160 TNS-00001 to TNS-12699

TNS-00001: INTCTL: error while getting command line from the terminal

Cause: Improper standard input connection from the terminal.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Start the INTCTL program again. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00002: INTCTL: error while starting the Interchange

Cause: The Interchange could not be started.

Action: Check the Interchange configuration files (INTCHG.ORA, TNSNET.ORA and TNSNAV.ORA) for errors and confirm that no other programs are using the ADDRESS(es) specified. If error continues, turn on tracing in the Interchange components and examine the trace files to determine the cause of the problem. Be sure to turn tracing off when the problem has been rectified.

TNS-00003: INTCTL: error while sending request to the Interchange

Cause: Improper command sent to the Interchange or the Interchange is not responding. Not normally visible to the user.

Action: Verify that the command sent to the Interchange is valid. Also check that the Interchange is running by using the INTCTL STATUS command. If necessary, start the Interchange using the INTCTL START command.

TNS-00004: INTCTL: error while starting the Navigator

Cause: The Navigator could not be started.

Action: Check to make sure that executables for the Navigator (navgatr) are present in the ORACLE executable directory on your platform. Check the configuration files TNSNET.ORA and TNSNAV.ORA for errors. If error continues, turn on tracing in the Interchange components and examine the trace files to determine the cause of the problem. Be sure to turn tracing off when the problem has been rectified.

TNS-00005: INTCTL: error while sending request to the Navigator

Cause: The Navigator is not responding. Either the Navigator is not running or another process is responding.

Action: Check that the Navigator is running by using the STATUS command of the Interchange Control Utility. Verify that the correct addresses are listed in the TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNET.ORA, and TNSNAV.ORA configuration files.

TNS-00006: INTCTL: HOST variable is not defined

Cause: The HOST variable was not set.

Action: Set the variable HOST properly and restart the INTCTL program.

TNS-00007: INTCTL: unknown host

Cause: The pointer HOST is set to an unknown hostname.

Action: Set the pointer HOST properly and restart INTCTL program.

TNS-00008: INTCTL: could not contact destination Navigator

Cause: Connection could not be properly established to a Navigator. This may be because the Navigator specified is not running or the Navigator addresses are incorrect.

Action: Check that the Navigator is running by using the STATUS command of the Interchange Control Utility; if necessary, start the Navigator using the START command of the Interchange Control Utility. If it is running and the error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00009: INTCTL: could not contact destination Connection Manager

Cause: Connection could not be properly established to a Connection Manager. This may be because the Connection Manager (Interchange) specified is not running or the Connection Manager addresses are incorrect.

Action: Make sure the Connection Manager is running by using the STATUS command of the Interchange Control Utility; if necessary, start the Connection Manager using the START command of the Interchange Control Utility. If it is running and the error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00010: Error while flushing NS context

Cause: Internal NS error; connection may be lost.

Action: Make sure the connection is properly established. If the error persists, then contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00011: INTCTL: error while starting the Connection Manager

Cause: The Connection Manager could not be started.

Action: Assure that the executable can be found in the standard Oracle executable area. Check the configuration file INTCHG.ORA for errors and confirm that no other process is using the ADDRESS(es) for this Connection Manager as specified in TNSNET.ORA. Tracing can also be turned on in the Connection Manager and detailed information about the reason for the error determined. Consult the MultiProtocol Interchange Administrator's Guide and Chapter 2 of this manual for how to turn on tracing.

TNS-00012: INTCTL: error while processing Connection Manager request

Cause: An improper command was sent to the Connection Manager or it is not responding. Not normally visible to the user.

Action: Verify that the correct addresses are listed in the TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNET.ORA, and TNSNAV.ORA configuration files. Also check that the Connection Manager is running by using the STATUS command of the Interchange Control Utility. If the error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00013: INTCTL: error while performing NS disconnect command

Cause: Internal NS error. Error in closing down connections.

Action: Make sure the networking protocol being used is properly installed on the machine. If the error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00014: INTCTL: error while opening terminal input channel

Cause: Could not open standard terminal input. Internal error.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Restart the INTCTL program. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00015: INTCTL: error while closing terminal input channel

Cause: Could not close terminal input channel. Internal error.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Restart the INTCTL program. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00016: INTCTL: error while performing NS send command

Cause: Internal NS error. Connection may be lost.

Action: If the error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00017: INTCTL: error while performing NS receive command

Cause: Internal NS error. Connection may be lost.

Action: If the error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00018: INTCTL: TNS_ADMIN not defined

Cause: The TNS_ADMIN pointer is improperly set.

Action: No action necessary; TNS_ADMIN need only be set if you want to use a different network environment.

TNS-00019: INTCTL: error initializing the national language interface

Cause: The message file could not be found.

Action: Make sure that the ORACLE environment is set and that the message file is in the correct place.


Cause: TNSNAV.ORA does not contain the NAVIGATOR_DATA component.

Action: Define the ADDRESS(es) for the Navigator, then restart the INTCTL program.


Cause: INTCHG.ORA does not contain an INTERCHANGE_DATA component.

Action: Define the correct data for the Connection Manager, then restart the INTCTL program.


Cause: INTCHG.ORA does not contain a CMANAGER_NAME component.

Action: Define the correct name for the CMANAGER_NAME, then restart the INTCTL program.

TNS-00023: INTCTL: missing ADDRESS(es) in config files

Cause: Configuration files do not contain an ADDRESS/ADDRESS_LIST component.

Action: Define the Connection Manager ADDRESS(es) in the TNSNET.ORA file and check the Navigator ADDRESS(es) in the TNSNAV.ORA file, then restart the INTCTL program.

TNS-00024: INTCTL: Unable to contact Navigator to obtain Connection Manager address

Cause: The Navigator is not running.

Action: Verify that the Navigator is running by doing a status request on the Navigator (use the Interchange Control Utility command STATUS). If necessaary, start the Navigator using the Interchange Control Utility. Verify that the network is properly configured; if the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00025: INTCTL: The ORACLE environment is not set up correctly

Cause: The ORACLE environment is incorrectly set up.

Action: Refer to the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform for information on how the ORACLE environment should be set. Correct it and rerun INTCTL. Make sure the ORACLE environment includes the correct directories.

TNS-00026: INTCTL: TNS_ADMIN directory set, and is being used

Cause: The TNS_ADMIN environment variable is set properly. INTCTL will use the TNS_ADMIN directory. This is only an informative message. If you do not want it to be used, and want the default directory to be used instead, then unset TNS_ADMIN and reexecute.

Action: None

TNS-00027: INTCTL: Could not resolve Navigator's name/address

Cause: The Navigator's name to address definition is missing.

Action: Check TNSNAMES.ORA file and make sure to include a definition for the name specified.

TNS-00028: INTCTL: Could not resolve Connection Manager's name/address

Cause: The Connection Manager's name does not have a definition that the Navigator knows about, nor is the name/address available in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. The name may also be incorrect in the INTCHG.ORA file.

Action: Verify that the Connection Manager's name is in the TNSNET.ORA file read by the Navigator or in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Be sure that INTCHG.ORA is correct.

TNS-00031: INTCTL: internal NT error

Cause: Problem interfacing to the protocol adapters installed.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Try starting INTCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00032: INTCTL: internal NS error

Cause: Problem interfacing with TNS.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Try starting INTCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00033: INTCTL: internal NL error

Cause: Problem with internal TNS module NL.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Try starting INTCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00034: INTCTL: internal NR error

Cause: Problem with internal Interchange routines.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Try starting INTCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00035: INTCTL: error while constructing full file name

Cause: Problem while constructing the full path for a file name because the path name to the file or the environment variables are incorrect. Files looked up include TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNAV.ORA, INTCHG.ORA and the error files for the Navigator and Connection Manager.

Action: Check that all environment variables are defined correctly and that all configuration files exist in their correct places.

TNS-00036: INTCTL: error reading from Navigator or Connection Manager error files

Cause: Problem while reading from Navigator or Connection Manager error files generated by the Navigator or Connection Manager when they fail to start.

Action: Check that a standard Network Error directory exists and that all privileges on the directory are appropriate.

TNS-00037: INTCTL: error opening Navigator or Connection Manager error files

Cause: Failed to open Navigator or Connection Manager error files when they have failed to start.

Action: Check that a Network Error directory exists and that all privileges on the directory are appropriate.

TNS-00038: INTCTL: Poorly formed address or command string

Cause: An unacceptable string was encountered while attempting to send a message to either the Navigator or Connection Manager. The addresses provided for either the Navigator or Connection Manager may be incorrectly constructed.

Action: Check all address strings in configuration files (TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNAV.ORA or TNSNET.ORA) and assure that they are properly formed. Regenerate the files, if possible. If all is correct, please contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00039: INTCTL: error while spawning a process

Cause: An error was encountered while spawning a process due to an internal operating system dependent problem. Machine resources may be limited.

Action: Retry command. Check permissions on Interchange executables and the current setting of the search path. If necessary, terminate other applications to free up machine resources. If the error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00040: INTCTL: failed to initialize trace context- Continuing anyway

Cause: Problem while opening specified trace file because of errors in INTCHG.ORA or because the user has incorrect privileges, or the file does not exist.

Action: Check the privileges on the configuration files and ensure that all of them exist in their proper locations.

TNS-00041: INTCTL: Navigator already running. Start operation cancelled

Cause: There is a Navigator already running and listening on the same addresses.

Action: None; the Navigator is already running.

TNS-00042: INTCTL: CMANAGER already running. Start operation cancelled

Cause: There is a Connection Manager already running and listening on the same addresses.

Action: None; the Connection Manager is already running.

TNS-00043: The CMANAGER has active connections, do you still want to stop it (y/n)?

Cause: The CMANAGER that is being stopped has active connections going through. This is the confirmation message.

Action: Respond by pressing y or n. Answering y will cause the active database connection to be dropped; this is not generally recommended.

TNS-00044: INTCTL: You must have an INTCHG.ORA file to contact the Connection Manager

Cause: There was an attempt to contact a default Connection Manager (Interchange) where there was no INTCHG.ORA present in the correct directory.

Action: Create an INTCHG.ORA file. Make sure it is placed in the correct directory and includes the correct name for the Connection Manager you wish to contact.

TNS-00045: INTCTL: Could not contact the Navigator on address

Cause: There was an attempt to contact a Navigator on a specific address which is not responding.

Action: Check the TNSNAV.ORA file for that address. Or check that the Navigator is actually listening on that address.

TNS-00046: INTCTL: Could not contact the CMANAGER on address

Cause: There was an attempt to contact a CMANAGER on a specific address which is not responding.

Action: Verify that the TNSNET.ORA file contains that address. Also check that the CMANAGER is actually listening on that address by using the INTCTL STATUS command. If necessary, start the Connection Manager using the INTCTL START command.

TNS-00060: INTCTL: Bad command: only the STATUS command can be used on remote Interchanges

Cause: The user entered a command that does not exist, or the user tried to make a request other than STATUS to a remote Interchange.

Action: Check the MultiProtocol Interchange Administrator's Guide for a list of INTCTL commands or type HELP for a list of valid commands.

TNS-00061: INTCTL: Bad command or syntax error: You must specify a trace level

Cause: The user did not specify a trace level.

Action: Specify a trace level and retry command.

TNS-00062: INTCTL: Bad command or syntax error: For help type help/h/?

Cause: The user entered an invalid command.

Action: Check the MultiProtocol Interchange Administrator's Guide or type HELP for a list of valid commands.

TNS-00063: INTCTL: Failed to allocate memory for buffers

Cause: INTCTL was unable to allocate memory for internal buffers.

Action: Check the amount of available memory on your machine to ensure that there is enough memory to run this executable. If necessary, free up memory by running fewer programs, then try again.


Cause: INTCTL was unable to find the CMANAGER_NAME parameter in INTCHG.ORA.

Action: Check that the INTCHG.ORA file is properly constructed.

TNS-00065: INTCTL: Command cannot be executed remotely

Cause: A command other than status and version has been attempted remotely.

Action: If you desire execute any command other than status and version, you must run intctl on the interchange machine.

TNS-00070: INTCTL usage: [intctl] command <process_name> [argument]\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00071: where command is one of following: \n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00072: * start - start up process_name\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00073: * stop/abort - stop the process_name\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00074: * status - get statistics from the process_name\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00075: NOTE: the user may get the status info of a remote\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00076: component by specifying the component name in\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00077: the argument field\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00078: * log_on - ask process_name to turn logging on\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00079: * log_off - ask process_name to turn logging off\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00080: * force_log - ask process_name to dump its state\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00081: * trace_on - ask process name to turn tracing on\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00082: NOTE: the user MUST specify a trace level\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00083: (USER or ADMIN) in the argument field\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00084: * trace_off - ask process name to turn tracing off\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00085: * reread - ask the process name to reread parameter files\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00086: * reload - ask the Navigator to reload TNSNET.ORA\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00087: * version - ask the process name to display its version number\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00088: * exit - quit the Interchange controller\n\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00089: process_name is one of Interchange, CMANAGER, or Navigator\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00090: * Interchange - will ask the Interchange\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00091: * Navigator (or navgatr) - will ask the Navigator only\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00092: * CMANAGER (or intlsnr) - will ask the Cmanager only\n\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00093: argument is only supplied to either status or trace_on\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00094: * to status - argument is considered the remote process_name\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00095: * to trace_on - argument is considered the trace level\n\n

Cause: Help message displayed by INTCTL.

Action: None

TNS-00100: Unable to allocate memory

Cause: Out of memory on the machine.

Action: Add more memory or run fewer processes.

TNS-00101: File operation error

Cause: Error in accessing reading or writing a particular file.

Action: Check existence of or operating system access to the log and trace file locations.

TNS-00102: Keyword-Value binding operation error

Cause: Not normally visible to the user. May indicate a shortage of memory.

Action: If error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00103: Parameter file load error

Cause: Parameter file process failed.

Action: Check to make sure that all parameter files necessary for the Interchange are present (TNSNAV.ORA, TNSNET.ORA and INTCHG.ORA). If these files are present and properly configured, turn on tracing and repeat the operation. Turn off tracing when the trace is complete. Look in the trace file for errors in the parameter loading process. If error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00104: Data stream open/access error

Cause: Unable to open or access data stream for either log or trace files for the Interchange.

Action: Check read/write permissions on Oracle files and directories.

TNS-00105: Could not initialize tracing

Cause: The INTCHG.ORA file is improperly configured. Verify the trace parameters specified.

Action: If error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00106: Failed to open log file

Cause: Unable to access or obtain write permission to create log file.

Action: Check existence of or access to log file directory.

TNS-00107: Unable to initialize TNS global data

Cause: Not normally visible to the user.

Action: If error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00108: TNS_ADMIN not defined

Cause: TNS_ADMIN pointer is not set.

Action: Set the TNS_ADMIN pointer before running application

TNS-00109: Message could not be printed; not enough memory

Cause: Printing of message failed due to lack of memory. Not normally visible to user.

Action: Increase the resources on your machine. If error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00110: Could not initialize network from file TNSNET.ORA

Cause: Poorly formed network information in network file.

Action: Fix network configuration data to assure that at least one Interchange is defined in TNSNET.ORA.

TNS-00111: Failed to get configuration data from file

Cause: Poorly formed configuration information in network files TNSNET.ORA or TNSNAV.ORA.

Action: Check TNSNET.ORA and TNSNAV.ORA and confirm that they are correct.

TNS-00112: Failed to find configuration file name

Cause: Name specified for configuration file was incorrect.

Action: Check for presence of the configuration file.

TNS-00113: Failed to open error log file

Cause: Could not open log file during startup of Navigator or Connection Manager due to read or write permission problems or non-existent error directory.

Action: Create the standard error directory or assure that if one is present the Interchange executables can write to it.

TNS-00114: Internal error- Allocation of addresses not performed

Cause: Internal error. Should not normally occur.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00115: Could not allocate pump global buffers

Cause: Not enough memory to allocate pump buffers.

Action: Decrease the number of PUMP_BUFFERS in INTCHG.ORA.

TNS-00116: Pump failed during initial bequeath

Cause: Error in assigning connection to a new pump. This error may be caused by insufficient machine resources.

Action: Attempt the connection again. The pump should recover from such a failure. If machine resources appear to be the problem, add more resources // or shut down some active applications. If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00117: Internal error- No data passed through pump

Cause: Internal error. Data expected has not arrived yet.

Action: If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.


Cause: No PUMP_CONNECTIONS parameter specified in INTCHG.ORA.

Action: Add PUMP_CONNECTIONS parameter to INTCHG.ORA.

TNS-00120: Missing PUMPS in INTCHG.ORA

Cause: No PUMPS parameter specified.

Action: Add an appropriate number of PUMPS to INTCHG.ORA.


Cause: No CMANAGER_NAME parameter specified.

Action: Define the CMANAGER_NAME parameter in INTCHG.ORA; it must match the CMANAGER_NAME parameter used in TNSNET.ORA for that Interchange.

TNS-00122: Missing ADDRESS(es) in TNSNET.ORA file

Cause: No ADDRESS or ADDRESS_LIST parameter specified in TNSNET.ORA.

Action: Define a valid set of ADDRESSes for the Connection Manager in the TNSNET.ORA file.

TNS-00123: Unable to perform a listen on configured ADDRESS(es)

Cause: Another process is already listening on this address or the ADDRESS is incorrectly defined.

Action: Check the ADDRESS(es) defined in TNSNET.ORA (for the Connection Manager) for errors. Verify that another program is not using them.

TNS-00124: Internal error - Unable to create empty address

Cause: - Internal error. Should not normally occur.

Action: If problem persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00125: Failed to get number of Interchanges in TNSNET.ORA

Cause: Error in the TNSNET.ORA file.

