import 26.3.1
    • setting to a constant value with SQL*Loader 10.15.2
    • setting to an expression value with SQL*Loader 10.15.3
    • setting to a unique sequence number with SQL*Loader 10.15.6
    • setting to null with SQL*Loader
    • setting to the current date with SQL*Loader 10.15.5
    • setting to the datafile record number with SQL*Loader 10.15.4
    • specifying
    • specifying as PIECED
    • using SQL*Loader 10.15.3
  • 17.4.1
  • 17.4.2
  • 17.4.3
  • 17.4.4
  • 17.4.5
  • 17.4.6
  • 17.4.7
  • 17.4.8
  • 17.4.9
  • comments
  • COMMIT parameter
  • COMPILE parameter
  • completion messages
  • compression
    • specifying algorithm in Data Pump jobs 2.4.7
    • specifying for tables in Data Pump jobs 3.4.51
    • specifying level for external tables 16.2.2
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.7
  • compression algorithms
    • specifying in Data Pump jobs 2.4.7
  • COMPRESSION parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.6
  • COMPRESS parameter
  • CONCATENATE parameter
    • SQL*Loader utility 9.17
  • concurrent conventional path loads 12.8.4
  • configuration
  • CONSISTENT parameter
  • consolidating
  • CONSTANT parameter
  • constraints
    • automatic integrity and SQL*Loader
    • direct path load 12.8
    • disabling referential constraints 26.3.2
    • enabling
      • after a parallel direct path load 12.9.7
    • enforced on a direct load
    • failed
    • load method 12.3.8
  • CONSTRAINTS parameter
  • constructors
  • CONTENT parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.8
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.4
  • CONTINUE_CLIENT parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility
      • interactive-command mode 2.5.3
    • Data Pump Import utility
      • interactive-command mode 3.5.2
  • CONTINUEIF parameter
    • SQL*Loader utility 9.17
  • control files
    • character sets
    • data definition language syntax 9.1
    • specifying data 9.9
    • specifying SQL*Loader discard file 9.12.1
    • SQL*Loader 9.1
  • CONTROL parameter
    • SQL*Loader command line 8.2.4
  • conventional path Export
    • compared to direct path 25.9
  • conventional path loads
  • conversion of character sets
  • conversion of data
    • during direct path loads 12.3.1
  • conversion of input characters 9.15.5
  • CREATE REPORT command, ADRCI utility 20.9.1
  • CREATE SESSION privilege
  • creating
    • incident package 20.8.2
    • tables
      • manually, before import 26.3.1
  • CREDENTIAL parameter
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.7
  • CSV parameter
    • SQL*Loader express mode 13.3.3


