26 DBT-00001 to DBT-50003
- DBT-00001: Error encountered in initialization of configuration tool.
Cause: An unexpected error occured while initializing the configuration tool.
- DBT-00002: The file string is not accessible.
Cause: Current user may not have read permission.
- DBT-00003: The file string is not valid.
Cause: Syntactically incorrect response file. Either unexpected variables are specified or expected variables are not specified in the file.
- DBT-00004: The file string is not found.
Cause: The file %s is either not accessible or does not exist.
- DBT-00005: The format of the given response file is not supported.
Cause: The response file format was incorrect or not supported.
- DBT-00006: The logging directory could not be created.
Cause: %s does not have the required privileges or is invalid.
- DBT-00007: User does not have the appropiate write privileges.
Cause: User does not have the required write privileges on %s .
- DBT-00008: Current user string is not an administrator user.
Cause: The user running the assistant application does not have administrator privilege.
- DBT-00009: Unable to configure logging for the application.
Cause: The logging directory is either null or empty.
- DBT-00101: The variable (string) cannot be removed.
Cause: The specified variable has been referred in the value of one or more input fields. One such referenced value is: %s
- DBT-00102: Incorrect format is used to reference a variable in the value (string). Use string<variable_name>string format to refer variables in the value.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-00103: The referenced variable (string) is not defined.
Cause: Either invalid variable name is used in the value (%s) or the specified variable is not defined.
- DBT-00104: Unable to load the variables from the specified file (string).
Cause: Either specified file doesnt have readable permission or the file is not in properties file format.
- DBT-00105: Invalid initialization parameters xml file ({0}). Either application could not detect initialization parameters xml file or contains syntactically incorrect information
Cause: n/a
- DBT-00106: Error in loading the Initialization parameters file.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-00108: Incorrect value passed to a command line argument.
Cause: Exception encountered : %s
- DBT-00201: Invalid string wallet location string.
Cause: The specified %s wallet location does not exist, is not a directory, or has no files in it.
- DBT-01402: Unable to check whether the specified node (string) is part of any existing server pools in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-01403: Creation of server pool (string) will have effect on the following resources - string.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05501: There are no Admin Managed databases detected on the system.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05502: There are no Single Instance databases detected on the system.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05503: The Oracle Grid Infrastructure is not running on the system.
Cause: The Oracle Grid Infrastructure is not configured or not running on the system.
- DBT-05504: Unable to create sql script output file under the directory (string).
Cause: The specified location is not a directory or user does not have a write permission to create log file.
- DBT-05505: Unable to execute sql script: (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05506: Unable to load the details of the database (string).
Cause: Unable to connect to the database or unable to execute sql statements.
- DBT-05507: Unable to detect the configured redo log groups for the database instance (string).
Cause: Error occurred while loading the configured redo log groups details.
- DBT-05508: Unable to detect the configured undo tablespace for the database instance (string).
Cause: Error occurred while loading the configured undo tablespace details.
- DBT-05509: Failed to connect to the specified database (string).
Cause: OS Authentication might be disabled for this database (%s).
- DBT-05510: Clone template cannot be created with remotely running databases.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05511: Specified database (string) does not exist.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05512: Unable to detect Cluster managed databases on the system.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05513: Failed to connect to the database (string).
Cause: Specified database credential is not valid to connect to the database (%s).
- DBT-05514: Failed to connect to the database (string).
Cause: Specified connection string (%s) or SYSDBA credential is not valid to connect to the database.
- DBT-05515: Failed to load the control file attributes.
Cause: Error occurred while loading the control file attributes from the database.
- DBT-05516: Failed to load database details.
Cause: Database info object is null.
- DBT-05517: Unable to execute script (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05518: The tablespace selected (string) does not exist in the database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05519: Failed to connect to the database using the dblink (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05520: Failed to drop the database link (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05601: The list of nodes in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure could not be retrieved.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05602: Unable to determine the cluster mode of the configured Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05603: The list of hub nodes in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure could not be retrieved.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05604: Unable to retrieve the cluster node numbers from the Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05605: The list of Leaf nodes in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure could not be retrieved.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05701: The Oracle home user account verification failed.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05751: 'string' did not resolve to an IP address.
Cause: Unable to detect the IP address for the host name.
- DBT-05752: 'string' could not be resolved using TCP/IP host name lookup.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05801: There are no ASM disk groups detected.
Cause: ASM may not be configured, or ASM disk groups are not created yet.
- DBT-05802: Creating password file on diskgroup (string) would fail since it requires compatible.asm of version (string) or higher. Current compatible.asm version is 'string'.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05803: Unable to connect to ASM instance using connection string (string).
Cause: The specified ASMNMP password is incorrect or the ASM instance is not running.
- DBT-05804: The selected diskgroup (string) is not compatible to place the database related files.
Cause: The diskgroup (%s) is having \compatible.rdbms\ attribute set to %s. But database can be created on a diskgroup which has this attribute set to '%s' or lower version.
- DBT-05805: The value (string) specified for the initialization parameter 'compatible' is lower than the RDBMS compatibility (string) set in the ASM disk group (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05806: An older ASM instance was found.
Cause: Automatic Storage Management (ASM) %s instance is found.
- DBT-05900: Unable to check if Oracle home user password is required or not.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05901: Unable to detect Oracle home user.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-05902: The owner of the Oracle home (string) could not be determined.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06001: 'string' cannot be empty.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06002: Selected disk group (string) is not found.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06003: The selected disk group (string) does not have sufficient space available.
Cause: The selected disk group has only (%s%s) of space.
- DBT-06004: The File System type of the specified location (string) is not supported.
Cause: Current Oracle home is not an Enterprise Edition home. Only ACFS location or ASM storage are supported to create database in a non-Enterprise Edition Oracle home.
- DBT-06005: 'string' contains invalid characters.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06006: Unable to create directory: (string).
Cause: Proper permissions are not granted to create the directory or there is no space left in the volume.
- DBT-06007: The specified location (string) is invalid.
Cause: The specified location is not found on the system or is detected to be a file.
- DBT-06008: The path specified for 'string' is invalid.
Cause: Path specified for '%s' contains one or more directories which exceeds maximum folder name length.
- DBT-06009: The location specified (string) for 'string' is not shared across cluster nodes (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06010: The specified location (string) is on Oracle Clustered File System.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06011: 'string' specified (string) is on ASM. Custom sub directories cannot be created on ASM for this configuration.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06012: The current user does not have permissions to operate the ACFS resource for location (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06013: The size of the datafile (string)MB is less than the required minimum size (string)MB.
Cause: Bigfile option is selected for the tablespace of the datafile. To create tablespace with bigfile option, the datafile needs to be greater than %sMB size.
- DBT-06014: The specified exascale vault (string) is invalid.
Cause: The specified exascale vault is not found on the system.
- DBT-06101: There is no available free port in the range (string)-(string) across the cluster nodes: (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06102: Unable to retrieve database common name from the wallet folder: (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06103: The port (string) is already in use.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06104: Unable to retrieve configured listeners from Oracle Grid Infrastucture home.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06201: 'string' password cannot be empty.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06202: 'string' password and 'string' confirm password do not match.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06203: 'string' is not specified.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06204: The specified DBSNMP password is not valid. Verify and try again.
Cause: Unable to connect to the database with the specified password.
