90 ORA-40001 to ORA-40928
- ORA-40001: value for string must be greater than zero
Cause: The input parameter in question has a value of zero or less.
- ORA-40002: wordsize must be string or greater
Cause: The input wordsize is less than the prescribed limit for the BLAST Match or Align algorithm.
- ORA-40003: wordsize must be in the range string - string for BLAST-P
Cause: The input wordsize has a value out of the prescribed range.
- ORA-40004: penalty must be negative for BLAST-N
Cause: The input value provided for penalty is zero or greater.
- ORA-40021: no column named string in training table string
Cause: The training table does not contain the specified column
- ORA-40022: null case ID column - cannot provide row diagnostics
Cause: The row diagnostics were enabled, but without a corresponding case or row identifier column in the build data.
- ORA-40023: sufficient memory could not be allocated given the number of attributes
Cause: Unable to allocate sufficient memory to create a model capable of producing confidence bounds on predictions because there were too many attributes or there were high cardinality categorical attributes, or both, in the build data.
- ORA-40024: solution to least squares problem could not be found
Cause: Unable to find solution because the predictor covariance matrix was singular.
- ORA-40025: reference class name not found in build data
Cause: The provided reference class name was not found in the build data.
- ORA-40026: reference class name not found in the weights table
Cause: The provided reference class name did not correspond to any of the entries in the weights table.
- ORA-40027: Target attribute has more than two distinct values
Cause: Generalized Linear Models only support binary classification.
- ORA-40028: solution to least squares problem could not be found
Cause: Unable to find solution because the predictor build data were not properly scaled.
- ORA-40029: Specified diagnostics table name already exists
Cause: A diagnostics table name matching an existing table was specified.
- ORA-40030: solution to least squares problem could not be found
Cause: Unable to find solution because the predictor covariance matrix was singular for the forced-in features.
- ORA-40031: too many forced-in features (maximum allowable 1000)
Cause: Too many forced-in features were specified or the features were high cardinality attributes, or both.
- ORA-40032: solution to least squares problem could not be found
Cause: Unable to find solution because the predictor covariance matrix was singular for the selected features.
- ORA-40033: invalid covariance matrix
Cause: This was caused by one or more of the following: - Data rows were too few in number. - Mining attributes were too many. - Ridge regression was on.
- ORA-40034: FORCE_IN incompatible with the setting GLMS_FTR_SELECTION disabled
Cause: The setting GLMS_FTR_SELECTION which was disabled was incompatible with the specified FORCE_IN transformation.
- ORA-40051: too few rows to estimate the specified model
Cause: The time series had fewer rows than the number of parameters in the model.
- ORA-40052: series contains large numbers; possible numerical instability
Cause: The time series contained numbers greater than 1 million.
- ORA-40053: inappropriate data for multiplicative model
Cause: The time series was not strictly positive.
- ORA-40054: time series is constant
Cause: The time series was constant.
- ORA-40055: too few rows to estimate trend
Cause: The time series had too few rows to obtain an initial trend estimate.
- ORA-40056: must provide a valid EXSM_INTERVAL setting
Cause: A valid value was not specified for the EXSM_INTERVAL setting. If the case ID column type is datetime, a valid EXSM_INTERVAL setting must be provided.
- ORA-40057: must provide a valid case ID column
Cause: The case ID column was required to provide time labels, but a valid case ID column was not provided.
- ORA-40058: seasonal effect not estimable for irregular time series
Cause: There was no consecutive one year period containing all existing seasons.
- ORA-40101: Data Mining System Error string-string-string
Cause: An internal system error occurred during a data mining operation.
- ORA-40102: invalid input string for data mining operation string
Cause: The input parameter is either null or invalid for the given operation.
- ORA-40103: invalid case-id column: string
Cause: The case-id column was invalid. If a case-id column is specified, it must be present in the input data source. The case-id column cannot be the same as the target column, and the column's data type is restricted to NUMBER, CHAR, and VARCHAR2 when building a GLM model with a diagnostics table.
- ORA-40104: invalid training data for model build
Cause: The training data provided in the reported table is unsuitable for build, either because it is empty, has unsuitable data, or the schema of the table does not match the input specifications.
- ORA-40105: input data incompatible with model signature
Cause: The data provided for this post-build operation is in format different from that used for model build.
- ORA-40106: positive target value not specified for computing Lift
Cause: Positive target value has not been specified for Lift.
- ORA-40107: operation requires string option to be installed
Cause: The specified option has not been installed with the RDBMS.
- ORA-40108: input data contains too few distinct target (string) values
Cause: At least two distinct target values are required for Build.
- ORA-40109: inconsistent logical data record
Cause: Repeated instances of a record identifier or repeated attribute(s) in a nested column.
- ORA-40110: Duplicate model tables found for table type string
Cause: Operation would result in duplicate model table types which is not supported.
- ORA-40111: no mining attributes found in build data
Cause: Could not build a model when only special or empty columns were present. Special columns include target, row weight, and case ID columns.
- ORA-40112: insufficient number of valid data rows
Cause: Fewer than two valid data rows were found in the build data.
- ORA-40113: insufficient number of distinct target values
Cause: Less than two distinct target values were found in the build data.
- ORA-40114: weights table target values mismatched with build data
Cause: The entries in the weights table did not correspond to the target values in the build data.
- ORA-40115: weights table schema is incorrect
Cause: The weights table did not have the required schema.
- ORA-40116: NULL values found in weights table
Cause: The weights table had NULL entries.
- ORA-40117: repeated target values found in weights table
Cause: The weights table had repeated target values.
- ORA-40118: insufficient number of target values in weights table
Cause: The weights table had less that 2 target values.
- ORA-40119: nested columns incompatible with missing value treatment
Cause: delete_row missing value treatment is not supported for nested columns.
- ORA-40120: invalid weight value in the weights table
Cause: Negative or zero weight values were found in the weights table.
- ORA-40121: force option not allowed for drop model in different schema
Cause: The force option was specified, but the model is in a different schema.
- ORA-40122: invalid data type for row weights column string.
Cause: Row weights column was not assigned one of the allowed data types.
- ORA-40123: invalid row weights column string
Cause: Row weights column was the same as the target column.
- ORA-40124: partition key column string missing from input
Cause: A partitioned model was referenced in the query, but the partition key column was not found in the input.
- ORA-40125: partition string does not exist
Cause: The partition entered did not exist.
- ORA-40126: model string is not partitioned
Cause: The model specified was not a partitioned model.
- ORA-40127: invalid number of partition keys specified
Cause: The number of partition keys specified did not match the model.
- ORA-40128: partition string exists for partition keys specified
Cause: A partition already existed for the partition keys specified.
- ORA-40129: partition name string exists for this model
Cause: The partition name specified was not unique for this model.
- ORA-40130: invalid partition name string
Cause: The partition name specified was not valid.
- ORA-40131: invalid data type for partition column string
Cause: The partition column did not have a supported data type.
- ORA-40132: partition not specified
Cause: A model partition was not specified. This function requires the specification of a model partition.
- ORA-40133: invalid partition columns
Cause: The partition columns in the operation did not match those in the existing model.
- ORA-40135: cannot drop the only partition of a partitioned model
Cause: The specified partitioned model contained a single partition. An empty model is not supported.
- ORA-40136: maximum number of partition columns exceeded
Cause: The maximum number of 16 partition columns was exceeded.
- ORA-40137: maximum number of partitions exceeded
Cause: The maximum number of partitions per model was exceeded.
- ORA-40139: no partitions found in training data
Cause: There were no partitions found in the training data.
- ORA-40140: model could not be built
Cause: The training data did not allow the building of a meaningful model.
- ORA-40141: only zero norm rows were provided in the training data
Cause: All training data rows had zero norm.
- ORA-40142: partition mismatch for feature comparison
Cause: The partition key column values did not match for one or more scored rows.
- ORA-40150: Model string function is not specified.
Cause: The required R function was not specified.
- ORA-40151: invalid output type from R SCORE, WEIGHT, or DETAILS function
Cause: The R SCORE, WEIGHT, or DETAILS function did not return the result in a data.frame containing either R numeric values for SCORE and WEIGHT function or R numeric or string values for DETAILS function.
- ORA-40152: Output data.frame mismatches the input for R SCORE or WEIGHT function.
Cause: The R SCORE or WEIGHT function returned a different number of rows than that of the input data.frame.
- ORA-40153: invalid value on attribute string for R model
Cause: The specified attribute was not a scalar numeric value or a single string.
- ORA-40154: invalid type or value for R parameter specification
Cause: The R parameter was not a scalar numeric value or a single string.
- ORA-40155: R script string is not found.
Cause: The specified script was not found in the R script repository.
- ORA-40156: invalid or mismatched output specification for R model view
Cause: The R DETAILS function output format specfication did not use numeric or string value, or did not match the actual output from the R DETAILS function.
- ORA-40157: R_HOME is not set on string.
Cause: The R_HOME was not set to the location where R was installed.
- ORA-40158: invalid values on R memory control settings
Cause: The R memory control settings did not use positive values.
- ORA-40159: Parameter setting string is not specified for R model.
Cause: The expected setting was not on the model setting table.
- ORA-40160: Mining function string requires attribute string on the R model.
Cause: The generated R model did not have the required attribute.
- ORA-40161: Either attribute string or string, but not both, is required.
Cause: Conflict attributes were specified for the R model object.