  • data
    • conversion
    • delimiter marks in data and SQL*Loader
    • distinguishing different input formats for SQL*Loader 9.20
    • distinguishing different input row object subtypes 9.20, 9.20.3
    • exporting 25.5.24
    • generating unique values with SQL*Loader 10.15.6
    • including in control files 9.9
    • loading data contained in the SQL*Loader control file 10.15.1
    • loading in sections
    • loading into more than one table
    • maximum length of delimited data for SQL*Loader
    • moving between operating systems using SQL*Loader 10.8
    • recovery
      • SQL*Loader direct path load 12.4.6
    • saving in a direct path load 12.4.5
    • saving rows
    • unsorted
    • values optimized for SQL*Loader performance 10.15.1
  • DATA_OPTIONS parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.9
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.8
  • database ID (DBID)
  • database identifier
  • database migration
  • database name (DBNAME)
  • database objects
  • databases
  • data fields
    • specifying the SQL*Loader data type 10.3.2
  • datafiles
    • preventing overwrite during import 26.7.7
    • reusing during import 26.7.7
    • specifying 8.2.5, 13.3.4
    • specifying format for SQL*Loader 9.10
  • data files
    • specifying buffering for SQL*Loader 9.10
    • specifying for SQL*Loader 9.7.1
  • DATAFILES parameter
  • DATA parameter
  • Data Pump Export utility
    • ABORT_STEP parameter 2.4.2
    • ACCESS_METHOD parameter 2.4.3
    • adding additional dump files 1.8.2
    • ATTACH parameter 2.4.4
    • CLUSTER parameter 2.4.5
    • command-line mode 2.4.1, 3.4
    • COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM parameter 2.4.7
    • COMPRESSION parameter 2.4.6
    • CONTENT parameter 2.4.8
    • controlling resource consumption 5.2.1
    • DATA_OPTIONS parameter 2.4.9
    • DIRECTORY parameter 2.4.10
    • DUMPFILE parameter 2.4.11
    • dump file set 2.1
    • ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM parameter 2.4.14
    • ENCRYPTION_MODE parameter 2.4.15
    • ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD parameter 2.4.16
    • ENCRYPTION_PWD_PROMPT parameter 2.4.17
    • encryption of SecureFiles 2.4.13
    • ENCRYPTION parameter 2.4.13
    • ESTIMATE_ONLY parameter 2.4.19
    • ESTIMATE parameter 2.4.18
    • EXCLUDE parameter 2.4.20
    • excluding objects 2.4.20
    • export modes 2.2.2
    • FILESIZE command
      • interactive-command mode 2.5.5
    • FILESIZE parameter 2.4.21
    • filtering data that is exported
      • using EXCLUDE parameter 2.4.20
      • using INCLUDE parameter 2.4.26
    • FLASHBACK_SCN parameter 2.4.22
    • FLASHBACK_TIME parameter 2.4.23
    • FULL parameter 2.4.24
    • HELP parameter
      • interactive-command mode 2.5.6
    • INCLUDE parameter 2.4.26
    • interactive-command mode 2.5
    • interfaces 2.2.1
    • invoking
      • as SYSDBA 3.2
    • JOB_NAME parameter 2.4.27
    • job names
    • KEEP_MASTER parameter 2.4.28
    • LOGFILE parameter 2.4.29
    • LOGTIME parameter 2.4.30
    • METRICS parameter 2.4.31
    • NETWORK_LINK parameter 2.4.32
    • NOLOGFILE parameter 2.4.33
    • PARALLEL parameter
      • command-line mode 2.4.34
      • interactive-command mode 2.5.8
    • PARFILE parameter 2.4.35
    • QUERY parameter 2.4.36
    • REMAP_DATA parameter 2.4.37
    • REUSE_DUMPFILES parameter 2.4.38
    • SAMPLE parameter 2.4.39
    • SCHEMAS parameter 2.4.40
    • SecureFiles LOB considerations 1.10
    • SERVICE_NAME parameter 2.4.41
    • SOURCE_EDITION parameter 2.4.42
    • specifying a job name 2.4.27
    • starting
      • as SYSDBA 2.2
    • STATUS parameter 2.4.43
    • syntax diagrams 2.7
    • TABLESPACES parameter 2.4.45
    • TABLES parameter 2.4.44
    • transparent data encryption 2.4.16
    • TRANSPORT_FULL_CHECK parameter 2.4.46
    • TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES parameter 2.4.47
    • TRANSPORTABLE parameter 2.4.48
    • TTS_CLOSURE_CHECK parameter 2.4.49
    • versioning 1.9
    • VERSION parameter 2.4.50
    • VIEWS_AS_TABLES parameter 2.4.51
  • Data Pump Import utility
    • ABORT_STEP parameter 3.4.2
    • ACCESS_METHOD parameter 3.4.3
    • attaching to an existing job 3.4.4
    • ATTACH parameter 3.4.4
    • changing name of source datafile 3.4.34
    • CLUSTER parameter 3.4.5
    • CONTENT parameter 3.4.6
    • controlling resource consumption 5.2.1
    • CREDENTIAL parameter 3.4.7
    • DATA_OPTIONS parameter 3.4.8
    • DIRECTORY parameter 3.4.9
    • DUMPFILE parameter 3.4.10
    • ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD parameter 3.4.12
    • ENCRYPTION_PWD_PROMPT parameter 3.4.13
    • ESTIMATE parameter 3.4.14
    • estimating size of job 3.4.14
    • EXCLUDE parameter 3.4.15
    • filtering data that is imported
      • using EXCLUDE parameter 3.4.15
      • using INCLUDE parameter 3.4.20
    • FLASHBACK_SCN parameter 3.4.16
    • FLASHBACK_TIME parameter 3.4.17
    • full import mode
    • FULL parameter 3.4.18
    • HELP parameter
      • command-line mode 3.4.19
      • interactive-command mode 3.5.4
    • INCLUDE parameter 3.4.20
    • interactive-command mode 3.5.1
    • interfaces 3.2.1
    • JOB_NAME parameter 3.4.21
    • KEEP_MASTER parameter 3.4.22
    • LOGTIME parameter 3.4.24
    • MASTER_ONLY parameter 3.4.25
    • METRICS parameter 3.4.26
    • NETWORK_LINK parameter 3.4.27
    • NOLOGFILE parameter 3.4.28
    • PARALLEL parameter
    • PARFILE parameter 3.4.30
    • PARTITION_OPTIONS parameter 3.4.31
    • QUERY parameter 3.4.32
    • REMAP_DATAFILE parameter 3.4.34
    • REMAP_DATA parameter 3.4.33
    • REMAP_SCHEMA parameter 3.4.36
    • REMAP_TABLE parameter 3.4.37
    • REMAP_TABLESPACE parameter 3.4.38
    • REUSE_DATAFILES parameter 3.4.47
    • schema mode
    • SCHEMAS parameter 3.4.39
    • SERVICE_NAME parameter 3.4.40
    • SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES parameter 3.4.41
    • SOURCE_EDITION parameter 3.4.42
    • specifying a job name 3.4.21
    • specifying credential object name to process 3.4.7
    • specifying dump file set to import 3.4.10
    • SQLFILE parameter 3.4.43
    • STATUS parameter 3.4.44
    • STREAMS_CONFIGURATION parameter 3.4.45
    • syntax diagrams 3.7
    • TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION parameter 3.4.46
    • table mode
    • tablespace mode
    • TABLESPACES parameter 3.4.49
    • TABLES parameter 3.4.48
    • TARGET_EDITION parameter 3.4.50
    • TRANSFORM parameter 3.4.51
    • transparent data encryption 3.4.12
    • TRANSPORT_FULL_CHECK parameter 3.4.53
    • TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES parameter 3.4.54
    • TRANSPORTABLE parameter 3.4.55
    • transportable tablespace mode
    • versioning 1.9
    • VERSION parameter 3.4.56
    • VIEWS_AS_TABLES parameter (Network Import) 3.4.57
    • VIEWS_AS_TABLES parameter (Non-Network Import) 3.4.58
  • data source name 17.4.9
  • data types
    • BFILEs
    • BLOBs
      • loading with SQL*Loader 11.4
    • CLOBs
      • loading with SQL*Loader 11.4
    • converting SQL*Loader 10.4.4
    • describing for external table fields 15.4.6
    • determining character field lengths for SQL*Loader 10.4.8
    • determining DATE length
    • identifying for external tables 15.4.4
    • native
      • conflicting length specifications in SQL*Loader
    • NCLOBs
      • loading with SQL*Loader 11.4
    • nonscalar 11.1.5
    • specifying in SQL*Loader 10.3.2
    • supported by the LogMiner utility 23.14.1
    • types used by SQL*Loader 10.4
    • unsupported by LogMiner utility 23.14.2
  • data types (HDFS) 17.4.3
  • DATE_CACHE parameter
    • SQL*Loader utility 8.2.6
  • DATE_FORMAT parameter
    • SQL*Loader express mode 13.3.5
  • date cache feature
  • DATE data type
  • DBID (database identifier)
  • DBMS_LOGMNR_D PL/SQL procedure
  • DBMS_LOGMNR.COLUMN_PRESENT function 23.6.2
  • DBMS_LOGMNR.MINE_VALUE function 23.6.2
    • calling multiple times 23.9
    • COMMITTED_DATA_ONLY option 23.7.1
    • LogMiner utility and 23.2.2
    • options for 23.5
    • PRINT_PRETTY_SQL option 23.7.6
    • SKIP_CORRUPTION option 23.7.2
  • DBMS_LOGMNR PL/SQL procedure
  • DBMS_METADATA PL/SQL package 24.3.1
  • DBNEWID utility 22
    • changing a database ID 22.4.1
    • changing a database name 22.4.3
    • effect on global database names 22.2.1
    • restrictions 22.5.2
    • syntax 22.5
    • troubleshooting a database ID change 22.4.4
  • DBVERIFY utility
  • DEFAULTIF parameter
  • default schema
    • SQL*Loader command line 8.2.8
    • SQL*Loader express mode 13.3.6
  • DELETE ANY TABLE privilege
  • DELETE privilege
  • delimited data
    • maximum length for SQL*Loader
  • delimited fields
  • delimited LOBs
  • delimited text files 17.4.8
  • delimiters
  • DESTROY parameter
  • dictionary
    • requirements for LogMiner utility
  • dictionary version mismatch 23.10.4
  • Direct NFS Client
    • using with external tables 15.3.28
  • directory aliases
  • directory objects
    • using with Data Pump
  • DIRECTORY parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.10
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.9
  • DIRECT parameter
  • direct path Export 25.9, 25.10
    • compared to conventional path 25.9
    • effect of EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege 25.10.1
    • performance issues 25.10.2
    • restrictions 25.10.3
    • security considerations 25.10.1
  • direct path load
  • disabled unique indexes
    • loading tables with 1.2
  • discarded SQL*Loader records 7.7
  • discard files
  • DISCARDMAX parameter
    • SQL*Loader command-line 8.2.12
  • DISCARD parameter
    • SQL*Loader command-line 8.2.11
  • discontinued loads 9.16
  • DNFS_ENABLE parameter
    • SQL*Loader command-line 8.2.13
    • SQL*Loader express mode 13.3.8
  • DNFS_READBUFFERS parameter
    • record_format_info clause 15.3.29
    • SQL*Loader command-line 8.2.14
    • SQL*Loader express mode 13.3.9
  • DOUBLE nonportable data type
  • dropped snapshots
  • DUMPFILE parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.11
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.10
  • dump files



