8 CAT-01000 to CAT-01509

CAT-01000: Invalid command line option {0}

Cause: The command line option supplied was invalid.

Action: Review the command usage and use a valid option.

CAT-01001: Incorrect number of arguments for the command line option {0}

Cause: The number of arguments supplied was invalid for the specified command line option.

Action: Review the command usage and use the correct syntax.

CAT-01002: Invalid input arguments for the command line option {0}

Cause: The arguments supplied were invalid for the specified command line option.

Action: Review the command usage and use the correct input arguments.

CAT-01003: Unexpected error: {0}

Cause: Command execution failed due to an unexpected error.

Action: If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

CAT-01004: Cluster Ready Services is not running on the local node

Cause: Command execution failed due to Cluster Ready Services was not running on the local node.

Action: Start Cluster Ready Services on the local node and retry the command.

CAT-01005: The {0} is not a valid argument for the command-line option {0}.

Cause: The argument supplied was invalid for the specified command-line option.

Action: Review the command usage and use the correct syntax.

CAT-01006: The {0} are required arguments for the command-line option {0}.

Cause: There were missing arguments for the specified command-line option.

Action: Review the command usage and use the correct syntax.

CAT-01007: Values for {0} are required for the command-line option {0}.

Cause: There were arguments without values for the specified command-line option.

Action: Review the command usage and use the correct syntax.

CAT-01008: The Quality of Service Management (QoS) server is not online.

Cause: An attempt to switch the active policy found that the Quality of Service Management (QoS) server resource 'qosmserver' was not online.

Action: Start the Quality of Service Management (QoS) server resource 'qosmserver' using the 'srvctl start qosmserver' command and retry the original command.

CAT-01009: The Quality of Service Management (QoS) server resource 'qosmserver' does not exist.

Cause: An attempt to switch the active policy found that the Quality of Service Management (QoS) server resource 'qosmserver' does not exist.

Action: Create the Quality of Service Management (QoS) server resource using the 'srvctl add qosmserver' command.

CAT-01010: The {0} argument must have a valid whole number

Cause: The argument had an invalid whole number.

Action: Set a valid whole number to the argument and then re-run the command, or re-run the command without this argument.

CAT-01100: Invalid user {0}

Cause: The authentication failed because the QoS Management user name does not exist.

Action: Specify an existing QoS Management user name.

CAT-01101: Invalid authentication for user {0}

Cause: The authentication failed for the specified user.

Action: Enter the valid password for the specified user.

CAT-01102: User {0} already exists.

Cause: The request to add a new QoS Management user failed because the user name already exists.

Action: Specify a new QoS Management user name.

CAT-01103: User {0} does not exist.

Cause: The request to modify or delete the QoS Management user failed because the user name does not exist.

Action: Specify an existing QoS Management user name.

CAT-01104: Operation not permitted; {0} is a required user.

Cause: The request to delete the user failed because required users cannot be deleted.

Action: Specify a previously added user name.

CAT-01105: Passwords do not match.

Cause: The passwords supplied did not match each other.

Action: Enter matching passwords.

CAT-01114: The credentials for user {0} do not exist.

Cause: The credentials for the specified user were not found in the shipped system-jazn-data.xml file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CAT-01115: cannot perform the operation because the OC4J resource is running

Cause: The operation could not be performed because the OC4J resource was running.

Action: Stop the OC4J resource and then retry the operation.

CAT-01121: unexpected error generating QoS Management users:\n{0}

Cause: The QoS Management users were not generated correctly.

Action: Correct the problem indicated in the accompanying message and then retry.

CAT-01123: The current user is not authorized to execute the command line option {0}.

Cause: The current user executing qosctl was not authorized to execute the indicated command line option.

Action: Retry executing qosctl as the Oracle Grid Infrastructure User.

CAT-01201: incorrect number of arguments

Cause: An incorrect number of command line arguments was specified.

Action: Review the command usage and use the correct input arguments.

CAT-01202: invalid argument: {0}

Cause: An invalid command line argument was specified.

Action: Review the command usage and use the correct input arguments.

CAT-01203: User {0} is not authorized to execute this command.

Cause: The specified user did not have sufficient privileges to execute the command.

Action: Specify an existing user in the credential store with sufficient privileges as indicated in the accompanying messages.