- DBT-06205: The 'string' password cannot be empty.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06206: The 'string' password length cannot exceed string characters.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06207: The 'string' password entered is invalid.
Cause: Passwords should not contain %s.
- DBT-06208: The 'string' password entered does not conform to the Oracle recommended standards.
Cause: a. Oracle recommends that the password entered should be at least %s characters in length, contain at least 1 uppercase character, 1 lower case character and 1 digit [0-9]. b.The password entered is a keyword that Oracle does not recommend to be used as password
- DBT-06209: The specified ASMSNMP password is not valid. Verify and try again.
Cause: Unable to connect to the ASM instance with the specified password.
- DBT-06211: Oracle home value is not specified.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06212: The string password entered does not conform to the Oracle recommended standards.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06213: The specified TDE wallet password is not valid. Verify and try again.
Cause: The configured TDE wallet password is not matching with the specified password.
- DBT-06301: Unable to check if the location specified (string) is on shared file system.
Cause: The location specified might not have the required permissions or the location is not shared across the cluster nodes (%s).
- DBT-06302: Unable to check for available free space on ACFS mount point (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06303: Unable to check if location (string) is on ACFS.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06304: Incompatible ADVM version at location (string).
Cause: The specified location is detected as an Oracle ACFS location. The value set for COMPATIBLE.ADVM attribute in the disk group associated with this location is not compatible to place the database files.
- DBT-06305: The location is not registered as a resource in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
Cause: The specified location (%s) is detected as an Oracle ACFS location that is not registered as a resource in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
- DBT-06306: Unable to check if the specified location (string) is Direct NFS(dNFS) enabled or not.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06307: Specified location (string) is Direct NFS(dNFS) enabled.
Cause: Direct NFS(dNFS) enabled location is not supported for storing database related files.
- DBT-06308: Unable to get ACFS mount point from the path (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06309: Oracle ACFS location (string) is not supported for database files (password file, spfile, data files and redo logs ) in an Oracle Restart (standalone server) configuration.
Cause: Oracle ACFS is configured on Oracle Restart (standalone server) environment. It is not supported to use for database files.
- DBT-06401: Unable to detect the cardinality of configured server pool(s): (string).
Cause: Error occurred while loading the server pool details.
- DBT-06601: The specified file location (string) is not writable.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06602: Unable to check existence of directory (string) on remote node (string).
Cause: User equivalence may not be setup between the local node and the remote nodes or sufficient file permissions are not set.
- DBT-06603: Insufficient permissions granted for directory (string) on node (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06604: The location specified for 'string' has insufficient free space.
Cause: Only (%s%s) free space is available on the location (%s).
- DBT-06605: The data file location (string) already exists.
Cause: This configuration is going to create the data file location (%s). But it is detected that there is an existing database using this data file location or the data files from a previous configuration may be left behind.
- DBT-06606: Current Oracle home user is unable to read the file (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06607: The data file (string) already exists on the file system.
Cause: This configuration is going to create the data file location (%s). But it is detected that there is an existing database using this data file location or the data files from a previous configuration may be left behind.
- DBT-06608: The specified audit file destination (string) is not writable.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06609: Unable to verify the readability of file (string) for the current Oracle home user (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06610: Unable to retrieve the current Oracle home user credentials.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06801: Specified Fast Recovery Area size (stringstring) is less than the recommended value.
Cause: Fast Recovery Area size should at least be three times the database size (%s%s).
- DBT-06802: Archive log location cannot be empty.
Cause: When archiving is enabled and Fast Recovery Area is not specified, at least one Archive Log Destination must be specified.
- DBT-06803: Archive format entered (string) is invalid.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-06804: Specified Archive log location is invalid.
Cause: Archive log location value is specified as USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST but Fast Recovery Area (FRA) option is not selected.
- DBT-06901: Unable to replace variables in string (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-07001: Specified credentials for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control configuration are invalid.
Cause: Unable to establish connection to the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control using the credentials- OMS host: %s, OMS port: %s, Admin user: %s and the specified password.
- DBT-07101: Unable to load the pdb metadata file (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-07201: Unable to retrieve database instances running on node (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-07501: Unable to check permissions of Oracle home (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-07502: Selected listener (string) is not running.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-07503: A listener with name (string) already exists.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-07504: Selected listener (string) cannot be used for database registration as there is a name conflict with the listeners on the target Oracle home.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-07505: Selected listener (string) does not exist.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-07506: Unable to start the listener (string) in the Oracle home.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-07507: Unable to detect SCAN listeners.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-07508: Unable to detect if SCAN listener is running.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08001: Invalid directory service credentials.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08002: Unable to establish connection with the directory server.
Cause: An access violation occurred while connecting to the directory server using the user distinguished name (%s).
- DBT-08003: Unable to establish connection with the directory server.
Cause: Unknown error occurred while trying to access the directory service using the user distinguished name (%s).
- DBT-08004: Directory service is not configured in the Oracle home.
Cause: The directory service configuration file (ldap.ora) is not found or not configured correctly in the Oracle home.
- DBT-08005: Directory service user distinguished name and/or directory service password cannot be empty.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08006: Invalid wallet password.
Cause: Wallet password found in the wallet location is not matching with the specified password.
- DBT-08007: Wallet password specified is not as per Oracle recommended standards.
Cause: Wallet password must have a minimum length of eight characters and contain alphabets combined with numbers or special characters.
- DBT-08008: The version of schema or context of directory service installed is not compatible for database configuration.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08010: A database with name (string) is already registered with Directory service. Proceeding with this name will overwrite the existing configuration details in the Directory service.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08011: The specified database (string) is not registered with Directory service to perform the unregistration operation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08012: A database with name (string) is already registered with Directory service.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08013: Invalid LDAP access type value.
Cause: The value provided for LDAP access type is not valid for configuring the directory service.
- DBT-08014: The selected Container database (string) is not configured with Active Directory.
Cause: Directory Service Integration can be configured in PDB only when it is configured in the Container database.
- DBT-08015: Unable to authenticate with the provided directory service credentials.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08020: Unable to get the assigned servers for the server pool (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08021: Unable to get free servers for server pool creation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08022: Unable to check if the specified server pool (string) exists.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08030: Unable to check if the current user has Oracle Grid Infrastructure admin privileges.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08051: Unable to check if node (string) is a Leaf node.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08052: Unable to check the node role for (string).
Cause: Add instance can be performed on hub nodes only, but unable to determine the role of the specified node.
- DBT-08053: Unable to check the node role for (string).
Cause: Admin managed database can be created on hub nodes only, but unable to determine the role of the specified node.
- DBT-08101: The selected PDB (string) is not open.
Cause: PDB has to be open in READ WRITE mode to perform the configuration.
- DBT-08102: The selected PDB(s) (string) do not exist.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08103: PDB name has to be specified for PDB management operation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08104: The selected PDB (string) is in (string) status. PDB operations can be performed only in NORMAL status.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08105: The selected PDB (string) is in restricted mode. PDB operations cannot be performed in restricted mode.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08106: Specified Remote PDB (string) does not exist.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08107: Configure TDE option is not selected for the PDB creation.
Cause: TDE needs to be configured in PDB as the source database is configured with TDE.
- DBT-08108: Configure TDE option is selected for the PDB creation.
Cause: TDE cannot be configured in PDB as the source database is not configured with TDE.
- DBT-08109: Configure TDE option is not specified for the database creation.
