A.6 Controlling the Behavior of the Daemon

Use the list of commands to control the behavior of the daemon.


[-id id] –set daemon_option
[-id id] -unset daemon_option | all
[-id id] -get parameter | all
[-d start]
[-d start -debug]
[-d stop]
[-d stop_client]
[-d status]
[-d start -ords]
[-d start -ords ords_path]
[-d start -ords [-ordscollectionretention size_mbs]]
[-d info]
[-id id] -d nextautorun


Table A-5 Daemon Options

Option Description

[-id id] –set daemon_option

Optionally use id with the set command to set specific daemon usage profiles.

[-id id] -unset daemon_option | all

Unsets the parameter.

Use with –id id to set a daemon profile-specific value.

[-id id] -get parameter | all

Displays the value of the specified parameter or all the parameters.

Use with –id id to set a daemon profile-specific value.

-d start

Starts the daemon.

-d start —debug

Starts the daemon in debug mode.

-d stop

Stops the daemon.

-d stop_client

Forces a running daemon client to stop.

-d status

Checks the current status of the daemon.

-d start -ords

Starts the daemon to serve Oracle Rest Data Service (ORDS) API requests.

Run the -ordssetup command before starting the Oracle ORAchk daemon to run the Oracle Rest Data Service (ORDS).

-d start -ords ords_path

Starts the daemon to serve Oracle Rest Data Service (ORDS) API requests.

Requires Oracle Rest Data Service (ORDS) to be up and running at the specified path, ords_path.

-d start -ords [-ordscollectionretention size_mbs]

Starts the daemon to serve Oracle Rest Data Service (ORDS) API requests, and sets the ORDS collection retention to the specified size, size_mbs MB. The default collection retention value is 1024 MB.

-d info

Displays details about the daemon.

The details include installation and when the daemon was started.

[-id id] -d nextautorun

Displays details about when the next scheduled automatic run occurs.


Sets the daemon auto restart function that starts the daemon when the node starts.


Removes the automatic restart functionality.


Checks if the automatic restart functionality is set up.