- ORA-40162: mismatched results from string output data.frame
Cause: The R regression model prediction did not return an R data.frame with a single column of numerics for predicted value, or two additional columns containing the standard error of model fit and the degree of freedom were missing from the output when SQL function prediction_bounds was invoked.
- ORA-40163: some prediction results missing from string output
Cause: The R classification, clustering, or feature extraction model SCORE function did not return the prediction for each class, cluster, or feature respectively in the output R data.frame.
- ORA-40164: contribution weights of some attributes missing from string output
Cause: The R model WEIGHT function did not return the contribution weight for each attribute of the data.
- ORA-40165: mismatched target class name from R model prediction string
Cause: The R classification model prediction did not have correct target class names assigned as the column names for the return data.frame.
- ORA-40166: invalid R name for input data.frame columns
Cause: The input data.frame column names contained special characters that are not supported by R.
- ORA-40167: no valid data in input table
Cause: The specified input table contained no valid data to build R model.
- ORA-40170: Error out in R: string
Cause: The R function execution failed.
- ORA-40171: The algorithm cannot be dropped because there are models built on it.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop models built on this algorithm.
- ORA-40172: The algorithm registration does not follow the predefined JSON schema.
Cause: An attempt was made to register an algorithm that did not follow the predefined JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) schema.
- ORA-40173: The same algorithm name, mining function, and algorithm type combination already exits.
Cause: An attempt was made to register an algorithm with the same name, mining function and type combination.
- ORA-40174: The algorithm that is used is not registered yet.
Cause: The specified algorithm did not exist.
- ORA-40175: Registered algorithm name and R script definition cannot be used simultaneously.
Cause: An attempt was made to use both registered algorithm name and R scripts definition.
- ORA-40176: The current user does not have privilege to register or drop an algorithm.
Cause: The privileges to register or drop an algorithm were not granted.
- ORA-40181: invalid transformation definition for column string
Cause: Transformation definition has duplicate or NULL columns.
- ORA-40182: invalid column reference
Cause: Transformation expression has no column references or more than one reference or the reference is qualified.
- ORA-40183: invalid stack definition for attribute string
Cause: Stack definition expression or reverse expression has syntax errors or it does not match the transformation definition.
- ORA-40184: transformation definition does not match the data
Cause: Transformation definition specifies nested transformation for non-nested data or it removes all of the columns.
- ORA-40201: invalid input parameter string
Cause: The input parameter was either null or invalid.
- ORA-40202: column string does not exist in the input table string
Cause: The column was missing from the table.
- ORA-40203: model string does not exist
Cause: The model did not exist.
- ORA-40204: model string already exists
Cause: A model by the same name exists.
- ORA-40205: invalid setting name string
Cause: The input setting name was invalid.
- ORA-40206: invalid setting value for setting name string
Cause: The input value for the given setting name was invalid.
- ORA-40207: duplicate or multiple function settings
Cause: The input settings table contained settings for multiple mining functions.
- ORA-40208: duplicate or multiple algorithm settings for function string
Cause: The input settings table had duplicate or multiple algorithm settings for a mining function.
- ORA-40209: setting string is invalid for string function
Cause: The specified setting was not supported for the mining function supplied.
- ORA-40210: invalid score criterion type when cost matrix is specified
Cause: The score criterion type may not be 'PROBABILITY' when a cost matrix is specified.
- ORA-40211: algorithm name string is invalid
Cause: Algorithm name for the model was invalid or the operation was not valid for the algorithm.
- ORA-40212: invalid target data type in input data for string function
Cause: Target data type was invalid.
- ORA-40213: contradictory values for settings: string, string
Cause: The settings values were not compatible.
- ORA-40214: duplicate setting: string
Cause: Duplicate setting in the settings table.
- ORA-40215: model string is incompatible with current operation
Cause: The current operation was not supported for the mining function the model corresponds to.
- ORA-40216: feature not supported
Cause: The feature was not supported in the API.
- ORA-40217: priors table mismatched with training data
Cause: The entries in the priors table do not correspond to the targets in the training data.
- ORA-40218: Both priors table and weights table are specified
Cause: Both a priors table and a weights table are specified for SVM model build.
- ORA-40219: apply result table string is incompatible with current operation
Cause: The current operation was not allowed for the apply result table supplied.
- ORA-40220: maximum number of attributes exceeded
Cause: The data had too many attributes.
- ORA-40221: maximum target cardinality exceeded
Cause: The target cardinality of the training data was too high.
- ORA-40222: data mining model export failed, job name=string, error=string
Cause: The model export job failed.
- ORA-40223: data mining model import failed, job name=string, error=string
Cause: The model import job failed.
- ORA-40224: must specify a valid ID column name when setting string is provided
Cause: The training data is transactional. A valid ID column must be specified.
- ORA-40225: model is currently in use by another process
Cause: The model is currently in use by another process.
- ORA-40226: model upgrade/downgrade must be performed by SYS
Cause: Upgrade/Downgrade routines are being invoked by a user with insufficient privilieges.
- ORA-40227: invalid transformation attribute
Cause: Transformation list provided to CREATE_MODEL has duplicate or NULL attributes. Case ID or target attribute has attribute_subname that is not NULL. Attribute provided to ALTER_REVERSE_EXPRESSION does not exist in the model.
- ORA-40228: scoring cost matrix already exists
Cause: The model already has a scoring cost matrix.
- ORA-40229: scoring cost matrix not found
Cause: The model does not have a scoring cost matrix.
- ORA-40230: invalid transformation expression
Cause: Expression has syntax or semantic errors.
- ORA-40231: transactional input incompatible with specified algorithm
Cause: Training data in transactional format is not accepted for model creation using the specified mining algorithm.
- ORA-40232: transactional input - incompatible datatype for column string
Cause: The data type of the column in the input training data is not supported.
- ORA-40233: transactional input - case id should be provided with id string
Cause: The training data is transactional by virtue of presence of a and item id - but does not have a case id specification.
- ORA-40234: reverse expression incompatible with model cost matrix
Cause: A cost matrix existed for this model with actual and predicted values which were inconsistent with the values resulting from the specified reverse transformation.
- ORA-40235: invalid setting value for setting ASSO_AGGREGATES: string
Cause: The setting ASSO_AGGREGATES was not valid.
- ORA-40236: maximum number of aggregates exceeded
Cause: The setting ASSO_AGGREGATES specified too many aggregates.
- ORA-40237: duplicate case IDs in training table
Cause: The same value occurred more than once in the case ID column of the training table.
- ORA-40238: invalid linear algebra shared library string
Cause: The shared library containing platform-optimized linear algebra routines was not loaded.
- ORA-40251: no support vectors were found
Cause: The input data is non-predictive in nature, or one of the input settings is incorrect/incompatible with respect to the input data.
- ORA-40252: no target values were found
Cause: No target values were identified during load.
- ORA-40253: no target counter examples were found
Cause: One or more of the target classes have only positive examples.
- ORA-40254: priors or weights cannot be specified for one-class models
Cause: Priors or weights were specified.
- ORA-40255: specified priors or weights table has an incorrect schema
Cause: The priors or class weights table whose name is specified in in the settings does not have the prescribed schema. A priors table should have the schema (target_value, prior_probability) and a class weights table should have the schema (target_value, class_weight)
- ORA-40261: input data for model build contains negative values
Cause: The input data contains negative values, which is not acceptable for a Non-negative Matrix Factorization model.
- ORA-40262: NMF: number of features not between [1, string]
Cause: The number of requested features must be greater than 1, and less than the smaller of the number of attributes and the number of cases in the dataset.
- ORA-40263: no meaningful matrix factorization found
Cause: Input data was not significantly different from 0.
- ORA-40264: number of mining attributes (string) exceeds maximum (string)
Cause: Input data was found to contain a number of mining attributes exeeding the maximum allowed.
- ORA-40271: no statistically significant features were found
Cause: Input data inadequate in volume and/or quality to derive statistically significant predictors for building a data mining model.
- ORA-40272: apply rules prohibited for this model mode
Cause: Adaptive Bayes Network rules are only generated for SingleFeature ABN models
- ORA-40273: invalid model type string for Adaptive Bayes Network algorithm
Cause: The valid values for the abns_model_type settings are: abns_multi_feature, abns_single_feature, abns_naive_bayes.
- ORA-40274: the Adaptive Bayes Network algorithm is desupported
Cause: An attempt was made to score an Adaptive Bayes Network model.
- ORA-40281: invalid model name
Cause: A model name is invalid or does not exist.
- ORA-40282: invalid cost matrix
Cause: Cost matrix specification is invalid.
- ORA-40283: missing cost matrix
Cause: Cost matrix specification is missing.
- ORA-40284: model does not exist
Cause: The model entered does not exist.
- ORA-40285: label not in the model
Cause: The user-specified label was not present in the model.
- ORA-40286: remote operations not permitted on mining models
Cause: An attempt was made to perform queries or DML operations on remote tables using local mining models.
- ORA-40287: invalid data for model - cosine distance out of bounds
Cause: The norm computed using attribute values from the incoming row for the cosine model is outside the range 0-1.
- ORA-40289: duplicate attributes provided for data mining function
Cause: A duplicate, non-nested attribute was provided as input to the data mining function. A duplicate attribute is one which is present in the model signature, occurs more than once in the USING clause after tablename expansion, and is not a collection element in a nested table column.
- ORA-40290: model incompatible with data mining function
Cause: The supplied model cannot be operated upon by the data mining function because the model is built for a mining function and/ or based on an algorithm that is incompatible with function.
