6.1 Implicit Conversion with LOBs

This section describes the implicit conversion process in PL/SQL from one LOB type to another LOB type or from a LOB type to a non-LOB type.

Most of the in the following sections use print_media table. Following is the structure of print_media table:

Figure 6-1 print_media table

print_media table

6.1.1 Implicit Conversion Between CLOB and NCLOB Data Types in SQL

This section describes support for implicit conversions between CLOB and NCLOB data types.

The database enables you to perform operations such as cross-type assignment and cross-type parameter passing between CLOB and NCLOB data types. The database performs implicit conversions between these types when necessary to preserve properties such as character set formatting.

Note that, when implicit conversions occur, each character in the source LOB is changed to the character set of the destination LOB, if needed. In this situation, some degradation of performance may occur if the data size is large. When the character set of the destination and the source are the same, there is no degradation of performance.

After an implicit conversion between CLOB and NCLOB types, the destination LOB is implicitly created as a temporary LOB. This new temporary LOB is independent from the source LOB. If the implicit conversion occurs as part of a define operation in a SELECT statement, then any modifications to the destination LOB do not affect the persistent LOB in the table that the LOB was selected from as shown in the following example:

SQL> -- check lob length before update 
SQL> SELECT DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(ad_sourcetext) FROM Print_media 
  2       WHERE product_id=3106 AND ad_id = 13001; 


  2   clob1 CLOB; 
  3   amt NUMBER:=10; 
  4  BEGIN 
  5    -- select a clob column into a clob, no implicit convesion 
  6    SELECT ad_sourcetext INTO clob1 FROM Print_media 
  7      WHERE product_id=3106 and ad_id=13001 FOR UPDATE; 
  8    -- Trim the selected lob to 10 bytes 
  9    DBMS_LOB.TRIM(clob1, amt); 
 10  END; 
 11  / 

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 

SQL> -- Modification is performed on clob1 which points to the 
SQL> -- clob column in the table 
SQL> SELECT DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(ad_sourcetext) FROM Print_media 
  2       WHERE product_id=3106 AND ad_id = 13001; 



Rollback complete. 

SQL> -- check lob length before update 
SQL> SELECT DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(ad_sourcetext) FROM Print_media 
  2       WHERE product_id=3106 AND ad_id = 13001; 


  2   nclob1 NCLOB; 
  3   amt NUMBER:=10; 
  4  BEGIN 
  6    -- select a clob column into a nclob, implicit conversion occurs 
  7    SELECT ad_sourcetext INTO nclob1 FROM Print_media 
  8      WHERE product_id=3106 AND ad_id=13001 FOR UPDATE; 
 10    DBMS_LOB.TRIM(nclob1, amt); -- Trim the selected lob to 10 bytes 
 11  END; 
 12  / 

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 

SQL> -- Modification to nclob1 does not affect the clob in the table, 
SQL> -- because nclob1 is a independent temporary LOB 

SQL> SELECT DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(ad_sourcetext) FROM Print_media 
  2       WHERE product_id=3106 AND ad_id = 13001; 


See Also:

Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for details on implicit conversions supported for all data types.

6.1.2 Implicit Conversions Between CLOB and VARCHAR2

This section describes support for implicit conversions between CLOB and VARCHAR2 data types.

Implicit conversions from CLOB to VARCHAR2 and from VARCHAR2 to CLOB data types are supported in PL/SQL.

See Also:

SQL Semantics for LOBs for details on LOB support in SQL statements.


While this section uses VARCHAR2 data type as an example for simplicity, other character types like CHAR and LONG can also participate in implicit conversions with CLOBs.

