20.5 Querying DBFS Content API Space Usage

You can query file system space usage statistics.

Providers are expected to support this method for their stores and to make a best effort determination of space usage, especially if the store consists of multiple tables, indexes, LOBs, and so on.

  • Use the SPACEUSAGE() method


  • blksize is the natural tablespace block size that holds the store; if multiple tablespaces with different block sizes are used, any valid block size is acceptable.

  • tbytes is the total size of the store in bytes, and fbytes is the free or unused size of the store in bytes. These values are computed over all segments that comprise the store.

  • nfile, ndir, nlink, and nref count the number of currently available files, directories, links, and references in the store.

Database objects can grow dynamically, so it is not easy to estimate the division between free space and used space.

A space usage query on the top level root directory returns a combined summary of the space usage of all available distinct stores under it. If the same store is mounted multiple times, it is counted only once.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the SPACEUSAGE() method