- ORA-40291: model cost not available
Cause: The supplied model was assumed to have been built with a cost matrix specification, when in reality, it was not.
- ORA-40292: confidence level must be greater than 0 and less than 1
Cause: The specified value for confidence level is out of range.
- ORA-40293: input class is invalid for the specified predictive model
Cause: The specified model is either not a classification model, or does not have the input class label as one of its target values.
- ORA-40294: model is corrupted
Cause: The model object was in an inconsistent state.
- ORA-40295: model does not fit in system global area
Cause: The model was too large to fit in shared memory.
- ORA-40301: invalid cost matrix specification
Cause: A valid cost matrix is not specified.
- ORA-40302: invalid classname string in cost matrix specification
Cause: Actual or predicted classname specified is not present in training data
- ORA-40303: invalid prior probability specification
Cause: Valid prior probabilities not specified. Valid probabilities should be between 0 and 1.
- ORA-40304: invalid classname string in prior probability specification
Cause: Actual or predicted classname specified is not present in training data.
- ORA-40305: invalid impurity metric specified
Cause: Impurity metric specified is not valid. Examples of valid metrics are TREE_IMPURITY_GINI, TREE_IMPURITY_ENTROPY.
- ORA-40306: dm_nested types not supported by this algorithm
Cause: The training input to the CREATE_MODEL routine contained one or more columns of DM_NESTED type (DM_NESTED_NUMERICALS or DM_NESTED_CATEGORICALS). These columns are currently not supported by Orthogonal Partitioning Clustering (O-Cluster).
- ORA-40307: nested attribute combined name and value too long
Cause: The data that was presented to the decision tree algorithm was too long. The length is computed from the sum of the length of the nested attribute name and the length of the attribute value.
- ORA-40308: RFOR_MTRY is greater than attribute count or negative or 0
Cause: The setting for RFOR_MTRY was either 0 or >= number of attributes. The default behavior in this scenario is to use all of the attributes for the model build.
- ORA-40309: The Random Forest sample size exceeds available memory.
Cause: The sample did not fit into available memory.
- ORA-40321: invalid bin number, is zero or negative value
Cause: Input bin number has zero or negative values.
- ORA-40322: bin number too large
Cause: Bin number is too large.
- ORA-40323: Attribute string has too many distinct values (string)
Cause: Exceeded maximum number of distinct values allowed in an attribute.
- ORA-40324: All rows contain the same data
Cause: All rows contained the same data and could not be clustered using k-Means with cosine distance metric.
- ORA-40325: maximum number of clusters exceeded
Cause: The maximum number of clusters was exceeded.
- ORA-40326: no mining attributes after filtering
Cause: All mining attributes were filtered out.
- ORA-40341: access violation on model storage object
Cause: An attempt was made to directly access/modify a schema object that stores model metadata and content.
- ORA-40342: model was not correctly upgraded
Cause: An attempt was made to use a model, but the model was not correctly upgraded to the current release. This is most likely caused by importing a model from an old release without upgrading it, but could also be caused by a failed database upgrade.
- ORA-40343: invalid version specified in UPGRADE_MODELS
Cause: An invalid version was specified when invoking the UPGRADE_MODELS procedure. Valid values for the version are 10.2.0, 11.0.0, 12.0.0, and NULL.
- ORA-40350: One or more models exist that cannot be downgraded
Cause: There are data mining models in the database that were created in a release beyond the selected release for downgrade.
- ORA-40361: only SELECT and ALTER are valid for mining models
Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke an invalid privilege on a mining model.
- ORA-40362: invalid object string.string specified in the statement
Cause: An attempt was made to grant a privilege on an invalid object.
- ORA-40363: GRANT failed: user SYS always has SYSOPER and SYSDBA
Cause: An attempt was made to grant SYSOPER or SYSDBA privileges to SYS user. These administrative privileges cannot be granted to SYS, since SYS always has SYSOPER and SYSDBA privileges.
- ORA-40364: Use of BECOME USER functionality is restricted.
Cause: This is an internal error message.
- ORA-40365: The SYS user cannot be locked while the password file is in its current format.
Cause: An attempt was made to lock the SYS user account by executing the DDL statement ALTER USER SYS ACCOUNT LOCK while the password file was created in LEGACY or 12 format.
- ORA-40366: Administrative privilege cannot be granted to this user.
Cause: An attempt was made to grant administrative privilege to a user who has been created with NONE as its authentication type. Such grants are not allowed.
- ORA-40367: An Administrative user cannot be altered to have no authentication type.
Cause: An attempt was made to alter an administrative user to have no authentication type.
- ORA-40381: Invalid field specification for: string
Cause: The derived field was incorrectly defined.
- ORA-40382: More than one linear regression equation in the model
Cause: More than one linear regression equation was in the model.
- ORA-40383: No model found in PMML document
Cause: There was no model found in the PMML document.
- ORA-40384: Only one model allowed in PMML document
Cause: More than one model existed in the PMML document.
- ORA-40385: Target has more than two categories
Cause: The target contained more than two categories.
- ORA-40386: NormContinuous must include at least two LinearNorm elements
Cause: NormContinuous included less than two LinearNorm elements.
- ORA-40387: Invalid interval for Discretize field: string
Cause: The intervals were incorrect.
- ORA-40388: Unsupported feature in PMML document: string
Cause: The feature was not supported by Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) model import.
- ORA-40389: Unsupported PMML transformation: string
Cause: The transformation was not supported.
- ORA-40390: PMML DerivedField must have a unique name specified: string
Cause: "The Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) DerivedField did not reference another defined field and did not have a unique name."
- ORA-40391: PMML DerivedField depends on a undefined field: string
Cause: A DerivedField referenced an undefined field.
- ORA-40392: PMML regression equation references an undefined field: string
Cause: The Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) Regression equation did not reference defined fields. PMML Regression equation may only reference defined fields.
- ORA-40401: categorical attributes are not supported by this algorithm
Cause: The build data provided to the CREATE_MODEL routine contained one or more categorical attributes of types CHAR, VARCHAR2, or DM_NESTED_CATEGORICAL. These attributes are currently not supported for the SVD algorithm.
- ORA-40402: cannot output U matrix without a valid case identifier column
Cause: A U matrix was requested, but there was no case identifier column in the build data.
- ORA-40403: model does not have any valid features
Cause: All singular values in the SVD model were equal to zero. This can occur if the build data contains only zeros or all build columns have constant values and automatic data preparation is turned on.
- ORA-40404: approximate computation cannot be disabled for the build data
Cause: The build data had a very high number of attributes. An SVD model can be built only by enabling approximate computation.
- ORA-40405: Full SVD solvers cannot be used for the build data.
Cause: The build data had a very high number of attributes. A Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) model cannot be built using full SVD solvers.
- ORA-40421: missing text policy name
Cause: Text policy name was missing.
- ORA-40422: TEXT attribute types not supported by this algorithm
Cause: The training input to the CREATE_MODEL routine contained one or more attributes of TEXT type. These attributes are currently not supported by Orthogonal Partitioning Clustering (O-Cluster).
- ORA-40423: Extraction of tokens from text failed
Cause: Extraction of tokens from an attribute of TEXT type failed.
- ORA-40441: JSON syntax error
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data had invalid syntax and could not be parsed.
- ORA-40442: JSON path expression syntax error ('string')string
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression had an invalid syntax and could not be parsed.
- ORA-40443: unsupported JSON path expression
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression contained unsupported features.
- ORA-40444: JSON processing error
Cause: The requested JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operation failed.
- ORA-40445: unsupported JSON operation
Cause: The requested JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operation is not supported.
- ORA-40446: expecting keyword STREAM
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operator expected the keyword STREAM.
- ORA-40447: expecting PASSING clause
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operator expected a PASSING clause.
- ORA-40448: expecting RETURNING clause
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operator expected a RETURNING clause.
- ORA-40449: invalid data type for return value
Cause: The provided data type for the return value was invalid or unsupported.
- ORA-40450: invalid ON ERROR clause
Cause: The provided ON ERROR clause was invalid.
- ORA-40451: invalid default value provided
Cause: The provided default value was not allowed here.
- ORA-40452: default value not matching type defined in RETURNING clause
Cause: The provided default value did not match the type defined in the RETURNING clause.
- ORA-40453: JSON operator syntax error
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operator had invalid syntax.
- ORA-40454: path expression not a literal
Cause: The provided path expression was not a literal (a constant).
- ORA-40455: default value not a literal
Cause: The provided default value was not a literal (a constant).
- ORA-40456: JSON_VALUE evaluated to non-scalar value
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression selected a non-scalar value.
- ORA-40457: JSON path expression contained an invalid array index ('string')string
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression contained an invalid array index.
- ORA-40458: JSON_EXISTS used outside predicate
Cause: The operator JSON_EXISTS was used outside of a predicate.
- ORA-40459: output value too large (actual: string, maximum: string)
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operator generated a result which exceeds the maximum length specified in the RETURN clause.
- ORA-40460: default value too large
Cause: The provided default value exceed the maximum length specified in the RETURN clause.
- ORA-40461: Unsupported character set
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operator does not supported the current database character set.
- ORA-40462: JSON_VALUE evaluated to no value
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression did not select a value.
- ORA-40463: JSON path expression contained an invalid variable name
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression contained a variable name that was not used in the PASSING clause.
- ORA-40464: JSON PASSING clause contained duplicate variable names
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) PASSING clause contained non-unique variable names.
- ORA-40465: JSON PASSING clause contained too many unnamed parameters
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) PASSING clause contained too many unnamed parameters.
- ORA-40466: Invalid parameter in IS [NOT] JSON predicate
Cause: The IS [NOT] JSON predicate containes an invalid parameter.
- ORA-40467: JSON_TEXTCONTAINS() cannot be evaluated without a JSON-enabled context index
Cause: There was no JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)-enabled context index available.
- ORA-40468: first input parameter to JSON_TEXTCONTAINS() must be a column
Cause: The first input parameter to JSON_TEXTCONTAINS() was not a column.
- ORA-40469: JSON path expression in JSON_TEXTCONTAINS() is invalid
Cause: A predicate or array position was used in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression, or the length of a JSON field name in the path expression exceeded the JSON search index token length limit.
- ORA-40470: JSON_VALUE evaluated to multiple values
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression selected more than one value.
- ORA-40471: selected value not JSON array or object
Cause: The selected value was not a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) value. (object or array)
- ORA-40472: invalid escape in JSON data
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data had an invalid escape sequence.
- ORA-40473: duplicate key names in JSON object
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data had duplicate key names in one object.
- ORA-40474: invalid UTF-8 byte sequence in JSON data
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data had an invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
- ORA-40475: JSON data nested too many levels
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data had too many levels of nesting.
- ORA-40476: JSON key too long
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data had a key which exceeds the maximum length.
- ORA-40477: internal JSON error
Cause: There was an internal error in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) processing layer.
- ORA-40478: output value too large (maximum: string)
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operator generated a result which exceeds the maximum length specified in the RETURN clause.
- ORA-40479: internal JSON serializer error
Cause: There was an internal error in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) serializer).
- ORA-40480: result cannot be returned without array wrapper
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expressions selected a value that can only be returned inside an array.
- ORA-40481: ASCII or PRETTY not supported for non-textual return data type
Cause: An attempt was made to pretty print or escape non-ASCII characters for a non-textual output of a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operation.
- ORA-40482: JSON_TEXTCONTAINS() used outside predicate of WHERE clause
Cause: JSON_TEXTCONTAINS() was used outside of the predicate of a WHERE clause.
- ORA-40483: incorrect search string to JSON_TEXTCONTAINS()
Cause: An incorrect search string to JSON_TEXTCONTAINS() was used.
- ORA-40484: invalid data type for JSON_TABLE column
Cause: A column in the provided JSON_TABLE had an unsupported data type.
- ORA-40485: keyword PRETTY not valid for this column
Cause: A JSON_TABLE column with JSON_VALUE semantics could not be pretty printed.
- ORA-40486: array wrapper not valid for this column
Cause: A JSON_TABLE column with JSON_VALUE semantics could not have an array wrapper.
- ORA-40487: invalid usage of keyword EXISTS
Cause: A JSON_TABLE column with JSON_EXISTS semantics had invalid parameters.
- ORA-40488: invalid ON ERROR clause for column semantics
Cause: An ON ERROR clause was provided that was not valid for the selected column semantics.
- ORA-40489: keyword ASCII not valid for this column
Cause: A JSON_TABLE column with JSON_VALUE semantics could not be pretty printed.
- ORA-40490: COLUMNS clause required
Cause: The provided JSON_TABLE row source requires a COLUMNS clause.
- ORA-40491: invalid input data type for JSON_TABLE
Cause: The provided input to JSON_TABLE has an unsupported data type.
- ORA-40492: invalid column definition in JSON_TABLE
Cause: A column definition inside JSON_TABLE was invalid.
- ORA-40493: invalid option or parameter in JSON_TABLE
Cause: The provided JSON_TABLE definition contained one or more invalid options or parameters.
- ORA-40494: error during execution of JSON_TABLE
Cause: The provided JSON_TABLE definition could not be evaluated.
- ORA-40495: internal error in JSON_TABLE
Cause: The provided JSON_TABLE definition could not be evaluated.
- ORA-40496: too many keys for JSON_OBJECTAGG
Cause: The number of rows in a JSON_OBJECTAGG aggregation group exceeded the maximum number of keys for a JSON Object.
- ORA-40497: only one ordinality column permitted
Cause: The provided JSON_TABLE definition contained more than one ordinality column.
- ORA-40498: binary format requested for non-binary data type
Cause: The provided JSON format was binary but the input data type was not binary.
- ORA-40499: no format defined for binary data type
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) input was of binary type but a format was not defined.
- ORA-40501: cannot open an encrypted log file
Cause: An attempt was made to open a log file that has been encrypted for storage and management by the Oracle Availability Machine. Only the processes involved in shipping such a log to or from the Oracle Availability Machine can open the log.
- ORA-40504: file string created before last CREATE CONTROLFILE, could not proceed with recovery
Cause: An attempt at media recovery found that the data file already existed before the last CREATE CONTROLFILE statement was executed. The information needed for doing the media recovery was lost with the control file that existed when the data file was added to the database.
- ORA-40505: tablespace #string has been dropped
Cause: An attempt was made on the physical standby database to access the tablespace that was being dropped by Redo Apply. Note that the target tablespace was dropped on the primary database and the physical standby database was applying the redo that was generated at the primary database for the target tablespace drop.
- ORA-40507: The file header of data file string is corrupt. Automatic block repair is trying to fix the file header.
Cause: A corrupt data file header was encountered during a checkpoint.
- ORA-40509: cursor compilation failed because string
Cause: Cursor compilation failed. Check the alert log for more details.
- ORA-40510: This type of file cannot be renamed.
Cause: An attempt was made to rename a file for which renaming is not supported.
- ORA-40511: Data file string is not accessible to recovery.
Cause: The data transfer cache was sent and rejected blocks for a file that was not accessible to the recovery. Either the file had not yet been added by the recovery or the file was offline.
- ORA-40512: PDB recovery stopped at SCN %0!s, time %1!s, before reaching target time %2!s on an orphan database incarnation.
Cause: The target time was on an orphan database incarnation and the pluggable database (PDB) recovery could not proceed further.
- ORA-40513: not supported on standby database
Cause: An attempt was made to reset the pluggable database (PDB) incarnation on the standby database.
- ORA-40514: You may need to restore an older backup for recovery to orphan PDB incarnation
Cause: Oracle can not verify that the specified file is a correct file for this database. This may be because Oracle is recovering to an orphan PDB incarnation.
- ORA-40515: No source of foreign redo could be found for PDB string.
Cause: The named standby pluggable database was waiting for a new source pluggable database to be identified.
- ORA-40516: Cannot create a pluggable database restore point on standby when the pluggable database has orphaned from the primary.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a pluggable database (PDB) restore point on the standby when the PDB had orphaned from the primary.
- ORA-40551: internal BSON/JSON conversion error [string]
Cause: BSON/JSON conversion failed with internal error.
- ORA-40552: invalid data type
Cause: The BSON/JSON converter was invoked with an invalid data type.
- ORA-40553: path expression with predicates not supported in this operation
Cause: A path expression with predicates was specified in a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operation that does not support predicates.
- ORA-40554: invalid input data type in PASSING clause
Cause: The specified PASSING clause had an unsupported data type.
- ORA-40555: incorrect PASSING clause
Cause: The specified PASSING clause was invalid.
- ORA-40556: unsupported chaining of JSON_TABLE
Cause: The specified JSON_TABLES were chained.
- ORA-40557: cannot update a JSON value
Cause: An attempt was made to update a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) value.
- ORA-40558: Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) requires that the Oracle Database compatible parameter is set to or higher.
Cause: DBMS_SODA_ADMIN package was used when the database was operating at a compatible setting lower than
- ORA-40559: one or more JSON objects exist that cannot be downgraded.
Cause: There were JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) objects in the database that were created in a release beyond the selected release for downgrade.
- ORA-40560: JSON_TABLE nested path expressions not disjunct
Cause: The JSON_TABLE expression contained two or more nested path expressions that (partially or fully) selected the same fields.
- ORA-40561: invalid path in JSON_TABLE nested path clause
Cause: The JSON_TABLE expression contained a nested path clause with an invalid path expression.
- ORA-40562: Conversion from JSON to SDO_GEOMETRY failed.
Cause: The selected value could not be converted to a SDO_GEOMETRY object.
- ORA-40563: default value not allowed for object types.
Cause: The error handler specified a default value and the returned data type was an object type. These cannot be combined.
- ORA-40564: Invalid JSON specification.
Cause: The provided specification was invalid.
- ORA-40565: JSON path expression did not select a value.
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression did not select a value.
- ORA-40566: JSON path expression selected a value of different data type.
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression selected a data type value different than the requested data type.
- ORA-40567: JSON patch operation failed.
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) patch operation failed.
- ORA-40568: Cannot modify read-only target.
Cause: An attempt to modify a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) structure failed because the structure cannot be modified.
- ORA-40569: Unimplemented JSON feature.
Cause: An attempt was made to execute an unimplemented JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) feature.
- ORA-40570: JSON conversion failed.
Cause: A conversion between a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) value and another type failed.
- ORA-40571: JSON key name not found.
Cause: A key with the specified name was not found in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data.
- ORA-40572: Invalid JSON array position.
Cause: An attempt was made to access an item inside a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) array with a position that is either out of bounds or invalid.
- ORA-40573: Invalid use of PL/SQL JSON object type.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a PL/SQL JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object type in an invalid context.
- ORA-40574: JSON operation on redacted column string not allowed.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operation on a column which has a redaction policy.
- ORA-40576: Invalid use of bind variable in SQL/JSON path.
Cause: An attempt was made to bind a non-runtime constant to a bind variable in SQL/JSON path.
- ORA-40577: invalid key name
Cause: The provided key name was not valid.
- ORA-40578: invalid or non-existent array position
Cause: The provided array position was not valid or nonexistent.
- ORA-40579: star expansion is not allowed
Cause: Either t.* or * was used in a context where it is not allowed.
- ORA-40580: STRICT or WITH UNIQUE KEYS not allowed for JSON type
Cause: An attempt was made to use IS JSON with the STRICT or UNIQUE KEYS option on a JSON type input. A JSON type instance is always STRICT and has unique keys.
- ORA-40581: package functions are unsupported below compatible string
Cause: The package was used with a database that was operating at a compatible setting lower than expected.
- ORA-40582: cannot find a data guide-enabled context index
Cause: A data guide-enabled context index for the specified column in the specified table was not found.
- ORA-40583: view name or table name or JSON column name cannot be null
Cause: The view name or table name or JSON column name was null.
- ORA-40584: JSON column string does not exist
Cause: The given table did not have a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) column with the given name.
- ORA-40585: invalid frequency
Cause: The specified frequency was invalid.
- ORA-40586: error occurred in the execution of string
Cause: A internal error occurred.
- ORA-40587: invalid JSON type
Cause: The specified JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) type was invalid.
- ORA-40588: invalid estimate percentage
Cause: The specified estimate percentage was invalid.
- ORA-40589: path 'string' does not exist
Cause: The specified path was not found.
- ORA-40590: invalid format
Cause: The specified format was invalid.
- ORA-40591: empty data guide on json column
Cause: No data has been inserted to the json column.
- ORA-40592: name conflicts were found during execution of DBMS_JSON.ADD_VIRTUAL_COLUMNS: string
Cause: An attempt was made to create virtual columns using an annotated Javascript Object Notation (JSON) data guide with the name of a column that already exists.
- ORA-40593: name conflicts were found during execution of DBMS_JSON.CREATE_VIEW: string
Cause: An attempt was made to create a view using an annotated Javascript Object Notation (JSON) data guide with the name of a column that already exists.
- ORA-40594: invalid data guide: string
Cause: The specified data guide was invalid.
- ORA-40595: Name input to JSON generation function cannot be null.
Cause: The name input given to the Javascript Object Notation (JSON) generation function was null.
- ORA-40596: error occurred in JSON processing string
Cause: An error occurred when evaluating the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) operator.
- ORA-40597: JSON path expression syntax error ('string')string\nat position string
Cause: The specified JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression had invalid syntax and could not be parsed.
- ORA-40598: JSON path expression contained an invalid array index ('string')string\nat position string
Cause: The specified JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression contained an invalid array index.
- ORA-40599: IS JSON check constraint cannot be dropped.
Cause: IS JSON check constraint could not be dropped when there was a JSON search index created on the column.
- ORA-40600: JSON_EQUAL used outside predicate
Cause: The operator JSON_EQUAL was used outside of a predicate.
- ORA-40601: missing data for object type conversion
Cause: The input JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data was missing data to match all of the attributes in the specified object type.
- ORA-40602: extra data for object type conversion
Cause: The input JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data had extra fields that did not match any attribute in the specified object type.
- ORA-40603: type error mismatch for object type conversion
Cause: The input JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data had fields that nominally matched an attribute in the specified object type, but had an incompatible data type.
- ORA-40604: exceeded maximum size for a JSON data type object
Cause: The maximum size permitted for a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data type object was exceeded.
- ORA-40605: Invalid value for OCI_ATTR_SODA_FETCH_ARRAY_SIZE attribute.
Cause: An invalid value was specified for OCI_ATTR_SODA_FETCH_ARRAY_SIZE attribute.
- ORA-40620: total length of key names in JSON object too long
Cause: The length of all the key names combined exceeded the maximum length permitted for a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object.
- ORA-40621: Collection create mode string is not supported.
Cause: An invalid collection create mode was specified.
- ORA-40622: Creating a collection backed by view or package in ''NEW'' mode is not allowed.
Cause: Creating a collection backed by view or package in NEW mode was not allowed.
- ORA-40623: The table intended to back the collection does not exist.
Cause: The table intended to back the collection did not exist.
- ORA-40624: Columns of the mapped table backing the collection do not match collection metadata.
Cause: The columns of mapped table backing the collection did not match the collection metadata.
- ORA-40625: The view intended to back the collection does not exist.
Cause: The view intended to back the collection did not exist.
- ORA-40626: The table or view underlying the collection cannot be dropped.
Cause: The table or the view underlying the collection could not be dropped. There could be uncommitted writes to the collection.
- ORA-40627: Columns of the mapped view backing the collection do not match collection metadata.
Cause: The columns of mapped view backing the collection did not match the collection metadata.
- ORA-40628: Projection specification is not valid JSON
Cause: Projection specification was not expressed in valid JSON.
- ORA-40629: Patch specification is not valid JSON
Cause: Patch specification was not expressed in valid JSON.
- ORA-40630: Versioning method 'string' is not valid.
Cause: The specified versioning method was not valid.
- ORA-40631: The last-modified column index can only be set when the last-modified column name is set.
Cause: The last-modified column index was specified without setting the last-modified column name.
- ORA-40632: Key column length value cannot be less than 0.
Cause: The specified key column length value was less than 0.
- ORA-40633: When using GUID or UUID to assign character type key values, the key column length must be 32 bytes or greater.
Cause: The specified key column length for a GUID or UUID character type key value was less than 32 bytes.
- ORA-40634: Key assignment method 'string' is not valid.
Cause: The specified key assignment method was not valid.
- ORA-40635: If the key assignment method is 'SEQUENCE', a key column sequence name must be specified.
Cause: The key assignment method 'SEQUENCE' was specified, but the key column sequence name was not set.
- ORA-40636: Content column type 'string' is not valid.
Cause: The specified content column type was not valid.
- ORA-40637: Content column maximum length value cannot be less than 0.
Cause: The specified content column maximum length value was less than 0.
- ORA-40638: Content column validation mode 'string' is not valid.
Cause: The specified content column validation mode was not valid.
- ORA-40639: Content column compress setting 'string' is not valid.
Cause: The specified content column compress setting was not valid.
- ORA-40640: Content column LOB cache setting 'string' is not valid (must be 'true' or 'false').
Cause: The specified content column LOB cache setting was not valid.
- ORA-40641: Content column LOB encrypt setting 'string' is not valid.
Cause: The specified content column LOB encrypt setting was not valid.
- ORA-40642: The collection cannot have a media type column unless the content column type is BLOB.
Cause: The content column type was set to a type other than Binary Large Object (BLOB), and the media type column was requested.
- ORA-40643: INITIAL storage clause parameter value cannot be less than 0.
Cause: The specified INITIAL storage clause parameter value was not valid.
- ORA-40644: PCTINCREASE storage clause parameter value cannot be less than 0.
Cause: The specified PCTINCREASE storage clause parameter value was not valid.
- ORA-40645: If the key column sequence name was specified, the key column assignment method must be set to 'SEQUENCE'.
Cause: The key column sequence name was specified, but the key column assignment method was not 'SEQUENCE'.
- ORA-40646: SecureFile LOB settings cannot be used when the content column type is 'string'.
Cause: SecureFile LOB settings were specified, but the content column was not of LOB type.
- ORA-40647: A non-zero content column maximum length cannot be set for LOB content types.
Cause: A non-zero content column maximum length was specified, but the content column was of a LOB type.
- ORA-40648: Versioning method other than 'NONE' can only be specified if version column name is specified.
Cause: Versioning method other than 'NONE' was specified, but the version column name was not specified.
- ORA-40649: Key column maximum length cannot be greater than 255 bytes.
Cause: A key column maximum length value greater than 255 bytes was specified.
- ORA-40650: The specified key column type cannot be used with a maximum length.
Cause: A key column type that does not support maximum length was specified.
- ORA-40651: Key column type 'string' is not valid.
Cause: The specified key column type was not valid.
- ORA-40652: Read-only setting is not valid (must be 'true' or 'false').
Cause: The specified read-only setting was not valid.
- ORA-40653: Spatial data type MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY not found.
Cause: The spatial data type MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY could not be found.
- ORA-40654: Input to JSON generation function has unsupported data type.
Cause: An input parameter to the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) generation function had a data type that is not supported.
- ORA-40655: no PASSING clause specified
Cause: The PASSING clause was not specified for the bind variables in the query.
- ORA-40656: Variable in JSON path expression has no value in PASSING clause.
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression contained a variable name that had no corresponding value in the external PASSING clause.
- ORA-40657: Variable in PASSING clause has no name.
Cause: The expression provided in the PASSING clause had no name.
- ORA-40658: Collection name cannot be null for this operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform the operation without a name.
- ORA-40659: Data type does not match the specification in the collection metadata.
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid data type.
- ORA-40660: Content value cannot be null for instantiating a document.
Cause: An attempt was made to instantiate a document with a null content.
- ORA-40661: Key value cannot be null for this operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation with a null key.
- ORA-40662: Document cannot be null for this operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation with a null document.
- ORA-40663: cannot modify a read-only collection
Cause: An attempt was made to modify a read-only collection.
- ORA-40664: cannot add additional IS JSON check constraint
Cause: An attempt was made to add an IS JSON check constraint to a column that already had an IS JSON check constraint.
- ORA-40665: A client-assigned key cannot be used for this operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a client-assigned key for this collection.
- ORA-40666: Internal error 'string' received from JSON processor
Cause: An internal error was received during a JSON operation.
- ORA-40667: Patch operation cannot destroy JSON_ELEMENT_T type.
Cause: An operation in the patch specification attempted to remove the top-most container (object or array) from the JSON_ELEMENT_T type.
- ORA-40668: collection metadata too long
Cause: The collection metadata which was passed was too long.
- ORA-40669: Collection create failed: collection with same name but different metadata exists.
Cause: Creation of the collection failed because there was an existing collection with same name but different metadata.
- ORA-40670: Unable to complete collection create due to an interfering collection DDL operation.
Cause: Existing collection with the same name was encountered, but dropped from another process before its metadata could be checked.
- ORA-40671: Collection not found.
Cause: Collection was not found.
- ORA-40672: Specified key column max length of string bytes exceeds maximum allowed 255 bytes.
Cause: Key column max length specified in the supplied metadata exceeded maximum allowed length of 255 bytes.
- ORA-40673: string argument cannot be NULL.
Cause: Supplied argument was NULL.
- ORA-40674: Length of string metadata value cannot exceed string bytes.
Cause: Length of the supplied metadata value exceeded allowed limit.
- ORA-40675: Metadata descriptor must be specified using valid JSON.
Cause: JSON supplied for the metadata descriptor was not valid.
- ORA-40676: invalid Query-By-Example (QBE) filter specification\nstring
Cause: The Query-By-Example (QBE) filter specification was invalid.
- ORA-40677: internal SODA error
Cause: There was an internal error in the Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) processing layer.
- ORA-40678: The total number of keys specified using the attributes key, keys, and filter is string; exceeds the maximum allowed limit of string.
Cause: The number of keys exceeded allowed limit.
- ORA-40679: Lob length of string bytes exceed maximum supported length of string bytes
Cause: The large object (LOB) content that was fetched exceeded the maximum supported length
- ORA-40680: invalid identifier used for path expression in JSON_TABLE
Cause: A double-quoted identifier used a path expression that was invalid.
- ORA-40681: OCI_SODA_AS_STORED cannot be used if the content column type is JSON, CLOB, or VARCHAR2.
Cause: An attempt was made to use OCI_SODA_AS_STORED on a collection whose content column type was not BLOB.
- ORA-40682: invalid combination of flags used
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid combination of flags.
- ORA-40683: Value 'string' is not valid for field 'string' (must be 'true' or 'false').
Cause: The specified setting was not valid.
- ORA-40684: maximum number of key names exceeded
Cause: An attempt was made to return a list of keys names for a JSON object that had more than 32767 keys.
- ORA-40685: UTF-32 encoding is not supported for JSON documents.
Cause: UTF-32 encoded content was specified for a document of type "applicaton/json".
- ORA-40686: For a JSON-only collection, media type of the input document must be 'application/json'.
Cause: An attempt was made to write a document with media type other than 'application/json' to a JSON-only collection.
- ORA-40687: CREATE_MODE parameter of CREATE_COLLECTION function is invalid.
Cause: Invalid value was supplied as CREATE_MODE parameter of CREATE_COLLECTION function.
- ORA-40688: date or time stamp string value does not conform to ISO 8601 format
Cause: An attempt was made to convert the date or time stamp string value that did not conform to ISO 8601 format.
- ORA-40689: Skip value cannot be set to null.
Cause: An attempt was made to set a null value for skip.
- ORA-40690: Limit value cannot be set to null.
Cause: An attempt was made to set a null value for limit.
- ORA-40691: The cursor for the operation has already been closed.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a cursor that has already been closed.
- ORA-40692: Version value cannot be set to null.
Cause: An attempt was made to set a null value for version.
- ORA-40693: Filter value cannot be set to null.
Cause: An attempt was made to set a null value for filter.
- ORA-40694: Query-by-example (QBE) with clauses other than $id, $textContains is not supported on heterogeneous collections.
Cause: An attempt was made use QBE on a heterogeneous collection with clauses other than $id, $textContains.
- ORA-40695: The collection does not have version column.
Cause: An attempt was made to use version in the operation on a collection with no version column.
- ORA-40696: invalid type for index property string: expected string
Cause: An invalid index property type was specified.
- ORA-40697: invalid value specified for index property 'dataguide'
Cause: An invalid value for the index property 'dataguide' was specified.
- ORA-40698: invalid value specified for index property 'search_on'
Cause: An invalid value for the index property 'search_on' was specified.
- ORA-40699: invalid value specified for index property 'order'
Cause: An invalid value for the index property 'order' was specified.
- ORA-40700: missing string index property
Cause: A mandatory index property was missing.
- ORA-40701: null case ID column - cannot provide row importance
Cause: The row importance was enabled, but without a corresponding case or row identifier column in the build data.
- ORA-40711: incompatible index field properties string and string
Cause: Incompatible index field properties were specified.
- ORA-40712: Index property string cannot be specified without specifying the 'fields'.
Cause: An index property was specified without specifying the 'fields' property.
- ORA-40713: Index property 'lax' cannot be specified with 'scalarRequired'.
Cause: Index properties 'lax' and 'scalarRequired' were both specified.
- ORA-40714: data type string not recognized or acceptable for an index column
Cause: An invalid data type property was used.
- ORA-40715: Index property 'maxLength' cannot be specified with non-string data types.
Cause: Index property 'maxLength' was specified with a non-string data type.
- ORA-40716: Text indexing is not supported on heterogeneous collections.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a text index on a heterogeneous collection.
- ORA-40717: Functional indexing is not supported on heterogeneous collections.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a functional index on a heterogeneous collection.
- ORA-40718: Geospatial indexing is not supported on heterogeneous collections.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a geospatial index on a heterogeneous collection.
- ORA-40719: invalid index property string
Cause: An invalid index property was specified.
- ORA-40720: Text indexing is not supported on collections with key column of NVARCHAR2 data type.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a text index on a collection with a key column of NVARCHAR2 data type.
- ORA-40721: Text indexing is not supported on collections with content column of NVARCHAR2 or NCLOB data type.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a text index on a collection with a content column of NVARCHAR2 or NCLOB data type.
- ORA-40722: Text indexing is not supported on collections with encrypted content column.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a text index on a collection with an encrypted content column.
- ORA-40723: index specification cannot be null
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a null index specification.
- ORA-40724: array steps in the fields path is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to use array steps in fields path.
- ORA-40725: path for the field in the index specification cannot be null
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a null value for the field's path in the index specification.
- ORA-40726: path for the field in the index specification is invalid
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid path in the index specification.
- ORA-40727: number of paths with string data type exceeds the maximum permissible limit of 16
Cause: Number of paths with string data type exceeds the maximum permissible limit of 16.
- ORA-40728: missing dot separator in path string at position string.
Cause: A dot separator was missing in the path expression.
- ORA-40729: unclosed quote at end of path string
Cause: A quote that was not closed was detected at the end of the path.
- ORA-40730: an invalid character detected in the escape string in the path string at position string
Cause: An attempt was made to use a path containing invalid charcters in the escape string.
- ORA-40731: invalid quoted step in the path string at position string
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid quoted step in the path.
- ORA-40732: incomplete escape sequence in the path string
Cause: An attempt was made to use an incomplete escape sequence in the path.
- ORA-40733: An index with the specified name already exists in the schema.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an index with the same name as another index in the schema.
- ORA-40734: key for the document to replace must be specified using the key attribute
Cause: An attempt was made to replace a document without setting the key attribute.
- ORA-40735: invalid type in RETURNING clause
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid data type in the RETURNING clause.
- ORA-40736: Query-By-Example (QBE) filter is not valid JSON\nstring
Cause: QBE filter was not expressed in valid JSON.
- ORA-40737: partitionColumn.path is missing
Cause: partitionColumn.name was specified, but partitionColumn.path was missing.
- ORA-40738: partitionColumn.name is missing
Cause: One or a combination of partitionColumn.path, partitionColumn.maxLength, or partitionColumn.sqlType was specified, but partitionColumn.name was missing.
- ORA-40739: Partition column type string is not valid.
Cause: The specified partition column type was not valid.
- ORA-40740: cannot use JSON format 'string' with content columns of type 'string'
Cause: An invalid combination of content column settings was specified.
- ORA-40741: cannot use JSON format 'string' with a heterogeneous collection
Cause: An invalid combination of heterogeneous collection settings was specified.
- ORA-40742: Content column JSON format 'string' is invalid.
Cause: An invalid JSON format was specified for the content column.
- ORA-40743: Partition column length value cannot be less than 0.
Cause: The specified partition column length value was less than 0.
- ORA-40744: Specified partition column max length of string bytes exceeds maximum allowed string bytes.
Cause: Partition column max length specified in the supplied metadata exceeded the maximum allowed length.
- ORA-40745: The specified partition column type cannot be used with a maximum length.
Cause: A partition column type that does not support maximum length was specified.
- ORA-40746: keyColumn.path must be set with 'string' key assignment method.
Cause: keyColumn.path was not set with the specified EXTRACT or INSERT key assignment method.
- ORA-40747: The value string is not a valid key of type string.
Cause: The key value was not of a valid type.
- ORA-40748: SKIP and LIMIT attributes cannot be used for count operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to use SKIP and LIMIT attributes in a count operation.
- ORA-40749: Index property string cannot be specified without specifying the fields or spatial properties.
Cause: An index property was specified without specifying the fields or spatial properties.
- ORA-40750: Column of LOB type cannot be used for sorting.
Cause: The specified sort condition included a LOB column.
- ORA-40751: Document flags are not the same in all the input documents.
Cause: The document flags were not the same in all the input documents supplied to the insert operation.
- ORA-40752: Input document array length must be greater than 0.
Cause: The supplied input document array length was less than or equal to 0.
- ORA-40753: The current user is not the owner of the index.
Cause: The current user was not the owner of the index. Only the owner of the index can perform the operation.
- ORA-40754: Collection name cannot be null for this operation.
Cause: Collection name was null for the operation.
- ORA-40755: Index name cannot be null for this operation.
Cause: Index name was null for the operation.
- ORA-40756: descendant step in the path expression is not supported
Cause: The specified path contained a descendant step.
- ORA-40757: A dot (.) cannot appear as the first or last character of a path. To signify a zero-length field name, a pair of backquotes must be used before or after the dot.
Cause: A dot (.) was used as the first or last character of the path.
- ORA-40758: unquoted special character string used as step in the path string at position string
Cause: Special characters such as $, @ cannot be used as a path step by itself unless backquoted.
- ORA-40759: wildcard step in the path expression is not supported
Cause: The specified path contained a wildcard step.
- ORA-40760: Index with the specified name did not exist on the collection.
Cause: Index with the specified name did not exist on the collection.
- ORA-40761: OCI_SODA_AS_STORED cannot be used if the content column JSON format is textual JSON.
Cause: An attempt was made to use OCI_SODA_AS_STORED on a Binary Large Object (BLOB) collection whose content column format was not textual JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
- ORA-40762: missing value in JSON_TRANSFORM (string)
Cause: An attempt was made to work with a value in JSON_TRANSFORM that was missing.
- ORA-40763: existing value in JSON_TRANSFORM (string)
Cause: An attempt was made to work with a value in JSON_TRANSFORM that already existed.
- ORA-40764: invalid option in ON EXISTING clause
Cause: An option for the ON EXISTING clause was provided thatwas not legal for the given JSON_TRANSFORM operation.
- ORA-40765: invalid option in ON MISSING clause
Cause: An option for the ON MISSING clause was provided that was not legal for the given JSON_TRANSFORM operation.
- ORA-40766: error in JSON_TRANSFORM execution (string)
Cause: An operation was performed that raised this internal error.
- ORA-40767: field with this name already exists (string)
Cause: A RENAME operation was attempted to rename a field to a name that already existed in the same Javascript Object Notation (JSON) object.
- ORA-40768: field with this name does not exist (string)
Cause: A RENAME operation attempted to rename a field that did not exist.
- ORA-40769: selected value not a JSON array
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a JSON_TRANSFORM array operation on a value that was not an array.
- ORA-40770: removal of root value not allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to remove the topmost object, array or scalar value in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data.
- ORA-40771: JSON array subscript 'last' not permitted
Cause: An attempt was made to use the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) array subscript 'last' with an operator that does not support 'last'.
- ORA-40772: Truncation is not supported on a collection that is not table based.
Cause: An attempt was made to truncate a collection that was not table based.
- ORA-40773: Input JSON document contents are not in the same encoding.
Cause: Encoding of JSON content in all input documents was not the same.
- ORA-40774: Metadata component string has value string which differs from expected value string.
Cause: An attempt was made to use unsupported collection metadata value.
- ORA-40775: Only table-backed collections are supported.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a collection not backed by a table.
- ORA-40776: SCN value for 'as of' operation cannot be set to null.
Cause: An attempt was made to set a null value for system change number (SCN).
- ORA-40777: Timestamp value for 'as of' cannot be set to null.
Cause: An attempt was made to set a null value for the timestamp value.
- ORA-40778: SCN and timestamp attributes for SELECT and COUNT operations only.
Cause: An attempt was made to use system change number (SCN) and timestamp attributes in an 'as of' operation that was not SELECT or COUNT.
- ORA-40779: Truncation is not supported with data type in RETURNING clause.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the TRUNCATE keyword with a non-textual data type in the RETURNING clause.
- ORA-40780: JSON syntax error\nstring
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data had invalid syntax and could not be parsed.
- ORA-40781: buffer underflow during the execution of OCIJson function\nstring
Cause: The operation on the OCIJson descriptor resulted in an underflow error.
- ORA-40782: invalid parameter value 'string' specified for the OCIJson function call
Cause: The operation on the OCIJson descriptor resulted in an error due to invalid input.
- ORA-40783: invalid binary JSON data\nstring
Cause: The provided binary JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data was invalid.
- ORA-40784: Error occurred while reading from the input stream.
Cause: An error occurred while reading from the input stream due to incorrect initialization.
- ORA-40785: Error occurred while writing to the output stream.
Cause: An error occurred while writing to the output stream due to incorrect initialization.
- ORA-40786: JSON_VALUE evaluated to non-Boolean value
Cause: The provided JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression selected a non-Boolean value.
- ORA-40787: invalid input data type for JSON_TRANSFORM
Cause: The specified input to JSON_TRANSFORM has an unsupported data type.
- ORA-40788: JSON_TRANSFORM insert operation contains invalid path
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a value into a JSON object or array using a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression that can potentially select multiple positions inside the same array or multiple keys in the same object.
- ORA-40789: JSON_TRANSFORM operation not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to invoke JSON_TRANSFORM with an unsupported operation or parameter.
- ORA-40790: invalid null input value for JSON_TRANSFORM
Cause: The specified input to JSON_TRANSFORM had a SQL null value.
- ORA-40791: invalid option in ON NULL clause
Cause: An illegal option for the ON NULL clause was provided for the specified JSON_TRANSFORM operation.
- ORA-40792: invalid ON NULL clause
Cause: The provided ON NULL clause was invalid.
- ORA-40793: invalid JSON descriptor detected: [string]
Cause: An invalid JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) descriptor was detected.
- ORA-40794: Warning of a NULL or empty input.
Cause: The operation processed a NULL or empty input.
- ORA-40795: cannot perform a write operation on a JSON descriptor in a C callout if the PL/SQL argument type is IN
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a write operation on a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) descriptor passed as an IN argument to a C callout.
- ORA-40796: invalid comparison operation involving JSON type value
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a comparison against a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) type value.
- ORA-40797: Error occurred during conversion of OCIJson descriptor to textual JSON\nstring.
Cause: An error occurred during conversion of OCIJson descriptor to textual JSON.
- ORA-40798: Boolean conversion not supported for data type
Cause: An attempt was made to use the Boolean number conversion with a data type that was not NUMBER.
- ORA-40799: cannot convert Boolean value to number
Cause: An attempt was made to convert a Boolean value that was selected by a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON path) expression having a number() or numberOnly() function to a number.
- ORA-40800: cannot create a JSON_VALUE functional index with predicates in the path expression
Cause: An attempt was made to create a JSON_VALUE functional index with predicates in the path expression.
- ORA-40801: metadata descriptor cannot be null
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a null metadata descriptor.
- ORA-40802: Collection create mode string cannot be used if collection is backed by a view.
Cause: An invalid collection create mode was specified.
- ORA-40803: JSON_TRANSFORM operation called with NULL input
Cause: A JSON_TRANSFORM operation was called with an input value that was NULL and the operation had ERROR ON NULL handling specified.
- ORA-40804: Warning of an operation on an empty JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) descriptor.
Cause: The operation processed a JSON descriptor that was empty.
- ORA-40805: cannot add an IS JSON check constraint to a JSON type column
Cause: An attempt was made to add an IS JSON check constraint to a column of JSON type.
- ORA-40806: Warning of replacement characters in the converted textual JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) due to bad character data in the source.\nstring
Cause: Conversion to textual JSON completed with replacement characters in the output.
- ORA-40807: Validation value 'string' cannot be specified with 'string' content column type.
Cause: Content column type for which validation is not supported was used.
- ORA-40808: Content column tablespace cannot be specified with 'string' content column type.
Cause: Content column type for which content column tablespace is not supported was used.
- ORA-40809: memOptimizeRead cannot be set to 'true' with 'string' content column type.
Cause: Content column type for which memOptimizeRead is not supported was used.
- ORA-40810: update of root value not allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to update the topmost object, array or scalar value in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data.
- ORA-40811: cannot perform piece-wise write operation on a LOB column with persistent binary JSON data
Cause: An attempt was made to update a piece on LOB column with persistent binary JSON data.
- ORA-40812: cannot specify both WITH ARRAY WRAPPER and OMIT QUOTES
Cause: The clause 'OMIT QUOTES ON SCALAR STRING' conflicted with the clause 'WITH ARRAY WRAPPER'.
- ORA-40813: cannot specify ASIS with KEEP QUOTES or OMIT QUOTES
Cause: The 'ASIS' clause could not be used together with 'OMIT QUOTES' or 'KEEP QUOTES'.
- ORA-40814: selected value not a JSON object
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a JSON_TRANSFORM object operation on a value that was not an object.
- ORA-40815: cannot create JSON array inside another array
Cause: An attempt was made to create a JSON array using the CREATE ON MISSING option to add this new array to another existing array. This was not possible as an array newly created by the CREATE ON MISSING option could only be added to an object.
- ORA-40816: invalid JSON key name
Cause: An attempt was made to set or rename a key in a JSON object with a a name that was invalid.
- ORA-40817: Metadata field string is either invalid, or missing in the original collection metadata.