Cause: TDE needs to be configured in database as the source database is configured with TDE.
- DBT-08111: Creation of encrypted PDB cannot be done on a database as the source database is not configured with TDE.
Cause: Encrypted PDB cannot be plugged to a database as the source database is not configured with TDE.
- DBT-08112: TDE wallet backup location of primary database is not specified.
Cause: TDE wallet location of primary database cannot be empty when duplicate database creation is invoked from remote node.
- DBT-08113: string database TDE wallet password is not specified.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08114: TDE wallet password is not specified.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08115: TDE wallet password is not specified for the PDB.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08116: TDE wallet password is not specified for the source PDB string.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-08117: The specified TDE keystore type string is not supported for SYSTEM tablespaces encryption in root container (CDB$ROOT).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-09101: Target environment does not meet some mandatory requirements.
Cause: Some of the mandatory prerequisites are not met. See logs for details. %s
- DBT-09102: Target environment does not meet some optional requirements.
Cause: Some of the optional prerequisites are not met. See logs for details.
- DBT-09250: There are no registered listeners for the selected Container database. EM DB Express URL will not be accessible.
Cause: There is no registered listener running with the database.
- DBT-09251: The listener configuration is not selected for the database. EM DB Express URL will not be accessible.
Cause: The database should be registered with a listener in order to access the EM DB Express URL.
- DBT-09300: Value for the initialization parameter 'string' cannot be empty.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-09301: Unable to create the initialization parameter file.
Cause: Initialization parameter file path is empty.
- DBT-09302: Unable to write into the initialization parameter file string.
Cause: An exception occurred while creating the initialization parameter file.
- DBT-09350: ASM Cluster File System (ACFS) mount point location is not specified.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-09351: The file (string) is not found in the Oracle home.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-09352: Error in validating string credentials.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-09500: ExaScale Storage is not configured.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-09501: ExaScale vault (string) is not available.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-09502: Error occurred while parsing JSON output from the escli utility.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-09503: Unable to execute escli utility. Error occurred during the excution.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-09504: ExaScale Storage type is not supported.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10001: In a Flex Cluster environment, DBCA can be invoked only from a Hub node.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10002: DBCA does not support this operation in a Grid Infrastructure Oracle home.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10003: Delete operation for Oracle Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) cannot be performed on the current node (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10005: DBCA failed to retrieve the current user. Oracle home owner check cannot be performed.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10006: DBCA supported operations can be performed only by the Oracle home owner (string). User running DBCA (string) is not the owner of the Oracle home (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10007: Oracle Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) cannot be created using the (string) template.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10008: Oracle database cannot be created using the (string) template.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10009: Oracle GDB Name for XE edition is invalid.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10010: Database cannot be created in the current oracle home (string).
Cause: Grid Infrastructure Management Database is configured in the current oracle home. Additional databases cannot be created in this home.
- DBT-10011: Incorrect ownership/permissions detected for the file (string).
Cause: Following nodes does not have required file ownership/permissions: %s
- DBT-10201: string operation cannot be performed.
Cause: There are no databases present on the system.
- DBT-10202: Oracle RAC Instance Management operation cannot be performed.
Cause: The RAC environment is not enabled on the system.
- DBT-10203: Oracle RAC Instance Management operation cannot be performed.
Cause: Oracle RAC Instance management operation can be performed only on Admin Managed Oracle RAC databases.
- DBT-10301: The length of the PDB name must be between 1 and string characters.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10302: PDB name specified (string) is invalid.
Cause: PDB name should start with an alphabetical character and may include alphanumeric characters, and the _ character.
- DBT-10303: PDB name cannot be the same as the Container database name.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10304: Oracle home user password is not correct.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10305: The specified password is one of the keywords and is not allowed.
Cause: The password cannot be any of the following - CHANGE_ON_INSTALL,MANAGER, or DBSNMP.
- DBT-10306: PDB name cannot be same as the service name of Oracle RAC One Node database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10309: PDB name (string) cannot be same as the RAC One Node database service name.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10310: PDB name (string) cannot be same as the RAC One Node database service name.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10311: Same PDB name (string) is used for more than one PDB.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10312: Additional PDBs cannot be created when Container database template is specified to create a database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10313: A container database cannot be created from template string.
Cause: A container database cannot be created from a database clone template that was created from a non-container database.
- DBT-10314: The string cannot be empty.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10315: Specified string cannot exceed (string) characters.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10316: Specified string (string) contains characters that are not allowed.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10317: Specified string (string) already exists.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10318: Specified RAC One database service name (string) is invalid.
Cause: RAC One service name should start with an alphabet followed by letter, digits, or an underscore (_).
- DBT-10319: RAC One service name (string) cannot be the same as the global database name.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10320: RAC One service name has a domain part that cannot exceed string characters.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10321: The string specified does not start with alphabetic character.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10322: The string specified contains non alphanumeric characters.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10323: The (string) specified is a SQL reserved word.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10324: The SID does not match with the first eight characters of the specified global database name.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10325: string option is not specified.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10326: Value of DB Name is not specified in the GDB Name.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10327: Derived SID (string) already exists.
Cause: SID is derived from the first 8 alphanumeric characters of the GDB name and this should be unique in Policy Managed database creation.
- DBT-10328: Specified string (string) may have a potential conflict with an already existing database on the system.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10329: Specified string (string) contains NON-ASCII characters that are not allowed.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10330: Container database (CDB) creation option is not selected.
Cause: You have specified the database template (%s) which represents container database (CDB) information. But, you have not selected to create container database (CDB). Only container database (CDB) can be created using this template.
- DBT-10331: Specified string (string) may have a potential conflict with an already existing database on the system.
Cause: The specified %s without the trailing numeric characters (%s) may have a potential conflict with an already existing database on the system.
- DBT-10332: SID (string) already exists and is running on the machine.
Cause: Renaming database requires connecting to the sid (%s) to retrieve database information. If a database with same SID already exists, there could be loss of service.
- DBT-10333: Container database (CDB) creation option is not selected.
Cause: Non-CDB creation is not supported.
- DBT-10334: Oracle SID name for XE edition is invalid.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10501: The specified template file (string) cannot be read.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10502: No database was selected to create the template.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10503: Template file is not specified.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10504: Unable to load the specified template (string).
Cause: The specified template data might not be in the expected format.
- DBT-10505: Unable to generate html document for the template.
Cause: Internal error occurred while creating html document.
- DBT-10506: Unable to generate html document for the template.
Cause: Internal error occurred while converting html document to string format.
- DBT-10507: Invalid template file specified (string).
Cause: The given template is not compliant to the expected schema.
- DBT-10508: Invalid template file specified (string).
Cause: Either the given template path is not valid file path or could not locate the given template in the local file system.
- DBT-10531: Selected template (string) cannot be used for this operation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10601: (string) cannot be created in the current Oracle home.
Cause: Oracle home is not RAC enabled.
- DBT-10602: (string) database cannot be created in this system.
Cause: Oracle Grid Infrastructure is not configured on the system.
- DBT-10603: Oracle RAC software is not present on candidate nodes (string) of the serverpool (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10800: Random password could not be generated for string account.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10900: Unable to get instance number for new instance addition.
Cause: Instance number may not have been generated for the new instance.
- DBT-10901: Required undo tablespace is more than the number of instances.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10902: StorageSettings backup cloning failed.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10903: Unable to get thread number for new instance addition.