Action: Check the contents of TNSNET.ORA and eliminate errors. Regenerate the configuration files.

TNS-00126: Missing Connection Manager name and address in TNSNET.ORA

Cause: The Interchange name specified in INTCHG.ORA is not defined in the TNSNET.ORA file.

Action: Define one Connection Manager name and set of addresses for each Interchange in the network. Regenerate the configuration files.

TNS-00127: Missing Connection Manager name in TNSNET.ORA

Cause: One or more Connection Manager names are missing.

Action: Ensure that each Connection Manager name is defined in TNSNET.ORA. Regenerate TNSNET.ORA.


Cause: One or more ADDRESSes does not have a COMMUNITY assigned.

Action: Ensure that all addresses have a COMMUNITY defined in TNSNET.ORA.

TNS-00129: Internal error - Failed to create new community

Cause: Internal Error. Should not normally occur. There may be a resource limitation problem on the machine.

Action: Stop and restart Interchange. If possible, make more memory available on the machine. If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00130: Failed to create Interchange's internal address

Cause: There is an error in one of the addresses listed in TNSNET.ORA.

Action: Check the file for errors in defining Interchanges.


Cause: A COMMUNITY keyword-value pair is missing within the COMMUNITY_COST_LIST in TNSNET.ORA.

Action: Define the communities with a COMMUNITY name and associated COST in COMMUNITY_COST_LIST.

TNS-00132: COST value must be an integer greater than 0

Cause: A community has been defined in TNSNET.ORA with a COST of 0.

Action: Assign an alternate value that is greater than 0.


Cause: Improperly configured TNSNAV.ORA file.

Action: Define the LOCAL_COMMUNITIES fields correctly in TNSNAV.ORA.

TNS-00134: Missing COMMUNITY component in addresses for the Navigator in TNSNAV.ORA

Cause: The addresses specified for the Navigator have no COMMUNITY name.

Action: Ensure that all addresses in the NAVIGATOR_ADDRESSES field have a COMMUNITY entry in the TNSNAV.ORA file.

TNS-00135: Missing TNS error message file

Cause: No error message file present.

Action: Ensure that the ORACLE environment is correctly set for your platform and that there is a message directory that contains the correct error message file.

TNS-00136: Did not register product/facility for TNS error message

Cause: Error message file error.

Action: Ensure that the ORACLE environment is correctly set for your platform and that there is a message directory that contains the correct error message file.

TNS-00137: Failed to get TNS error message file entry

Cause: No TNS error message file present.

Action: Ensure that the ORACLE environment is correctly set for your platform and that there is a message directory that contains the correct error message file.

TNS-00138: Failed to find ORACLE executable directory

Cause: The ORACLE environment is not correctly set.

Action: Ensure that the ORACLE environment is correctly set and the error messages file is in the correct place.

TNS-00139: Internal - Data passed from the Interchange listener is poorly formed

Cause: Internal error in Interchange.

Action: Check that you are using compatible components of the Interchange product, using the INTCTL VERSION command. If problem persists call Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00140: Interchange specified was not found in network tables

Cause: Could not find the Interchange specified in a control request.

Action: Check that the Interchange specified is indeed in TNSNET.ORA.

TNS-00141: Failed to get file stream information

Cause: Error in the file stream package.

Action: None

TNS-00142: Community mismatch in TNSNAV.ORA

Cause: The communities in the LOCAL_COMMUNITIES entry in TNSNAV.ORA do not correspond with all the communities in the NAVIGATOR_ADDRESSES entry.

Action: Assure that all communities in the NAVIGATOR_ADDRESSES correspond to those in the LOCAL_COMMUNITIES component.


Cause: PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry in the TNSNAV.ORA used by the Connection Manager. There should only be a PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS entry in the TNSNAV.ORA on an Interchange.

Action: Remove the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry from TNSNAV.ORA and assure that either no PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS entry is present or that it is correct.

TNS-00144: PUMP_CONNECTIONS value in INTCHG.ORA is too large.

Cause: The number of PUMP_CONNECTIONS specified in INTCHG.ORA is too large to be supported on this platform.

Action: Consult the Oracle operating system specific manual for the maximum value for the number of PUMP_CONNECTIONS.

TNS-00145: PUMPS value in INTCHG.ORA is too large.

Cause: The number of PUMPS specified in INTCHG.ORA is too large to be supported on this platform.

Action: Consult the Oracle operating system specific manual for the maximum value for the number of PUMPS.

TNS-00146: Internal-- Retry data request withing pump.

Cause: The data space provided in order to receive data from the pump is to small.

Action: Operation must be retried with a larger buffer.

TNS-00147: Failed to start a pre-spawned pump.

Cause: The Connection Manager was unable to start a pump during startup.

Action: Check all configuration parameters and assure that they are correct. Turn on tracing to determine the area that the failure ocurred in.

TNS-00200: Unable to do nsanswer on context\nresult=string\n

Cause: Requester of service may have aborted or options negotiation failed.

Action: Try making the connection again. If the problem persists call Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00201: Unable to read answer connection data :string:\n

Cause: Improperly formed connect data sent to the Interchange listener.

Action: If problem persists, check the application using the Interchange (it may be closing down or crashing). Call Oracle Customer Support if the problem cannot be located.

TNS-00202: Failure in redirecting call : \nOriginal to string\n\t Redirect to string\n

Cause: Internal - error could not redirect call to a pump or other Interchange listener. The cause may be insufficient network or machine resources.

Action: Add resources or close some running applications in order to free up resources. If error persists, call Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00203: Unable to start tracing in intlsnr\n

Cause: Failure in setting up tracing for Interchange listener.

Action: Check file permissions in Network trace directory also check to make sure that if trace file names and directories are specified in INTCHG.ORA, they are correct.

TNS-00204: Started tracing in intlsnr\n

Cause: Internal message- Successfully started tracing information.

Action: None

TNS-00205: Turning off tracing in intlsnr\n

Cause: Internal message - Turned off tracing in the Interchange listener.

Action: None

TNS-00206: \n\nStatus Information for Interchange string:\n

Cause: Message sent back by Interchange as header for status request.

Action: None

TNS-00207: \tUptime : number days number hr. number min. number sec\n

Cause: Part of status request.

Action: None

TNS-00208: \tLogging : string\n

Cause: Part of status request.

Action: None

TNS-00209: \tTracing : string\n

Cause: Part of status request Interchange.

Action: None

TNS-00210: \tTotal Pumps Available : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00211: \tTotal Active Pumps : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00212: \tTotal Pumps Started : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00213: \tAvailable Connections : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00214: \tTotal Connections in Use : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00215: \tTotal Successful Connections : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00216: \tTotal Failed Connections : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00217: \tTotal Bytes of Data : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00218: \tCurrent Bytes/Sec. : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00219: \tPump Strategy : string\n

Cause: Part of status request.

Action: None

TNS-00220: \tPump Breakdown\n\t--------------\n

Cause: Part of status request.

Action: None

TNS-00221: \tPump Connections Total Data Bytes/Second\n

Cause: Part of status request.

Action: None

TNS-00222: \t-------------------------------------------------------------------\n

Cause: Part of status request.

Action: None

TNS-00223: \tnumbernumbernumbernumber\n

Cause: Part of status request.

Action: None

TNS-00224: No more connections available\n

Cause: More connections were made to the Interchange than are configured in INTCHG.ORA.

Action: Wait until the Interchange is not as busy or change the number of connections allowed in INTCHG.ORA and restart the Interchange.

TNS-00225: Unable to bequeath connection to pump\n

Cause: Unable to start a pump because either the executable cannot be found or too many processes aare currently running on a particular machine.

Action: Reduce the number of processes on the machine or increase the resources on the machine.

TNS-00226: Unable to contact pump number to send broadcast message string\n

Cause: Could not call a particular pump.

Action: None, but if the problem persists call Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00227: Unable to contact pump; Connection Manager declared pump dead\n

Cause: A pump became an orphaned process. A protocol adapter is not working properly or machine network resources are being over used.

Action: This error is not immediately fatal; the orphaned pump may continue to function. Restart the Interchange when convenient. If the problem persists, call Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00228: Failure in finding pump data\n

Cause: Internal problem with data passed back from pump.

Action: None

TNS-00229: Error in call: unable to deliver message\n:string:\nstring\nstring\nstring\n

Cause: Destination for call is unavailable.

Action: None

TNS-00230: Cannot start new pump process:\nstring\nstring\nProtocol Adapter errors:number

Cause: Unable to create a new process; possibly there are too many processes on the machine.

Action: Free machine resources by exiting other applications on the Interchange machine. If the problem continues you may need more memory on the machine. If you believe there are sufficient resources on the machine but the problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00231: Pump is alive\n

Cause: Pump log message sent to Interchange listener.

Action: None

TNS-00232: Unable to setup connection\n

Cause: Error log message sent from pump to indicate failure in initiating connection because of errors in the call string: network problem or resource limitations.

Action: None

TNS-00233: Interchange failed to make contact with destination with errors:\nstring\nstring\nstring\n

Cause: Pump call to destination failed.

Action: Check destination.

TNS-00234: Connect data for failed call:\nCALL DATA =\nstring\nRECEIVE DATA = :string:\n

Cause: Connect data supplied for error 00233.

Action: None

TNS-00235: Aborting connection:\nProtocol Apapter errors:\nstring;number,number\nstring;number,number\n

Cause: Pump aborting connection because connection has been up too long, or some other network error on the connection.

Action: None

TNS-00236: Failed to initialize tracing\n

Cause: Pump failed to initialize tracing.

Action: Check that INTCHG.ORA is properly configured.

TNS-00237: Failed to refuse connection\n

Cause: Connection may have aborted before error took place in Pump.

Action: None

TNS-00238: Pump number @: string:

Cause: Prepended message to all pump log messages.

Action: None

TNS-00239: Connection Manager has been stopped

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None

TNS-00240: Connection Manager: Logging is now ON

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None

TNS-00241: Connection Manager: Logging is now OFF

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None

TNS-00242: Connection Manager: Tracing is now ON

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None

TNS-00243: Connection Manager: Tracing is now OFF

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None

TNS-00244: Connection Manager: Request Failed

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None

TNS-00245: Connection Manager: Failed to open log file

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None

TNS-00246: Connection Manager: Failed to start tracing

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None

TNS-00247: Unable to allocate memory for configuration data from TNSNET.ORA file

Cause: Navigator failed to allocate enough memory for TNSNET.ORA configuration file.

Action: Increase machine resources available for running the Interchange or remove some other running applications from the machine.

TNS-00248: Unable to get information from file :string:\nExiting with NR error:number\n

Cause: TNSNAV.ORA poorly configured or addresses provided are already being used by another application.

Action: Check the syntax of the TNSNAV.ORA file; if necessary, assign new addresses.

TNS-00249: Unable to read network configuration data from file string\n with error:\n string\n

Cause: Network configuration file TNSNET.ORA is missing or poorly configured.

Action: Check to make sure that TNSNET.ORA is properly configured.

TNS-00250: Navigator has been started\n

Cause: Message to log file on Navigator startup.

Action: None

TNS-00251: Failure in nstest: \n

Cause: NS test operation failed due to internal error.

Action: If the problem persists there may be a network problem or resource limitations on the machine. If these do not seem to be causing the problem, call Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00252: Unable to handle route request:\nstring\n

Cause: Command requested did not exist.

Action: None

TNS-00253: Error in reading network configuration data from file string\n with error\nstring\n

Cause: TNSNET.ORA is poorly configured or nonexistent.

Action: Check to make sure that TNSNET.ORA is properly configured.

TNS-00254: Navigator has been stopped\n

Cause: Message sent to Interchange control program by Navigator confirming it has been stopped.

Action: None

TNS-00255: Closing down log, stopping Navigator\n

Cause: Log message when Navigator is stopped.

Action: None

TNS-00256: Status of Navigator:\n

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None

TNS-00257: \tNumber of Successful Requests : number\n

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None

TNS-00258: \tNumber of Failed Requests : number\n

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None

TNS-00259: \tDisabled Interchange list:\n\t\n

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None

TNS-00260: \t-------------------------------------------------------------------\n

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None

TNS-00261: \tInterchange Name Community Link Down Time Remaining (secs) \n

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None

TNS-00262: stringstringnumber\n

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None

TNS-00263: Navigator: Request Failed

Cause: Response from Navigator when a particular request failed.

Action: None

TNS-00264: Navigator: Failed to reload configuration data

Cause: Message sent to the Interchange control program when reload of network configuration failed. TNSNET.ORA Poorly configured or missing.

Action: None

TNS-00265: Navigator: Reloaded network configuration data

Cause: Message sent to Interchange control program when reload of network is successful.

Action: None

TNS-00266: Navigator: Unknown Request

Cause: Request was made to Navigator that it knows nothing about.

Action: None

TNS-00267: Navigator: Internal Error

Cause: Generated when a request was made to the Navigator it knows nothing about.

Action: None

TNS-00268: ON

Cause: On component of message.

Action: None

TNS-00269: OFF

Cause: Off component of message.

Action: None

TNS-00270: string: Terminal Error\nstring\n

Cause: Message put out in error file of executable when it fails to start.

Action: None

TNS-00271: Connection Manager

Cause: Name of the Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00272: Navigator

Cause: Name for the Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00273: Navigator: Logging is now ON

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00274: Navigator: Logging is now OFF

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00275: Navigator: Tracing is now ON

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00276: Navigator: Tracing is now OFF

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00277: Navigator: Request Failed

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00278: Navigator: Failed to Open Log file

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00279: Navigator: Failed to Start Tracing

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00280: \tMax Avg Bytes/Sec : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00281: Connection Manager: Forced Log output\n

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00282: Connection Manager: Failed to force log, logging is off\n

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00283: \nListening on the following TNS addresses:\n\n

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00284: \tImm Max Avg Bytes/Sec : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00285: \tAvg Connect Time (secs) : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00286: \tMax Connect Time (secs) : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00287: \tMin Connect Time (secs) : number\n

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00288: Navigator: Failed to Disable Interchange

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00289: Navigator: Disabled Interchange

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00290: Navigator: Failed to Enable Interchange

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00291: Navigator: Enabled Interchange

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00292: \tLog File Name :\n\t\tstring\n

Cause: Message sent back to control program showing log file name

Action: None

TNS-00293: \tTrace File Name :\n\t\tstring\n

Cause: Message sent back to control program showing trace file name

Action: None

TNS-00294: Connection Manager: Security is enabled, you cannot STOP the Interchange\n

Cause: Message sent back to control program indicating that the connection manager is secure.

Action: None

TNS-00295: Navigator: Security is enabled, you cannot STOP the Navigator\n

Cause: Message sent back to control program indicating that the Navigator is secure.

Action: None

TNS-00296: \tStoppable : string\n

Cause: Message sent back to control program indicating whether program can be stopped.

Action: None

TNS-00297: \tLogging Level : string\n

Cause: Message sent back to control program indicating whether program can be stopped.

Action: None

TNS-00298: Request to Navigator:\nstring\n

Cause: Log entry for request to Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00299: Response from Navigator:\nstring\n

Cause: Log entry for request to Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00300: ***Disabling Interchange : string\n

Cause: Log entry for disabling a particular Interchange.

Action: None

TNS-00301: ***Enabling Interchange : string\n

Cause: Log entry for disabling a particular Interchange.

Action: None

TNS-00302: Connection Manager: Unknown Request

Cause: Request sent by Interchange control program is unknown.

Action: None

TNS-00303: Connection Manager: Reread parameter data

Cause: Request sent by control manager to control programming indicating that parameter data was read.

Action: None

TNS-00304: Status Information for Connection Manager:\n

Cause: Message sent back by Interchange as header for status request.

Action: None

TNS-00305: The Navigator encountered an invalid/unknown trace level\n

Cause: Message sent back by the Navigator indicating an invalid trace level.

Action: Reattempt the request with a correct trace level.

TNS-00306: Connection Manager encountered an invalid/unknown trace level\n

Cause: Message sent back by the Connection Manager indicating an invalid trace level.

Action: Reattempt the request with a correct trace level.

TNS-00307: Navigator: Reread parameter data

Cause: Request sent by the Navigator to control program indicating that parameter data was read.

Action: None

TNS-00308: Navigator: Failed to open log while rereading parameter data

Cause: Request sent by the Navigator to control program indicating that it could not reopen log file after rereading parameter data.

Action: None

TNS-00309: Connection Manager: Failed to open log while re-reading parameter data

Cause: Request sent by the Connection Manager to control program indicating that it could not reopen log file after rereading parameter data.

Action: None

TNS-00310: Navigator: Failed to start tracing after rereading parameter data

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None

TNS-00311: Connection Manager: Failed to start tracing after rereading parameter data

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00312: Connection Manager: Failed to get version information

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00313: Navigator: Failed to get version information

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00314: Protocol Adapter Errors: number,number\n

Cause: Protocol Adapter errors which go with message 233

Action: None

TNS-00315: Failed to allocate larger connect data area for getting pump data: number\n

Cause: Could not allocate a large enough area to get pump statistics; continue without them.

Action: None

TNS-00316: Ran out of data buffers in the pump\n

Cause: The Interchange is resource limited by having too few data buffers in the pump.

Action: If the problem persists (that is, there are a lot of log messages), increase the number of pump buffers by increasing the value of the parameter PUMP_BUFFERS in INTCHG.ORA. Then shutdown and restart the Interchange to make the changes take effect.

TNS-00317: Failed to contact Connection Manager

Cause: Connection Manager is not running.

Action: Start the Connection Manager and retry

TNS-00501: Cannot allocate memory

Cause: Sufficient memory could not be allocated to perform the desired activity.

Action: Either free some resource for TNS or add more memory to the machine. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-00502: Invalid argument

Cause: An internal function received an invalid parameter.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00503: Illegal ADDRESS parameters

Cause: An illegal set of protocol adapter parameters was specified.

