2.14 Caching Discovery Data
Use the list of commands to manage caching of discovery data.
orachk -discovery -discoverydir location
exachk -discovery -discoverydir location
orachk -checkdiscovery
exachk -checkdiscovery
orachk -usediscovery -discoverydir location
exachk -usediscovery -discoverydir location
orachk -rediscovery
exachk -rediscovery
orachk -rmdiscovery
exachk -rmdiscovery
Table 2-7 Manage Caching of Discovery Data
Command | Description |
Caches discovery data, which Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk can use for future runs.
Verifies the discovery data. |
Uses the discovery data.
Refreshes the cache discovery data. |
Removes the cached discovery data. |
Parent topic: Analyzing Risks and Complying with Best Practices