Cause: Thread number may not have been generated for the new instance.
- DBT-10951: Template file (string) already exists and will be overwritten.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10952: SYS user does not have DV_PATCH_ADMIN privileges.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10953: One or more Pluggable database(s) (string) in the Container database are not open.
Cause: All pluggable databases in the Container database should be open to perform a configuration.
- DBT-10954: The space in the template file name will be replaced with underscore(_).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10955: One or more Pluggable database(s) (string) are in closed state. Selected configurations will not be performed on these PDBs
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10956: Template file (string) already exists on the cloud container.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10957: The specified template file (string) does not exist on the cloud container.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10958: Failed to download the specified template file (string) from the object store.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-10959: Template file (string) already exists.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11001: Oracle Managed Files (OMF) option is not selected for storage in Policy Managed database.
Cause: OMF option needs to be selected in order to enable Database to dynamically create required redolog groups and undo tablespaces when database server pool cardinality is increased.
- DBT-11002: Use SPFile option is not selected in the DBCA template.
Cause: Oracle RAC database creation requires Use SPFile option to be selected in the DBCA template.
- DBT-11003: ASM storage option is selected for datafile location. However Oracle Managed Files (OMF) option is not selected.
Cause: OMF option is recommended when datafiles are placed in ASM storage.
- DBT-11004: Unable to validate ASM. There is no disk group detected.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11005: ExaScale storage option is selected for datafile location. However Oracle Managed Files (OMF) option is not selected.
Cause: OMF option is recommended when datafiles are placed in ExaScale storage.
- DBT-11101: The block size (string) for the tablespace string does not match the configured block size (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11151: Character set specified (string) is invalid.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11152: National character set specified (string) is invalid.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11153: Character set specified (string) is different from that of the character set (string) in the template. Character set mismatch may cause data truncation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11201: PGA size specified is too small.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11202: Buffer cache size specified is too small.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11203: Java pool size specified is too small.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11204: Memory target specified is too small.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11205: Specified shared pool size does not meet the recommended minimum size requirement. This might cause database creation to fail.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11206: Shared pool size specified is too small.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11207: Specified SGA size is greater than the shmmax on the system. The database creation might fail with ORA-27125 - Unable to create shared memory segment error.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11208: SGA size specified is too small.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11209: Current available memory is less than the required available memory (stringstring) for creating the database.
Cause: Following nodes do not have required available memory : %s
- DBT-11210: Automatic Memory Management is not supported on your current operating system.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11211: The Automatic Memory Management option is not allowed when the total physical memory is greater than stringGB.
Cause: The current total physical memory is %sGB.
- DBT-11212: Automatic Memory Management is not a feasible option on the system.
Cause: There is no %s volume configured on the system.
- DBT-11213: Automatic Memory Management is not a feasible option on the system.
Cause: There is not enough free space on volume %s to allocate %sMB on nodes %s.
- DBT-11214: Automatic Memory Management is not a feasible option on the system.
Cause: There is not enough free space on volume %s to allocate %sMB.
- DBT-11215: Shared pool size is not provided.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11216: You have specified Manual Shared Memory Management configuration option but the values for the corresponding initialization parameters are not provided. Database will be configured with default memory values.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11217: Unable to check available shared memory on specified node(s) (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11218: Some nodes do not have sufficient available shared memory.
Cause: Following node(s) do not have sufficient shared memory. Node name, required value in %s, and actual value in %s for each node is displayed below. %s
- DBT-11219: Maximum of memory percentage (string) is allocated for the database creation, which might lead to ORA-00700: SOFT INTERNAL ERROR during database creation.
Cause: Sum of sga and 2*pga is equal to or exceeding 90% of total physical memory.
- DBT-11501: Oracle RAC database instance management operation is not feasible on the selected database string.
Cause: Oracle RAC database instance management operation cannot be performed on single instance Oracle database, Oracle RAC One Node database, or Policy Managed Oracle RAC databases.
- DBT-11502: The instance (string) is not running on the local node.
Cause: A locally running instance is required to perform the selected operation.
- DBT-11503: The instance (string) is not running on the local node. This may result in partial delete of Oracle database.
Cause: A locally running instance is required for complete deletion of Oracle database instance and database files.
- DBT-11504: The selected node is already part of an existing server pool (string) that is hosting Policy Managed databases.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11505: Maximum PDBs limit reached for the selected Container database.
Cause: A Container database can only contain up to (%s) PDBs, including the seed.
- DBT-11506: Creation of more than string PDB requires Enterprise Edition license.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11507: No PDBs were found in the selected Container database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11508: The selected database is not a Container database.
Cause: PDB operations can be performed only on a Container database.
- DBT-11509: The selected database (string) is not open.
Cause: Database should be in read/write mode to perform any configuration.
- DBT-11510: Oracle Database Vault (DV) is enabled in the selected string (string).
Cause: Database Vault should be disabled to perform any configuration update in the %s.
- DBT-11511: No node is available for adding an instance because the database (string) has instances on all nodes of the cluster.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11512: No locally running instances found.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11513: The detected Oracle SID (string) differs from the specified database (string). This delete operation will delete the database associated with the Oracle SID.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-11514: The detected Oracle SID (string) for the specified database (string) refers to an another existing database.
Cause: The database deletion operation cannot be continued as the instance_name initialization parameter of the specified database refers to an another existing database.
- DBT-11515: SYSDBA user name is not specified.
Cause: SYSDBA user credential required to perform '%s' operation in the database (%s).
- DBT-11516: The password for SYSDBA user (string) is not specified.
Cause: SYSDBA user password is required to perform '%s' operation in the database (%s).
- DBT-11517: Source database is not specified.
Cause: You have not specified a source database to perform '%s' operation.
- DBT-11518: Oracle Database Vault (DV) is not installed in the selected string (string).
Cause: DV option should be installed in order to configure DV in the %s.
- DBT-11519: Oracle Database Vault (DV) is already configured in the selected string (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12001: Specified user will be created as a common user in Container database. Common user name should start with C##.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12002: string specified is not valid.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12003: Specified user will be created as a local user in Pluggable database. Local user should not start with C##.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12004: The specified string (string) conflicts with Oracle reserved word.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12005: The (string) specified is either too short or too long.
Cause: The (%s) must be at least 2 characters and at most 30 characters long.
- DBT-12006: string contains characters that are not allowed.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12007: The Database Vault owner and Database Vault account manager cannot be same.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12008: The string password is same as either Database Vault owner or Database Vault account manager.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12009: The specified password does not meet the Oracle recommended standards.
Cause: The %s password must be at least %s and at most %s characters long. Additionally, the password must contain at least one alphabet, one digit, and one non-alphanumeric character. The non-alphanumeric character must be one of the following: pound(#), percent(%), carat(^), dash(-), underscore(_), plus(+), tilde(~), open bracket([), close bracket(]), period(.), or comma(,).