Action: Check the parameters within the ADDRESS section of the TNSNAMES.ORA file. It may be helpful to turn on tracing and look at the addresses specified in the trace file, checking for spelling or other errors. Be sure to turn tracing off when the trace is complete.

TNS-00504: Operation not supported

Cause: An internal function received a request to perform an operation that is not supported (on this machine).

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00505: Operation timed out

Cause: The requested operation could not be completed within the timeout period.

Action: Check the network of the failed connection for connectivity and congestion. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-00506: Operation would block

Cause: An internal operation did not commence because to do so would block the current process and the user has requested that operations be non-blocking.

Action: None needed; this is an information message.

TNS-00507: Connection closed

Cause: Normal "end of file" condition has been reached; partner has disconnected.

Action: None needed; this is an information message.

TNS-00508: No such protocol adapter

Cause: The protocol adapter requested for this connection does not exist.

Action: Install the protocol adapter or use one that is available. Be sure that the correct protocols are listed in the configuration files.

TNS-00509: Buffer overflow

Cause: Too much data for buffer.

Action: Reexecute with larger receive buffer or smaller send buffer.

TNS-00510: Internal limit restriction exceeded

Cause: Too many files or sockets open simultaneously (or some other resource has been depleted).

Action: For further details, trace the operation for protocol details.

TNS-00511: No listener

Cause: The connect request could not be completed because no application is listening on the address specified, or the application is unable to service the connect request in a sufficiently timely manner.

Action: Ensure that the supplied destination address matches one of the addresses used by the listener - compare the TNSNAMES.ORA entry with appropriate LISTENER.ORA file (or TNSNAV.ORA if the connection is to go by way of an Interchange. Start the listener on the remote machine.

TNS-00512: Address already in use

Cause: Specified listener address is already being used.

Action: Start your listener with an unused address.

TNS-00513: Destination host unreachable

Cause: Contact cannot be made with remote party.

Action: Make sure the network driver is functioning and the network is up.

TNS-00514: Contexts have different wait/test functions

Cause: Two protocol adapters have conflicting wait/test functions.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00515: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

Cause: The address specified is not valid, or the program being connected to does not exist.

Action: Ensure the ADDRESS parameters have been entered correctly; the most likely incorrect parameter is the node name. Ensure that the executable for the server exists (perhaps "oracle" is missing.)

TNS-00516: Permission denied

Cause: User has insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation.

Action: Acquire necessary privileges and try again.

TNS-00517: Lost contact

Cause: Partner has unexpectedly gone away.

Action: Investigate partner application for abnormal termination.

TNS-00518: Incomplete read or write

Cause: A data send or receive failed.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00519: Operating system resource quota exceeded

Cause: The current user has exceeded the allotted resource assigned in the operating system.

Action: Acquire more operating system resource, or perform a different function.

TNS-00520: Syntax error

Cause: The supplied connect descriptor contains illegal syntax.

Action: Check the syntax of the connect descriptor for correct syntax.

TNS-00521: Missing keyword

Cause: The supplied connect descriptor is missing one or more TNS keywords.

Action: Check the syntax, and ensure all required keywords are present.

TNS-00522: Operation was interrupted

Cause: An internal operation was interrupted and could not complete.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00523: Previous operation was busy

Cause: Operation tried could not be successfully completed because the requested resource was busy.

Action: Attempt the operation again. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00524: Current operation is still in progress

Cause: Internal operation is still in progress but will complete.

Action: None; wait for operation to complete.

TNS-00525: Insufficient privilege for operation

Cause: Operating system failed to complete operation because user lacked sufficient privileges.

Action: Check your platform-specific privileges.

TNS-00526: No caller (false async event)

Cause: Internal error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-00527: Protocol Adapter not loadable

Cause: On some platforms (for example OS/2) protocol adapters are loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter is missing or one of its supporting libraries is missing, then this error is returned.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will have the name of the shared library (or DLL) that could not be loaded.

TNS-00528: Protocol Adapter not loaded

Cause: On some platforms (for example OS/2) protocol adapters are loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter has not been loaded, then this error is returned.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will have the name of the shared library (or DLL) that has not been loaded.

TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error

Cause: A generic protocol adapter error occurred.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-00532: No previous async operation to wait on

Cause: Internal protocol adapter error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00533: Connection dissolved or not yet made

Cause: Internal protocol adapter error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00534: Failed to grant connection ownership to child

Cause: Internal protocol adapter error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00535: Failed to send or receive disconnect message

Cause: Internal protocol adapter error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00536: Connection entered inappropriate state

Cause: Internal protocol adapter error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00537: Index into protocol adapter table is out of legal range

Cause: Internal protocol adapter error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00539: Network or Protocol services are down

Cause: The Network services on or from your node are not running or have stopped running.

Action: Restart your network or protocol services on this platform. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00540: SSL protocol adapter failure

Cause: The SSL protocol adapter encountered an error.

Action: In most cases, this error should only be pair with a more meaningful ORA- error.

TNS-00541: underlying transport does not exist.

Cause: The SSL protocol adapter was unable to locate an adapter for the protocol that it is going to use as the data transport.

Action: In most cases, the underlying transport is TCP. Make sure that the Oracle Net TCP/IP adapter was installed.

TNS-00542: SSL Handshake failed

Cause: The SSL protocol adapter was unable to connect to another process.

Action: This error can be caused by a variety of problems including the termination of the peer process. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt the connection again. The trace file should give some clues as to what the exact problem is.

TNS-00543: internal error

Cause: The SSL protocol adapter encountered an unexpected error.

Action: This error is not normally visible to users. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt to reproduce the error. If it occurs, contact Oracle customer support.

TNS-00544: unsupported operation

Cause: The SSL adapter could not perform a given command.

Action: This error is not normally visible to users. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt to reproduce the error. If it occurs, contact Oracle customer support.

TNS-00545: parameter retrieval failure

Cause: The SSL protocol adapter was not able to retrieve a configuration parameter for some reason.

Action: This error is not normally visible to users. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt to reproduce the error. If it occurs, contact Oracle customer support.

TNS-00546: control failure

Cause: The SSL protocol adapter was unable to perform a command.

Action: This error is not normally visible to users. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt to reproduce the error. If it occurs, contact Oracle customer support.

TNS-00547: user information retrieval failed

Cause: The SSL protocol adapter was unable to retrieve information about the remote user.

Action: Examine the first error in the error stack. It should describe the error in more detail.

TNS-00548: value specified for client authentication parameter is not boolean

Cause: The value specified for the parameter that specifies that SSL client authentication is to be used was not boolean.

Action: Specify a correct value for the parameter.

TNS-00549: value specified for the SSL version is not valid

Cause: The value specified for the SSL version is not valid.

Action: Specify a valid value for the SSL version.

TNS-00550: disconnection error

Cause: The SSL protocol adapter encountered an error when the underlying transport disconnected.

Action: This error is not normally visible to users. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt to reproduce the error. If it occurs, contact Oracle customer support.

TNS-00551: underlying transport connection failed

Cause: The underlying transport adapter used by the SSL adapter failed to connect.

Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and try the connection again. If the connection fails, examine the trace file to determine the cause.

TNS-00552: no valid cipher suites were specified

Cause: SSL cipher specs were specified, but none were valid.

Action: Specify correct cipher suites.

TNS-00553: read failed

Cause: The SSL adapter failed to read data from its connection.

Action: Examine the contents of sqlnet.log for more information. Enable Oracle Net tracing and try the connection again. If the connection fails, examine the trace file to determine the cause.

TNS-00554: write failed

Cause: The SSL adapter failed to send data over its connection.

Action: Examine the contents of sqlnet.log for more information. Enable Oracle Net tracing and try the connection again. If the connection fails, examine the trace file to determine the cause.

TNS-00555: no directory specified for wallet resource locator

Cause: It was specified that a file was to be used from which to retrieve a wallet, but no directory was specified for the wallet.

Action: Specify the directory where the wallet is located.

TNS-00556: no method specified for wallet retrieval

Cause: A wallet resource locator was specified, but no method was given for the retrieval of the wallet.

Action: Specify the method by which the method is to be retrieved.

TNS-00557: unsupported wallet retrieval method

Cause: The method specified for wallet retrieval is not supported. Currently, only files are supported for wallet retrieval.

Action: Specify "FILE" as the wallet retrieval method.

TNS-00558: Entrust login failed

Cause: Entrust failed to authenticate the username, password, and/or profile name that was presented.

Action: Specify correct values for the username, password or profile name. If no data was prompted for, contact Oracle support.

TNS-00559: load of Entrust certificate failed

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to validate the provided Entrust certificate.

Action: This error is not normally visible to users. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt to reproduce the error. If it occurs, contact Oracle customer support.

TNS-00560: extraction of name from Entrust certificate failed

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to extract a name from an Entrust certificate.

Action: This error is not normally visible to users. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt to reproduce the error. If it occurs, contact Oracle customer support.

TNS-00563: could not parse SSL_CIPHER_SUITES

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to parse SSL_CIPHER_SUITES in sqlnet.ora.

Action: Check the value of SSL_CIPHER_SUITES specified in sqlnet.ora. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-00580: Read failed due to closed or invalid transport connection

Cause: Read attempt was made on a transport connection which was previously terminated or is somehow deemed to be invalid.

Action: Indicates a substantial transport level failure. Check the O/S configuration for the particular transport or contact the transport provider. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-00581: Send failed due to timeout

Cause: The send operation did not complete within the allowed time interval.

Action: Error is informational. Note, repeated receipt of this error could indicate an attempted Denial-Of-Service attack. Also, if the receipt of this error interferes w/ a customer's normal operations, the customer may wish to lengthen the timeout.

TNS-00582: Receive failed due to timeout

Cause: The receive operation did not complete within the allowed time interval.

Action: Error is informational. Note, repeated receipt of this error could indicate an attempted Denial-Of-Service attack. Also, if the receipt of this error interferes w/ a customer's normal operations, the customer may wish to lengthen the timeout.

TNS-00583: Valid node checking: unable to parse configuration parameters

Cause: Valid node checking was unable to parse the configuration due to syntactical errors.

Action: Ensure that the configuration syntax matches the Oracle reference manual documented syntax. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-00584: Valid node checking configuration error

Cause: Valid node checking specific Oracle Net configuration is invalid.

Action: Ensure the hosts specified in the "invited_nodes" and "excluded_nodes" are valid. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-00586: Operation aborted due to interruption

Cause: The operation is aborted because it is interrupted by the upper layer.

Action: None

TNS-00587: Invalid HTTP response or response parse error.

Cause: HTTP upgrade response got either invalid HTTP Status line or the response headers are invalid.

Action: Please turn on network trace for further diagnosis.

TNS-00588: Invalid HTTP request or request parse error.

Cause: HTTP upgrade request got either invalid HTTP request line or the request headers are invalid.

Action: Please turn on network trace for further diagnosis.

TNS-00589: Websocket upgrade request failed

Cause: HTTP upgrade failed either becuase the server does not support or the request cannot be fulfilled at this time.

Action: Please turn on network trace for further diagnosis. Look for full HTTP response reason code in the network trace file.

TNS-01000: spawn [<listener_name>] <spawn_alias> [<(ARGUMENTS='arg0, arg1,...')>]\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01001: start [<listener_name>] : start listener\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01002: stop [<listener_name>] : stop listener\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01003: status [<listener_name>] : get the status of listener\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01004: reload [<listener_name>] : reload the parameter files and SIDs\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01005: trace OFF | USER | ADMIN | SUPPORT [<listener_name>] : set tracing to the specified level\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01006: set password : set the password for subsequent calls\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01007: quit | exit : exit LSNRCTL\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01008: version [<listener_name>] : get the version information of the listener\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01009: service [<listener_name>] : get the service information of the listener\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01013: set|show trc_{ } [value]: set|show trace parameters of current listener\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01014: set|show log_{ } [value]: set|show log parameters of current listener\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01015: set|show parm_name [value]: sets|shows current listener parm values\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01016: change_password [<listener_name>]: changes the password of the listener\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01017: set|show current_listener [<listener_name>]: sets|shows current listener\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01018: save_config [<listener_name>]: saves configuration changes to parameter file\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01019: set rawmode ON | OFF: set output mode for services and status commands\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-01020: STATUS of the LISTENER\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01021: ------------------------\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01022: Alias string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01023: Version string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01024: Trace Level string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01025: Security string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01026: Start Date string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01027: Listener Trace File string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01028: Listener Log File string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01029: Services Summary...\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01030: The listener supports no services\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01031: Service ACLs Summary...\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01033: Listener Parameter File string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01034: Uptime number days number hr. number min. number sec\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01036: string established:string refused:string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01037: "string" established:string refused:string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01038: string established:string refused:string current:string max:string state:string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01039: string\t\thas string service handler(s)

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01040: SNMP string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01041: string parameter "string" set to string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01042: Current Listener is string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01043: Password changed for string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01044: string(Registered)\t\thas string service handler(s)

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01045: string(Not Registered)\t\thas string service handler(s)

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01046: Saved string configuration parameters.\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01047: Old Parameter File string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01048: No changes to save for string.\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01049: string (string)\t\thas string service handler(s)

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01050: string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01052: The command completed successfully\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01053: Connecting to string\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01054: Contacted the listener successfully\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01055: Successfully stopped the listener\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01057: Program name: string\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01058: Arguments : string\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01059: Environment : string\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01060: The password has has been set to: string\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01061: The password has not been set\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01062: The db subagent is already running.\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01063: The db subagent is not started.\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01064: Listener configuration changes will not be persistent\n

Cause: Configuration changes to the listener will not be visible when the listener starts up again as the check-pointing has been turned off in listener.ora


TNS-01065: Raw mode is string\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01066: Presentation: string

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01067: Service display mode is string\n

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None

TNS-01070: Starting string: please wait...\n\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01071: string is set to string\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01072: Started at string\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01073: Listening on: string\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01074: Error listening on: string\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01075: Opened log file: string\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01076: Opened trace file: string\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01077: Opened parameter file: string\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01078: Opened name lookup file: string\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01079: Attempted to bequeath: string\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01080: Listener failed to start. See the error message(s) above...\n\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01081: Started with pid=string\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01082: Running in PROXY mode\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01083: Running in GSM mode\n

Cause: Listener starting message.

Action: None

TNS-01089: string * string * string * string * string * string * number * string

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01090: No longer listening on: string\n

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01091: Listener(VNCR option number) rejected Registration request from destination string\n

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01092: string * string * string * string * number

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01093: string * string * number

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01094: string * number

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01095: string * string * string * number

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01096: string * string * string * string * string * number

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None


Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01098: TIMESTAMP * CONNECT DATA * ADDRESS * [PRESENTATION *] COMMAND * ERROR\nTIMESTAMP * [INSTANCE NAME *] [ADDRESS *] [PRESENTATION *] COMMAND * ERROR\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01099: string * string * string * string * number

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01100: TNS returned error number when attempting to start the listener

Cause: The bequeath (BEQ) mechanism that LSNRCTL uses to start the listener failed.

Action: If NS error code 12538 is also returned then the BEQ driver is not installed; call Oracle Worldwide Support as the BEQ driver should always be installed. If this is not the problem then the error is probably caused by the fact that the TNSLSNR executable cannot be found in the place expected in your platform's ORACLE environment. Verify that the full pathname of the TNSLSNR executable as displayed by LSNRCTL is correct.

TNS-01101: Could not find listener name or service name string

Cause: The listener name or service name could not be resolved by name-lookup.

Action: Verify that the listener name or service name specified to LSNRCTL has the correct name and address defined in LISTENER.ORA or in TNSNAMES.ORA.

TNS-01102: TNS application contacted was not the listener

Cause: Another TNS application such as the Interchange was listening at the address contacted. There may be another TNS application listening at the address contacted and the data returned is not in the appropriate format.

Action: Verify that the listener name or service name specified to LSNRCTL has the correct name and address defined in LISTENER.ORA or in TNSNAMES.ORA.

TNS-01103: Protocol specific component of the address is incorrectly specified

Cause: The ADDRESS used to contact the listener is not correctly specified. This error occurs because the address fails to specify the destination of the listener. The address is well formed (for example, there are no missing parentheses) but it is missing a protocol specific component. For example, this is the error returned when the HOST component is missing from a TCP/IP address string.

Action: Edit the ADDRESS in LISTENER.ORA to include the required protocol-specific keywords. For more information about the keywords required by different protocol adapters, see the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform.

TNS-01106: Listener using listener name string has already been started

Cause: Another listener is already listening on one of the ADDRESSes specified.

Action: Shutdown the previous listener specified by the listener name before starting this one.

TNS-01107: A valid trace level was not specified

Cause: Failed to specify a valid trace level for the LSNRCTL trace command.

Action: Specify one of OFF, USER, ADMIN, or SUPPORT. Type "LSNRCTL help trace" for more information or consult Chapter 2 of this manual for an introduction to the concepts of tracing.

TNS-01108: Listener password prompt failed

Cause: Password not entered via tty

Action: Enter the listener password on a tty device

TNS-01109: Listener password encryption failed

Cause: Possibly garbled password entered

Action: Re-enter the listener password, using valid ASCII characters. If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-01110: Mismatch - password unchanged

Cause: New password and reentered new password are different"

Action: Re-enter the listener password, make sure that New password and reentered new password are the same

TNS-01111: Log status can either be ON or OFF

Cause: Failed to specify a log status value for the LSNRCTL log_status command.

Action: Specify one of ON or OFF. Type "LSNRCTL help set log_status" for more information or consult Chapter 2 of this manual for an introduction to the concepts of logging.

TNS-01112: Plug and play can either be ON or OFF

Cause: Failed to specify a valid value for the LSNRCTL use_plugandplay command.

