69 OKA-00116 to OKA-09550

OKA-00116: Internal error.

Cause: An Oracle internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

OKA-00618: OKA is not supported on this operating system: 'string'

Cause: OKA device drivers have not been ported to this operating system.

Action: None

OKA-00619: The 'string' machine architecture is not supported.

Cause: OKA device drivers have not yet been ported to this CPU type or operating system. This occurs when you try to load the drivers on an architecture or operating system type that OKA is not supported.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to determine if an updated driver is available for this operating system and architecture, or install OKA on a supported architecture and operating system.

OKA-00620: OKA is not supported on this operating system version: 'string'

Cause: OKA device drivers have not been ported to this operating system version.

Action: None

OKA-00621: The user executing this command does not have permission to execute Perl in 'string'.

Cause: Perl permissions are read/write/execute owner (0700). The user this command is executing as is not the owner of the perl binary.

Action: Enter the db home as an argument to -orahome. Ensure that the user executing the command has execute permission on the perl binary in that db home.

OKA-00623: Root access required

Cause: The user executing this command does not have sufficient privileges to run the command.

Action: Run this command as a user with administrative privileges.

OKA-00628: OKA installation cannot proceed:

Cause: Previous errors have caused the installation to reach a point where it cannot continue.

Action: Resolve the issues reporting in preceding messages, then restart the installation.

OKA-00629: Failed to unload OKA drivers. A system reboot is recommended.

Cause: An unexpected condition has been detected for which a system reboot is the best course of action.

Action: Reboot the system.

OKA-00630: Installation cannot proceed: Failed to unload OKA drivers.

Cause: The installation found that one or more applications is using the drivers.

Action: Terminate applications that may be using the drivers, and retry the installation.

OKA-00642: OKA not installed

Cause: No OKA drivers or commands have been found on the system.

Action: Install components using 'okaroot install options'.

OKA-00644: OKA drivers not correct for this operating system - cannot load.

Cause: The device drivers installed are not compatible with the operating system

Action: run "okaroot install options" to install the correct drivers.

OKA-00645: Not all OKA drivers have been loaded.

Cause: OKA device drivers have been started but not all of them are detected as running.

Action: Try 'okaload stop' followed by 'okaload start'. If that does not start all drivers, then contact Oracle Support Services.

OKA-00647: The OKA drivers are supported but have not been verified on this Operating System version.

Cause: The drivers have not been explicitly tested on this operating system version but are expected to work properly.

Action: This message is informational.

OKA-00650: Failed to load OKA drivers. A system reboot is recommended.

Cause: An unexpected condition has been detected for which a system reboot is the best course of action.

Action: Reboot the system.

OKA-00651: usage: string {installed | loaded | version | supported} [-s]

Cause: Syntax error or help [-h] option was passed.

Action: Use syntax as specified in the 'Usage' message.

OKA-00653: Failed to load OKA drivers.

Cause: An attempt to load OKA drivers failed.

Action: Reboot the system and run 'okaroot load'.

OKA-05062: cannot query CRS resource

Cause: The application failed to communicate with Oracle Clusterware.

Action: Verify that the Oracle Clusterware stack is running. Refer to the Clusterware alert log for error messages or problem indicators.

OKA-09109: string driver failed to load.

Cause: The driver failed to load.

Action: View the system specific operating system kernel log (for instance, /var/log/messages on Linux, Event Log on Windows). If the drivers have not previously been unloaded ('crsctl stop crs', 'okaload stop', 'okaroot uninstall'), it is not possible to reload them. If a specific error has occurred, than clear the error condition and try again. If the operating system and/or architecture is not supported by the drivers, then contact Oracle Support Services for an updated driver package.

OKA-09118: Driver string in use - cannot unload.

Cause: This may be seen during 'crsctl stop crs', 'okaload stop', or 'okaroot uninstall'. It was found that one more applications is using the drivers.

Action: Terminate applications that may be using the driver and retry.

OKA-09119: Driver string failed to unload.

Cause: An unknown error has occurred when trying to unload the driver.