- DBT-12010: The string password cannot contain any consecutive repeating characters.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12011: Invalid LBACSYS password.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12013: The LBACSYS account is locked.This account needs to be unlocked to configure Label Security on selected PDB.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12101: A database with name (string) is already registered with directory service. Proceeding with this name will overwrite the existing configuration details in the directory service.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12102: Oracle Label Security (OLS) cannot be configured with Oracle Internet Directory (OID) if database is not chosen to be registered with OID.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12103: Oracle Label Security (OLS) cannot be configured with Oracle Internet Directory (OID) if database (string) is not registered with OID.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12104: The specified database (string) is not registered with directory service.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12105: Database wallet already exists for the current database with a different wallet password. Proceeding with this password will overwrite the existing wallet file for this database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12106: There is no listener associated with the database,that is required for the correct configuration of Oracle Label Security (OLS) with Oracle Internet Directory (OID).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12107: There is no listener associated with the database,that is required for the correct configuration of directory service.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12108: Database wallet already exists for the current database with a different wallet password.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12109: Oracle Label Security (OLS) cannot be configured without Oracle Internet Directory (OID) on the PDB when CDB is configured for OLS with OID.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12110: The PDBs configured in the selected Container Database (string) will not be unregistered with the Directory Service.
Cause: Since each PDB inside the selected Container Database can have different Directory Service configurations, it is recommended to unregister the PDBs manually.
- DBT-12111: Oracle Label Security is already configured in the selected pluggable database (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12112: Oracle Label Security (OLS) cannot be configured with Oracle Internet Directory (OID) on the PDB when CDB is configured for standalone OLS only.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12113: OLS can be configured in PDB only when it is configured on Container database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12114: Enable the OLS option in the PDB to do configuration or deselect the configure OLS option .
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12115: Oracle Label Security (OLS) is configured with directory service in the selected database (string). Unregistering the database with directory service might cause OLS to not function as expected.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12116: Unable to create wallet to use for two-way authentication with the directory service: string
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12117: The certificate file (string) does not exist.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12501: SYSTEM password for sample schema cannot be null or empty.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12502: Unable to connect to database with the specified SYSTEM password.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12503: Local node should be member of at least one of the specified serverpools (string) for sample schema configuration.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12504: For Policy Managed database, database instance may come up on local node depending on node availability. Sample schema on local node will be configured only when database instance comes up on local node.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12506: The option string is selected to be installed. But prerequisite options string is not selected.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12507: DBCA does not allow sample schemas to be configured in container database with more than one PDBs.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12508: Option (string) cannot be configured in this home.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12509: Option string is enabled in the PDBs but not in the CDB.
Cause: This option must be enabled in the CDB in order to be included in the PDBs.
- DBT-12510: The database option 'string' is not feasible to be installed in the current Oracle home.
Cause: The current Oracle home does not have required licensing to install the specified database option or does not have all required configuration files.
- DBT-12511: The specified tablespace 'string' cannot be used for the database component 'string' installation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12512: The option string is selected to be installed on PDBs. But prerequisite options string is not selected.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-12513: Sample schema is not supported in oracle home version string.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13001: At least one create option should be selected.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13002: The specified custom script (string) does not exist.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13003: The custom script (string) is specified multiple times in the list.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13051: The selected instance (string) is the last instance of the database. This cannot be deleted.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13052: The instance (string) is a local instance. This cannot be deleted.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13054: The instance (string) is not running on the node (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13055: The local node instance (string) is not running.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13056: The specified instance (string) does not exist.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13057: Node name for add instance operation is not specified.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13058: Another instance with name (string) already exists and is running for database (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13059: Instance (string) is disabled. To delete an instance, it should be enabled in the clusterware resource. DBCA will enable the instance first and then attempt to delete it.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13101: Node specified for add instance operation (string) is Leaf node.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13102: The node specified for add instance (string) is not part of cluster.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13103: Using Automatic Memory Management requires stringMB. The current available space is only stringMB on node string.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13104: Existing datafile or SPFile is not in a shared location.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-13901: Unable to create database from the selected template.
Cause: Selected template indicates that it was created from a database which had archive log mode enabled.
- DBT-13902: Selected template cannot be used for this operation.
Cause: Specify a clone template to perform this operation.
- DBT-13903: Selected template (string) cannot be used for this operation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14001: No server pool is selected for database creation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14002: Validation of server pool (string) failed.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14003: Local node is not a member of server pool (string).
Cause: Local node should be member of server pool to create a Single Instance Policy Managed database.
- DBT-14004: The selected server pool (string) does not exist.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14005: A server pool by name (string) already exists.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14006: No server is available to create a server pool.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14007: No server is available to create a Parallel Query server pool.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14008: The current user does not have CRS admin role.
Cause: CRS admin role is required to create a new server pool.
- DBT-14009: Not enough servers are available to allocate to server pool.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14010: Server pool name cannot contain a space.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14011: Server pool name specified is not valid.
Cause: The server pool name must include only alphabetical characters, numbers or the _, #, . or $ characters.
- DBT-14012: Server pool name cannot start with a . or contain single quotes.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14013: Server pool name cannot be Free or Generic.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14014: Server pool name cannot exceed string characters.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14015: Not enough servers are available to allocate to Parallel Query server pool.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14016: Specified cardinality (string) cannot be less than one.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14017: No Hub category server pool selected.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14018: Server pool (string) cannot be created on this Grid Infrastructure environment.
Cause: Parallel Query/Reader Farm server pool can be created only on Flex cluster environment.
- DBT-14019: Same server pool names (string) are specified to create different types of server pools.
Cause: Specify different server pool names for each type of server pool.
- DBT-14020: Parallel Query server pool (string) is not supported on Oracle RAC One Node database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14021: New server pool creation cannot be done as a part of Single Instance Policy Managed database creation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14101: The local node (string) should be a part of node list for database creation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14102: Admin Managed database cannot be created on Leaf nodes.
Cause: The node(s) (%s) are Leaf nodes.
- DBT-14103: Node list where database has to be created cannot be empty.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14104: Some of the nodes (string) are not accessible.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14105: The specified node(s) (string) is not configured with Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
Cause: RAC database creation can only be done on nodes that are configured with Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
- DBT-14106: The local node is already part of an existing server pool (string) that is hosting Policy Managed databases.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14107: The configuration you selected cannot support failover of the Oracle RAC One Node instance.
Cause: Failover is not supported when less than two nodes are selected and grid is installed on more than one node.
- DBT-14108: The selected database (string) does not have a configured instance in selected node (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14201: Archive log mode is not enabled in the source database.
Cause: Source database should be configured with archive log mode to perform the operation.
- DBT-14202: Specified source database is not a Single Instance (SI) database.
Cause: Snapshot database creation is supported only for SI databases.
- DBT-14203: Specified source database is a container database (CDB).
Cause: Snapshot database creation is supported only for non container databases.
- DBT-14204: Unable to detect ACFS mount point path.
Cause: Failed to detect the ACFS mount point path from the datafile location.
- DBT-14205: Source database is not using ASM Cluster File System (ACFS) location for database files.
Cause: Database files should be on ACFS location to perform this operation.
- DBT-14206: Specified template (string) is not a snapshot template.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14207: Source database recovery information is not available in the specified template (string).
Cause: Archive logs information is not available in the template (%s).
- DBT-14208: Archive logs information is not available in the specified template (string).
Cause: At least one archive log is necessary to recover the database.
- DBT-14209: Archive log (string) is not available in the location.
Cause: Archive log (%s) might be deleted or moved from the specified location.
- DBT-14210: Last SCN information of the source database is not available in the specified template (string).
Cause: SCN information is required to recover the database.
- DBT-14211: Source database is not using ASM Cluster File System (ACFS) for Fast Recovery Area location.
Cause: Fast Recovery Area location should be on ASM Cluster File System (ACFS) to perform this operation.