  • fatal errors
    • See: nonrecoverable error messages
  • FEEDBACK parameter
  • field_definitions clause
  • FIELD_NAMES parameter
  • field conditions
    • specifying for SQL*Loader 10.5
  • field extraction 17.4.8
  • field length
    • SQL*Loader specifications 10.11.2
  • Field lengths for Length-Value portable data types
  • field location
  • field names 17.4.3
  • fields
    • comparing to literals with SQL*Loader 10.5.3
    • delimited
    • loading all blanks 10.10
    • predetermined size
    • relative positioning and SQL*Loader 10.11.3
    • specifying default delimiters for SQL*Loader 9.18.5
    • specifying for SQL*Loader 10.3
    • SQL*Loader delimited
  • FIELDS clause
  • file allocation in Data Pump
  • file names
    • quotation marks and
    • specifying multiple SQL*Loader 9.7.3
    • SQL*Loader 9.4
    • SQL*Loader bad file 9.11.1
  • FILE parameter
  • FILESIZE parameter
  • FILLER field
    • using as argument to init_spec 10.3.1
  • filtering data
    • using Data Pump Export utility 2.1
    • using Data Pump Import utility 3.1
  • filtering metadata that is imported
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.15
  • finalizing
    • in ADRCI utility 20.2
  • fine-grained access support
    • Export and Import 26.17
  • fixed-format records 7.4.1
  • fixed-length records
  • FLASHBACK_SCN parameter
  • FLASHBACK_TIME parameter
  • FLOAT [EXTERNAL] parameter
  • Floating-Point Numbers
  • foreign function libraries
  • formats
    • SQL*Loader input records and 9.20.2
  • formatting errors
  • FROMUSER parameter
  • full database mode
  • full export mode
  • FULL parameter
  • full transportable export
  • full transportable import