Action: Check system specific logs (/var/adm/messages on Linux, Event Log on Windows) and clear any error conditions that are preventing the unload.

OKA-09121: Failed to detect control device 'string'.

Cause: OKA device drivers have been started but the devices that should have been created have not been.

Action: Try 'okaload stop' followed by 'okaload start' or restarting the crs stack - 'crsctl stop crs', 'crsctl start crs'. If the control devices still do not exist, contact Oracle Support Services.

OKA-09130: Root access required

Cause: The user executing this command does not have sufficient privileges to run the command.

Action: Run this command as a user with administrative privileges.

OKA-09135: string installation aborted.

Cause: Informational

Action: See preceding error message for more information.

OKA-09154: Loading 'string' driver.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09155: Checking for existing 'string' driver installation.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09156: Detecting control device 'string'.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09158: Configuration file 'string' in the /boot directory does not exist.

Cause: A populated /boot directory, which contains static files required to install kernel modules, was not detected on the system.

Action: After restoring the /boot directory and the kernel configuration files, re-run 'okaroot install'.

OKA-09160: Can not use the silent and verbose options at the same time.

Cause: The -s and -v options were used in the command. These options are mutually exclusive.

Action: Re-execute the command with one of the options or neither.

OKA-09164: okaroot enable: Enable OKA CRS resources.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09165: okasroot disable: Disable OKA CRS resources.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09167: OKA is not installed or loaded. Run 'okaroot install'.

Cause: An operation was requested that requires OKA to be running.

Action: Run 'okaroot install' and then run the requested operation.

OKA-09176: Entering 'string'

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09177: Return from 'string'

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09178: Return code = string

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09179: Command executed: 'string', output = 'string'

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09182: Variable 'string' has value 'string'

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09184: string [-h] [-s | -v ]

Cause: Either a syntax error or unknown option was specified, or the help (-h) option was specified.

Action: Use syntax as specified in the 'Usage' message.

OKA-09200: Supported

Cause: OKA device drivers have been ported to this operating system or CPU type.

Action: None - Informational.

OKA-09201: Not Supported

Cause: OKA device drivers have not yet been ported to this operating system or CPU type.

Action: None

OKA-09203: true

Cause: OKA device drivers were installed/loaded.

Action: None

OKA-09204: false

Cause: OKA device drivers were not installed/loaded.

Action: None

OKA-09212: Driver build version = string.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09215: System console log level set to: string.

Cause: System console log level has been set to specified value.

Action: None - Informational.

OKA-09216: System console log level set back to: string.

Cause: System console log level has been set back to a previous known value.

Action: None - Informational.

OKA-09217: Current system console log level is: string.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09218: Failed to set system console log level.

Cause: Failed to set system console log level to a known value.

Action: Contact system administrator.

OKA-09226: OKA drivers not correct for this operating system - cannot load.

Cause: The device drivers installed are not compatible with the currently running operating system.

Action: run "okaroot install options" to install the correct drivers.

OKA-09295: failed to open file string

Cause: A requested action failed to complete because the indicated file could not be opened.

Action: Verify the file exists and is accessible by the current user, examine previous error messages, address issues, and retry the command.

OKA-09303: No installation files found for OS kernel version string.

Cause: If '-l' (distribution directory) was specified, the directory may not be valid.

Action: Choose a proper distribution location version.

OKA-09306: Failed to uninstall previous installation.

Cause: Failed to remove OKA commands and/or drivers.

Action: Commands and/or drivers are likely in use. Wait for operations to finish, unload the drivers, and retry the installation.

OKA-09319: Unknown operating system kernel version 'string' detected.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

OKA-09320: Missing file: 'string'.

Cause: A required command or driver is not found on the installation media (pre install) or system (post install).

Action: If post install, try running okaroot again. Otherwise, contact Oracle Support Services.

OKA-09321: Creating udev for OKA.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09322: completed

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09323: Creating module dependencies - this may take some time.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09324: Alternate drivers installed.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09327: Verifying OKA devices.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09343: Unable to retrieve operating system kernel version from module string.

Cause: Running modinfo against the OKA driver failed.

Action: None - the current operating system kernel version will be used instead.