- DBT-14212: Oracle Database Vault (DV) is configured in the source database.
Cause: Source database configured with Oracle Database Vault (DV) option is not supported for creating Snapshot database/template.
- DBT-14213: Source database datafile (string) is not available in the location.
Cause: Source database datafile (%s) might have been deleted or moved from the specified location.
- DBT-14301: Specified Oracle R home location does not exist.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14302: The specified Oracle R user name (string) is invalid.
Cause: User name can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscore (_), dollar sign ($), or pound sign (#), and should not start with C##.
- DBT-14303: Oracle R is already configured in the selected pluggable database (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14304: Oracle R is already configured in the selected database (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14305: The Oracle R user is one of (string). Oracle R configuration cannot be performed with these users.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14306: Unable to check if Oracle R is configured in the database (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14307: Oracle R is not supported on your current Oracle home.
Cause: Required software files are not present to support Oracle R.
- DBT-14501: The version of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure for Standalone Server software is lower than database software version. Created database will not be registered with Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14502: Oracle Restart is not running in Grid Infrastructure home. Created database will not be registered with Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14503: The version of Oracle Grid Infrastructure software (string) is lower than the version of the RAC database software.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14504: Oracle Grid Infrastructure is installed on nodes (string) but Oracle RAC software is found only on nodes (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14505: Oracle RAC software is not present on nodes (string) selected for configuration.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14506: Unable to detect the version of Oracle Infrastructure software.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14507: SCAN listener does not exist.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14508: SCAN listener is not running.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14509: The Oracle home users of the source home (string) and target home (string) do not match
Cause: n/a
- DBT-14510: The Real Application Cluster (RAC) database creation is not supported in the Standard Edition home.
Cause: RAC database creation is supported only in the enterprise edition home.
- DBT-15001: The specified pdb archive file (string) is not valid.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15002: The specified metadata file (string) is not valid.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15003: PDB with name (string) already exists in the container database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15004: The specified PDB Admin user name (string) is invalid.
Cause: User name can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscore (_), dollar sign ($), or pound sign (#), and should not start with C##.
- DBT-15005: PDB requires (string) datafiles to be created. Maximum number of data files specified in initialization parameter db_files (string) exceeded for the Container database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15006: PDB datafiles location (string) is not empty. It is recommended to have an empty directory for PDB datafiles.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15007: Work area location cannot be null or empty.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15008: The specified work area location (string) is on ASM.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15009: The specified work area location (string) does not exist.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15010: The selected PDB (string) has tablespaces with different block sizes.
Cause: Unplugging PDB using file set option is not supported for tablespaces having different block sizes.
- DBT-15011: Selected PDB (string) has one or more datafiles on ASM.
Cause: Unplugging PDB using PDB Archive option is not supported for PDB with datafiles on ASM.
- DBT-15012: (string) is not a valid file name.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15013: The file (string) already exists in the same location.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15014: The parent directory specified for string (string) does not exist.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15015: A user with name (string) already exists in the database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15016: Specified PDB metadata file is not compatible to create a PDB in the selected CDB. This might impact the PDB creation process and PDB might be in mount mode at the end of this operation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15017: PDB Source type is not specified.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15018: Specified PDB is of a higher version (string) than the selected Container database (string).
Cause: PDB version should be lesser than or equal to the Container database version.
- DBT-15019: Incompatible location type for PDB creation.
Cause: Selected container database is configured with OMF, hence PDB will be placed in the same OMF location.
- DBT-15020: Invalid PDB backup data file.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15021: Invalid PDB backup data file.
Cause: PDB backup data file %s cannot be read.
- DBT-15022: PDB datafiles destination locations are not specified for the copyPDBFiles option.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15023: Database files are found in PDB datafiles location (string).
Cause: The directory for PDB datafiles is not empty.
- DBT-15024: There is an already existing PDB (string) with the same PDB identifier of the specified PDB backup.
Cause: You have selected to plug a PDB using PDB backup without clone option. But, there is an alredy existing PDB (%s) with the same PDB identifier as the specified PDB backup.
- DBT-15025: Oracle Database Vault (DV) is not configured and enabled in the container database (string).
Cause: DV should be configured and enabled in the container database (%s) to perform DV configuration in the pluggable database (%s).
- DBT-15026: Specified PDB metadata file is not compatible to create a PDB in the selected CDB.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15027: Selected ASM PDB datafile location (string) does not exist.
Cause: It has been detected that ASM instance is not running on local node. PDB directory has to be present in the selected diskgroup when local ASM instance is not present.
- DBT-15028: Source PDB is not specified.
Cause: You have selected to create a PDB from another PDB but source PDB name is not specified.
- DBT-15029: Performing operations on PDB$SEED is not allowed.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15030: The Pluggable database (string) will be closed and opened in read only mode to perform the clone operation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15031: Initialization parameter string is not modifiable at the Pluggable Database (PDB) level.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15032: The Pluggable database timezone (string) is not valid.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15306: Unable to check if Oracle OML4Py is configured in the database (string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15307: Oracle Home not supported for OML4Py configuration.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15308: Database is already configured with OML4Py.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15309: Pluggable Database (string) is already configured with OML4Py.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15310: Oracle OML4Py configuration is not supported on this platform.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-15311: Container database is not configured with OML4Py.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16001: Database configuration operation cannot be performed.
Cause: Either no configuration update is specified for the database or specified options are already configured on the given database.
- DBT-16002: The database will be restarted in order to configure the chosen options.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16003: Pluggable database configuration operation cannot be performed.
Cause: Either no configuration update is specified for the pluggable database or specified options are already configured on the given pluggable database.
- DBT-16004: The string command line argument is not valid for configuring a Pluggable database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16005: The specified TDE wallet login type string is not supported for RAC database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16006: The specified transparent data encryption algorithm type string is not supported.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16007: The specified transparent data encryption wallet mode string is not supported on the provided environment.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16008: TDE wallet directory (string) is not empty. It is recommended to have an empty directory for TDE wallet.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16009: There is an already existing entry in sqlnet.ora for TDE wallet location.
Cause: Only one database can be created with tdeWalletLocation in sqlnet.ora file.
- DBT-16010: The specified argument for TDE wallet root is not supported in string version of database home.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16011: Specified tablespace string for encyption is not available in the template
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16012: Encryption of tablespace string is not supported in the current version of Oracle home
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16013: Encryption of all tablespaces is not supported in the current version of Oracle home.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16051: Archive log mode is not enabled in the primary database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16052: The value (string) specified for the initialization parameter db_name is not same as primary database name (string).
Cause: In order to create standby database, the database name should be same as primary database. However, either the specified db_name initialization parameter or the first 8 character of the specified gdb name is not matching the primary database name.
- DBT-16053: Duplicate database location contains ASM location paths.
Cause: ASM is not configured on this system.
- DBT-16054: The datafile location (string) used for duplicate database creation is not empty.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16055: The control file (string) used for duplicate database already exists.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-16056: Specified primary database is not a Single Instance (SI) database.
Cause: Duplicate database operation is supported only for SI databases.
- DBT-16057: Specified primary database is a container database (CDB).
Cause: Duplicate database operation is supported only for non container databases.
- DBT-16058: Database configuration type is not specified.
Cause: One of the configuration types SI, RAC, or RAC One Node must be specified.
- DBT-16059: Database deployment type is not specified.