  • Hadoop log files 17.4.5
  • HELP parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility
      • command-line mode 2.4.25
      • interactive-command mode 2.5.6
    • Data Pump Import utility
      • command-line mode 3.4.19
      • interactive-command mode 3.5.4
    • Export utility 25.5.13
    • Import utility 26.7.14
  • hexadecimal strings
  • Hive table sources 17.4.9
  • homepath
    • in ADRCI utility 20.2
  • HOST command, ADRCI utility 20.9.4



  • Java Objects
  • JOB_NAME parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.27
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.21


  • KEEP_MASTER parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.28
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.22
  • key values
    • generating with SQL*Loader 10.15.6
  • KILL_JOB parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility
      • interactive-command mode 2.5.7
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.5.5


  • leading whitespace
  • legacy mode in Oracle Data Pump 4
  • length indicator
  • length parameter
  • length-value pair specified LOBs
  • libraries
  • little-endian data
  • loading
  • LOAD parameter
  • LOB Columns
  • LOB data
  • LOB data types 7.5
  • LOBFILEs 7.5, 11.4, 11.4.2
  • LOGFILE parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.29
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.23
  • log files 17.4.6
  • logical records
    • consolidating multiple physical records using SQL*Loader 9.17
  • LogMiner utility
    • accessing redo data of interest 23.6
    • adjusting redo log file list 23.9
    • analyzing output 23.6.1
    • configuration
    • considerations for reapplying DDL statements 23.8
    • current log file list
    • DBMS_LOGMNR_D.ADD_LOGFILES PL/SQL procedure and 23.2.2
    • DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD PL/SQL procedure and 23.2.2
    • DBMS_LOGMNR_D.END_LOGMNR PL/SQL procedure and 23.2.2
    • DBMS_LOGMNR_D PL/SQL procedure and 23.2.2
    • DBMS_LOGMNR.START_LOGMNR PL/SQL procedure and 23.2.2
    • DBMS_LOGMNR PL/SQL procedure and 23.2.2
    • DDL tracking
    • determining redo log files being analyzed 23.4.2
    • dictionary
    • dictionary extracted to flat file
      • stored information about 23.11
    • dictionary options 23.4.1
    • ending a session 23.12.7
    • executing reconstructed SQL 23.7.5
    • extracting data values from redo logs 23.6.2
    • filtering data by SCN 23.7.4
    • filtering data by time 23.7.3
    • formatting returned data 23.7.6
    • graphical user interface 23
    • levels of supplemental logging 23.10
    • LogMiner dictionary defined
    • mining a subset of data in redo log files 23.9
    • mining database definition for
    • Object or Data type Unsupported
    • operations overview 23.2.2
    • parameters
      • stored information about 23.11
    • redo log files
      • on a remote database 23.9
      • stored information about 23.11
    • requirements for dictionary
    • requirements for redo log files
    • requirements for source and mining databases
    • restrictions with XMLType data
    • sample configuration
    • showing committed transactions only 23.7.1
    • skipping corruptions 23.7.2
    • source database definition for
    • specifying redo log files to mine 23.4.2
    • specifying redo logs for analysis 23.12.4
    • starting 23.5, 23.12.5
    • starting multiple times within a session 23.9
    • steps for extracting dictionary to a flat file
    • steps for extracting dictionary to redo log files
    • steps for using dictionary in online catalog
    • steps in a typical session 23.12.1
    • supplemental logging 23.10
    • supplemental log groups 23.10
    • supported database versions 23.14.3
    • supported data types 23.14.1
    • supported redo log file versions 23.14.3
    • support for transparent data encryption 23.6
    • suppressing delimiters in SQL_REDO and SQL_UNDO 23.7.5
    • table-level supplemental logging 23.10.3
    • tracking DDL statements 23.10.4
    • unsupported data types 23.14.2
    • using in a CDB 23.3
    • using the online catalog
    • using to analyze redo log files 23
    • V$DATABASE view 23.11
    • V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view 23.2.2, 23.6.1, 23.7
    • V$LOGMNR_LOGS view
    • views 23.11
  • LogMiner Viewer 23
  • LOG parameter
  • LOGTIME parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.30
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.24
  • LONG data