Action: Specify one of ON or OFF. Type "LSNRCTL help set use_plugandplay" for more information.

TNS-01113: save_config_on_stop can either be ON or OFF

Cause: Failed to specify a valid value for the LSNRCTL save_config_on_stop command.

Action: Specify one of ON or OFF. Type "LSNRCTL help set save_config_on_stop" for more information.

TNS-01114: LSNRCTL could not perform local OS authentication with the listener

Cause: LSNRCTL failed to obtain system resources (heap memory, or shared memory) needed to perform local OS authentication with the listener.

Action: Make sure that system resources like shared memory and heap memory are available for LSNRCTL tool to execute properly.

TNS-01115: OS error string creating shared memory segment of string bytes with key string

Cause: The shared memory segment could not be created as requested. For example, a segment with the provided key may already exist, or the size may be outside of system allowed range.

Action: Use the error code to determine the exact cause of the problem. In certain cases the problem may be resolved by adjusting the system-imposed limits such as the maximum number of allowed shared memory segments, or their maximum and minimum sizes. In other cases, resources need to be freed up first for the operation to succeed.

TNS-01116: Listener alias name given as connect identifier is too long

Cause: The listener alias name you were attempting to resolve was too long.

Action: The maximum length of a listener alias name is 255 bytes; this limit has been exceeded. Use a smaller listener alias name.

TNS-01117: Invalid argument was specified for stop command

Cause: Failed to specify a valid argument for the LSNRCTL stop command.

Action: Make sure a valid argument is specified with stop command.

TNS-01150: The address of the specified listener name is incorrect

Cause: The address on which the listener attempted to listen contains a syntax error.

Action: For the listener name or service name specified to LSNRCTL, check that the address or connect descriptor is well-formed. You can find the listener name in LISTENER.ORA, or you can access the listener through the service name is TNSNAMES.ORA.

TNS-01151: Missing listener name, string, in LISTENER.ORA

Cause: The listener could not find the listener name specified.

Action: Make sure valid addresses on which to listen are specified for the listener name in LISTENER.ORA.

TNS-01152: All addresses specified for the listener name, string, failed

Cause: The listener failed to listen on any of the specified addresses.

Action: Make sure that another application is not listening on the addresses specified or check that the appropriate protocol adapters are installed. Turn on tracing and execute again for more information.

TNS-01153: Failed to process string: string

Cause: The string specified is not well-formed.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-01154: SID detected in old format that is no longer supported

Cause: One of the SIDs was specified in an obsolete format.

Action: Check LISTENER.ORA for a line of the form: sid = (SID=(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)) OR sid = (SID_DESC=(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)) The above format is no longer supported and SID_LIST_<listener_name> format described in the Oracle9i Net Services Reference Guide should be used. For example, SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST=(SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=sid)(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)))

TNS-01155: Incorrectly specified SID_LIST_string parameter in LISTENER.ORA

Cause: SID_LIST_<listener_name> in LISTENER.ORA has an error in it.

Action: Be sure this parameter is specified as described in the Oracle9i Net Services Reference Guide. For example, SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST=(SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=sid)(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)))

TNS-01156: Missing or inappropriate PROTOCOL, TIMEOUT or POOL_SIZE parameter from PRESPAWN_DESC

Cause: PRESPAWN_DESC in each SID_DESC does not have required fields.

Action: Be sure the parameters required for PRESPAWN_DESC are specified in each SID_DESC. For example, SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST=(SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=sid)(PRESPAWN_MAX=5)(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)(PRESPAWN_DESC=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(POOL_SIZE=10)(TIMEOUT=30)))) Add or correct these parameters in the LISTENER.ORA file

TNS-01157: Can only listen on number addresses - ignoring string

Cause: Too many addresses were given to listen on.

Action: Reduce the number of addresses to listen on and use another listener to listen on the remaining addresses.

TNS-01158: Internal connection limit reached, preventing dispatcher from connecting

Cause: The internal Oracle Net connection list is full. Too many dispatchers are connected to the listener; therefore, no more dispatchers are allowed to connect.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-01159: Internal connection limit has been reached; listener has shut down

Cause: The internal Oracle Net connection list is full. The listener is configured to use too many Oracle Net connections.

Action: Reduce the number of listen addresses or services connected to the listener. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-01160: Trace level was not specified

Cause: Failed to specify a trace level for the trace command.

Action: Specify one of OFF, USER, ADMIN, or SUPPORT. Users should not see this error if LSNRCTL is being used.

TNS-01161: Spawn alias string was not found. Check listener parameter file

Cause: The alias specified to spawn a program was not found in LISTENER.ORA.

Action: This is not seen in normal use of Oracle Net.

TNS-01162: Syntax error in the address resolved from the spawn alias: string

Cause: The alias specified to spawn a program was not a valid NVstring.

Action: This is not seen in normal use of Oracle Net.

TNS-01163: Failed to spawn process: string

Cause: The process failed to start correctly.

Action: This is not seen in normal use of Oracle Net.

TNS-01164: No spawn alias sent to listener

Cause: The spawn command was issued without an alias.

Action: This is not seen in normal use of Oracle Net.

TNS-01165: Spawn alias has no program name set in it

Cause: The spawn alias in LISTENER.ORA is incorrectly specified.

Action: This is not seen in normal use of Oracle Net.

TNS-01166: Listener rejected registration or update of service ACL

Cause: Received registration or update information could not be processed because it was invalid, or an internal error occurred.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and restart the instance. If error persists, contact Oracle

TNS-01167: The command string is not supported by the listener contacted

Cause: The listener does not recognize the command.

Action: This is caused when a newer version of LSNRCTL contacts an old listener. Upgrade listener if executing this command is important.

TNS-01168: Cannot allocate memory

Cause: Sufficient memory could not be allocated to perform the desired activity.

Action: Either free some resource for TNS, or add more memory to the machine. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-01169: The listener has not recognized the password

Cause: The listener has the password security mechanism enabled and requires the correct password to execute any command other than VERSION. The user attempted to issue one of the privileged administrative commands, but could not be successfully authenticated with the password provided.

Action: If an authorized user is attempting the command, then use the SET PASSWORD command at the LSNRCTL prompt with the listener password. If you do not know the password, then you are trying to execute an inappropriate command.

TNS-01170: Event detection broke for address: string

Cause: The event detection mechanism for the address specified returned an error.

Action: Future attempts to detect events on this address will fail. The listener will deallocate the listen address and connections will no long be accepted for this address. This error is not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-01171: Event detection broke for dispatcher: string

Cause: The event detection mechanism for the dispatcher specified returned an error.

Action: Future attempts to detect events on this dispatcher will fail. The listener will deallocate the dispatcher and connections will no long be redirected to this dispatcher. This error is not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-01172: Listener has shut down since all listen addresses have been deallocated

Cause: The event detection mechanism broke and caused all listen addresses to be removed.

Action: Error 1170 has occured and caused all the listen addresses to be deallocated. Since all the listen addresses have been removed, no more connections can be established to this listener so it shuts itself down. This error is not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-01173: Missing or inappropriate PRESPAWN_MAX parameter from SID_DESC

Cause: PRESPAWN_MAX in each SID_DESC does not have required fields.

Action: Be sure the parameters required for PRESPAWN_DESC are specified in each SID_DESC. For example, SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST=(SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=sid)(PRESPAWN_MAX=15)(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)(PRESPAWN_DESC=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(POOL_SIZE=10)(TIMEOUT=30)))) Add or correct these parameters in the LISTENER.ORA file

TNS-01174: The sum of the POOL_SIZEs from each PRESPAWN_DESC is greater than the PRESPAWN_MAX

Cause: The minimum value for PRESPAWN_MAX should be the sum of the POOL_SIZEs.

Action: Be sure the parameters required for PRESPAWN_DESC are specified in each SID_DESC. For example, SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST=(SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=sid)(PRESPAWN_MAX=15)(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)(PRESPAWN_DESC=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(POOL_SIZE=10)(TIMEOUT=30))(PRESPAWN_DESC=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(POOL_SIZE=5)(TIMEOUT=15)))) Add or correct these parameters in the LISTENER.ORA file

TNS-01175: Password unchanged\n

Cause: Unable to set the new password

Action: Be sure to see that the new password has legal ASCII characters. Try to set the password again.

TNS-01176: Error in loading the new parameter value\n

Cause: Illegal values given for the parameters

Action: Make sure that the parameter values are valid refer to the manual for the legal values for paramters

TNS-01177: Log Status is OFF. Log file/directory unchanged\n

Cause: Log status needs to be set ON for changing the log file

Action: use command set log_status ON to set the log status of the listener ON.

TNS-01178: Trace Level is 0. Trace file/directory unchanged\n

Cause: Trace Level needs to be set for changing the trace file/directory

Action: use command set trc_level ON to set the trace level

TNS-01179: Listener cannot load instance class "string"\n

Cause: Instance tried to register as a class unknown to listener.

Action: check LISTENER.ORA and/or instance configuration, and reference platform documentation to find the instance classes available for the listener on this platform.

TNS-01180: Missing listener object string in Directory Server

Cause: The listener could not find the listener object specified.

Action: Make sure the listener object is present in the Directory Server.

TNS-01181: Internal registration connection limit reached

Cause: The number of registration connections has reached the maximum. No more registrations are allowed until some of the existing registration connections are completed.

Action: Disconnect existing registration connections if they are no longer needed.

TNS-01182: Listener rejected registration of service "string"

Cause: Received registration information could not be processed because it was invalid, or an internal error occurred.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and restart the instance. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-01183: Listener rejected registration or update of instance "string"

Cause: Received registration or update information could not be processed because it was invalid, or an internal error occurred.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and restart the instance. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-01184: Listener rejected registration or update of service handler "string"

Cause: Received registration or update information could not be processed because it was invalid, or an internal error occurred.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and restart the instance. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-01185: Registration attempted from a remote node

Cause: It was determined that the registering instance is not located on the same node as the listener. It is required that the instance be colocated with the listener for this type of service registration.

Action: Check the configuration of the registering instance. Ensure that local_listener parameter specifies only local listeners. Use remote_listener parameter to specify remote listeners.

TNS-01186: Client connection was dropped based on a filtering rule

Cause: Listener was configured with a filtering rule which explicitly specified that the client connection should be terminated without returning an error to the client.

Action: Modify the filtering rules if the client should be allowed access to the requested service.

TNS-01187: No proxy service handler available

Cause: One of the following conditions has occurred: - the proxy service was not registered - the proxy service was registered, but was blocking new connections - all of the registered proxy service handlers were blocking new connections

Action: If the proxy service is not registered it may need to be restarted. If the proxy service handlers are busy and not accepting new connections more of them may need to be started to handle the load.

TNS-01188: Listener cannot operate with incompatible transport protocols

Cause: Listener was configured with multiple listening addresses with different and incompatible transport protocols. Listener cannot operate efficiently in such configuration.

Action: Modify the existing listener configuration by removing the listening address that caused the error. Configure a separate listener to listen on this address.

TNS-01189: The listener could not authenticate the user

Cause: The user attempted to issue a privileged administrative command, but could not be successfully authenticated by the listener using the local OS authentication mechanism. This may occur due to one of the following reasons: 1. The user is running a version of LSNRCTL that is lower than the version of the listener. 2. The user is attempting to administer the listener from a remote node. 3. The listener could not obtain the system resources needed to perform the authentication. 4. The local network connection between the listener and LSNRCTL was terminated unexpectedly during authentication message exchange, such as if LSNRCTL program was suddenly aborted. 5. The communication between the listener and LSNRCTL is being intercepted by a malicious user. 6. The software that the user is running is not following the authentication protocol, indicating a malicious user.

Action: Make sure that administrative commands are issued using the LSNRCTL tool that is of a version equal or greater than the version of the listener, and that the tool and the listener are running on the same node. You can issue the VERSION command to find out the version of the listener. If a malicious user is suspected, use the information provided in the listener log file to determine the source and nature of the requests. Enable listener tracing for more information. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

TNS-01190: The user is not authorized to execute the requested listener command

Cause: Most of the listener administrative commands are only intended to be issued by privileged users, for example DBAs or system administrators. If the listener password is not set, then the listener only accepts administrative requests from LSNRCTL running with the same OS credentials, or running as a local administrator (also referred to as super user).

Action: If an authorized user is attempting the command, then make sure that LSNRCTL is executed with the same OS user credentials as the running listener, or as a local administrator.

TNS-01191: Failed to initialize the local OS authentication subsystem

Cause: Initialization of the security subsystem failed during listener startup or reload. The listener could not obtain system resources (memory, or file descriptors) needed for local OS authentication security mechanism.

Action: Make sure that system resources like shared memory and heap memory are available for listener to execute properly. For further details, turn on tracing and execute the operation again. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

TNS-01192: Missing SID_LIST_ value left of equation for SID description in LISTENER.ORA

Cause: SID description in LISTENER.ORA had an error in it.

Action: Make sure the lines of code in LISTENER.ORA containing SID_DESC or SID begin with SID_LIST_<listener_name> on the left side of the equation. For example, SID_LIST_LISTENER =(SID_LIST=(SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=sid)(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)))

TNS-01193: Listener cannot operate with specified secure transport

Cause: Listener was configured with transport protocols which are either invalid or none of the secure transport protocols are present in listening addresses.

Action: Modify the existing listener configuration by specifying a valid tranport protocol in secure transport list.

TNS-01194: The listener command did not arrive in a secure transport

Cause: Most of the listener administrative commands are only intended to be issued in a secure transport, which are configured in secure_control_ parameter. If the parameter is set, then the listener accepts administrative requests only on those secure transports.

Action: Make sure the command is issued using a transport specified in secure transport list.

TNS-01196: Unable to initialize GSM IPC channel

Cause: IPC API returned an error

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and restart the instance. If error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

TNS-01197: Listener failed to create the end point

Cause: Internal error. Unable to get subnet mask for the ip address.

Action: OS failure. Turn on tracing for further details

TNS-01198: Listener failed to initialize valid node list

Cause: VNCR options are not properly initialized in listener.ora or OS API failed.

Action: Check VNCR options i.e. valid_node_checking_for_registration, registration_invited_nodes, registration_excluded_nodes in listener.ora For further details, turn on tracing.

TNS-01199: Warning! Different databases have registered the same service

Cause: Different databases have registered the same service.

Action: In a multitenant container database (CDB) setup, this error indicates the usage of identical Oracle Net service name by multiple CDBs. The default Oracle Net service name for a pluggable database (PDB) in a CDB is derived from PDB name, so ensure that multiple CDBs registering with the same listener are not using identical PDB names. However, this error can be safely ignored if the usage of identical Oracle Net service name across multiple databases is intentional.

TNS-01200: The listener must be suid root

Cause: The ownership privileges of the TNSLSNR executable are incorrect.

Action: Contact your DBA or system administrator to change the ownership of the file to be suid root and restart the listener. This action is necessary because the user that started the process should claim ownership.

TNS-01201: Listener cannot find executable string for SID string

Cause: The executable for the Oracle dedicated server process cannot be found.

Action: Check the appropriate SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA to make sure that the ORACLE_HOME component is pointing to a valid location. If this component is not set, then check the value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.

TNS-01202: Missing the dba group (string) specified by DBA_GROUP in SID_DESC

Cause: The dba group specified is missing from /ETC/GROUP.

Action: Check the DBA_GROUP parameter in the SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA and verify it has a valid entry in /ETC/GROUP.

TNS-01203: Missing the account (string) specified by DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT in SID_DESC

Cause: The unprivileged OS account is missing from /etc/passwd.

Action: Check the DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT parameter in the SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA and verify it has a valid entry in /etc/passwd. This is the account that the Oracle shadow process will be started with if the the connecting client has database privileges or does not exist on this machine.

TNS-01204: Unprivileged account (string) is in dba group (string)

Cause: The unprivileged account has DBA privileges. The unprivileged account specified by DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT in the SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA is a member of the dba group specified by DBA_GROUP in SID_DESC. The unprivileged account cannot belong to the dba group because this would be a security violation with OPS$ logins.

Action: Remove the unprivileged account from the dba group.

TNS-01250: Failed to get ADR Path for trace/alert directory

Cause: The diagnosability API to get the service path returned an error

Action: None

TNS-01251: Cannot set trace/log directory under ADR

Cause: ADR trace and log directories cannot be set by the user.

Action: None

TNS-01300: \nERROR at string\n

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01301: TNS error structure:

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01302: nr err code: number

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01303: ns main err code: number

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01304: ns secondary err code: number

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01305: nt main err code: number

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01306: nt secondary err code: number

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01307: nt OS err code: number

Cause: Listener logging message.

Action: None

TNS-01351: Listener failed to initialize log suppress node list

Cause: log suppress nodes options are not properly initialized in listener.ora.

Action: Check LOG_SUPPRESS_NODES in listener.ora For further details, turn on tracing.

TNS-01352: Failed to create conduit with string

Cause: The listener could not create conduit with the listener name specified for migration.

Action: Make sure valid address is used or specified listener is running. For further details, turn on tracing.

TNS-01353: Failed to inherit listen endpoint

Cause: The listener could not inherit listen endpoint from the listener name specified for migration.

Action: Make sure valid address is used or specified listener is running. For further details, turn on tracing.

TNS-01354: Rule list syntax is inappropriate

Cause: The provided rule list syntax is not correct

Action: Make sure that the rule list syntax is appropriate.

TNS-01400: Instance "string"\t\t has number handlers.

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01401: Class: string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01402: TYPE: string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01403: Load: string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01404: Max Load: string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01405: Host: string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01406: ID: string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01407: Status: string Total handlers: string Relevant handlers: string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01408: Instance "string", status string, has string handler(s) for this service...

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01409: Instance "string"

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01410: Service "string"\t\thas number instances.

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01411: Service "string" has number instance(s).

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01412: Handler(s):

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01413: "string" established:string refused:string current:string max:string state:string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01414: "string", state string, established string, refused string, current string, max string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01415: Listening Endpoints Summary...\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01416: Process ID string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01417: "string" established:string refused:string state:string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01418: Proxy service "string" has number instance(s).

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01419: Instance "string": string failure(s), status string...

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01420: Presentation: string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01421: Session: string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01422: Default Service string\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01423: ACL(s):

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01424: string has string item(s)

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01425: Services with Tenantkey Summary:\n

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01426: Instance:string TenantKey:string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None

TNS-01427: Goodness : string, Delta : string

Cause: Goodness and Delta values for a Service Instance

Action: None

TNS-01441: Number of filtering rules currently in effect: number

Cause: Control program status message

Action: None

TNS-01442: No filtering rules currently in effect.

Cause: Control program status message

Action: None

TNS-02020: set displaymode RAW | COMPAT | NORMAL | VERBOSE: output mode for lsnrctl display\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-02021: DIRECT_HANDOFF can be either ON or OFF.\n

Cause: Invalid value for the LSNRCTL direct_handoff parameter.

Action: Specify one of ON or OFF.

TNS-02022: show rules: Show rules that are currently in effect\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-02023: shutdown [<listener_name>] : shutdown all non-admin endpoints of listener\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-02024: servacls [<listener_name>] : get the service ACLs information of the listener\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-02025: tenantkey [<listener_name>] : get the service tenantkey information of the listener\n

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None

TNS-02401: gbname string too long, allowed number characters

Cause: gbname or domain name too long.

Action: Check the gbname parameter in listener.ora, shorten it.

TNS-02402: Bad CLBGNAMES parameter in tnsnames.ora

Cause: CLBGNAMES parameter in tnsnames.ora is bad.

Action: Check the CLBGNAMES parameter format and correct it. Make sure that the tnsnames.ora file is there.

TNS-02403: Bad alias string or alias not present in tnsnames.ora

Cause: An alias was expected in tnsnames.ora but was not found or was not correctly formed.

Action: Check the tnsnames.ora for the alias and make sure it is correctly formed.

TNS-02404: Service string contains no local handlers

Cause: The listener found no suitable handler to redirect to.

Action: Make sure that there is at least one handler for this node.

TNS-02405: GMS call failed, check GMS logs.

Cause: A GMS call made by the listener failed.

Action: Check if the GMS is up and running. See GMS-client trace files for more information.

TNS-02501: Authentication: no more roles

Cause: When a process attempted to retrieve a role from the authentication service, no more were available.

Action: None. This error is used internally and occurs in the normal course of events.

TNS-02502: Authentication: unable to find initialization function

Cause: The native authentication service was unable to call the initialization function for the specified service because it does not exist.

Action: If this service adaptor came directly from Oracle, contact Oracle Customer Support, as this error should never happen. Otherwise, add an initialization function for the service being used.

TNS-02503: Parameter retrieval failed

Cause: The native service layer was unable to retrieve a parameter from a configuration file.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02504: Parameter count retrieval failed

Cause: The native service layer was unable to determine the number of arguments given for a configuration parameter.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02505: Authentication: null context pointer provided

Cause: The function nau_ini() was passed a null pointer as the pointer to the context that it is supposed to use.

Action: Call nau_ini() with a pointer to a context structure.

TNS-02506: Authentication: no type string

Cause: An authentication context structure does not contain a string that describes the authentication service being used.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02507: Encryption: algorithm not installed

Cause: After picking an algorithm, the server was unable to find an index for it in its table of algorithms. This should be impossible because the algorithm was chosen (indirectly) from that list.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02508: Encryption: server negotiation response in error

Cause: The server's response in negotiation was in error.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02509: Authentication: invalid process state

Cause: The state in which a process is running does not correspond to any of the values which are valid.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02510: Invalid numeric data type

Cause: The type of a piece of numeric data that was received does not correspond to one of the valid values.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02511: Invalid data type

Cause: The type of a piece of data that was received or to be transmitted did not correspond to any of the correct values.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02512: Invalid status received

Cause: A process received a value as a status flag which was unknown.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02513: Requested data type does not match retrieved type

Cause: A service requested data whose type does not match that of the segment which was sent from the other process.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02514: Invalid packet received

Cause: A process received a data packet which was not meant for the native services layer.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02515: Encryption/crypto-checksumming: unknown control type

Cause: An encryption or crypto-checksumming algorithm "control" function was called, but did not recognize the "type" argument it was given.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02516: No data available

Cause: A native service attempted to retrieve data but no data was available to be received.

Action: The error is not normally visible as it usually is only used to signal the end of a data stream. If the error becomes visible, enable tracing to reproduce the problem and contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02517: key smaller than requested size

Cause: The key returned by negotiation was smaller than the size requested by some service (either encryption or crypto-checksumming).

Action: The error is not normally visible. If the error persists, enable tracing to reproduce the problem and contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02518: key negotiation error

Cause: An error occurred while the two sides of the connection were negotiating an encryption or crypto-checksumming key.

Action: The error is not normally visible. If the error persists, enable tracing to reproduce the problem and contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02519: no appropriate key-negotiation parameters

Cause: No appopriate key-negotiation parameters are available for the key size requested either by encryption or by crypto- checksumming.

Action: The error is not normally visible. Enable tracing to reproduce the problem and contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-02520: encryption/crypto-checksumming: no Diffie-Hellman seed

Cause: The "sqlnet.crypto_seed" parameter is missing from the SQLNET.ORA parameters file.

Action: Add this line to SQLNET.ORA: sqlnet.crypto_seed = "randomly-chosen text"

TNS-02521: encryption/crypto-checksumming: Diffie-Hellman seed too small

Cause: The "sqlnet.crypto_seed" parameter in the SQLNET.ORA parameter file for Oracle Net is too small.

Action: Add more randomly-chosen text to it.

TNS-02524: Authentication: privilege check failed

Cause: An error occurred when the authentication service attempted to verify that a user had a specific database privilege.

Action: This error should not happen normally. Enable tracing and attempt to repeat the error. Contact Customer Support.

TNS-02525: encryption/crypto-checksumming: self test failed

Cause: The encryption/crypto-checksumming service detected an error while running tests on the active encryption or checksumming algorithm.

Action: Contact Customer Support.

TNS-02526: server proxy type does not match client type

Cause: The authentication type selected by the server does not match that picked by the client.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support

TNS-03501: OK

Cause: The operation succeeded.

Action: No action necessary.

TNS-03502: Insufficient arguments. Usage: tnsping address [count]

Cause: Some required command-line arguments are missing.

Action: Re-enter the command using the correct arguments.

TNS-03503: Could not initialize NL

Cause: The network library could not be initialized.

Action: This is an internal error which should not normally be visible. Ensure that memory is available to run the application and that there are no other operating system problems, and then attempt the command again.

TNS-03504: Service name too long

Cause: The service name you are attempting to ping is too long.

Action: Re-enter the command using the correct service name.

TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name

Cause: The service name you provided could not be found in TNSNAMES.ORA, an Oracle Names server, or a native naming service.

Action: Verify that you entered the service name correctly. You may need to ensure that the name was entered correctly into the network configuration.

TNS-03506: Failed to create address binding

Cause: The TNSPING utility found the requested address or service name, but received an internal error when trying to use it.

Action: This is an internal error which should not normally be visible. Ensure that memory is available to run the application and that there are no other operating system problems, and then attempt the command again.

TNS-03507: Failure looking for ADDRESS keyword

Cause: The TNS address did not contain an ADDRESS keyword.

Action: If you entered the TNS address on the command line, be sure that the syntax is correct. If you entered a service name on the command line, the address contains the wrong information. You should verify that the information was entered correctly.

TNS-03508: Failed to create address string

Cause: The TNSPING utility received an internal error when generating an address.

Action: This is an internal error which should not normally be visible. Ensure that memory is available to run the application and that there are no other operating system problems, and then attempt the command again.

TNS-03509: OK (number msec)

Cause: The operation succeeded, in this amount of time.

Action: No action necessary.

TNS-03510: Failed due to I/O error

Cause: An I/O operation failed, perhaps due to a resource failure or premature window termination.

Action: This is an internal error which should not normally be visible. Do not close the TNSPING window before all I/O operations have completed.

TNS-03511: Used parameter files:\nstring\n

Cause: Prints out the path of the parameter files(sqlnet.ora,tnsnames.ora) used in the process of resolving the NAME.

Action: None

TNS-03512: Used string adapter to resolve the alias\n

Cause: Prints out the name of the adapter which resolved the TNS alias.

Action: None

TNS-03513: Attempting to contact string\n

Cause: Attempting to contact a given TNS address.

Action: None

TNS-03601: Failed in route information collection

Cause: The route could either not connect, or encountered an unsupported version of Oracle Net.

Action: Check if Oracle Net along all nodes is version 2.3 or greater.

TNS-03602: Insufficient arguments. Usage: trcroute address

Cause: Some required command-line arguments are missing.

Action: Re-enter the command using the correct arguments.

TNS-03603: Encountered a node with a version eariler than SQL*Net 2.3

Cause: Versions of SQL*Net before 2.3 do not support trcroute.

Action: Find the node that isn't responding to trcroute.

TNS-04001: string

Cause: CMCTL general message.

Action: None

TNS-04002: The command completed successfully.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None

TNS-04003: Syntax Error.

Cause: The command issued has a wrong syntax.

Action: Check for the command issue syntax, and correct the problem.

TNS-04004: Unable to encrypt the supplied password.

Cause: The password that was supplied to the ADMINISTER command could not be encrypted.

Action: Change the password to something acceptable. See Oracle Net Services documentation for valid password values.

TNS-04005: Unable to resolve address for string.

Cause: The alias name supplied with the ADMINISTER command could not be resolved to an Oracle Connection Manager address.

Action: Check if your an entry for the alias is present in either CMAN.ORA file or in TNSNAMES.ORA file.

TNS-04006: Invalid password

Cause: The password given with the ADMINISTER command could not be verified by the Oracle Connection Manager instance.

Action: Retry with the correct password.

TNS-04007: Internal error number.

Cause: Not normally visible to the user.

Action: If error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

TNS-04008: string | string

Cause: String parameter value.

Action: None

TNS-04009: string | number

Cause: Integer parameter value.

Action: None

TNS-04010: Command cannot be issued before the ADMINISTER command.

Cause: A command was issued before administering the Oracle Connection Manager instance.

Action: Enter the ADMINISTER command before retrying this command.

TNS-04011: Oracle Connection Manager instance not yet started.

Cause: A command was issued when Oracle Connection Manager was not yet started or already shutdown.

Action: Start Oracle Connection Manager.

TNS-04012: Unable to start Oracle Connection Manager instance.

Cause: CMCTL was unable to start the Oracle Connection Manager instance. Some of the possible reasons include: cmadmin not present in ORACLE_HOME/bin, Invalid parameter in configuration repository, wrong parameter values, or log directory not present.

Action: 1. Check whether log directory is present, and is writable. Log directory can be found at ORACLE_HOME/network/log, or as specified by the LOG_DIRECTORY parameter in CMAN.ORA. 2. Turn on logging or tracing to get more information about this error. 3. Correct any parameter errors (or mismatched paranthesis), and retry starting Oracle Connection Manager. 4. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

TNS-04013: CMCTL timed out waiting for Oracle Connection Manager to start

Cause: Oracle Connection Manager internal registrations have not been completed.

Action: Turn on logging or tracing to get more information about this error. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

TNS-04014: Current instance string is already started

Cause: An ADMINISTER command was issued to administer an Oracle Connection Manager instance that is already started.

Action: None

TNS-04015: Current instance string is not yet started

Cause: An ADMINISTER command was issued to an instance that has not yet been started.

Action: None

TNS-04016: Connecting to string

Cause: CMCTL is connecting to the the specified Oracle Connection Manager address.

Action: None

TNS-04017: Please wait. Shutdown in progress.

Cause: A command which cannot be used while Oracle Connection Manager is shutting down was issued.

Action: Wait for some time before retrying the command.

TNS-04018: Instance already started

Cause: The STARTUP command was issued to an instance which was already started.

Action: None

TNS-04019: Starting Oracle Connection Manager instance string. Please wait...

Cause: The STARTUP command was issued for an Oracle Connection Manager instance. CMCTL is waiting for the instance to start.

Action: None

TNS-04020: CMCTL Version: number.number.number.number.number

Cause: None.

Action: None

TNS-04021: The SET command is unsuccessful for parameter string.

Cause: The value set for the parameter was out of range.

Action: See Oracle Net Services documentation for value ranges for the parameters.

TNS-04022: string parameter string set to string.

Cause: Parameter value was successfully set.

Action: None

TNS-04023: Command failed.

Cause: The command issued failed to complete successfully.

Action: Retry command. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

TNS-04037: Connections refer to string.

Cause: The ADMINISTER command resolved to the address in the specified message string.

Action: None

TNS-04044: Specified gateways do not exist.

Cause: One or more specified gateway IDs do not exist.

Action: Specify correct gateway IDs.

TNS-04045: Invalid specification of time

Cause: The time specified with the GT (greater than) option was invalid.

Action: Check Oracle Net Services documentation for valid time specification.

TNS-04046: Invalid specification for source

Cause: The source specified with the FROM option was invalid.

Action: Check Oracle Net Services documentation for valid source specification.

TNS-04047: Invalid specification for destination

Cause: The destination specified with the TO option was invalid.

Action: Check Oracle Net Services documentation for valid destination specification.

TNS-04048: Specified service does not exist.

Cause: The service specified with the FOR option did not exist.

Action: None

TNS-04049: Specified connections do not exist

Cause: One or more connection IDs do not exist.

Action: None

TNS-04050: Invalid specification for gateway ID.

Cause: The gateway ID specified is invalid.

Action: Check Oracle Net Services documentation for a valid gateway ID specification.

TNS-04063: Remote administration disabled in the Oracle Connection Manager instance.

Cause: CMCTL attempted to connect to a remote Oracle Connection Manager instance in which remote administration was disabled.

Action: Set parameter remote_admin=on in the remote instance before starting it.

TNS-04064: The number of CMCTL sessions exceeds MAX_CMCTL_SESSIONS.

Cause: The Oracle Connection Manager instance already has MAX_CMCTL_SESSIONS number of CMCTLs connected to it.

Action: Use an already connected CMCTL, or, use a higher value for the parameter MAX_CMCTL_SESSIONS in the CMAN.ORA file.

TNS-04065: The number of remote CMCTL sessions exceeds (MAX_CMCTL_SESSIONS-1)

Cause: The Oracle Connection Manager instance already has (MAX_CMCTL_SESSIONS-1) number of remote CMCTL sessions connected to it.

Action: Use an already connected CMCTL, or, use a higher value for the parameter MAX_CMCTL_SESSIONS in the CMAN.ORA file.

TNS-04066: The following log events can be enabled or disabled:

Cause: None

Action: None

TNS-04067: Number of connections: number.

Cause: Either no information qualifier (COUNT/DETAIL) was present in SHOW CONNECTIONS command, or, COUNT was used as the information qualifier.

Action: None

TNS-04068: Cannot start an Oracle Connection Manager instance remotely.

Cause: CMCTL was used to start Oracle Connection Manager instance in a remote host.

Action: Use a local CMCTL to start the Oracle Connection Manager.

TNS-04069: Sleeping for number seconds...

Cause: CMCTL is idle for specified seconds. This feature is only provided for testing purposes.

Action: None

TNS-04070: Cannot administer a remote Oracle Connection Manager instance.

Cause: An attempt was made to administer a remote Oracle Connection Manager instance which is not allowed.

Action: Use a local CMCTL session to administer the Oracle Connection Manager instance.

TNS-04071: Connections closed successfully. Number closed: number.

Cause: The specified connections were closed successfully.

Action: None

TNS-04072: Unable to suspend atleast one of the gateways.

Cause: CMCTL was unable to suspend one or more gateways. Possible reason could be suspending a gateway that was already suspended or suspending a gateway that was not present.

Action: Turn on tracing and logging, retry operation. Information in the log files would help.

TNS-04073: Passwords do not match.

Cause: The new password and its confirmation do not match

Action: Use SET PASSWORD again.

TNS-04074: Invalid value for the parameter string.

Cause: The parameter value set using the SET command is invalid.

Action: See Oracle Net Services documentation for the valid values of the parameter.

TNS-04075: Cannot use ADMINISTER directly from the command line.

Cause: ADMINISTER can only be issued from the CMCTL> prompt.

Action: Use the -c option with any command instead of ADMINISTER.

TNS-04076: Invalid specification for state.

Cause: The state specified with "in" option is invalid.

Action: Check Oracle Net Services documentation for valid state specification.

TNS-04077: WARNING: No password set for the Oracle Connection Manager instance.

Cause: A connection to the Oracle Connection Manager instance was made with no password from the user.

Action: Ignore the warning if the Oracle Connection Manager is secure enough. Otherwise, use SET PASSWORD command to set a new password for the instance.

TNS-04078: Unable to resume atleast one of the gateways.

Cause: CMCTL was unable to resume one or more gateways. Possible reason could be resuming a gateway that was ready for connections, or resuming a gateway that was not present.

Action: Turn on tracing and logging, retry operation. Information in the log files would help.

TNS-04079: Cannot administer Oracle Connection Manager with no CMAN.ORA, and port = number.

Cause: CMAN.ORA is not present or address not configured in CMAN.ORA, and the net service name in the TNSNAMES.ORA contains a nondefault Oracle Connection Manager port.

Action: Either change the TNSNAMES.ORA entry to use the default port, or configure the CMAN.ORA file with the Oracle Connection Manager's address.

TNS-04080: Failed to reload

Cause: Oracle Connection Manager failed to reload the new configuration due to errors in the configuration file.

Action: Set log_level to support and retry operation. Error encountered will be logged in the log file of CMADMIN.

TNS-04081: Event groups:

Cause: None

Action: None

TNS-04082: string event string set to string.

Cause: Event value was successfully set.

Action: None

TNS-04083: Failed to save password

Cause: Oracle Connection Manager failed to save the password in the configuration file.

Action: Check for the permissions on the configuration file. The file should have WRITE permissions.

TNS-04084: WARNING: Non-reloadable parameters have retained their values.

Cause: Values of non-reloadable parameters were changed, or, one or more non-reloadable parameters having non-default values were added to the parameter file.

Action: See Oracle Net Services documentation for a list of non-reloadable parameters.

TNS-04085: Password not changed since last save.

Cause: Password has not been changed since it was last saved.

Action: None

TNS-04086: Invalid value for the event string.

Cause: The event value set using the SET EVENT command is invalid.

Action: See Oracle Net Services documentation for the valid values of the event.

TNS-04087: Unable to shutdown atleast one of the gateways.

Cause: CMCTL was unable to shutdown one or more gateways. Possible reason could be shutting down a gateway that was not present.

Action: Turn on tracing and logging, retry operation. Information in the log files would help.

TNS-04088: Unable to close atleast one of the connections.

Cause: CMCTL was unable to close one or more connections. Possible reason could be closing a connection that was not present.

Action: Turn on tracing and logging, retry operation. Information in the log files would help.

TNS-04089: Alias name too long.

Cause: User entered an alias name that exceeded 64 characters.

Action: Retry with a shorter alias name. Alias names have to be less than 65 characters.

TNS-04090: string : number

Cause: Integer parameter value.

Action: None

TNS-04091: string : string

Cause: Integer parameter value.

Action: None

TNS-04096: Command not supported in Traffic Director mode.

Cause: This command is not supported by CMAN in Traffic Director mode.

Action: None

TNS-04110: Service string added to http_service_list of string. Check cmgw trace file for confirmation.

Cause: Value was supposedly added.

Action: None

TNS-04111: Service string deleted from http_service_list of string. Check cmgw trace file for confirmation.

Cause: Value was successfully deleted.

Action: None

TNS-04140: Migration completed successfully.

Cause: CMMIGR has successfully completed the migration of the old CMAN.ORA file to the new format.

Action: None

TNS-04141: Unable to find CMAN.ORA file.

Cause: CMMIGR was not able to find CMAN.ORA file.

Action: Check whether CMAN.ORA file is present in $TNS_NAME/admin, or in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin, or in the path specified in the command line.

TNS-04142: CMAN.ORA file has an invalid format.

Cause: CMMIGR was unable to recognize the format of CMAN.ORA file.

Action: Check for the syntax errors in CMAN.ORA file, and correct them.

TNS-04143: Unable to write the new CMAN.ORA file.

Cause: CMMIGR was unable to create the new CMAN.ORA file due to insufficient perimissions.

Action: Set WRITE permissions to the directory in which CMAN.ORA file is to be written.

TNS-04144: Nothing to migrate

Cause: CMMIGR did not find anything in the old CMAN.ORA file that has an equivalent in the new format.

Action: None

TNS-04191: invalid CMAN in Traffic Director mode configuration\n

Cause: An attempt was made to connect to CMAN in Traffic Director mode with invalid configuration.

Action: Correct the configuration of CMAN in Traffice Director mode before starting it. Check and correct the wallet credentials and proxy authorization. Check with CMAN in Traffic Director mode admin to get more info from traces and sqlnet.log.

TNS-04201: Trace Assistant Usage ERROR: Missing File name\n

Cause: Trace file name argument is missing

Action: Put the trace file name as the last command line argument for for this tool.

TNS-04202: Trace Assistant Usage ERROR: Not enough arguments \n

Cause: The file name and/or the options arguments are missing

Action: Put the right number of command line arguments.

TNS-04203: Trace Assistant Usage ERROR: Invalid options \n

Cause: The options provided are not valid

Action: Check the valid options for this tool.

TNS-04204: Trace Assistant Internal ERROR: Couldn't Open trace file\n

Cause: The trace file name given doesn't exist or it is not accessible for this user.

Action: Check the spelling, and permissions of the trace file.

TNS-04205: Trace Assistant Internal ERROR: Memory\n

Cause: Possible memory problem

Action: Verify the amount of available memory on the system.

TNS-04206: Trace Assistant Internal ERROR: Packet Type\n

Cause: The packet type read by trcAsst is not valid.

Action: Verify that your trace file is not corrupted. If trace file looks OK, with not strange characters in it, contact World Wide Support and provide trace file to them.

TNS-04207: Trace Assistant Internal ERROR: Packet Length\n

Cause: The packet being decode is corrupted.

Action: Verify that your trace file is not corrupted. If trace file looks OK, with not strange characters in it, contact World Wide Support and provide trace file to them.

TNS-04208: Trace Assistant Internal ERROR: Fatal\n

Cause: Fatal internal error

Action: Contact World Wide Support.

TNS-04209: Trace Assistant Internal ERROR: Type Error \n

Cause: Internal type error,

Action: Contact World Wide Support.

TNS-04210: Trace Assistant Internal ERROR: End of File\n

Cause: Reaching End of File to soon. Not able to decode trace file. Your trace file appears to be truncated.

Action: Generate another trace file. This trace file can not be decoded.

TNS-04211: Trace Assistant Internal ERROR: CORE\n

Cause: Internal System Error

Action: Contact World Wide Support.

TNS-04212: Trace Assistant Internal ERROR: NACOM Type Error \n

Cause: Not able to decode Network Authentication information

Action: Contact World Wide Support.

TNS-04231: Trace Assistant WARNING: Assuming Oracle trace format\n

Cause: This trace file may not be a Network trace file. The default format (Oracle Trace) will be assumed.

Action: None

TNS-04232: Trace Assistant WARNING: Not retrieving all rows \n

Cause: Trace Assitante won't retrieve all the rows data.

Action: None

TNS-04233: Trace Assistant WARNING: Going beyond Packet length\n

Cause: Trying to read beyond packet length. The trace file may be corrupted

Action: None

TNS-04234: Trace Assistant WARNING: won't decode TTC \n

Cause: Trace assistant does not have enough information to decode TTC data. This maybe an old trace file or from a platform that trace assistant does not understand.

Action: None

TNS-04235: Trace Assistant WARNING: Unknown TTC protocol\n

Cause: Trace Assistant has reached a point in which the TTC protocol can not be understood.

Action: None

TNS-12150: TNS:unable to send data

Cause: Unable to send data. Connection probably disconnected.

Action: Reestablish connection. If the error is persistent, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-12151: TNS:received bad packet type from network layer

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12152: TNS:unable to send break message

Cause: Unable to send break message. Connection probably disconnected.

Action: Reestablish connection. If the error is persistent, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-12153: TNS:not connected

Cause: Not currently connected to a remote host.

Action: Reestablish connection.

TNS-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

Cause: A connection to a database or other service was requested using a connect identifier, and the connect identifier specified could not be resolved into a connect descriptor using one of the naming methods configured. For example, if the type of connect identifier used was a net service name then the net service name could not be found in a naming method repository, or the repository could not be located or reached.

Action: - If you are using local naming (TNSNAMES.ORA file): - Make sure that "TNSNAMES" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA) - Verify that a TNSNAMES.ORA file exists and is in the proper directory and is accessible. - Check that the net service name used as the connect identifier exists in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. - Make sure there are no syntax errors anywhere in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Look for unmatched parentheses or stray characters. Errors in a TNSNAMES.ORA file may make it unusable. - If you are using directory naming: - Verify that "LDAP" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA). - Verify that the LDAP directory server is up and that it is accessible. - Verify that the net service name or database name used as the connect identifier is configured in the directory. - Verify that the default context being used is correct by specifying a fully qualified net service name or a full LDAP DN as the connect identifier - If you are using easy connect naming: - Verify that "EZCONNECT" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA). - Make sure the host, port and service name specified are correct. - Try enclosing the connect identifier in quote marks. See the Oracle Net Services Administrators Guide or the Oracle operating system specific guide for more information on naming.

TNS-12155: TNS:received bad datatype in NSWMARKER packet

Cause: Internal error during break handling.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12156: TNS:tried to reset line from incorrect state

Cause: Internal error during break handling.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12157: TNS:internal network communication error

Cause: Internal error during network communication.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12158: TNS:could not initialize parameter subsystem

Cause: Unable to locate parameter file.

Action: Verify that a valid parameter file exists, and is readable.

TNS-12159: TNS:trace file not writeable

Cause: The trace file to be generated is not writeable by this user.

Action: If the user does not have write permissions in the directory to which the trace file will be written, contact an administrator to get the proper permissions or set the TRACE_DIRECTORY_CLIENT parameter in the net profile (SQLNET.ORA file) to a directory the user can write to.

TNS-12160: TNS:internal error: Bad error number

Cause: Corrupt error reporting subsystem.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12161: TNS:internal error: partial data received

Cause: The connection may be terminated.

Action: Reconnect and try again. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12162: TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified

Cause: The connect descriptor corresponding to the net service name in TNSNAMES.ORA or in the directory server (Oracle Internet Directory) is incorrectly specified.

Action: If using local naming make sure there are no syntax errors in the corresponding connect descriptor in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. If using directory naming check the information provided through the administration used for directory naming. If using ORACLE_SID, please check if ORACLE_SID is// set.

TNS-12163: TNS:connect descriptor is too long

Cause: The connect descriptor corresponding to the net service name specified as the connect identifier is too long. The maximum length for a connect descriptor is 512 bytes and this limit has been exceeded.

Action: Check the net service name's connect descriptor in the local naming file (TNSNAMES.ORA) or in the directory server (Oracle Internet Directory). Use a smaller connect descriptor. If this is not possible, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12164: TNS:Sqlnet.fdf file not present

Cause: The sqlnet.fdf file doesn't exist in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.

Action: The sqlnet.fdf file is required for Oracle Tracing to occur. Either install the sqlnet.fdf file in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin or turn off tracing in your ORA file.

TNS-12165: TNS:Trying to write trace file into swap space.

Cause: Oracle Trace doesn't allow writing trace information into your swap space.

Action: Oracle Trace cannot write trace information into swap space so either disable tracing or redirect trace files to be written to another area of your disk.

TNS-12166: TNS:Client can not connect to HO agent.

Cause: NVstring contained DESCRIPTION/HO.

Action: Call HO agent from integrating server.

TNS-12168: TNS:Unable to contact LDAP Directory Server

Cause: Cannot contact LDAP directory server to get Oracle Net configuration.

Action: Verify that the directory server is up and accessible from the network. Verify that directory access configuration is correct. For more information see the Oracle Internet Directory Administrators Guide or the Oracle Net Administrators Guide.

TNS-12169: TNS:Net service name given as connect identifier is too long

Cause: The net service name you are attempting to resolve is too long.

Action: The maximum length of a net service name is 255 bytes; this limit has been exceeded. Use a smaller net service name. If this is not possible, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred

Cause: The server shut down because connection establishment or communication with a client failed to complete within the allotted time interval. This may be a result of network or system delays; or this may indicate that a malicious client is trying to cause a Denial of Service attack on the server.

Action: If the error occurred because of a slow network or system, reconfigure one or all of the parameters SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, SQLNET.SEND_TIMEOUT, SQLNET.RECV_TIMEOUT in sqlnet.ora to larger values. If a malicious client is suspected, use the address in sqlnet.log to identify the source and restrict access. Note that logged addresses may not be reliable as they can be forged (e.g. in TCP/IP).

TNS-12171: TNS:could not resolve connect identifier: string

Cause: A connection to a database or other service was requested using a connect identifier, and the connect identifier specified could not be resolved into a connect descriptor using one of the naming methods configured. For example, if the type of connect identifier used was a net service name then the net service name could not be found in a naming method repository, or the repository could not be located or reached.

Action: - If you are using local naming (TNSNAMES.ORA file): - Make sure that "TNSNAMES" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA) - Verify that a TNSNAMES.ORA file exists and is in the proper directory and is accessible. - Check that the net service name used as the connect identifier exists in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. - Make sure there are no syntax errors anywhere in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Look for unmatched parentheses or stray characters. Errors in a TNSNAMES.ORA file may make it unusable. - If you are using directory naming: - Verify that "LDAP" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA). - Verify that the LDAP directory server is up and that it is accessible. - Verify that the net service name or database name used as the connect identifier is configured in the directory. - Verify that the default context being used is correct by specifying a fully qualified net service name or a full LDAP DN as the connect identifier - If you are using easy connect naming: - Verify that "EZCONNECT" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA). - Make sure the host, port and service name specified are correct. - Try enclosing the connect identifier in quote marks. See the Oracle Net Services Administrators Guide or the Oracle operating system specific guide for more information on naming.

TNS-12196: TNS:received an error from TNS

Cause: The navigation layer received an error from TNS.

Action: See the error log file for the specific TNS error.

TNS-12197: TNS:keyword-value resolution error

Cause: The navigation layer received an error while trying to look up a value for a keyword.

Action: Check the syntax of the connect descriptor.

TNS-12198: TNS:could not find path to destination

Cause: Could not navigate a path through Interchanges to the destination. This error occurs if an invalid community is in the address string, or the address includes a protocol that is not available or the TNSNAV.ORA file does not have a correct CMANAGER address specified or the Interchange is down.

Action: Assure that Interchanges necessary to get to the desired destination are up and have available capacity for an additional connection. Also check that the correct community and protocol have been specified in the CMANAGER address used.

TNS-12200: TNS:could not allocate memory

Cause: Out of memory on machine.

Action: Reconfigure machine to have more storage or run fewer applications while the Interchange is running.

TNS-12201: TNS:encountered too small a connection buffer

Cause: TNS connection buffer supplied by the application was too small to retrieve the data sent back.

Action: Supply a larger connection buffer. If problem persists, call Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12202: TNS:internal navigation error

Cause: Internal navigation error.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12203: TNS:unable to connect to destination

Cause: Invalid address specified or destination is not listening. This error can also occur because of underlying network or network transport problems.

Action: Verify that the net service name you entered was correct. Verify that the ADDRESS portion of the connect descriptor which corresponds to the net service name is correct. Ensure that the destination process (for example the listener) is running at the remote node.

TNS-12204: TNS:received data refused from an application

Cause: The application using Connection Manager refused the connection at the listener.

Action: Make sure that the application listener at the destination is functioning correctly. If it is and the problem persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12205: TNS:could not get failed addresses

Cause: Internal navigation error.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12206: TNS:received a TNS error during navigation

Cause: Internal navigation error because of an unexpected TNS error.

Action: Look at the log file to find the TNS error. If necessary, turn on tracing and repeat the operation.

TNS-12207: TNS:unable to perform navigation

Cause: Improperly configured navigation file TNSNAV.ORA.

Action: Check the syntax of the TNSNAV.ORA file on the application`s machine, and verify that it lists the correct communities.

TNS-12208: TNS:could not find the TNSNAV.ORA file

Cause: Either the ORACLE environment is not set up correctly, or the TNSNAV.ORA file is not present.

Action: Ensure that the ORACLE environment is set up appropriately on your platform and that a TNSNAV.ORA file is present.

TNS-12209: TNS:encountered uninitialized global

Cause: Application calling navigation routine has not properly configured the global variables. There are no TNSNAV.ORA files available, or they are defective.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-12210: TNS:error in finding Navigator data

Cause: Application calling navigation routine has not properly configured the TNSNAV.ORA file.

Action: Check the syntax of the TNSNAV.ORA file.


Cause: TNSNAV.ORA does not have a PREFERRED_CMANAGERS defined.

Action: Add a PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry to the TNSNAV.ORA file.

TNS-12212: TNS:incomplete PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in TNSNAV.ORA

Cause: The PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file does not have a CMANAGER_NAME specified.

Action: Define the CMANAGER_NAME as part of the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding. Use of the Oracle Network Manager should eliminate this error.

TNS-12213: TNS:incomplete PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in TNSNAV.ORA

Cause: The PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file does not have an ADDRESS specified.

Action: Define the ADDRESS as part of the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding.

TNS-12214: TNS:missing local communities entry in TNSNAV.ORA

Cause: There is no LOCAL_COMMUNITIES entry in TNSNAV.ORA.

Action: Define the LOCAL_COMMUNITIES for this node in the TNSNAV.ORA file.

TNS-12215: TNS:poorly formed PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS Addresses in TNSNAV.ORA

Cause: Address binding for PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS entry is improperly entered. entry.

Action: Check your PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS entry and fix it in TNSNAV.ORA

TNS-12216: TNS:poorly formed PREFERRED_CMANAGERS addresses in TNSNAV.ORA

Cause: Address binding for the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file is improperly entered.

Action: Define the ADDRESS as part of the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding.

TNS-12217: TNS:could not contact PREFERRED_CMANAGERS in TNSNAV.ORA

Cause: There is a syntax error in the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry, or addresses specified are wrong, or the intended Connection Managers are unavailable.

Action: Check the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entries in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file and correct them or talk with your network administrator to determine if the specified Connection Managers are available. Verify that the Interchanges are active by using the INTCTL STATUS command.

TNS-12218: TNS:unacceptable network configuration data

Cause: Poorly formed network configuration data. For example, a PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry may have an incorrect CMANAGER_NAME in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file. Or an Interchange downtime parameter (TIMEOUT_INTERVAL) on the Navigator may be set to zero in INTCHG.ORA.

Action: Check the entries in TNSNAV.ORA and the Interchange configuration files and correct them. If necessary, talk with your network administrator to determine if the specified Interchanges (Connection Managers) are available and properly configured. Use the Oracle Network Manager to generate the configuration files if necessary.

TNS-12219: TNS:missing community name from address in ADDRESS_LIST

Cause: This error occurs when an ADDRESS_LIST has some ADDRESSes in it that have no COMMUNITY component and others that do have a COMMUNITY component.

Action: Check that in the connect descriptors you are using either all the ADDRESSes have a COMMUNITY component or all do not.

TNS-12221: TNS:illegal ADDRESS parameters

Cause: An illegal set of protocol adapter parameters was specified. In some cases, this error is returned when a connection cannot be made to the protocol transport.

Action: Verify that the destination can be reached using the specified protocol. Check the parameters within the ADDRESS section of TNSNAMES.ORA or in the directory. Legal ADDRESS parameter formats may be found in the Oracle operating system specific documentation or the Oracle Net Administrator's Guide. Protocols that resolve names at the transport layer are vulnerable to this error if not properly configured or names are misspelled.

TNS-12222: TNS:no support is available for the protocol indicated

Cause: The protocol requested in the ADDRESS portion of the connect descriptor identified through the net service name is not available. If the supplied ADDRESS is typographically correct then support for that protocol is not installed.

Action: Install support for the protocol or correct typographical error, as appropriate. Note: if the supplied address was derived from resolving the net service name, check the address in the appropriate file (TNSNAMES.ORA, LISTENER.ORA) or in the directory server.

TNS-12223: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded

Cause: Too many TNS connections open simultaneously.

Action: Wait for connections to close and re-try.

TNS-12224: TNS:no listener

Cause: The connection request could not be completed because the listener is not running.

Action: Ensure that the supplied destination address matches one of the addresses used by the listener - compare the TNSNAMES.ORA entry with the appropriate LISTENER.ORA file (or TNSNAV.ORA if the connection is to go by way of an Interchange). Start the listener on the remote machine.

TNS-12225: TNS:destination host unreachable

Cause: Contact can not be made with remote party.

Action: Make sure the network driver is functioning and the network is up.

TNS-12226: TNS:operating system resource quota exceeded

Cause: The current user has exceeded the allotted resource assigned in the operating system.

Action: Acquire more operating system resource, or perform a different function.

TNS-12227: TNS:syntax error

Cause: The supplied connect descriptor contains illegal syntax.

Action: Check the syntax of the connect descriptor in TNSNAMES.ORA.

TNS-12228: TNS:protocol adapter not loadable

Cause: On some platforms (such as Windows) protocol support is loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter is missing or one of its supporting libraries is missing then this error is returned.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will include the name of the shared library (or DLL) that could not be loaded.

TNS-12229: TNS:Interchange has no more free connections

Cause: One or more Interchanges along the path to the destination desired has no more free connections available to be used for this call.

Action: Try again later when the Interchanges are less busy, or contact your network administrator to have him determine which interchange it is, and increase the number of connections available on that interchange.

TNS-12230: TNS:Severe Network error occurred in making this connection

Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to make contact with the destination due to a physical network error while calling a destination.

Action: Try again later when the network service may have been fixed or report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may fix the problem.

TNS-12231: TNS:No connection possible to destination

Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to find a possible connection along the path to the destination.

Action: Report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may fix the problem.

TNS-12232: TNS:No path available to destination

Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to find a possible path to the destination.

Action: Report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may fix the problem.

TNS-12233: TNS:Failure to accept a connection

Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to accept a connection due to a redirect failure.

Action: Report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may isolate the interchange problem.

TNS-12234: TNS:Redirect to destination

Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which determines that this interchange is not the right gateway and needs to redirect the connection to another gateway along the path to the destination.

Action: None

TNS-12235: TNS:Failure to redirect to destination

Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to redirect a connection to another interchange along the path to the destination.

Action: Report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may fix the problem.

TNS-12236: TNS:protocol support not loaded

Cause: On some platforms (such as Windows) protocol support is loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter has not been loaded, then this error is returned.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will have the name of the shared library (or DLL) that has not been loaded.

TNS-12238: TNS: NT Operaion is aborted

Cause: The NT operation is aborted because it is interrupted by upper layer to cleanup the database session.

Action: None

TNS-12268: server uses weak encryption/crypto-checksumming version

Cause: Encryption/crypto-checksumming version used by server is not supported by client configuration.

Action: Upgrade the server to use strong version of the encryption and crypto-checksumming adapter. If support for weaker version is needed, add the following to sqlnet.ora file to allow connections to weak servers: sqlnet.allow_weak_crypto = true CAUTION: This parameter allows insecure network connections between a client and server. Hence, it must not be used unless the server cannot be updated to run stronger version of the encryption and crypto-checksumming adapter. User is strongly advised to consider the implications of this parameter before configuring it to allow weak connections.

TNS-12269: client uses weak encryption/crypto-checksumming version

Cause: Encryption/crypto-checksumming version used by client is not supported by server configuration.

Action: Upgrade the client to use stronger version of the encryption and crypto-checksumming adapter. If support for weaker version is needed, add the following to sqlnet.ora file to allow connections to weak clients: sqlnet.allow_weak_crypto_clients = true CAUTION: This parameter allows insecure network connections between a client and server. Hence, it must not be used unless the client cannot be updated to run stronger version of the encryption and crypto-checksumming adapter. User is strongly advised to consider the implications of this parameter before configuring it to allow weak connections.

TNS-12500: TNS:listener failed to start a dedicated server process

Cause: The process of starting up a dedicated server process failed. The executable could not be found or the environment may be set up incorrectly.

Action: Turn on tracing at the ADMIN level and reexecute the operation. Verify that the ORACLE Server executable is present and has execute permissions enabled. Ensure that the ORACLE environment is specified correctly in LISTENER.ORA. The Oracle Protocol Adapter that is being called may not be installed on the local hard drive. Please check that the correct Protocol Adapter are successfully linked. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12502: TNS:listener received no CONNECT_DATA from client

Cause: No CONNECT_DATA was passed to the listener.

Action: Check that the service name resolved from TNSNAMES.ORA has the CONNECT_DATA component of the connect descriptor.

TNS-12503: TNS:listener received an invalid REGION from client

Cause: Invalid REGION was passed to the listener.

Action: Check the REGION name specified in the CONNECT_DATA component of the connect descriptor.

TNS-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA

Cause: The listener was not configured with a default service and SERVICE_NAME was missing from the CONNECT_DATA received by the listener.

Action: Possible solutions are: - Configure DEFAULT_SERVICE parameter in LISTENER.ORA with a valid service name. Reload the listener parameter file using reload [<listener_name>]. This should be done by the LISTENER administrator. - If using a service name, Check that the connect descriptor corresponding to the service name in TNSNAMES.ORA has a SERVICE_NAME or SID component in the CONNECT_DATA.

TNS-12505: TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

Cause: The listener received a request to establish a connection to a database or other service. The connect descriptor received by the listener specified a SID for an instance (usually a database instance) that either has not yet dynamically registered with the listener or has not been statically configured for the listener. This may be a temporary condition such as after the listener has started, but before the database instance has registered with the listener.

Action: - Wait a moment and try to connect a second time. - Check which instances are currently known by the listener by executing: lsnrctl services listener name - Check that the SID parameter in the connect descriptor specifies an instance known by the listener. - Check for an event in the listener.log file.

TNS-12506: TNS:listener rejected connection based on service ACL filtering

Cause: The client is not present in Service Access Control List.

Action: Add the client's address in Service ACL.

TNS-12508: TNS:listener could not resolve the COMMAND given

Cause: The COMMAND given to listener is not supported.

Action: This is not seen in normal use of Oracle Net.

TNS-12509: TNS:listener failed to redirect client to service handler

Cause: The dispatcher terminated unexpectedly

Action: Attempt to connect again and if the same error occurs, contact the DBA to check the state of the dispatchers for this SID. If the problem persists, turn on tracing in the listener to determine the TNS error caused by the redirect.

TNS-12510: TNS:database temporarily lacks resources to handle the request

Cause: The dispatchers appear to be busy handling other requests.

Action: Attempt the connection again. If error persists, ask the DBA to increase the number of dispatchers and/or dispatchers' limit on number of connections/sessions that they can accept.

TNS-12511: TNS:service handler found but it is not accepting connections

Cause: The dispatchers notified the listener that they temporarily do not accept new connections.

Action: Attempt the connection again. If error persists, contact the DBA to check the state of the dispatchers and/or ask him to increase the number of dispatchers.

TNS-12513: TNS:service handler found but it has registered for a different protocol

Cause: The dispatchers registered for this service are connected to the listener by way of a different network protocol than that of the client.

Action: Contact the DBA to register a dispatcher on your protocol.

TNS-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

Cause: The listener received a request to establish a connection to a database or other service. The connect descriptor received by the listener specified a service name for a service (usually a database service) that either has not yet dynamically registered with the listener or has not been statically configured for the listener. This may be a temporary condition such as after the listener has started, but before the database instance has registered with the listener.

Action: - Wait a moment and try to connect a second time. - Check which services are currently known by the listener by executing: lsnrctl services listener name - Check that the SERVICE_NAME parameter in the connect descriptor of the net service name used specifies a service known by the listener. - If an easy connect naming connect identifier was used, check that the service name specified is a service known by the listener. - Check for an event in the listener.log file.

TNS-12515: TNS:listener could not find a handler for this presentation

Cause: None of the listener's known service handlers are registered as supporting the presentation protocol required by the connecting client.

Action: Check that the destination service is configured to accept the presentation protocol.

TNS-12516: TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack

Cause: None of the known and available service handlers for the given SERVICE_NAME support the client's protocol stack: transport, session, and presentation protocols.

Action: Check to make sure that the service handlers (e.g. dispatchers) for the given SERVICE_NAME are registered with the listener, are accepting connections, and that they are properly configured to support the desired protocols.

TNS-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection

Cause: The process of handing off a client connection to another process failed.

Action: Turn on listener tracing and re-execute the operation. Verify that the listener and database instance are properly configured for direct handoff. If problem persists, call Oracle Support.

TNS-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found

Cause: The listener could not find any available service handlers that are appropriate for the client connection.

Action: Run "lsnrctl services" to ensure that the instance(s) have registered with the listener, and are accepting connections.

TNS-12520: TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type of server

Cause: None of the known and available service handlers for requested type of server (dedicated or shared) are appropriate for the client connection.

Action: Run "lsnrctl services" to ensure that the instance(s) have registered with the listener and that the appropriate handlers are accepting connections.

TNS-12521: TNS:listener does not currently know of instance requested in connect descriptor

Cause: The listener received a request to establish a connection to a database or other service. The connect descriptor received by the listener specified in addition to the service name an instance name for an instance (usually a database instance) that either has not yet dynamically registered with the listener or has not been statically configured for the listener. This may be a temporary condition such as after the listener has started, but before the database instance has registered with the listener.

Action: - Wait a moment and try to connect a second time. - Check which instances are currently known by the listener by executing: lsnrctl services listener name - Check that the INSTANCE_NAME parameter in the connect descriptor specifies an instance name known by the listener. - Check for an event in the listener.log file.

TNS-12522: TNS:listener could not find available instance with given INSTANCE_ROLE

Cause: There are not any available and appropriate database instances registered with the listener, that are part of the service identified by SERVICE_NAME given in the connect descriptor and that have the specified INSTANCE_ROLE (and INSTANCE_NAME, if specified).

Action: Check to make sure that the INSTANCE_ROLE specified is correct. Run "lsnrctl services" to ensure that the instance(s) have registered with the listener and that they are ready to accept connections.

TNS-12523: TNS:listener could not find instance appropriate for the client connection

Cause: The listener could not find any available (database) instances, that are appropriate for the client connection.

Action: Run "lsnrctl services" to ensure that the instance(s) are registered with the listener, and have status READY.

TNS-12524: TNS:listener could not resolve HANDLER_NAME given in connect descriptor

Cause: The HANDLER_NAME in the CONNECT_DATA was not found in the listener's tables for the specified SERVICE_NAME and INSTANCE_NAME.

Action: Check to make sure that the HANDLER_NAME specified is correct.

TNS-12525: TNS:listener has not received client's request in time allowed

Cause: The listener disconnected the client because the client failed to provide the necessary connect information within the allowed time interval. This may be a result of network or system delays; or this may indicate that a malicious client is trying to cause a Denial of Service attack on the listener.

Action: If the error occurred because of a slow network or system, reconfigure INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT to a larger value. If a malicious client is suspected, use the address in listener.log to identify the source and restrict access. Turn on tracing for more information.

TNS-12526: TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are in restricted mode

Cause: Database instances supporting the service requested by the client were in restricted mode. The Listener does not allow connections to instances in restricted mode. This condition may be temporary, such as during periods when database administration is performed.

Action: Attempt the connection again. If error persists, then contact the database administrator to change the mode of the instance, if appropriate.

TNS-12527: TNS:listener: all instances are in restricted mode or blocking new connections

Cause: All appropriate database instances supporting the service requested by the client reported that they either were in restricted mode or were blocking the new connections. The Listener does not allow connections to such instances. This condition may be temporary, such as at instance startup.

Action: Attempt the connection again. If error persists, then contact the database administrator to check the status of the instances.

TNS-12528: TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections

Cause: All instances supporting the service requested by the client reported that they were blocking the new connections. This condition may be temporary, such as at instance startup.

Action: Attempt the connection again. If error persists, then contact the administrator to check the status of the instances.

TNS-12529: TNS:connect request rejected based on current filtering rules

Cause: Connection Manager and its listener were configured with filtering rules specifying that the connect request be rejected.

Action: If this connect request should be allowed, then contact the administrator to modify the filtering rules.

TNS-12530: TNS:listener: rate limit reached

Cause: Listener has reached connection or service rate limit and hence rejected the connection.

Action: Attempt the connection again. If the error occurs frequently, contact the database administrator to increase connection or service rate limit.

TNS-12531: TNS:cannot allocate memory

Cause: Sufficient memory could not be allocated to perform the desired activity.

Action: Either free some resource for TNS, or add more memory to the machine. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-12532: TNS:invalid argument

Cause: An internal function received an invalid parameter.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12533: TNS:illegal ADDRESS parameters

Cause: An illegal set of protocol adapter parameters was specified. In some cases, this error is returned when a connection cannot be made to the protocol transport.

Action: Verify that the destination can be reached using the specified protocol. Check the parameters within the ADDRESS section of TNSNAMES.ORA. Legal ADDRESS parameter formats may be found in the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform. Protocols that resolve names at the transport layer (such as DECnet object names) are vulnerable to this error if not properly configured or names are misspelled.

TNS-12534: TNS:operation not supported

Cause: An internal function received a request to perform an operation that is not supported (on this machine).

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12535: TNS:operation timed out

Cause: The requested operation could not be completed within the time out period.

Action: Look at the documentation on the secondary errors for possible remedy. See SQLNET.LOG to find secondary error if not provided explicitly. Turn on tracing to gather more information.

TNS-12536: TNS:operation would block

Cause: An internal operation did not commence because to do so would block the current process and the user has requested that operations be non-blocking.

Action: None needed; this is an information message.

TNS-12537: TNS:connection closed

Cause: "End of file" condition has been reached; partner has disconnected.

Action: None needed; this is an information message.

TNS-12538: TNS:no such protocol adapter

Cause: The protocol adapter requested (by way of the "(PROTOCOL=..)" keyword-value pair in a TNS address) is unknown. If the supplied address is typographically correct then the protocol adapter is not installed.

Action: Install the protocol adapter or correct typographically error, as appropriate. Note: if the supplied address was derived from resolving the service name, check the address in the appropriate file (TNSNAMES.ORA, LISTENER.ORA or SQLNET.ORA).

TNS-12539: TNS:buffer over- or under-flow

Cause: Buffer too small for incoming data or too large for outgoing data.

Action: This restriction (which is associated with CONNECT DATA) is not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation; contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded

Cause: Too many TNS connections open simultaneously.

Action: Wait for connections to close and re-try.

TNS-12541: TNS:no listener

Cause: The connection request could not be completed because the listener is not running.

Action: Ensure that the supplied destination address matches one of the addresses used by the listener - compare the TNSNAMES.ORA entry with the appropriate LISTENER.ORA file (or TNSNAV.ORA if the connection is to go by way of an Interchange). Start the listener on the remote machine.

TNS-12542: TNS:address already in use

Cause: Specified listener address is already being used.

Action: Start your listener with a unique address.

TNS-12543: TNS:destination host unreachable

Cause: Contact can not be made with remote party.

Action: Make sure the network driver is functioning and the network is up.

TNS-12544: TNS:contexts have different wait/test functions

Cause: Two protocol adapters have conflicting wait/test functions.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

Cause: The address specified is not valid, or the program being connected to does not exist.

Action: Ensure the ADDRESS parameters have been entered correctly; the most likely incorrect parameter is the node name. Ensure that the executable for the server exists (perhaps "oracle" is missing.) If the protocol is TCP/IP, edit the TNSNAMES.ORA file to change the host name to a numeric IP address and try again.

TNS-12546: TNS:permission denied

Cause: User has insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation.

Action: Acquire necessary privileges and try again.

TNS-12547: TNS:lost contact

Cause: Partner has unexpectedly gone away, usually during process startup.

Action: Investigate partner application for abnormal termination. On an Interchange, this can happen if the machine is overloaded.

TNS-12548: TNS:incomplete read or write

Cause: A data send or receive failed.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12549: TNS:operating system resource quota exceeded

Cause: The current user has exceeded the allotted resource assigned in the operating system.

Action: Acquire more operating system resource, or perform a different function.

TNS-12550: TNS:syntax error

Cause: The supplied connect descriptor contains illegal syntax.

Action: Check the syntax of the connect descriptor in TNSNAMES.ORA.