Assigning a CLOB to a VARCHAR2 in PL/SQL

When assigning a CLOB to a VARCHAR2, the data stored in the CLOB column is retrieved and stored into the VARCHAR2 buffer. If the buffer is not large enough to contain all the CLOB data, then a truncation error is thrown and no data is written to the buffer. This is consistent with VARCHAR2 semantics. After successful completion of this assignment operation, the VARCHAR2 variable holds the data as a regular character buffer. This operation can be performed in the following ways:
  • SELECT persistent or temporary CLOB data into a character buffer variable such as CHAR, LONG, or VARCHAR2. In a single SELECT statement, you can have more than one of such defines.
  • Assign a CLOB to a VARCHAR2, CHAR, or LONG variable.
  • Pass CLOB data types to built-in SQL and PL/SQL functions and operators that accept VARCHAR2 arguments, such as the INSTR function and the SUBSTR function.
  • Pass CLOB data types to user-defined PL/SQL functions that accept VARCHAR2 or LONG data types.

The following example illustrates the way CLOB data is accessed when the CLOBs are treated as VARCHAR2s:

  myStoryBuf VARCHAR2(32000);
  myLob  CLOB;
  -- Select a LOB into a VARCHAR2 variable
  SELECT ad_sourcetext INTO myStoryBuf FROM print_media WHERE ad_id = 12001;
  -- Assign a LOB to a VARCHAR2 variable
  SELECT ad_sourcetext INTO myLob FROM print_media WHERE ad_id = 12001;
  myStoryBuf := myLob;

Assigning a VARCHAR2 to a CLOB in PL/SQL

A VARCHAR2 can be assigned to a CLOB in the following scenarios:
  • INSERT or UPDATE character data stored in VARCHAR2, CHAR, or LONG variables into a CLOB column. Multiple such binds are allowed in a single INSERT or UPDATE statement.
  • Assign a VARCHAR2, CHAR, or LONG variable to a CLOB variable.
  • Pass VARCHAR2 or LONG data types to user-defined PL/SQL functions that accept LOB data types.
  -- Select a VARCHAR2 into a LOB variable
  SELECT 'ABCDE' INTO myLOB FROM print_media WHERE ad_id = 11001;
  -- myLOB is a temporary LOB.
  -- Use myLOB as a lob locator

  -- Insert a VARCHAR2 into a lob column
  INSERT INTO print_media(product_id, ad_id, AD_SOURCETEXT) VALUES (1000, 1, 'ABCDE');

  -- Assign a VARCHAR2 to a LOB variable
  myLob := 'XYZ';

6.1.3 Implicit Conversions Between BLOB and RAW

This section describes support for implicit conversions between BLOB and RAW data types.

Most discussions related to PL/SQL semantics for implicit conversion between CLOB and VARCHAR2 data types also apply to the implicit conversion process between BLOB and RAW data types, unless mentioned otherwise. However, to provide concise description, most examples in this chapter do not explicitly mention BLOB and RAW data types. The following operations involving BLOB data types support implicit conversions:
  • INSERT or UPDATE binary data stored in RAW or LONG RAW variables into a BLOB column. Multiple such binds are allowed in a single INSERT or UPDATE statement.
  • SELECT persistent or temporary BLOB data into a binary buffer variable such as RAW and LONGRAW. Multiple such defines are allowed in a single SELECT statement.
  • Assign a BLOB to a RAW or LONG RAW variable, or assign a RAW or LONG RAW to a BLOB variable.
  • Pass BLOB data types to built-in or user-defined PL/SQL functions defined to accept RAW or LONG RAW data types or pass RAW or LONG RAW data types to built-in or user-defined PL/SQL functions defined to accept BLOB data types.

6.1.4 Guidelines and Restrictions for Implicit Conversions with LOBs

This section describes the techniques that you use to access LOB columns or attributes using the Data Interface for LOBs.

Data from CLOB and BLOB columns or attributes can be referenced by regular SQL statements, such as INSERT, UPDATE, and SELECT.

There is no piecewise INSERT, UPDATE, or fetch routine in PL/SQL. Therefore, the amount of data that can be accessed from a LOB column or attribute is limited by the maximum character buffer size in PL/SQL, which is 32767 bytes. For this reason, only LOBs less than 32 kilo bytes in size can be accessed by PL/SQL applications using the data interface for persistent LOBs.