Cause: One of the deployment types Admin Managed or Policy Managed must be specified.
- DBT-16060: Specified standby database creation is not supported in Standard Edition home.
Cause: Standby database creation is supported only in Enterprise Edition home.
- DBT-16061: Specified primary database tde wallet location (string) is on ASM.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-17001: You have chosen to ignore some of the prerequisites for this DBCA operation. This may impact DBCA operation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-18001: Database requires string datafiles to be created. However the value specified for initialization parameter db_files (string) is lower than the required value.
Cause: The initialization parameter db_files represents the maximum number of datafiles that can be created on this database, but the specified value for this initialization parameter is lower than the number of datafiles to be created for this database.
- DBT-18002: This database will result into approximately string datafiles to be created, which exceeds the default value of initialization parameter db_files (string). The value of db_files will be set to string.
Cause: The initialization parameter db_files represents the maximum number of datafiles that can be created on this database. Based on the inputs provided, the expected number of datafiles that will get created will exceed the default value of db_files.
- DBT-18003: Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is supported only for Enterprise Edition of database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19001: Move database files configuration cannot be performed along with other configuration options.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19002: Move database files cannot do configuration of Fast Recovery Area.
Cause: Fast Recovery Area is not enabled in the source database. Move database files operation cannot do fresh configuration of recovery files.
- DBT-19003: Oracle Managed Files (OMF) option cannot be set to false.
Cause: OMF option is enabled in source databse. Move database files operation cannot disable the OMF option.
- DBT-19004: Oracle Database Vault (DV) is configured in the source database.
Cause: Source database configured with Oracle Database Vault (DV) option is not supported for moving database files.
- DBT-19101: The specified single instance database (string) is a member of a Data Guard configuration that has fast-start failover enabled.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19102: The specified single instance database (string) is a member of a Data Guard configuration that has maximum protection mode enabled.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19103: Source Oracle home version string and target Oracle home version string are different.
Cause: RAC Conversion of single instance database is possible only when the versions are same.
- DBT-19104: PDBSettings backup cloning failed.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19201: This operation will delete template file string along with database backup files associated with it.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19202: The Database Configuration Assistant will delete the Oracle instances and datafiles for your database. All information in the database will be destroyed.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19301: Update DB Files Locations with new database name has failed.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19302: Update DB entries for new database name has failed.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19303: RMAN restore failed while performing rename database operation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19401: Archive log mode is not enabled in the (string) database.
Cause: (%s) database should be configured with archive log mode to perform the operation.
- DBT-19402: Local undo mode is not enabled in the (string) container database.
Cause: Local undo mode should be enabled in the (%s) container database to perform the operation.
- DBT-19403: (string) user does not have (string) privilege in the remote container database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19404: Specified database link user (string) does not exist in the database(string).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19405: Database link (string) is already exists.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-19406: Local CDB(string) and Remote CDB(string) APEX option are different.
Cause: Local CDB(%s) has APEX option enabled (%s) and Remote CDB(%s) has APEX option enabled (%s).
- DBT-19407: Database option (string) is not installed in Local CDB (string).
Cause: The database options installed on the Remote CDB(%s) must be the same as the database options installed on the Local CDB(%s).
- DBT-19408: Incompatible location type for PDB operation. Pluggable database operation cannot be performed.
Cause: Remote CDB(%s) is configured with Oracle Managed Files (OMF) option. Local CDB(%s) is not configured with OMF option.
- DBT-19409: There is an already existing PDB (string) with the same GUID of the specified remote PDB.
Cause: You have selected to relocate a PDB from a remote database. But, there is an existing local PDB (%s) with the same GUID as the specified remote PDB.
- DBT-19410: Refreshable Pluggable database cannot be opened in read/write mode.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20001: Select a database to upgrade or move.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20002: There are no databases detected on the system.
Cause: DBUA relies on oratab entries and Oracle Grid Infrastrcuture software as its source for for detecting Oracle Single Instance and RAC databases. It did not detect any Oracle database configured on the system from these sources.
- DBT-20003: Specified database string is not detected on the system.
Cause: DBUA relies on oratab entries and Oracle Grid Infrastrcuture software as its source for for detecting Oracle Single Instance and RAC databases. It did not detect the specified database configured on the system from these sources.
- DBT-20004: OS authentication is disabled. Specify the corresponding SYSDBA credentials.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20005: The SYSDBA username and password are not specified. Verify and try again.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20006: The specified user string does not have SYSDBA privilegies to perform the selected operation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20007: Specified SYSDBA credentials are not correct. Specify the correct SYSDBA credentials and try again.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20008: There is no database instance running on the local node.
Cause: There was no local instance running for the selected database on the current system.
- DBT-20009: Specified database string is not running. DBUA started the database for information loading and to perform the required validations.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20010: Specified database string could not be started.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20011: Oracle home string is not enabled with RAC option.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20012: A RAC enabled database in Oracle home string was selected. However, it was detected that the Oracle Grid Infrastructure is not currently running. Start the Oracle Grid Infrastructure and try again.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20013: The selected database version string is higher than the Oracle home version string.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20014: A direct upgrade of string database to Oracle Database release string is not supported.
Cause: DBUA has detected that the version of the selected database is lower than the supported versions for upgrade. Following are the supported database versions for upgrade: %s.
- DBT-20015: The version of the selected database could not be determined.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20016: The selected database cannot be upgraded as it is already running at string version.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20017: The database string is not in a READ/WRITE open mode.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20018: The version of Oracle Grid Infrastructure software (string) is lower than required (string).
Cause: DBUA has detected that the Oracle Grid Infrastructure version is lower than the selected database version.
- DBT-20019: The version of Oracle Grid Infrastructure software (string) is lower than required (string). Oracle High Availability service registration will be skipped.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20020: The PDB seed of the database string could not be opened in a valid mode.
Cause: DBUA was not able to open the PDB seed on the selected database.
- DBT-20021: The current Oracle home string does not have the required string licence to perform the string operation.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20022: The specified database uses disk group(s) string that have access control enabled.
Cause: When the access control parameter is enabled, the database wont be able to access its files within the mentioned diskgroup(s) after the upgrade.
- DBT-20023: The software under Oracle home location string is not configured on all the nodes of the selected database.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20024: The local instance for the specified database string could not be started.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20025: The version of one or more pluggable databases could not be detected to determine the upgrade status of the database.
Cause: DBUA was not able to open the detected pluggable databases to determine the version.
- DBT-20026: This operation is not supported for Oracle Real Application Cluster databases on Standard Edition (SE).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20027: The current operation is not supported for non container databases (CDB).
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20028: The Oracle home string has an already existing entry in sqlnet.ora for TDE wallet location that conflicts with the configured TDE wallet for the string database.
Cause: Only one TDE wallet configuration can be configured in the sqlnet.ora file.
- DBT-20029: Partial selection of PDBs in a CDB for upgrade is not allowed. All PDBs in the CDB must be upgraded.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20030: Selected PDB(s) string are opened in restricted mode.
Cause: DBUA has detected PDB(s) that are open in RESTRICTED mode. This may cause issues during the upgrade.
- DBT-20031: The selected PDB(s) string are not part of the selected container database. Verify and try again.
Cause: DBUA was not able to detect the following PDB(s) %s in the selected container database.
- DBT-20032: The selected PDB(s) string have already been upgraded or are in a newer version than the required one. Verify and try again.