  • MASTER_ONLY parameter
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.25
  • master tables
    • snapshots
  • materialized views 26.18
  • MAX_DATAPUMP_JOBS_PER_PDB initialization parameter 5.3.2
  • MAX_DATAPUMP_PARALLEL_PER_JOB initialization parameter 5.3.2
  • media recovery
  • Metadata API
    • enhancing performance 24.7
    • retrieving collections 24.5
    • using to retrieve object metadata 24.3
  • METRICS parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.31
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.26
  • missing data columns
  • multibyte character sets
  • multiple-column indexes
  • multiple-CPU systems
    • optimizing direct path loads 12.6
  • multiple-table load
    • generating unique sequence numbers using SQL*Loader 10.15.7
    • SQL*Loader control file specification 9.20
  • multitenant architecture 23.3.2
  • multitenant container databases 1.3, 23.3
  • multithreading
    • on multiple-CPU systems 12.6
  • MULTITHREADING parameter
    • SQL*Loader command line 8.2.22


  • named pipes
    • external table loads 7.9.4
  • native data types
    • conflicting length specifications
  • NCLOBs
    • loading with SQL*Loader 11.4
  • nested column objects
  • nested tables
  • NETWORK_LINK parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.32
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.27
  • networks
  • NFS errors when using Data Pump 1.8
  • NLS_LANG environment variable 25.12.2, 26.14.2
  • NO_INDEX_ERRORS parameter
    • SQL*Loader command line 8.2.23
  • NOLOGFILE parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.33
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.28
  • nonrecoverable error messages
  • nonscalar data types 11.1.5
  • NOT NULL constraint
  • null data
    • missing columns at end of record during load 9.18.6
    • unspecified columns and SQL*Loader 10.3
    • at character field 9.13
  • NULLIF...BLANKS clause
  • NULLIF clause
  • NULLIF parameter
  • nulls
  • NULL values
  • NUMBER data type
  • numeric EXTERNAL data types
    • delimited form and SQL*Loader 10.4.6
    • determining length 10.4.8


  • object identifiers 11.2
  • object names
    • SQL*Loader 9.4
  • objects 7.10
  • object tables
  • object type definitions
  • object types supported by SQL*Loader 7.10.1
  • offline locally-managed tablespaces
  • OID
    • See: object identifiers
  • online help
  • opaque_format_spec 14.3, 15.2, 16.2
  • operating systems
    • moving data to different systems using SQL*Loader 10.8
  • OPTIMAL storage parameter
  • optimizer statistics 26.24
  • optimizing
    • direct path loads 12.5
    • SQL*Loader input file processing 9.10
  • OPTIONS parameter
  • ora-39095: dump file space has been exhausted 2.4.34
  • ORA-39173: Encrypted data has been stored unencrypted in dump file set. 1.13
  • ORA-39181: Only Partial Data Exported Due to Fine Grain Access Control 1.4
  • ORA-39346 1.9
  • ORA-39357: Warning: Oracle Data Pump operations are not typically needed when connected to the root or seed of a container database 1.3.1
  • ORA-65094:invalid local user or role name 1.3.3
  • ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver
    • effect of SQL ENCRYPT clause on 16.2.6
    • reserved words 16, 16.8
    • access parameters 17.3
  • ORACLE_LOADER access driver
  • Oracle Advanced Queuing
    • See: Advanced Queuing
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
  • Oracle Autonomous Database
    • imports 3.6.4
  • Oracle Data Pump
    • direct path loads
    • parent job table 1.5.2
    • tuning performance 5.2
  • Oracle Data Pump API 6
    • client interface 6.1
    • job states 6.1.1
    • monitoring job progress 1.7
  • Oracle Data Pump legacy mode 4
  • ORC files 17.4.4
  • overflow handling 17.4.7
  • OWNER parameter


  • packages
  • padding of literal strings
  • parallel loads 12.9
  • PARALLEL parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility
      • command-line interface 2.4.34
      • interactive-command mode 2.5.8
    • Data Pump Import utility
      • command-line mode 3.4.29
      • interactive-command mode 3.5.6
    • SQL*Loader command line 8.2.24
  • parameter files
  • parent job tables
    • Oracle Data Pump API 1.5.2
  • PARFILE parameter
  • Parquet files 17.4.4
  • parsing HDFS files 17.4.8
  • PARTITION_MEMORY parameter
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.31
  • partitioned loads
    • concurrent conventional path loads 12.8.4
    • SQL*Loader 12.8.4
  • partitioned object support in SQL*Loader 7.11
  • partitioned tables
  • Partitioned tables
  • partitioning a database migration 25.17, 26.25
  • partition-level Export 25.4.1
  • partition-level Import 26.11
  • pattern matching
    • table names during import 26.7.30
  • performance
    • improving when using integrity constraints 12.8.4
    • optimizing for direct path loads 12.5
    • optimizing reading of SQL*Loader data files 9.10
    • tuning original Import 26.26
  • PIECED parameter
  • Portable data type
  • POSITION parameter
  • predetermined size fields
  • predetermined size LOBs
  • preprocessing data for external tables 15.3.8
  • prerequisites
  • PRESERVE parameter 9.17.2
  • preserving
  • PRIMARY KEY constraints
    • effect on direct path load 12.9.8
  • primary key OIDs
  • primary key REF columns 11.3.3
  • privileges
      • effect on direct path export 25.10.1
    • required for Export and Import 25.2.2, 26.2.1
    • required for SQL*Loader 12.1
  • problem
    • fault diagnosability infrastructure 20.2
  • problem key
    • fault diagnosability infrastructure 20.2
  • PURGE command, ADRCI utility 20.9.6



