Converting a Local Oracle Standalone Cluster GIMR to a Remote GIMR

Complete this procedure to convert a local Oracle Standalone Cluster GIMR to a remote GIMR on an Oracle Standalone Cluster or an Oracle Domain Services Cluster.

Ensure that the Oracle Standalone Cluster or Oracle Domain Services Cluster server version is equal to or greater than the Oracle Standalone Cluster client version.
  1. As the grid user on the Oracle Standalone Cluster client with a local Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR), unplug the GIMR pluggable database (PDB) and export the cluster property information to a file.
    $ /u01/app/21.0.0/gimr/bin/mgmtca unplugRepos -local 
    -serverVersion remote_GIMR_server_version -clusterInfoDir local_directory

    Where local_directory is a directory to store cluster property information file, GIMR PDB backup, and GIMR PDB metadata information.

  2. Copy the contents of the -clusterInfoDir directory from the Oracle Standalone Cluster client to the Oracle Domain Services Cluster or the Oracle Standalone Cluster to which you want to migrate the GIMR.
  3. As the grid user on the Oracle Domain Services Cluster or the Oracle Standalone Cluster to which you want to migrate the GIMR, plug the Oracle Standalone Cluster GIMR PDB and generate the client data file.
    $ /u01/app/21.0.0/gimr/bin/mgmtca plugRepos -clientDataFile client_data_file_location 
    -clusterInfoDir cluster.properties_file_location
    If this step fails, then run the /u01/app/21.0.0/gimr/bin/mgmtca plugRepos -local -clusterInfoDir cluster.properties_file_location command on the Oracle Standalone Cluster client to rollback.
  4. Copy the client data file from the Oracle Domain Services Cluster or the Oracle Standalone Cluster to which you have migrated the GIMR to the Oracle Standalone Cluster client.
  5. As the grid user on the Oracle Standalone Cluster client, import credentials from the client data file.
    $ Grid_home/bin/mgmtca configRepos importCred -clientDataFile
  6. As the grid user on the Oracle Standalone Cluster client, delete the local GIMR.
    $ /u01/app/21.0.0/gimr/dbca -deleteDatabase -sourceDB -MGMTDB -silent -skipDBExistencecheck
  7. As the grid user on the Oracle Standalone Cluster client, delete the management listener.
    $ Grid_home/bin/srvctl disable mgmtlsnr
    $ Grid_home/bin/srvctl stop mgmtlsnr
    $ Grid_home/bin/srvctl remove mgmtlsnr