OKA-09344: Missing directory: 'string'.

Cause: A required directory was not found on the system.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

OKA-09345: Unable to create directory: 'string'.

Cause: Creation of a required directory failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

OKA-09346: Unable to install file: 'string'.

Cause: Copying to the given destination failed.

Action: Correct the error indicated by the accompanying messages and rerun 'okaroot install'.

OKA-09347: Unable to set permission bits (string) on: 'string'.

Cause: Setting the given permission bits failed.

Action: Manually set the permissions to the required level and rerun 'okaroot install'.

OKA-09348: Unable to remove 'string'.

Cause: A previously installed file could not be removed.

Action: Attempt to manually remove the file and rerun 'okaroot'.

OKA-09349: Unable to configure driver 'string'.

Cause: A driver was installed but 'add_drv' failed to write a configuration file.

Action: Correct the error indicated by the accompanying messages and rerun 'okaroot install'.

OKA-09350: Failed to create a symbolic link from 'string' to 'string'.

Cause: Creating a symbolic link failed.

Action: Correct the error indicated by the accompanying messages and rerun 'okaroot'.

OKA-09351: Unable to remove default device table file entry for 'string'.

Cause: An entry for the driver was found in /etc/devlink.tab but it was not possible to remove the entry.

Action: Manually remove the entry from /etc/devlink.tab and rerun 'okaroot uninstall'.

OKA-09352: Unable to write to file 'string'.

Cause: A file required modifications but it was not possible to write to it.

Action: Ensure that the file ownership and permissions allow you to write to the file.

OKA-09365: The directory 'string' is not being removed.

Cause: The directory was scheduled to be uninstalled, but it contained files that were not installed by okaroot.

Action: Manually remove the directory.

OKA-09381: Modification of OKA drivers resource failed.

Cause: An attempt to modify the OKA drivers resource resulted in an error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

OKA-09382: Modification of OKA drivers resource succeeded.

Cause: Informational.

Action: None

OKA-09384: Invalid operating system kernel variation 'string'.

Cause: The command found an operating system kernel variation (e.g., "el5", etc) that it did not recognize as a valid OKA supported kernel.

Action: Boot a supported kernel.

OKA-09388: An absolute path name must be specified for the alternate location.

Cause: A relative path name to the distribution files was specified.

Action: Enter the absolute path name instead.

OKA-09389: ORACLE_HOME is not set to the location of the Grid Infrastructure home.

Cause: The ORACLE_HOME environment variable was not set correctly.

Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the location of the Grid Infrastructure home and that it is properly exported.

OKA-09430: Oracle Kernel Accelerator driver is not supported on this OS configuration: 'string'

Cause: Attempting to install or configure OKA driver failed because the driver has not been ported to this OS configuration.

Action: None

OKA-09510: Disabling OKA driver load due to lack of Spectre V2 retpoline mitigation support in driver (string).

Cause: The install failed because of kernel module incompatibility. The indicated kernel module is not compatible with the installed kernel.

Action: Ensure that the correct patches have been applied for Spectre V2 mitigation. Refer to MOS note (Doc ID 2034681.1), OKA Support On OS Platforms (Certification Matrix) for more details.

OKA-09511: Warning: installing drivers with Spectre V2 retpoline mitigation capability, however, the system kernel is not retpoline capable.

Cause: The install failed because of a kernel module incompatibility. The installed kernel does not include 'retpoline' support.

Action: Ensure that your system is running the latest kernel update from your OS vendor, including appropriate Spectre V2 mitigation with retpoline support. For more information, refer to your OS vendor's documentation for Spectre V2 mitigation.

OKA-09512: WARNING - Kernel does not have retpoline enabled.

Cause: OKA install aborted due to lack of Spectre V2 retpoline mitigation.

Action: Consult OS vendor documentation on Spectre V2 mitigation to ensure that retpoline capability was correctly enabled and installed. Ensure that all 3rd party modules are retpoline capable

OKA-09550: An error occurred while retrieving the kernel and command versions.

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the Oracle Kernel Accelerator driver version information failed.

Action: Check if the drivers are correctly installed.