  • RC files 17.4.4
  • read-consistent export 25.5.3
  • read-only tablespaces
  • READSIZE parameter
  • RECNUM parameter
    • use with SQL*Loader SKIP parameter 10.15.4
  • RECORDLENGTH parameter
  • records
    • consolidating into a single logical record
    • discarded by SQL*Loader 7.7, 9.12.1
    • distinguishing different formats for SQL*Loader 9.20.2
    • extracting multiple logical records using SQL*Loader 9.20
    • fixed format 7.4.1
    • missing data columns during load 9.18.6
    • rejected by SQL*Loader 7.7,,, 9.11.1
    • setting column to record number with SQL*Loader 10.15.4
    • specifying how to load 8.2.20, 13.3.13
    • specifying length for export 25.5.20
    • specifying length for import 26.7.20
    • stream record format 7.4.3
  • recovery
  • redo log file
    • LogMiner utility
  • redo log files
    • analyzing 23
    • requirements for LogMiner utility
    • specifying for the LogMiner utility 23.4.2
  • redo logs
    • direct path load
    • instance and media recovery
    • minimizing use during direct path loads 12.5.4
    • saving space
  • REF columns 11.3
  • REF Data
  • referential integrity constraints
  • refresh error
  • rejected records
  • reject files
    • specifying for SQL*Loader 9.11.1
  • relative field positioning
    • where a field starts and SQL*Loader 10.11.3
    • with multiple SQL*Loader INTO TABLE clauses
  • REMAP_DATAFILE parameter
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.34
  • REMAP_DATA parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.37
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.33
  • REMAP_SCHEMA parameter
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.36
  • REMAP_TABLE parameter
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.37
  • REMAP_TABLESPACE parameter
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.38
  • remote operation
  • REPLACE table
  • reserved words
    • external tables 15.8, 16.7
    • ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver 16, 16.8
    • ORACLE_LOADER access driver 15, 15.9
    • SQL*Loader 7.3
  • resource consumption
    • controlling in Data Pump Export utility 5.2.1
    • controlling in Data Pump Import utility 5.2.1
  • resource errors
  • RESOURCE role
  • resource usage limitations
    • and Data Pump support 5.3.2
  • restrictions
  • RESUMABLE_NAME parameter
  • RESUMABLE parameter
  • resumable space allocation
  • retrieving object metadata
    • using Metadata API 24.3
  • REUSE_DATAFILES parameter
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.47
  • REUSE_DUMPFILES parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.38
  • roles
    • EXP_FULL_DATABASE 25.2.2
    • IMP_FULL_DATABASE 26.2.1
  • rollback segments
    • effects of CONSISTENT Export parameter 25.5.3
  • row errors
  • row format description 17.4.4
  • row formats 17.4.8
  • ROWID columns
    • loading with SQL*Loader 12.1.1
  • rows
    • choosing which to load using SQL*Loader 9.18.4
    • exporting 25.5.24
    • specifying number to insert before save
    • updates to existing rows with SQL*Loader
  • ROWS parameter
    • Export utility 25.5.24
    • performance issues
    • SQL*Loader command line 8.2.31
    • using to specify when data saves occur
  • RUN command, ADRCI utility 20.9.8


