3.10 Tracing SQL Statements
SQL statements issued through the gateway can be changed before reaching the DRDA database.
These changes are made to make the format acceptable to the gateway or to make Oracle SQL compatible with DRDA server SQL. Oracle database and the gateway can change the statements depending on the situation.
For various reasons, you might need to assess whether the gateway has altered the statement correctly or whether the statement could be rewritten to improve performance. SQL tracing is a feature that allows you to view the changes made to a SQL statement by the Oracle database or the gateway.
SQL tracing reduces gateway performance. Use tracing only when testing and debugging your application. Do not enable SQL tracing when the application is running in a production environment. For more information about enabling SQL tracing, refer to the section on SQL Tracing and the Gateway in Error Messages_ Diagnosis_ and Reporting.
Parent topic: Using the Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA