142 PRKZ-01029 to PRKZ-05090

PRKZ-01029: HAVIP {0} is already disabled

Cause: The 'disable havip' command failed because HAVIP was already disabled.

Action: If this is the expected state then this is not an error. If it is not then HAVIP can be enabled by 'srvctl enable havip' command.

PRKZ-01030: export file system {0} is already disabled

Cause: The 'disable exportfs' command failed because it was already disabled.

Action: If this is the expected state then this is not an error. If it is not then it can be enabled by 'srvctl enable exportfs' command.

PRKZ-01031: HAVIP {0} is already enabled

Cause: The 'enable havip' failed because HAVIP was already enabled.

Action: If this is the expected state then this is not an error. If it is not then HAVIP can be disabled by 'srvctl disable havip' command.

PRKZ-01032: export file system {0} is already enabled

Cause: The 'enable exportfs' command failed because it was already enabled.

Action: If this is the expected state then this is not an error. If it is not then it can be disabled by 'srvctl disable exportfs' command.

PRKZ-01058: HAVIP exists for address {0}

Cause: An attempt to add a HAVIP found that it already exists

Action: Check the input and if HAVIP needs to be modified use the command 'srvctl modify havip'.

PRKZ-01059: HAVIP with ID {0} does not exist

Cause: The 'add exportfs' failed because the HAVIP with the specified ID does not exist.

Action: Specify the ID of an HAVIP that exists, or create the HAVIP for the specified ID using the command 'srvctl add havip -id id -address vip'.

PRKZ-01060: Export file system {0} does not exist

Cause: The export file system resource with the specified name does not exist.

Action: Check the name and retry with the export file system name that is already configured.

PRKZ-01062: Cannot determine which subnet to modify to network type "{0}". The network resource has two subnets configured with network type "{1}".

Cause: The command 'srvctl modify network -nettype' failed because the network had both IPv4 and IPv6 subnets, thus the subnet to modify could not be determined.

Action: Specify the '-subnet' option with the command 'srvctl modify network -nettype' to indicate whether to change type for IPv4 or IPv6 subnet.

PRKZ-01065: Invalid combination of options specified

Cause: The '-name' and '-id' options cannot be combined together.

Action: Issue the command with either '-name' or '-id' option.

PRKZ-01066: Invalid subnet string: "{0}"

Cause: The given subnet string was not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 subnet number in dotted-decimal format.

Action: Make sure that the subnet string is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 subnet number in dotted-decimal format.

PRKZ-01067: Invalid subnet mask string: "{0}"

Cause: The given subnet mask string was not a valid IPv4 subnet mask in dotted-decimal format or IPv6 prefix length.

Action: Make sure that the subnet mask string is a valid IPv4 subnet mask in dotted-decimal format or IPv6 prefix length.

PRKZ-01068: {0} object is not supported on Windows Operating System

Cause: The object specified on the command line was not a valid object on Windows Operating System.

Action: Objects rhpserver|rhpclient|havip|exportfs are not valid on Windows Operating System. Use a valid object.

PRKZ-01069: "srvctl modify network -iptype both" cannot include the {0} option

Cause: The command 'srvctl modify network -iptype both' request included conflicting options.

Action: Issue the command 'srvctl modify network -iptype both' separate from other network changes.

PRKZ-01070: Changing network type from {0} to {1} requires new VIP addresses

Cause: The command 'srvctl modify nodeapps -nettype mixed' was issued without specifying the VIP address when the IPv4 or IPv6 network type was dynamic.

Action: Issue the command 'srvctl modify nodeapps -nettype mixed -address' to specify the new VIP address.

PRKZ-01071: '-netnum' option cannot be supplied without '-address' option

Cause: The commande 'srvctl modify havip -netnum' was issued without specifying a VIP address that matches the new network Subnet.

Action: Retry the command 'srvctl modify havip' using '-address' option along with '-netnum' option to specify a new address for the HAVIP resource.

PRKZ-01072: SCAN name "{0}" is already registered on network {1}

Cause: The command 'srvctl add scan -scanname' was issued for a Single Client Access Name (SCAN) name that was already registered on the specified network.

Action: Use a distinct SCAN name.

PRKZ-01073: Cannot modify network type to 'mixed' because GNS is not configured.

Cause: An attempt to modify the network type to 'mixed' failed because Grid Naming Service (GNS) was not configured.

Action: Configure Grid Naming Service (GNS) and retry 'srvctl modify network' command.

PRKZ-01074: Failed to modify network type because the specified subnet "{0}" does not match any configured subnet.

Cause: The specified subnet did not match any configured subnet in the network resource.

Action: Specify a configured subnet to modify its network type.

PRKZ-01075: '-iptype' option cannot be given along with '-subnet'

Cause: A command attempted to modify both the network IP type and its subnet.

Action: Use 'srvctl modify network' with '-subnet' or '-iptype', not both.

PRKZ-01076: Cannot modify network with network type 'mixed'

Cause: An attempt to modify the subnet or IP type of a network resource with network type 'mixed' was issued.

Action: Use 'srvctl modify network -nettype' to modify the network type to STATIC, DHCP or AUTOCONFIG, before making any other change.

PRKZ-01078: Object {0} is not supported on an ASM client cluster.

Cause: The object specified on the command line was not a valid object for an ASM client cluster.

Action: Objects ASM, DISKGROUP, and VOLUME are not supported on an ASM client cluster. Use a valid object.

PRKZ-01079: Invalid subnet value {0} for '-invitedsubnets' option

Cause: The command was rejected because the invited subnets value was specified using incorrect syntax.

Action: Reissue the command specifying the invited subnets using either Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) syntax (e.g. or wild cards.

PRKZ-01080: '-netnum' and '-vip' options conflict.

Cause: The 'srvctl start|stop vip' command was rejected because the '-netnum' option was specified along with the '-vip' option.

Action: Use the command 'srvctl start|stop vip' with either '-netnum' or '-vip', not both.

PRKZ-01082: The VIP name "{0}" cannot be resolved.

Cause: An unresolvable VIP name was specified.

Action: Make sure that the VIP name resolves to an IP address.

PRKZ-01083: The VIP name "{0}" resolves to "{1}" which cannot be found in any VIP.

Cause: An attempt to find a VIP with one of the specified addresses to which the VIP name resolved failed."

Action: Specify a VIP name that resolves to an address that is found in a VIP resource.

PRKZ-01084: The network type for the specified subnet ({0}) that is added cannot be set to 'mixed'.

Cause: An attempt was made to add an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet and set its network type directly to 'mixed'.

Action: Reissue the command and use a different value than 'mixed' for the -nettype option.

PRKZ-01085: Internal error: {0}

Cause: An internal error occurred. The included value is an internal identifier.

Action: Oracle internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRKZ-01119: nothing to modify

Cause: No options were specified to modify.

Action: Specify at least one option with the 'modify' command.

PRKZ-01125: Oracle Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) client is not configured.

Cause: An attempt to retrieve GIMR client information failed because GIMR client did not exist.

Action: Add the GIMR client and try again.

PRKZ-01126: The network storage service is already disabled.

Cause: The network storage server resource could not be disabled because it was already disabled.

Action: None

PRKZ-01127: The network storage service is already enabled.

Cause: The network storage server resource could not be enabled because it was already enabled.

Action: None

PRKZ-01128: Host {0} is not reachable.

Cause: The command 'srvctl modify nodeapps -remoteservers hostname' specified a hostname that was not reachable.

Action: Ensure the host is up and reachable on the network and reissue the command.

PRKZ-01129: Host {0} is unknown.

Cause: The command 'srvctl modify nodeapps -remoteservers hostname' specified the indicated hostname, but that host was unknown.

Action: Reissue the command with a host name that is known to be correct.

PRKZ-01130: Port {0} is invalid.

Cause: The command 'srvctl modify nodeapps -remoteservers hostname:port' specified the indicated port, which was not a valid port .

Action: Reissue the command with a port that is known to be correct.

PRKZ-01131: {0} is only supported on an ASM client cluster.

Cause: An attempt to execute a command using the specified object was rejected because the specified object was not supported for a ASM client cluster.

Action: Use valid objects ASM, disk group or volume.

PRKZ-01133: invalid query of management repository status on member cluster

Cause: A request to query the management database from a member cluster was rejected because the management database status can only be queried on the domain services cluster.

Action: Check the documentation on commands related to the management database and execute commands from the appropriate cluster.

PRKZ-01143: cannot decommission database {0} because it is enabled

Cause: An attempt to mark the indicated database as 'Decommissioned' was rejected because the database was currently enabled.

Action: Disable the database using the command 'srvctl disable database' and retry the command.

PRKZ-01144: Database {0} has no pluggable databases configured

Cause: The 'srvctl config database' request found no pluggable databases configured for the database.

Action: Use the command 'srvctl add pdb' to configure pluggable databases for

PRKZ-01205: removing the GNS VIP resource with the force option results in the GNS VIP address {0} continuing to be reachable on node {1}

Cause: Status message

Action: Not an error

PRKZ-01214: Service cannot be enabled while patching is in progress because the service {0} has been identified as a Java service.

Cause: An attempt to enable a Java-based service was rejected because patching of the Oracle Java Virtual Machine (OJVM) was in progress, and Java services must remain disabled during OJVM patching.

Action: Complete the patching process on all database instances.

PRKZ-01217: ASM network resource does not exist.

Cause: The ASM network resource to be operated on did not exist.

Action: The ASM network resource can be created using the command 'srvctl add asmnetwork'.

PRKZ-01218: The ASM network resource is already started on nodes: {0}

Cause: The start asmnetwork command failed because ASM network resource is already started.

Action: None

PRKZ-01219: ASM network resource is already stopped on nodes: {0}

Cause: The stop asmnetwork command failed because ASM network resource is already stopped.

Action: None

PRKZ-01233: Database {0} is not administrator-managed and does not support the failback option.

Cause: An attempt to add or modify a service using '-failback' option was rejected because this option can be used with administrator-managed databases only.

Action: Reissue the command without the '-failback' option.

PRKZ-05007: Pluggable database {0} could not be removed because it was running.

Cause: The command 'srvctl remove pdb' failed because the database was running.

Action: Stop the database by using the command 'srvctl stop pdb' and then try to remove it. You can also use the '-force' option to remove the running database.

PRKZ-05032: A cardinality that was not SINGLETON nor UNIFORM was specified for policy-managed database {0}.

Cause: An attempt to add a service to the specified database was rejected because invalid cardinality was specified.

Action: Please retry with SINGLETON or UNIFORM value for -cardinality option .

PRKZ-05033: Either option '-service' or '-pdb' must be supplied for removing a service

Cause: Options '-service' and '-pdb' were not specified when removing a service.

Action: Use the command 'srvctl remove service' with either '-service' or '-pdb' option.

PRKZ-05035: Minimum {0} CPUs exceeds the maximum of {1} CPU

Cause: An attempt to add or modify a PDB was rejected because the mininum CPU usage specified exceeded the maximum CPU usage.

Action: Retry the command, specifying a valid minimum CPU usage.

PRKZ-05037: node {0} does not belong to server pool {1} which defines nodes for pluggable database {2}

Cause: This node did not belong to the server pool that defined the nodes that could be used to run the specified service.

Action: Supply a node that belongs to specified server pool.

PRKZ-05038: Pluggable database {0} is defined for single instance database {1} and therefore cannot be relocated.

Cause: An attempt to relocate the specified pluggable database (PDB) was rejected because the provided options could not be used to relocate a PDB for a single instance database.

Action: Issue the command 'srvctl relocate pdb' for the PDB that is not defined for a single instance database.

PRKZ-05039: Pluggable database {0} is defined for Oracle RAC One Node database {1} and therefore cannot be relocated

Cause: An attempt to relocate a Oracle RAC One Node pluggable database using the command 'srvctl relocate pdb' was rejected.

Action: Use the command 'srvctl relocate database' to relocate the Oracle RAC One Node database and its pluggable databases to the target server.

PRKZ-05040: failed to find an instance {1} for database {0}

Cause: An attempt to relocate the specified pluggable database (PDB) failed because the instance name specified was not valid.

Action: Issue the command 'srvctl relocate pdb' with a valid instance name for the -oldinst option.

PRKZ-05041: Add pluggable database (PDB) failed for a policy managed database {0}

Cause: An attempt to add PDB was rejected because pluggable database resource creation is not supported for policy managed database.

Action: Retry the command for a admin managed database.

PRKZ-05042: failed to create service {0} for database {1} without '-pdb' option

Cause: An attempt to create the specified service failed because the '-pdb' option was not specified along with the '-cardinality' option.

Action: Retry the operation specifying the '-pdb' option.

PRKZ-05043: GIMR status cannot be queried because the cluster uses remote GIMR services

Cause: A request to query the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) was rejected because the operation is not supported on a cluster using remote GIMR services.

Action: Use the command 'srvctl config mgmtdb' to obtain more details and then execute the command from the appropriate cluster.

PRKZ-05045: Add pluggable database (PDB) failed for database {0} with '-approot' option.

Cause: An attempt to add a PDB was rejected because the pluggable database name specified with the '-approot' option already has an application root PDB.

Action: Retry the command with a different application root PDB.

PRKZ-05046: Pluggable database {0} could not be removed because it was running.

Cause: The command 'srvctl remove pdb' failed because the database was running.

Action: Stop the database by using the command 'srvctl stop pdb' and then attempt to remove it. You can also use the '-force' option to remove the running database.

PRKZ-05050: Pluggable database {0} of database {1} could not be found.

Cause: The pluggable database (PDB) specified did not exist.

Action: Ensure that the PDB name is valid.

PRKZ-05051: relocate pluggable database (PDB) failed for policy-managed database {0}

Cause: An attempt to relocate a PDB was rejected because pluggable database resource relocation was not supported for policy-managed database.

Action: Retry the command for a administrator-managed database.

PRKZ-05060: failed to modify service {0} because pluggable database {1} of database {2} was not registered

Cause: The pluggable database (PDB) specified did not exist in Cluster Ready Services (CRS).

Action: Ensure that the PDB name is valid. Use the command 'srvctl config pdb' to check whether the PDB is registered with Cluster Ready Service (CRS) and use the command 'srvctl add pdb' to register it.

PRKZ-05061: more than 5 listeners specified for ASM

Cause: An attempt to add or modify the ASM resource because the number of the specified listeners was greater than 5 failed.

Action: Reissue the command with no more than 5 listeners.

PRKZ-05062: file system is already enabled on nodes: {0}

Cause: The 'enable filesystem' command failed because it was already enabled.

Action: None required.

PRKZ-05063: file system is already disabled on node(s): {0}

Cause: The 'disable filesystem' command failed because it was already disabled.

Action: None required.

PRKZ-05064: -cardinality specified for a PDB of single instance database {0}

Cause: An attempt to configure a pluggable database (PDB) was rejected because cardinality was an invalid option for a single instance database.

Action: Issue the command for the PDB omitting the -cardinality option.

PRKZ-05090: list of node names was specified without -pdb option

Cause: The command was rejected because -node option was specified with a list of node names when -pdb option was not specified.

Action: Retry the command with a single node name or specify the -pdb option.