  • SAMPLE parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.39
  • schema mode export
  • schemas
  • SCHEMAS parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.40
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.39
  • scientific notation for FLOAT EXTERNAL
  • script files
  • SDFs
    • See: secondary datafiles
  • secondary datafiles 7.5, 11.6.2
  • SecureFiles
    • encryption during Data Pump export 2.4.13
  • SecureFiles LOB
    • export considerations 1.10
  • security considerations
  • segments
    • temporary
  • SELECT command, ADRCI utility 20.9.9
  • sequence files 17.4.4
  • sequence numb 10.15.6
  • sequence numbers
    • cached 25.14.1
    • exporting 25.14.1
    • for multiple tables and SQL*Loader 10.15.7
    • generated, not read and SQL*Loader 10.3
    • generated by SQL*Loader SEQUENCE clause 10.15.6
  • SerDe parsing 17.4.8
  • SERVICE_NAME parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.41
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.40
  • SET BASE command, ADRCI utility 20.9.10
  • SET BROWSER command, ADRCI utility 20.9.11
  • SET CONTROL command, ADRCI utility 20.9.12
  • SET ECHO command, ADRCI utility 20.9.13
  • SET EDITOR command, ADRCI utility 20.9.14
  • SET HOMEPATH command, ADRCI utility 20.9.15
  • SET TERMOUT command, ADRCI utility 20.9.16
  • short records with missing data
  • SHOW ALERT command, ADRCI utility 20.9.17
  • SHOW BASE command, ADRCI utility 20.9.18
  • SHOW CONTROL command, ADRCI utility 20.9.19
  • SHOW HM_RUN command, ADRCI utility 20.9.20
  • SHOW HOMEPATH command, ADRCI utility 20.9.21
  • SHOW HOMES command, ADRCI utility 20.9.22
  • SHOW INCDIR command, ADRCI utility 20.9.23
  • SHOW INCIDENT command, ADRCI utility 20.9.24
  • SHOW LOG command, ADRCI utility 20.9.25
  • SHOW parameter
  • SHOW PROBLEM command, ADRCI utility 20.9.26
  • SHOW REPORT command, ADRCI utility 20.9.27
  • SHOW TRACEFILE command, ADRCI utility 20.9.28
  • SILENT parameter
  • single-byte character sets
  • SINGLEROW parameter 9.19.2
  • single-table loads
    • SQL*Loader command line 8.2.35
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.41
  • SKIP parameter
    • effect on SQL*Loader RECNUM specification 10.15.4
    • SQL*Loader command line 8.2.34
  • skipping unusable indexes 8.2.36
  • snapshot log
  • snapshots 26.18.2
  • sorting
    • multiple-column indexes
    • optimum sort order
    • presorting in direct path load 12.5.2
    • SORTED INDEXES clause
  • SOURCE_EDITION parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.42
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.42
  • source name 17.4.9
  • SPOOL command, ADRCI utility 20.9.29
  • SQL*Loader
    • appending rows to tables
    • auditing direct path loads 12.4.9
    • BAD command-line parameter 8.2.1
    • bad file 13.3.1
    • BADFILE parameter 9.11.1
    • bad files 8.2.1
    • bind arrays and performance 9.21.2
    • BINDSIZE command-line parameter 8.2.2, 9.21.3
    • choosing which rows to load 9.18.4
    • COLUMNARRAYROWS command-line parameter 8.2.3
    • command-line parameters 8.1
    • continuing single-table loads 9.16.5
    • CONTROL command-line parameter 8.2.4
    • control file 9.1
    • conventional path loads 7.9.1, 12.2
    • DATA command-line parameter 8.2.5, 13.3.4
    • data conversion 7.6
    • data definition language
      • syntax diagrams A
    • data type specifications 7.6
    • DATE_CACHE command-line parameter 8.2.6
    • DEGREE_OF_PARALLELISM command-line parameter 8.2.8
    • determining default schema
    • DIRECT command-line parameter 8.2.9
    • direct path method 7.9.2
      • auditing 12.4.9
      • using the date cache feature to improve performance 12.5.6
    • DISCARD command-line parameter 8.2.11
    • discarded records 7.7
    • DISCARDFILE parameter 9.12.2
    • DISCARDMAX command-line parameter 8.2.12
    • DISCARDMAX parameter 9.12.3
    • DISCARDS parameter 9.12.3
    • DNFS_ENABLE command-line parameter 8.2.13
    • DNFS_READBUFFERS command-line parameter 8.2.14
    • DOUBLE nonportable data type
    • errors caused by tabs 10.2.1
    • ERRORS command-line parameter 8.2.16
    • exclusive access 12.8.3
    • express mode 13
    • EXTERNAL_TABLE command-line parameter 8.2.17
    • external table loads 7.9.4
    • FILE command-line parameter 8.2.18
    • file names 9.4
    • globalization technology 9.15
    • index options 9.19
    • inserting rows into tables
    • INTO TABLE statement 9.18
    • Length-Value portable data type
    • LOAD command-line parameter 8.2.20, 13.3.13
    • loading column objects 11.1
    • loading data across different platforms 10.8
    • loading data contained in the control file 10.15.1
    • loading object tables 11.2
    • load methods 12.1
    • LOG command-line parameter 8.2.21
    • log files 7.8
    • methods of loading data 7.9
    • multiple INTO TABLE statements 9.20
    • MULTITHREADING command-line parameter 8.2.22
    • NO_INDEX_ERRORS command-line parameter 8.2.23
    • object names 9.4
    • PARALLEL command-line parameter 8.2.24
    • parallel data loading 12.9, 12.9.3, 12.10
    • portable data types 10.4.3
    • READSIZE command-line parameter 8.2.27
    • rejected records 7.7
    • replacing rows in tables
    • required privileges 12.1
    • RESUMABLE_NAME command-line parameter 8.2.29
    • RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT command-line parameter 8.2.30
    • RESUMABLE command-line parameter 8.2.28
    • ROWS command-line parameter 8.2.31
    • SILENT command-line parameter 13.3.17
    • SINGLEROW parameter 9.19.2
    • SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES command-line parameter 8.2.36
    • SKIP command-line parameter 8.2.34
    • SORTED INDEXES during direct path loads 9.19.1
    • specifying columns 10.3
    • specifying data files 9.7.1
    • specifying field conditions 10.5
    • specifying fields 10.3
    • specifying load method 8.2.9
    • specifying more than one data file 9.7.3
    • STREAMSIZE command-line parameter 8.2.37
    • suppressing messages 13.3.17
    • TRIM command-line parameter 8.2.38
    • USERID command-line parameter 8.2.39, 13.3.22
  • SQL*Loader control files
    • guidelines when creating 7.3
  • SQL*Loader data type
  • SQL*Loader data types
  • SQL*Loader express mode 13, 13.2
  • SQL*Loader utility
    • PARTITION_MEMORY parameter 8.2.26
  • SQLFILE parameter
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.43
  • SQL operators
    • applying to fields 10.14
  • SQL strings
    • applying SQL operators to fields 10.14
    • quotation marks and 9.4.2
  • START_JOB parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility
      • interactive-command mode 2.5.9
    • Data Pump Import utility
      • interactive-command mode 3.5.7
  • starting
    • LogMiner utility 23.5
  • start parameter
  • statistics
  • STATISTICS parameter
  • STATUS parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.43
      • interactive-command mode 2.5.10
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.44
      • interactive-command mode 3.5.8
  • STOP_JOB parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility
      • interactive-command mode 2.5.11
    • Data Pump Import utility
      • interactive-command mode 3.5.9
  • storage parameters
    • estimating export requirements 25.2.3
    • OPTIMAL parameter 26.20.1
    • overriding
    • preallocating
    • temporary for a direct path load
    • using with Export/Import 26.20
  • stored functions
  • stored package 26.16.7
  • stored packages
  • stored procedures
  • stream buffer
    • specifying size for direct path 12.5.5
  • stream record format 7.4.3
    • loading column objects in 11.1.1
  • STREAMSIZE parameter
    • SQL*Loader command line 8.2.37
  • string comparisons
  • struct overflows 17.4.7
  • subpartitioned tables
  • subtypes
  • supplemental logging 23.10
    • See also: LogMiner utility
  • synonyms
  • syntax diagrams
    • Data Pump Export 2.7
    • Data Pump Import 3.7
    • SQL*Loader A
    • SQL*Loader express mode 13.4
  • SYSDATE parameter
  • system-generated OID REF columns 11.3.2
  • system objects
  • system triggers


