112 PRCI-01000 to PRCI-01194
- PRCI-01000: Failed to retrieve install information on local node using OUI location {0}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve install information on the local node from the specified location failed.
- PRCI-01001: Failed to retrieve install information on remote node {0} using OUI location {1}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve install information on a remote node from the specified location failed.
- PRCI-01100: Failed to get Vendor Cluster for CRS home {0}
Cause: Unable to locate vendor cluster library or execute lsnodes.
- PRCI-01101: Failed to get Vendor Cluster for CRS home {0} on node {1}
Cause: Unable to locate vendor cluster library or execute lsnodes on the specified node.
- PRCI-01102: Failed to get OracleCM Cluster for CRS home {0}
Cause: Failed to get OracleCM Cluster for the local node using CRS home provided.
- PRCI-01103: Failed to get OracleCM Cluster for CRS home {0} on node {1}
Cause: Failed to get OracleCM Cluster for the specified node using CRS home provided.
- PRCI-01104: Failed to check Oracle Restart running state for Oracle Restart home {0}
Cause: Failed to check whether Oracle Restart is running from the specified home on the local node.
- PRCI-01105: Failed to check Oracle Restart running state for Oracle Restart home {0} on node {1}
Cause: Failed to check whether Oracle Restart is running from the specified home on the specified node.
- PRCI-01106: Failed to check Oracle Restart configuration state for Oracle Restart home {0} on node {1}
Cause: Failed to check whether Oracle Restart is configured for the specified home on the specified node.
- PRCI-01107: Failed to check CRS running state for CRS home {0}
Cause: Failed to check whether Oracle Clusterware is running from the specified home on the local node.
- PRCI-01108: Failed to check CRS running state for CRS home {0} on node {1}
Cause: Failed to check whether Oracle Clusterware is running from the specified home on the specified node.
- PRCI-01109: Failed to check CRS configuration state for CRS home {0}
Cause: Failed to check whether Oracle Clusterware is configured for the specified home on the specified node.
- PRCI-01110: Failed to check CRS configuration state for CRS home {0} on node {1}
Cause: Failed to check whether Oracle Clusterware is configured for the specified home on the local node.
- PRCI-01111: File path is null
Cause: The specified file is null or an empty string.
- PRCI-01112: Directory name passed was null
Cause: The specified directory name is null or an empty string.
- PRCI-01113: Directory {0} does not exist
Cause: Could not find the specified directory or it was a file instead of a directory.
- PRCI-01114: Node name is null
Cause: The specified node name is null or an empty string.
- PRCI-01115: argument passed is null
Cause: The specified database name is null or an empty string.
- PRCI-01116: Failed to check if a database named {0} exists
Cause: Failed to execute the command 'crsctl stat resource <database_resource_name>' to decide whether the specified database exists or not.
- PRCI-01117: Failed to retrieve list of databases under high availability management
Cause: Failed to execute the command 'crsctl stat resource -w TYPE=ora.database.type filter' in order to get the list of databases managed by Oracle Restart.
- PRCI-01118: Failed to determine if database {0} depends on Automatic Storage Management
Cause: Failed to execute crsctl command to decide whether the specified database depended on Automatic Storage Management (ASM).
- PRCI-01119: Failed to determine if database {0} is configured on node {1}
Cause: An attempt to determine the nodes on which a database is configured failed. Either the specified node name is invalid or an internal request failed.
- PRCI-01120: Failed to retrieve list of databases under high availability management for node {0}
Cause: Failed to get the list of database managed by Oracle Restart on the specified node because the specified node is null or an invalid node or crsctl command execution failed.
- PRCI-01121: Failed to determine if database {0} depends on Automatic Storage Management on node {1}
Cause: Failed to execute crsctl command to decide whether the specified database depended on Automatic Storage Management (ASM) on the specified node because the specified node is null or an invalid node or crsctl command execution failed.
- PRCI-01122: Failed to determine if the public network is using dynamic address assignment (DHCP)
Cause: An attempt to determine whether the public network is using dynamic address assignment (DHCP) failed.
- PRCI-01123: CRS home does not exist on the local node
Cause: CRS home is not installed on the local node.
- PRCI-01124: Oracle Restart home does not exist on the local node
Cause: Oracle Restart home is not installed.
- PRCI-01125: CRS home does not exist on node {0}
Cause: CRS home is not installed on the specified node.
- PRCI-01126: Oracle Restart home does not exist on node {0}
Cause: Oracle Restart home is not installed on the specified node.
- PRCI-01127: CRS active version cannot be queried in a non-cluster environment
Cause: Clusterware is not configured.
- PRCI-01128: Failed to check Oracle Restart configuration state for Oracle Restart home {0}
Cause: Oracle Restart may not be configured
- PRCI-01129: Failed to check Oracle Restart configuration state on node {1}
Cause: Oracle Restart may not be configured
- PRCI-01130: Failed to check CRS configuration state
Cause: Clusterware CRS may not be configured
- PRCI-01131: Failed to check CRS configuration state on node {1}
Cause: Clusterware CRS may not be configured
- PRCI-01132: Failed to get clustername for CRS home {0} and version {1}
Cause: Clusterware is not configured and CRS stack is not up
- PRCI-01133: The IP address {0} does not have the same number of fields with the subnet mask {1}
Cause: IP address is in IPv4 address format while the subnet mask is in IPv6 address format or the other way around.
- PRCI-01134: Applying subnet mask {0} to IP address {1} resulted in an invalid IP address format
Cause: This won't ever happen. Message added just in case.
- PRCI-01135: Failed to check if path {0} on node {1} is on ACFS
Cause: An attempt to determine if the specified path is on ACFS failed. This can occur because: 1. The Clusterware stack is down on the specified node. 2. ASM is down on the specified node. 3. A diskgroup associated with the path is not online. 4. The path is not mounted.
- PRCI-01136: The specified path {0} is not on Oracle Automatic Storage Manager Cluster File System (ACFS)
Cause: The specified path is not on ACFS.
- PRCI-01137: Failed to check if path {0} is on ACFS
Cause: An attempt to determine if the specified path is on ACFS failed. This can occur because: 1. The Clusterware stack is down on the specified node. 2. ASM is down on the specified node. 3. A diskgroup associated with the path is not online. 4. The path is not mounted.
- PRCI-01138: Failed to check Oracle Restart configuration state
Cause: Oracle Restart was not configured.
- PRCI-01140: Error occurred while reading input from console
Cause: An attempt to read input from console failed
- PRCI-01141: Failed to get volume device for path {0}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the volume device for the given ACFS path failed. This can occur because: 1. The Clusterware stack is down on the node. 2. ASM is down on the node. 3. A diskgroup associated with the path is not online. 4. The path is not mounted.
- PRCI-01142: Failed to get volume device for path {0} on node {1}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the volume device for the given ACFS path failed. This can occur because: 1. The Clusterware stack is down on the specified node. 2. ASM is down on the specified node. 3. A diskgroup associated with the path is not online. 4. The path is not mounted.
- PRCI-01143: Error executing the script {0} on nodes {1}
Cause: An error occurred in executing the script on the list of nodes mentioned. This message is accompanied by others providing details of the error.
- PRCI-01144: Failed to retrieve Oracle Grid Infrastructure home path
Cause: An attempt to read Grid Infrastructure home path from OLR configuration file or registry entry failed.
- PRCI-01145: Failed to retrieve Oracle Grid Infrastructure home path on node {0}
Cause: An attempt to read Grid Infrastructure home path from OLR configuration file or registry entry on specified node failed.
- PRCI-01146: invalid {0} argument passed
Cause: The argument provided was null.
- PRCI-01147: root script operation failed on the first node {0}
Cause: The root configuration or upgrade failed on the first node. This message is accompanied by other messages providing details of the error.
- PRCI-01148: root script operation failed on the last node {0}
Cause: The root configuration or upgrade failed on the last node. This message is accompanied by other messages providing details of the error.
- PRCI-01149: olsnodes utility failed to get the cluster node active roles
Cause: An attempt to execute olsnodes -a has failed.
- PRCI-01150: failed to retrieve the active node role of the node {0}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the active node role of an invalid node of the cluster has failed.
- PRCI-01151: crsctl utility failed to get the cluster node configured roles
Cause: The argument provided was null.
- PRCI-01152: failed to retrieve the configured node role of the node {0}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the configured node role of an invalid node of the cluster has failed.
- PRCI-01156: The GNS VIP {0} does not match any of the available subnets {1}.
Cause: The provided Grid Naming Service (GNS) virtual internet protocol (VIP) did not belong to an available subnet.
- PRCI-01157: Failed to retrieve the node name on which the management database is running.
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the management database node was made when the management database was not running.
- PRCI-01158: Failed to retrieve the size of management database
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the management database size failed because of underlying errors.
- PRCI-01159: Path {0} is not on an ACFS file system
Cause: The supplied path was not on an ACFS filesystem.
- PRCI-01160: Failed to determine if database {0} is administrator-managed
Cause: An internal command to determine management status of the specified database failed.
- PRCI-01161: Failed to retrieve nodes on which database {0} is configured
Cause: An internal command to determine the nodes configured for the specified database failed.
- PRCI-01162: The specified subnets {0} do not match with any of the subnets {1} present in the node {2}.
Cause: An attempt to check whether the specified subnets were present in the current node failed.
- PRCI-01163: The public subnets {0} do not match with any of subnets {1} present in the node {2}.
Cause: An attempt to check whether the VIP belongs to a public subnet failed.
- PRCI-01164: File "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: The specified file could not be found.
- PRCI-01165: XSD resource "{0}" could not be located.
Cause: The XML Schema Definition file was not found at the designated location. This is an internal error.
- PRCI-01166: Credential file "{0}" is invalid.
Cause: The provided credentials file was invalid.
- PRCI-01167: failed to extract atttributes from the specified file "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to extract attributes for the specified credentials file failed. This is an internal error.
- PRCI-01168: The OCRDUMP utility failed to get all cluster nodes.
Cause: An attempt to execute "ocrdump -noheader -stdout -keyname SYSTEM.version.hostnames" failed. This is an internal error.
- PRCI-01169: failed to retrieve the mount point for path {0}
Cause: An internal command to retrieve the mount point for the specified path failed.
- PRCI-01170: check whether cluster is an Oracle Database Appliance Lite environment failed
Cause: An attempt to check whether the cluster was configured in Oracle Public Cloud failed.
- PRCI-01171: olsnodes utility failed to get the cluster node roles
Cause: An attempt to execute olsnodes -a has failed.
- PRCI-01172: The specified XML file {0} does not conform to XML standards.
Cause: The indicated XML file was invalid.
- PRCI-01173: The specified network number {0} is invalid.
Cause: An attempt to query a network resource was rejected because the specified network number was not a positive integer.
- PRCI-01174: failure to get the cluster Single Client Access Name
Cause: An attempt to query the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) failed. The accompanying error messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRCI-01175: check whether cluster is an Oracle Database Appliance Lite environment failed
Cause: An attempt to check whether the cluster was configured as Oracle Database Appliance Lite failed.
- PRCI-01176: check whether cluster is an Oracle Database Appliance Single IP environment failed
Cause: An attempt to check whether the cluster was configured as Oracle Database Appliance Single IP failed.
- PRCI-01177: invalid parameter value "{0}" for number of member clusters
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the disk group size was rejected because the specified number of member clusters was not greater than zero.
- PRCI-01178: failed to retrieve the minimum disk space requirement for Grid Infrastructure Management Repository
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the disk space for Grid Infrastructure Management Repository failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRCI-01179: failed to retrieve the minimum disk space required for adding a new repository for a member cluster
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the minimum disk space required to add a new repository for a member cluster failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRCI-01180: failure to verify that a VIP can be configured for network {0}
Cause: An attempt to query an attribute for the indicated network to determine whether a virtual IP address can be configured failed. The accompanying error messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRCI-01181: failed to retrieve the memory allocated because the local node is not a container
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the allocated memory for the local node failed because the operation is only supported on Linux Containers.
- PRCI-01183: invalid disk group specified for creating Grid Infrastructure Management Repository
Cause: An attempt to create Grid Infrastructure Management Repository was rejected because the disk group was used by Oracle Cluster Registry.
- PRCI-01184: specified disk group does not exist for creating Grid Infrastructure Management Repository
Cause: An attempt to create Grid Infrastructure Management Repository was rejected because the specified disk group did not exist.
- PRCI-01185: invalid disk group specified for creating Grid Infrastructure Management Repository because OCR is not in an ASM disk group
Cause: An attempt to create Grid Infrastructure Management Repository was rejected because Oracle Cluster Registry is not in ASM and a disk group was specified for creation of GIMR.
- PRCI-01186: failed to get additional required space for upgrade {0}
Cause: An attempt to get the additional required space for upgrade failed. The accompanying error messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRCI-01187: failed to get the status of the GIMR service
Cause: An attempt to get the status of the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) service failed. The accompanying error messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRCI-01188: specified disk group {0} does not exist for creating Grid Infrastructure Management Repository
Cause: An attempt to create Grid Infrastructure Management Repository was rejected because the specified disk group did not exist.
- PRCI-01189: invalid path {0} specified for creating GIMR because the OCR storage type is {1}
Cause: An attempt to create the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) was rejected because the specified path did not match with the storage type of Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR).
- PRCI-01190: invalid path {0} specified for creating GIMR because the specified shared path does not exist
Cause: An attempt to create the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) was rejected because the specified path did not exist or the indicated path mentioned is not a directory.
- PRCI-01191: the key to get the status of the GIMR service does not exist in the OCR
Cause: An attempt to get the status of the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) service failed because the key did not exist in the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR).
- PRCI-01192: invalid path {0} specified for creating GIMR because the specified shared path is not accessible from these cluster nodes {1}
Cause: An attempt to create the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) was rejected because the specified path was not accessible from all the cluster nodes.
- PRCI-01193: specified vault {0} does not exist for creating Grid Infrastructure Management Repository
Cause: An attempt to create Grid Infrastructure Management Repository was rejected because the specified vault did not exist.
- PRCI-01194: failed to validate the specified path {0} for creating GIMR
Cause: An attempt to validate the path to create the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) failed.