CAT-01204: User name {0} does not exist.

Cause: The specified user was not found in the credential store.

Action: Specify an existing user in the credential store.

CAT-01205: The credential store APPQOSADMIN does not exist.

Cause: The credential store type APPQOSADMIN was not found.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.

CAT-01206: The policy name {0} does not exist.

Cause: The specified policy name did not exist in the current policy set.

Action: Specify a policy name that exists within the current policy set.

CAT-01207: The Quality of Service Management (QoS) server is not online.

Cause: An attempt to switch the active policy found that the Quality of Service Management (QoS) server resource 'qosmserver' was not online.

Action: Start the Quality of Service Management (QoS) server resource 'qosmserver' using the 'srvctl start qosmserver' command and retry the original command.

CAT-01208: The Quality of Service Management (QoS) server resource 'qosmserver' does not exist.

Cause: An attempt to switch the active policy found that the Quality of Service Management (QoS) server resource 'qosmserver' does not exist.

Action: Create the Quality of Service Management (QoS) server resource using the 'srvctl add qosmserver' command.

CAT-01209: The Quality of Service Management (QoS) server is not running in the 'qosmserver' resource.

Cause: An attempt to switch the active policy found that the Quality of Service Management (QoS) server is not running in the 'qosmserver' resource.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CAT-01210: QoS Management server has multiple instances.

Cause: Multiple Quality of Service Management (QoS) servers were found.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CAT-01211: The log level {0} is not valid.

Cause: An error was encountered during trace logging because the environment variable QOS_TRACE_LEVEL was not set to a valid log level.

Action: Specify a valid log level in the QOS_TRACE_LEVEL environment variable. The valid values are OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, and ALL. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

CAT-01300: The start datetime argument is not valid.

Cause: The start datetime specified was not using the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm.

Action: Correct the start datetime argument.

CAT-01301: The end datetime argument is not valid.

Cause: The end datetime specified was not using the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm.

Action: Correct the end datetime argument.

CAT-01302: The start datetime is after to the end datetime.

Cause: The start datetime specified was after to the end datetime.

Action: Specify a start datetime before to the end datetime.

CAT-01303: The output directory is missing.

Cause: The output directory name was not provided.

Action: Specify an output directory name.

CAT-01305: The output directory {0} is not empty.

Cause: The output directory was not empty.

Action: Specify a different output directory or delete the files in that directory.

CAT-01308: The output file {0} already exists.

Cause: A file with the indicated name already exists in the specified output directory.

Action: Delete the file and then re-run the command, or re-run the command specifying a different output directory, or re-run the command specifying the -force flag.

CAT-01503: Operation '{0}' was not performed.

Cause: The requested operation was rejected either due to a connectivity problem or due to a data discrepancy.

Action: Examine the logs and if the problem was due to a data discrepancy, issue the 'vmcpu list' command.

CAT-01504: Missing mandatory option -hostname.\n Usage: vmcpu delete -hostname hostname.

Cause: An attempt to delete a CPU from a VM host was rejected because the mandatory option -hostname was not specified.

Action: Reissue the 'vmcpu delete' command supplying the -hostname option.

CAT-01505: The 'vmcpu' command with 'add' or 'update' should have only these three mandatory options -hostname, -cores, and -strands.

Cause: An attempt to add or update a cpu for a VM host was rejected because the options specified were not appropriate.

Action: Reissue the command supplying only mandatory options -hostname, -cores, and -strands.

CAT-01506: Number of cores should not be more than number of strands.

Cause: Number of cores was more than number of strands.

Action: Reissue the command supplying strands not less than number of cores.

CAT-01507: Mandatory '{0}' option is missing.

Cause: Requested operation was rejected because the indicated mandatory option was not supplied.

Action: Reissue the command supplying the mandatory options indicated in the 'readme' file .

CAT-01508: The value supplied to the {0} option is not a positive integer.

Cause: An attempt to add or update a cpu for a VM host was rejected because the value specified for strands or cores was not a positive number.

Action: Reissue the command supplying a positive number as value of strands or cores.

CAT-01509: Strand count is not a multiple of core count.

Cause: An attempt to add or update a cpu for a VM host was rejected because the value specified for strand count was not a multiple of that specified for core count.

Action: Reissue the command specifying strand count as a multiple of core count.