If you must access a LOB with a size more than 32 kilobytes -1 bytes, using the data interface, then you must make JDBC or OCI calls from the PL/SQL code to use the APIs for piecewise insert and fetch.

Use the following guidelines for using the Data Interface to access LOB columns or attributes:

  • SELECT operations

    LOB columns or attributes can be selected into character or binary buffers in PL/SQL. If the LOB column or attribute is longer than the buffer size, then an exception is raised without filling the buffer with any data. LOB columns or attributes can also be selected into LOB locators.

  • INSERT operations

    You can INSERT into tables containing LOB columns or attributes using regular INSERT statements in the VALUES clause. The field of the LOB column can be a literal, a character data type, a binary data type, or a LOB locator.

  • UPDATE operations

    LOB columns or attributes can be updated as a whole by UPDATE... SET statements. In the SET clause, the new value can be a literal, a character data type, a binary data type, or a LOB locator.

  • There are restrictions for binds of more than 4000 bytes:

    • If a table has both LONG and LOB columns, then you can bind more than 4000 bytes of data to either the LONG or LOB columns, but not both in the same statement.

    • In an INSERT AS SELECT operation, binding of any length data to LOB columns is not allowed.

    • If you bind more than 4000 bytes of data to a BLOB or a CLOB, and the data consists of a SQL operator, then Oracle Database limits the size of the result to at most 4000 bytes. For example, the following statement inserts only 4000 bytes because the result of LPAD is limited to 4000 bytes:
      INSERT INTO print_media (ad_sourcetext) VALUES (lpad('a', 5000, 'a'));
    • The database does not do implicit hexadecimal to RAW or RAW to hexadecimal conversions on data that is more than 4000 bytes in size. You cannot bind a buffer of character data to a binary data type column, and you cannot bind a buffer of binary data to a character data type column if the buffer is over 4000 bytes in size. Attempting to do so results in your column data being truncated at 4000 bytes.

      For example, you cannot bind a VARCHAR2 buffer to a BLOB column if the buffer is more than 4000 bytes in size. Similarly, you cannot bind a RAW buffer to a CLOB column if the buffer is more than 4000 bytes in size.

6.1.5 Detailed Examples for Implicit Conversions with LOBs

The example in this section demonstrates using multiple VARCHAR and RAW binds in INSERT and UPDATE operations.

Example 6-1 Using Character and RAW Binds in INSERT and UPDATE Operations

The following example demonstrates using Character and RAW binds for LOB columns in INSERT and UPDATE operations

  bigtext VARCHAR2(32767);
  smalltext VARCHAR2(2000);
  bigraw RAW (32767);
  bigtext := LPAD('a', 32767, 'a');
  smalltext := LPAD('a', 2000, 'a');
  bigraw := utl_raw.cast_to_raw (bigtext);

  /* Multiple long binds for LOB columns are allowed for INSERT: */
  INSERT INTO print_media(product_id, ad_id, ad_sourcetext, ad_composite)
    VALUES (2004, 1, bigtext, bigraw);

  /* Single long bind for LOB columns is allowed for INSERT: */
  INSERT INTO print_media (product_id, ad_id, ad_sourcetext)
    VALUES (2005, 2, smalltext);  

  bigtext := LPAD('b', 32767, 'b');
  smalltext := LPAD('b', 20, 'a');
  bigraw := utl_raw.cast_to_raw (bigtext);

  /* Multiple long binds for LOB columns are allowed for UPDATE: */
  UPDATE print_media SET ad_sourcetext = bigtext, ad_composite = bigraw,
    ad_finaltext = smalltext;

  /* Single long bind for LOB columns is allowed for UPDATE: */
  UPDATE print_media SET ad_sourcetext = smalltext, ad_finaltext = bigtext;

  /* The following is NOT allowed because we are trying to insert more than
     4000 bytes of data in a LONG and a LOB column: */
  INSERT INTO print_media(product_id, ad_id, ad_sourcetext, press_release)
    VALUES (2030, 3, bigtext, bigtext);
  /* Insert of data into LOB attribute is allowed */
  INSERT INTO print_media(product_id, ad_id, ad_header)
     VALUES (2049, 4, adheader_typ(null, null, null, bigraw));