Cause: DBUA has detected that the selected PDB(s) belong to a version equal or greater than the container database.
- DBT-20033: There are no selected pluggable databases (PDB) for upgrade. Select at least one and try again.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20034: The selected PDB(s) string do not have a valid input as priority value.
Cause: The upgrade priority for pluggable databases must be in numeric format.
- DBT-20035: The selected PDB(s) string have an invalid upgrade priority value.
Cause: The upgrade priority value has to be within the allowed ranges[1-4096].
- DBT-20036: The selected PDB(s) string are currently not plugged to the selected container. Verify and try again.
Cause: DBUA has detected that some PDB(s) are in UNPLUGGED state within the selected container database.
- DBT-20037: The selected PDB(s) string are currently not opened. Verify and try again.
Cause: DBUA has detected that some PDB(s) are in MOUNTED state within the selected container database.
- DBT-20038: The selected PDB(s) string are not in a required version for a Container Database (CDB) upgrade. Verify and try again.
Cause: DBUA has detected that some PDB(s) belong to a version that is not supported by the selected container database.
- DBT-20039: The PDBs that are not selected will be in MIGRATE mode after the CDB gets upgraded, making them unavailable until they are upgraded.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20040: The password for Oracle home user cannot be empty.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20041: Specified Oracle home user password is incorrect.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20050: Database upgrade is not supported from Oracle Home with Oracle Home User string to an Oracle Home with Windows Built-In account.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20051: Database string is not supported from Oracle Home with Oracle Home User string to a Oracle Home with Oracle Home User string.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20052: Database string is not supported from Oracle Home with Oracle Home User string to an Oracle Home with Windows Virtual Account.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20053: Database string is not supported from Oracle Home with Windows Virtual Account to an Oracle Home with Oracle Home User string.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20054: Database upgrade is not supported from Oracle Home with Windows Virtual Account to an Oracle Home with Windows Built-In account.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20055: Oracle Real Application Cluster Database upgrade is not supported from Oracle Home with non domain Oracle Home user string.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20060: One or more Oracle upgrade pre-checks resulted in warning conditions that may require further review.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20061: One or more Oracle upgrade pre-checks resulted in error conditions that require further review.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20062: One or more of the pre-upgrade checks on the database have resulted into error conditions that must be addressed before proceeding. It is not recommended to ignore them.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20070: The specified custom script(s) do not exist: string
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20071: The Timezone upgrade will not be executed because the Timezone version of the string Oracle Home could not be loaded.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20072: In case that Timezone upgrade is desired, it is recommended to perform the recompilation of invalid objects as well.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20080: There is no path specified for new RMAN backup.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20081: The specified RMAN backup path could not be created: string
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20082: The specified RMAN backup path is not a valid directory: string
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20083: The specified RMAN backup path could not be set with the required permissions: string
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20084: The is no restore script specified for the existing RMAN backup.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20085: Archive Log must be enabled in order to support GRP based backup.
Cause: DBUA has detected that the selected database is not in Archive Log mode which is required for a GRP-based backup.
- DBT-20086: The provided GRP for backup is invalid for the selected database.
Cause: DBUA has detected that the provided GRP is not available in the selected database.
- DBT-20087: The following warning was detected while checking the storage requirements for backup: string
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20088: The following error was detected while checking the storage requirements for backup: string
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20089: The following files from the latest RMAN backup are missing: string
Cause: DBUA has detected that there are some files corresponding to the selected RMAN backup that are not currently present on the system.
- DBT-20090: There are no records for the files related to the latest RMAN backup.
Cause: DBUA has detected that there are no files currently associated to the selected RMAN backup.
- DBT-20091: DBUA was not able to connect to the database to validate the files from the latest RMAN backup.
Cause: DBUA was not able to connect to the selected database to validate the files of the selected RMAN backup.
- DBT-20092: The following error(s) were encountered during the validation of the backup set of the latest RMAN backup: string.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20093: There are no records of an existing backup set related to the latest RMAN backup.
Cause: DBUA has detected that there are no RMAN backup records corresponding to the latest timestamp.
- DBT-20094: DBUA was not able to connect to the database to validate the latest RMAN backup set.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20095: db_recovery_file_dest parameter needs to be set to a valid location. Current location is: string
Cause: DBUA has detected that the current value of the db_recovery_file_dest on the selected database points to an invalid location. This parameter is required for new GRP creation for backup.
- DBT-20096: The upgrade cannot proceed because 'compatible' parameter will be updated to meet the minimum for this release and that cannot be done if there are GRP(s) present in the database.
Cause: DBUA has detected that there are existing or new GRP(s) to be created, which is not allowed for cases were the 'compatible' parameter needs to be updated.
- DBT-20097: Insufficient space for the RMAN backup at the selected location string.
Cause: The location %s does not have enough space for the new RMAN backup.
- DBT-20098: DBUA was not able to connect to the database to validate the space available for the RMAN backup.
Cause: DBUA was not able to connect to the selected database to validate the space available for the RMAN backup.
- DBT-20100: Error while updating database parameters.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20101: Error while performing setup required for database upgrade.
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20102: Flashback database feature is not enabled for the selected database.
Cause: DBUA has detected that the selected database does not have Flashback feature enabled which is required to take a GRP-based backup.
- DBT-20103: GRP based backups are not allowed for PDB conversion operations.
Cause: GRP based backups are not supported whle converting a non-CDB to PDB.
- DBT-20104: All the Guaranteed Restore Points (GRP) on the database will be lost during the conversion to PDB.
Cause: DBUA has detected that there are GRP records stored on the database.
- DBT-20120: The following Oracle database for the current operation is not a container database (CDB): string
Cause: The current operation requires that the target Oracle database must be a CDB.
- DBT-20121: The following Oracle database for the current operation is not a non container database (CDB): string
Cause: The current operation requires that the source Oracle database must be a non CDB.
- DBT-20122: The following pluggable database (PDB) already exists on the selected target container database (CDB): string
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20123: The selected databases for the operation have incompatible storage types: string and string
Cause: The current operation requires both databases to have the same storage type (File system or Oracle ASM).
- DBT-20124: An unexpected error occurred while validating the target Pluggable Database (PDB) datafile location.
Cause: An error occurred while DBUA was gathering the information to validate the target PDB datafile location.
- DBT-20125: The provided pluggable database metadata file was not found or is not accessible: string
Cause: n/a
- DBT-20126: One or more plug compatibility errors were detected on the following pluggable database metadata XML file: string
Cause: The following compatibility errors were detected: %s
- DBT-20127: The target PDB data location could not be detected for the current operation.
Cause: DBUA could not detect a default location for the target PDB data files.
- DBT-20128: An inconsistent configuration for data file creation was detected for the following database: string
Cause: The detected configuration for data file creation is not the same in database and its corresponding SPFILE.
- DBT-20150: Database move or upgrade is not allowed for database in Oracle home string where GIMR database is configured.
Cause: The source or target Oracle home is the Oracle home where GIMR database is configured.
- DBT-50000: Unable to check available system memory.
Cause: An exception occured while checking kernel parameter.
- DBT-50001: Unable to check the value of kernel parameter
Cause: n/a
- DBT-50002: Unable to check for available free shared memory
Cause: Unable to check for available free shared memory on nodes %s.
- DBT-50003: Unable to check the ownership and permission of the file string.
Cause: An exception occurred while checking the ownership and permission of the file.