    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.46
  • table compression
    • specifying type in Data Pump jobs 3.4.51
  • table-level Export 25.4.1
  • table-level Import 26.11
  • table-mode Export
  • table-mode Import
  • table names
  • TABLE parameter
  • tables
  • tablespace mode Export
  • tablespaces
  • TABLESPACES parameter
  • TABLES parameter
  • tabs
  • TARGET_EDITION parameter
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.50
  • temporary segments
  • temporary storage in a direct path load
  • TERMINATED_BY parameter
  • TERMINATED BY clause
  • terminated fields
  • text files 17.4.4
  • text overflows 17.4.7
  • TIMESTAMP_FORMAT parameter
  • timestamps
    • on Data Pump Export operations 2.4.30
    • on Data Pump Import operations 3.4.24
  • TOID_NOVALIDATE parameter
  • TOUSER parameter
  • trace files
    • viewing with ADRCI 20.6
  • trailing blanks
  • trailing whitespace
  • TRANSFORM parameter
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.51
  • transparent data encryption
    • as handled by Data Pump Export 2.4.16
    • as handled by Data Pump Import 3.4.12
    • LogMiner support 23.6
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.52
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.46
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.53
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.47
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.54
  • transportable option
    • used during full-mode export
    • used during full-mode import
    • used during table-mode export 2.4.44
  • TRANSPORTABLE parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.48
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.55
  • transportable-tablespace mode Export
  • transportable tablespaces 25.15, 26.19
  • triggers
  • TRIGGERS parameter
  • trimming
  • TRIM parameter
  • troubleshooting
    • ORA-39346 1.9
  • TTS_CLOSURE_CHECK parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.49
  • TTS_FULL_CHECK parameter
  • TTS_OWNERS parameter


  • unified auditing
    • during SQL*Loader operations 12.4.9
  • union overflows 17.4.7
  • UNIQUE KEY constraints
    • effect on direct path load 12.9.8
  • unique values
    • generating with SQL*Loader 10.15.6
  • unloading entire database
  • unsorted data
  • user-defined constructors 11.1.6
    • loading column objects with 11.1.6
  • USERID parameter
  • user mode export


  • V$DATABASE view 23.11
  • V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view 23.6.1
    • formatting information returned to 23.7
    • impact of querying 23.6.1
    • information within 23.6
    • limiting information returned to 23.7
    • LogMiner utility 23.2.2
    • requirements for querying 23.5, 23.6.1
  • V$LOGMNR_LOGS view 23.4.2
    • monitoring Data Pump jobs with 1.7
  • VARCHAR2 data type
  • variable-length records
  • variable records 7.4.2
  • VARRAY columns
    • memory issues when loading 11.8.1
  • VERSION parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.50
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.56
  • viewing
    • trace files with ADRCI 20.6
  • views
  • Views
    • Data Pump Export parameter 2.4.51
  • VIEWS_AS_TABLES (Network Import)
    • Data Pump Import parameter 3.4.57
  • VIEWS_AS_TABLES (Non-Network Import)
    • Data Pump Import parameter 3.4.58
  • VIEWS_AS_TABLES parameter
    • Data Pump Export utility 2.4.51
  • VIEWS_AS_TABLES parameter (Network Import)
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.57
  • VIEWS_AS_TABLES parameter (Non_Network Import)
    • Data Pump Import utility 3.4.58
  • VOLSIZE parameter



  • XML columns
    • loading with SQL*Loader 11.4
    • treatment by SQL*Loader 11.4
  • XMLTYPE clause
    • in SQL*Loader control file 9.5
  • XML type tables
    • identifying in SQL*Loader 9.5