  /* The following is not allowed because we try to perform INSERT AS
     SELECT data INTO LOB */
  INSERT INTO print_media(product_id, ad_id, ad_sourcetext)
    SELECT 2056, 5, bigtext FROM dual;


Example 6-2 Multiple Defines for LOBs in SELECT

The following example demonstrates performing a SELECT operation to retrieve multiple persistent or temporary CLOBs from a SQL query into a VARCHAR2 variable, or a BLOB to a RAW variable.

  ad_src_buffer    VARCHAR2(32000);
  ad_comp_buffer   RAW(32000);
  /* This retrieves the LOB columns if they are up to 32000 bytes, 
   * otherwise it raises an exception */
  SELECT ad_sourcetext, ad_composite INTO ad_src_buffer, ad_comp_buffer FROM print_media 
    WHERE product_id=2004 AND ad_id=5;

  /* This retrieves the temporary LOB produced by SUBSTR if it is up to 32000 bytes, 
   * otherwise it raises an exception */  
  SELECT substr(ad_sourcetext, 2) INTO ad_src_buffer FROM print_media 
    WHERE product_id=2004 AND ad_id=5;END;

Example 6-3 Implicit Conversions between BLOB and RAW

Implicit assignment works for variables declared explicitly and for variables declared by referencing an existing column type using the %TYPE attribute as show in the following example. The example assumes that column long_col in table t has been migrated from a LONG to a CLOB column.

CREATE TABLE t (long_col LONG); -- Alter this table to change LONG column to LOB
   a VARCHAR2(100);
   b t.long_col%type; -- This variable changes from LONG to CLOB
   a := b;  -- This changes from "VARCHAR2 := LONG to VARCHAR2 := CLOB
   b := a;  -- This changes from "LONG := VARCHAR2 to CLOB := VARCHAR2 

Example 6-4 Calling PL/SQL and C Procedures from PL/SQL

You can call a PL/SQL or C procedure from PL/SQL. You can pass a CLOB as an actual parameter, where a VARCHAR2 is the formal parameter, or you can pass a VARCHAR2 as an actual parameter, where a CLOB is the formal parameter. The same holds good for BLOBs and RAWs. One example of when these cases can arise is when either the formal or the actual parameter is an anchored type, that is, the variable is declared using the table_name.column_name%type syntax. PL/SQL procedures or functions can accept a CLOB or a VARCHAR2 as a formal parameter. This holds for both built-in and user-defined procedures and functions.

The following example demonstrates implicit conversion during procedure calls:

  vvv VARCHAR2[32000] := rpad('varchar', 32000, 'varchar')
  ccc CLOB := rpad('clob', 32000, 'clob')
  foo(vvv, ccc); -- No implicit conversion needed here
  foo(ccc, vvv); -- Implicit conversion for both parameters done here

Example 6-5 Implicit Conversion with PL/SQL built-in functions

The following example illustrates the use of CLOBs in PL/SQL built-in functions.

  my_ad CLOB;
  revised_ad CLOB;
  myGist VARCHAR2(100):= 'This is my gist.';
  revisedGist VARCHAR2(100);
  INSERT INTO print_media (product_id, ad_id, ad_sourcetext)
    VALUES (2004, 5, 'Source for advertisement 1');  

  -- select a CLOB column into a CLOB variable
  SELECT ad_sourcetext INTO my_ad FROM print_media 
    WHERE product_id=2004 AND ad_id=5;

  -- perform VARCHAR2 operations on a CLOB variable
  revised_ad := UPPER(SUBSTR(my_ad, 1, 20));
  -- revised_ad is a temporary LOB
  -- Concat a VARCHAR2 at the end of a CLOB
  revised_ad := revised_ad || myGist;

  -- The following statement raises an error if my_ad is
  -- longer than 100 bytes
  myGist := my_ad;