Cause: An invalid field, or a field missing in the original collection metadata, was specified in the interim collection metadata.
- ORA-40818: Metadata field string has a value string unsupported in online redefinition.
Cause: A field with a value unsupported in online redefinition was supplied in the interim collection metadata.
- ORA-40819: Metadata field string cannot be specified when metadata field string has value string.
Cause: An invalid combination of fields was specified in the interim metadata.
- ORA-40820: cannot set LOCK on the operation if SKIP or LIMIT attributes are set
Cause: An invalid combination of operation attributes was specified.
- ORA-40821: LOCK attribute cannot be set for string operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to set LOCK attribute in this operation.
- ORA-40822: SecureFile LOB settings cannot be used when the content column stores binary JSON.
Cause: SecureFile LOB settings were specified for a binary JSON content column.
- ORA-40823: Validation cannot be specified when the content column stores binary JSON.
Cause: Validation was specified for a binary JSON content column.
- ORA-40824: Content column tablespace cannot be specified when the content column stores binary JSON.
Cause: Content column tablespace was specified for a binary JSON content column.
- ORA-40825: memOptimizeRead cannot be set when the content column stores binary JSON.
Cause: memOptimizeRead was specified for a binary JSON content column.
- ORA-40826: Collection create mode 'string' is not supported on this cloud service.
Cause: An unsupported collection create mode was specified.
- ORA-40827: keyColumn.path must not be set with 'string' key assignment method.
Cause: keyColumn.path was set with a key assignment method that does not requre a key path.
- ORA-40828: keyColumn.sqlType must be set to 'string' for the specified key column assignment method.
Cause: Key column SQL type incompatible with the specified key column assignement method was used.
- ORA-40829: keyColumn.maxLength must be set to 'string' for the specified key column assignment method.
Cause: Key column SQL type length incompatible with the specified key column assignement method was used.
- ORA-40830: ROWID not a valid JSON_TABLE column
Cause: An attempt was made to select a ROWID column from a JSON_TABLE.
- ORA-40831: CONS_VPD_AUTO is not applicable to online redefinition for SODA collections
Cause: An attempt was made to specify CONS_VPD_AUTO for redefining SODA collections.
- ORA-40832: Dependent string on string column is missing from the interim collection.
Cause: A required dependent was not defined on the interim collection.
- ORA-40833: empty input to JSON operator
Cause: An empty input (e.g. an empty CLOB) was provided to a JSON operator that expected a non-empty input.
- ORA-40834: invalid input to JSON parse/load function
Cause: An invalid value (e.g. a NULL CLOB) was provided as input to the JSON parse or load functions.
- ORA-40835: invalid path 'string'
Cause: Only a simple JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression was allowed. Predicates, wildcard steps, descendant steps, array steps, or trailing functions were not allowed.
- ORA-40836: invalid character in o:preferred_column_name 'string'
Cause: Double quotation was not allowed in a column name.
- ORA-40837: invalid materialized view refresh mode
Cause: The specified materialized view refresh mode was invalid.
- ORA-40838: Metadata specification must be an object.
Cause: The metadata specification root was an array or scalar. A metadata specification must be an object.
- ORA-40839: invalid field type in the metadata string, expected: string
Cause: The metadata specification contained a field with an incorrect type.
- ORA-40840: unsupported field string in the metadata
Cause: The metadata specification contained a field that is not supported.
- ORA-40841: invalid scalar type in the metadata field string, expected: string
Cause: The metadata specification contained a field with an incorrect scalar type.
- ORA-40842: unsupported value string in the metadata for the field string
Cause: The metadata specification contained a value that is not supported.
- ORA-40843: Multiple KEEP operations in JSON_TRANSFORM
Cause: A JSON_TRANSFORM expressions was provided that contained more than one KEEP operation.
- ORA-40844: cannot create a multivalue index having array step with position greater than zero in the path expression
Cause: An attempt was made to create a multivalue index that had an array step with a position greater than zero in the path expression.
- ORA-40845: failed to create object (string)
Cause: An attempt to create an object failed because there was not enough memory.
- ORA-40846: Redefining to contentColumn.sqlType BLOB with jsonFormat OSON is not allowed if the original collection's contentColumn.sqlType is JSON.
Cause: An invalid request was made to redefine a collection with contentColumn.sqlType JSON to contentColumn.sqlType BLOB with jsonFormat OSON.
- ORA-40847: Redefining to contentColumn.sqlType BLOB with jsonFormat OSON is not allowed if the original collection has user-defined constraints.
Cause: An invalid request was made to redefine a collection with user-defined constraints to contentColumn.sqlType BLOB with jsonFormat OSON.
- ORA-40848: Metadata field string cannot be specified when metadata field string has value string and metadata field jsonFormat has value OSON.
Cause: An invalid combination of fields were specified in the interim metadata.
- ORA-40849: Redefining to contentColumn.sqlType BLOB with jsonFormat OSON is not allowed if compatibility is 20 or above.
Cause: An invalid combination of fields were specified in the interim metadata.
- ORA-40850: cannot create a composite multivalue index on sibling arrays
Cause: An attempt was made to create a composite multivalue index on sibling arrays.
- ORA-40851: cannot create a composite multivalue index with ordinality column that is not the last column in the index
Cause: An attempt was made to create a composite multivalue index with ordinality column that was not the last column in the index.
- ORA-40852: SKIP and LIMIT attributes cannot be used for dataguide getter operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to use SKIP and LIMIT attributes for dataguide getter operation.
- ORA-40853: multivalue index must be created with ERROR ON ERROR, NULL ON EMPTY and NULL ON MISMATCH.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a multivalue index without using ERROR ON ERROR, NULL ON EMPTY and NULL ON MISMATCH.
- ORA-40854: A multivalue index is defined on table string.\n
Cause: A direct load was specified for a table on which a multivalue index was defined.
- ORA-40855: operation not allowed on SODA collection table "string"."string"
Cause: An attempt was made to alter or drop a SODA collection table.
- ORA-40856: illegal hint for Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA)
Cause: A hint containing illegal characters was supplied to SODA operations.
- ORA-40860: invalid combination of flags used
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid combination of flags.
- ORA-40867: Embedded key path cannot contain more than a single step.
Cause: Embedded key path with multiple steps or a descendant step has been encountered.
- ORA-40868: Embedded key path cannot contain an empty step.
Cause: Embedded key path contained an empty step, represented by two consecutive backquotes.
- ORA-40869: invalid value for SAMPLE percentage attribute.
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the SAMPLE percentage attribute.
- ORA-40870: invalid value for SAMPLE seed attribute.
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the SAMPLE seed attribute.
- ORA-40871: SAMPLE attribute cannot be used for remove or replace operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the SAMPLE attribute for a remove or replace operation.
- ORA-40900: filestore name invalid\n
Cause: The filestore name provided differs from the mount directory name.
- ORA-40901: mountpoint not specified\n
Cause: The mountpoint was not specified.
- ORA-40902: backingfile name invalid\n
Cause: The backingfile name was not specified or already exists.
- ORA-40903: filestore already mounted\n
Cause: A filestore with same name, backing file, or mountpoint was already mounted.
- ORA-40904: unable to dismount: filestore not mounted \n
Cause: The provided filestore was not mounted.
- ORA-40905: filestore not specified\n
Cause: The filestore name was not specified.
- ORA-40906: size or resize value greater than available memory\n
Cause: Specified size or resize value was greater than the available memory size.
- ORA-40907: resize value greater than maximum size provided\n
Cause: The resize value was greater than the maximum size provided during creation.
- ORA-40908: unable to resize: filestore not mounted \n
Cause: The provided filestore was not mounted.
- ORA-40909: file handle not valid \n
Cause: The provided file handle did not exist or was stale.
- ORA-40911: filestore name too long
Cause: Filestore name exceeded 64 characters.
- ORA-40912: invalid filestore name
Cause: Filestore name contained invalid sequence of characters.
- ORA-40913: invalid blocksize
Cause: Value specified for BLOCKSIZE was incorrect.
- ORA-40914: filestore size must not be zero
Cause: Filestore size was specified as zero.
- ORA-40915: blocksize must not be zero
Cause: BLOCKSIZE was specified as zero.
- ORA-40916: invalid backingfile name
Cause: BACKINGFILE name was not valid.
- ORA-40917: invalid mountpoint name
Cause: Specified MOUNTPOINT name was invalid.
- ORA-40920: filestore must be mounted
Cause: This operation required filestore to be mounted.
- ORA-40921: resize value must not be zero
Cause: New size was specified as zero.
- ORA-40922: insufficient amount of available free space in the filestore
Cause: Used storage space in the filestore exceeded specified target size.
- ORA-40923: filestore has content
Cause: Filestore was not empty.
- ORA-40924: operation is not allowed
Cause: This operation was not allowed because database was still mounted.
- ORA-40925: You need to restart the instance and reissue the command in order for this operation to succeed
Cause: This operation failed because the required OS resources could not be acquired.
- ORA-40926: invalid or missing maximum file size in MAXSIZE clause
Cause: UNLIMITED was not specified, or an invalid integer value was specified, for the MAXSIZE clause in the persistent memory (PMEM) filestore operation. The MAXSIZE value cannot be smaller than the SIZE value.
- ORA-40927: invalid file increment size in NEXT clause
Cause: A non-integer value was used for the NEXT clause in the persistent memory(PMEM) filestore operation.
- ORA-40928: File string is of invalid file type
Cause: An unsupported file type was created in the persistent memory filestore.