TNS-12551: TNS:missing keyword

Cause: The supplied connect descriptor is missing one or more TNS keywords.

Action: Check the syntax, and ensure all required keywords are present.

TNS-12552: TNS:operation was interrupted

Cause: An internal operation was interrupted and could not complete.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12554: TNS:current operation is still in progress

Cause: An internal operation is still in progress.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12555: TNS:permission denied

Cause: User has insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation.

Action: Acquire necessary privileges and try again.

TNS-12556: TNS:no caller

Cause: TNS detected an incoming connect request but there was no caller.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12557: TNS:protocol adapter not loadable

Cause: On some platforms (such as OS/2) protocol adapters are loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter is missing or one of its supporting libraries is missing then this error is returned.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will include the name of the shared library (or DLL) that could not be loaded.

TNS-12558: TNS:protocol adapter not loaded

Cause: On some platforms (such as OS/2) protocol adapters are loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter has not been loaded, then this error is returned.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will have the name of the shared library (or DLL) that has not been loaded.

TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

Cause: A generic protocol adapter error occurred.

Action: Check addresses used for proper protocol specification. Before reporting this error, look at the error stack and check for lower level transport errors. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. Turn off tracing when the operation is complete.

TNS-12561: TNS:unknown error

Cause: A generic protocol error occurred.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-12562: TNS:bad global handle

Cause: Internal error - bad 'gbh' argument passed to TNS from caller. System may have been linked with old libraries.

Action: Not normally visible to the user, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12563: TNS:operation was aborted

Cause: NT operation was interrupted by the uppper layer.

Action: None

TNS-12564: TNS:connection refused

Cause: The connect request was denied by the remote user (or TNS software).

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-12566: TNS:protocol error

Cause: An unexpected TNS protocol error has occurred.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12569: TNS:packet checksum failure

Cause: The data received is not the same as the data sent.

Action: Attempt the transaction again. If the error is persistent, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-12570: TNS:packet reader failure

Cause: An error occurred during a data receive.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12571: TNS:packet writer failure

Cause: An error occurred during a data send.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12574: TNS:Application generated error

Cause: This error was generated by peer application. Please see secondary errors for the actual cause.

Action: Action should be taken on secondary error.

TNS-12575: TNS:dhctx busy

Cause: The handoff over a dhctx failed as dhctx was already busy with an ongoing handoff.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12576: TNS:handoff not supported for this session

Cause: Handoff of a established session was attempted which either had tcps as its transport or NA options were enabled for this session.

Action: Check the transport setting as well as NA options. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12578: TNS:wallet open failed

Cause: An error was encountered while trying to open the specified wallet.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation.

TNS-12579: TNS:transport connection failed

Cause: An error was encountered while trying to create transport connection.

Action: Likely reasons include host may be down, outbound transport connection may be blocked by network or any other transport connectivity issue. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12582: TNS:invalid operation

Cause: An internal function received an invalid request.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12583: TNS:no reader

Cause: A send operation has been requested but partner has already disconnected.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12585: TNS:data truncation

Cause: A receive operation has completed with insufficient data to satisfy the user's request.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12589: TNS:connection not bequeathable

Cause: An attempt to hand-off a connection from one process to another has failed because the protocol provider does not support it.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12590: TNS:no I/O buffer

Cause: An attempt to perform an I/O operation failed because no buffer was available.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12591: TNS:event signal failure

Cause: The TNS software is unable to signal an event occurrence.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12592: TNS:bad packet

Cause: An ill-formed packet has been detected by the TNS software.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12593: TNS:no registered connection

Cause: An attempt to solicit network event activity has failed because no connections are registered for event notification.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12595: TNS:no confirmation

Cause: TNS is unable to get requested confirmation acknowledgment from remote partner.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12596: TNS:internal inconsistency

Cause: TNS has detected an internal inconsistency.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12597: TNS:connect descriptor already in use

Cause: Internal error - illegal use of connect descriptor.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12598: TNS:banner registration failed

Cause: The registration of a product banner with the Oracle server failed.

Action: This is an error which is not normally visible externally. Enable tracing and attempt to repeat the error. If it occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12599: TNS:cryptographic checksum mismatch

Cause: The data received is not the same as the data sent.

Action: Attempt the transaction again. If error persists, check (and correct) the integrity of your physical connection.

TNS-12600: TNS: string open failed

Cause: The creation of a string in ORACLE NLS format failed.

Action: This is an internal error, enable tracing and attempt to repeat the error. If it occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12601: TNS:information flags check failed

Cause: The TNS information flags set by the process prior to connection negotiation were not present after the negotiation was finished.

Action: This is an internal error. Enable tracing and attempt to repeat the error. If it occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12602: TNS: Connection Pooling limit reached

Cause: The operation failed because maximum active current connections has been reached. It may not be a real error when the Connection Pooling feature is enabled. It is possible that the application later reissues the operation and successfully grabs the connection pool slot and proceeds.

Action: This is an internal error. Enable tracing and attempt to repeat the error. If it occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12606: TNS: Application timeout occurred

Cause: A network session did not reach an application-defined stage within the allowed time interval.

Action: This is an error which does not normally appear at the high level. The action to take is application specific, and is detailed in the higher level error description.

TNS-12607: TNS: Connect timeout occurred

Cause: A network session did not reach a predefined connect stage within the allowed time interval.

Action: This is an error which does not normally appear at the high level. The action to take is application specific, and is detailed in the higher level error description.

TNS-12608: TNS: Send timeout occurred

Cause: The send or write operation did not complete within the allowed time interval.

Action: Check if the peer host is available. Increase the send timeout value if necessary.

TNS-12609: TNS: Receive timeout occurred

Cause: The receive or read operation did not complete within the allowed time interval.

Action: Check if the peer host is available. Increase the receive timeout value if necessary.

TNS-12611: TNS:operation is not portable

Cause: Attempted operation is not portable.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12612: TNS:connection is busy

Cause: Attempted operation failed because it conflicts with an ongoing action or status of the connection.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12615: TNS:preempt error

Cause: A request to service an event failed because no event notification has yet been posted.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12616: TNS:no event signals

Cause: The operation failed because the type of data specified is unknown.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12618: TNS:versions are incompatible

Cause: The two machines are running incompatible versions of TNS.

Action: Check the version numbers, and upgrade the machine with the smaller one.

TNS-12619: TNS:unable to grant requested service

Cause: The connect request failed because requested service could not be provided by the local TNS software.

Action: If appropriate, reexecute with reduced service requirements.

TNS-12620: TNS:requested characteristic not available

Cause: The connect request failed because a requested transport characteristic could not be supported by the remote TNS software.

Action: If appropriate, reexecute with reduced requirements.

TNS-12622: TNS:event notifications are not homogeneous

Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because the event notification type conflicts with existing registrations.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12623: TNS:operation is illegal in this state

Cause: Connection is half-duplex and a full-duplex operation was attempted.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12624: TNS:connection is already registered

Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because the connection is already registered.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12625: TNS:missing argument

Cause: An operation failed because an argument was missing"

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12626: TNS:bad event type

Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because the event type is unknown.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12628: TNS:no event callbacks

Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because asynchronous callbacks are not available.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12629: TNS:no event test

Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because the ability to test for events is not available.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12630: Native service operation not supported

Cause: An operation requested by a user is not supported by the native services component.

Action: This may be an internal error if the operation should have been supported.

TNS-12631: Username retrieval failed

Cause: The authentication service failed to retrieve the name of a user.

Action: Enable tracing to determine which routine is failing.

TNS-12632: Role fetch failed

Cause: The authentication service failed to retrieve one of the user's roles.

Action: Enable tracing to determine which routine is failing.

TNS-12633: No shared authentication services

Cause: The list of authentication services specified by the user does not match those supported by the process.

Action: Either specify another list or relink the executable with the desired services.

TNS-12634: Memory allocation failed

Cause: Process was unable to allocate memory.

Action: Terminate other processes in order to reclaim needed memory.

TNS-12635: No authentication adapters available

Cause: The executable was not linked with any authentication service adapters but the sqlnet.ora parameter that determines whether or not authentication is required was set to true.

Action: Either disable the parameter or relink the executable with service adapters.

TNS-12636: Packet send failed

Cause: A process was unable to send a packet to another process. Possible causes are: 1. The other process was terminated. 2. The machine on which the other process is running went down. 3. Some other communications error occurred.

Action: If the cause is not obvious, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12637: Packet receive failed

Cause: A process was unable to receive a packet from another process. Possible causes are: 1. The other process was terminated. 2. The machine on which the other process is running went down. 3. Some other communications error occurred.

Action: If the cause is not obvious, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12638: Credential retrieval failed

Cause: The authentication service failed to retrieve the credentials of a user.

Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

TNS-12639: Authentication service negotiation failed

Cause: No match was found between the types of authentication services that the client supports and those that the server is using.

Action: Possible solutions: 1. Change the entry in sqlnet.ora that determines which services are to be used. 2. Relink the client with at least one of the authentication service adapters that the server supports. 3. Relink the server with at least one of the authentication service adapters that the client supports. 4. Disable authentication on both the client and server.

TNS-12640: Authentication adapter initialization failed

Cause: The function specified in the authentication table entry for the service failed.

Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

TNS-12641: Authentication service failed to initialize

Cause: The authentication service failed during initialization.

Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

TNS-12642: No session key

Cause: A process has no session key associated with it because the authentication service being used does not use one.

Action: If a session key is required, use another authentication service.

TNS-12643: Client received internal error from server

Cause: The client process received an error from the server that indicated that an internal Oracle Net native services error had occurred.

Action: Enable tracing on both processes and attempt to recreate the problem. If successful in recreating the problem, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12645: Parameter does not exist.

Cause: A sqlnet.ora parameter from which a value was needed does not exist.

Action: Set the parameter in the parameter file.

TNS-12646: Invalid value specified for boolean parameter

Cause: The value specified for a parameter was set to a value other than true/false or on/off.

Action: Correct the value of the parameter.

TNS-12647: Authentication required

Cause: The parameter that controls whether authentication is required was set to true, but the executable does not have an authentication service linked in.

Action: Either re-link the executable with an authentication service adapter or disable the parameter.

TNS-12648: Encryption or data integrity algorithm list empty

Cause: A list-of-algorithms parameter was empty, e.g. "()".

Action: Change the list to contain the name of at least one installed algorithm, or remove the list entirely if every installed algorithm is acceptable.

TNS-12649: Unknown encryption or data integrity algorithm

Cause: A list-of-algorithms parameter included an algorithm name that was not recognized.

Action: Either remove that algorithm name, correct it if it was misspelled, or install the driver for the missing algorithm.

TNS-12650: No common encryption or data integrity algorithm

Cause: The client and server have no algorithm in common for either encryption or data integrity or both.

Action: Choose sets of algorithms that overlap. In other words, add one of the client's algorithm choices to the server's list or vice versa.

TNS-12651: Encryption or data integrity algorithm unacceptable

Cause: The algorithm the server chose to use for encryption or data integrity was not one of the choices acceptable to the client. This is either the result of an internal error, of a network data transmission error, or of deliberate tampering with the transmitted data.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing, re-execute the operation, and contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12652: String truncated

Cause: Not enough memory was allocated for a string so it had to be truncated

Action: If it is OK that the string is truncated, then it is not an error. Otherwise, call the routine that reported the error again with a larger string buffer.

TNS-12653: Authentication control function failed

Cause: The control function utilized by the authentication service driver failed.

Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

TNS-12654: Authentication conversion failed

Cause: The authentication service was unable to convert the credentials of a user from the format specific to the format into the ORACLE format.

Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

TNS-12655: Password check failed

Cause: The authentication service being used was unable to verify the provided password.

Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

TNS-12656: Cryptographic checksum mismatch

Cause: The cryptographic checksum received with a packet of incoming data didn't match the checksum computed by the receiving end. This indicates that the packet was tampered with or otherwise corrupted in transit.

Action: Look for sources of data corruption, perhaps including deliberate tampering.

TNS-12657: No algorithms installed

Cause: The near side of the connection required the use of a service (either encryption or checksumming) when no algorithms for that service were installed.

Action: Remove the "ON" requirement for that service.

TNS-12658: ANO service required but TNS version is incompatible

Cause: A client process that is running an earlier version of TNS attempted to connect but the connection failed because the server process required that an ANO service (authentication, encryption, etc.) be used.

Action: Relink the calling executable and retry the connection or eliminate the requirement that the service be used on the server side.

TNS-12659: Error received from other process

Cause: An error was received by one or more services from the process on the other side of the connection.

Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error(s). The error(s) is (are) not returned directly because an error generated by a server may not make sense on the client side and vice-versa.

TNS-12660: Encryption or crypto-checksumming parameters incompatible

Cause: One side of the connection specified "REQUIRED" for encryption or crypto-checksumming, while the other side specified "REJECTED".

Action: Change the "REQUIRED" side to "REQUESTED" if the you want encryption or crypto-checksumming to be optional, or change the "REJECTED" side to "ACCEPTED" if you do not want the service to be optional.

TNS-12661: Protocol authentication to be used

Cause: The authentication service has determined that the Oracle Net transport protocol in use is to be utilized to authenticate a user's identity.

Action: This error is used solely to communicate information between the authentication service and the Oracle Net session layer and should not normally be visible. If the error is seen, contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

TNS-12662: proxy ticket retrieval failed

Cause: The authentication adapter used by Oracle Net failed to retrieve the credentials needed to authenticate a database link.

Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

TNS-12663: Services required by client not available on the server

Cause: Service(s) that was (were) required by the client process were not available on the server process.

Action: Configure the server with the services required by the client (best solution) or delete the requirement from the configuration file of the client (least secure).

TNS-12664: Services required by server not available on the client

Cause: Service(s) that was (were) required by the server process were not available on the client process.

Action: Configure the client with the services required by the server (best solution) or delete the requirement from the configuration file of the server (least secure).

TNS-12665: NLS string open failed

Cause: A native service was unable to make a string available for use by the National Language Support component.

Action: Make sure the National Language Support component has been properly. If it has, enable tracing and report the problem to Customer Support.

TNS-12666: Dedicated server: outbound transport protocol different from inbound

Cause: The protocol specified for an externally-identified outbound connection from a dedicated server (database link) was not the same as that used for the inbound connection. It is not possible for Oracle Net to authenticate a proxy connection that uses a protocol that is different from that which was used for the connection to the dedicated server.

Action: Specify the same protocol in the Oracle Net connect descriptor for the outbound connection as that used for the inbound connection.

TNS-12667: Shared server: outbound transport protocol different from inbound

Cause: The protocol specified for an externally-identified outbound connection from a shared server (database link) was not the same as as that used for the inbound connection. It is not possible for Oracle Net to authenticate a proxy connection that uses a protocol that is different from that which was used for the connection to the shared server.

Action: Specify the same protocol in the Oracle Net connect descriptor for the outbound connection as that used for the inbound connection

TNS-12668: Dedicated server: outbound protocol does not support proxies

Cause: The protocol specified to perform an externally-identified proxy connection (database link) from a dedicated server does not support proxy connections.

Action: Specify a protocol in the Oracle Net connect descriptor used for the connection that does support externally-authenticated proxy connections. NOTE: Because of a limitation in Oracle Net, the protocol used for the proxy connection must the same as that used for the connection from the client to the server.

TNS-12669: Shared server: outbound protocol does not support proxies

Cause: The protocol specified to perform an externally-identified proxy connection (database link) from a shared server does not support proxy connections.

Action: Specify a protocol in the Oracle Net connect descriptor used for the connection that does support externally-authenticated proxy connections. NOTE: Because of a limitation in Oracle Net, the protocol used for the proxy connection must the same as that used for the connection from the client to the server.

TNS-12670: Incorrect role password

Cause: A password supplied for a role could not be validated by the authentication service.

Action: Supply the correct password.

TNS-12671: Shared server: adapter failed to save context

Cause: The adapter for the authentication service failed when it tried to save the data needed for proxy connections (database links) through the shared server.

Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error. Contact Oracle Customer Support if the reason is not obvious.

TNS-12672: Database logon failure

Cause: The authentication service adapter in use encountered an error it attempted to validate the logon attempt of a user.

Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error encountered by the adapter.

TNS-12673: Dedicated server: context not saved

Cause: A connection was marked as being a proxy connection (database link) from a dedicated server but no inbound context was present.

Action: This error should not normally be visible to the user. Contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12674: Shared server: proxy context not saved

Cause: A connection was marked as being a proxy connection (database link) from a shared server but no inbound context was present.

Action: This error should not normally be visible to the user. Contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12675: External user name not available yet

Cause: The authentication service in use was not able to return the external name of a user of the ORACLE server because it is not available to the service yet.

Action: This is just an informational message and should not normally be visible to the user. If the error does appear, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12676: Server received internal error from client

Cause: The server process received an error from the client which indicated that an internal Oracle Net native services error had occurred.

Action: Enable tracing on both processes and attempt to recreate the problem. If the problem recurs, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12677: Authentication service not supported by database link

Cause: The authentication service used by the proxy process (database link) was unable to find the adapter being used by the client in its list of authentication mechanisms.

Action: Specify an authentication adapter that is shared by the client and the server being used for the database link.

TNS-12678: Authentication disabled but required

Cause: The configuration parameters that control whether authentication is disabled or required were both set to TRUE.

Action: Set one or both of the parameters to FALSE.

TNS-12679: Native services disabled by other process but required

Cause: The remote process has disabled native services but the local process requires them.

Action: Enable native services on the remote process or disable them locally.

TNS-12680: Native services disabled but required

Cause: The process has disabled native services but at least one service is required.

Action: Enable native services or change the configuration file so that none of the available services are required.

TNS-12681: Login failed: the SecurID card does not have a pincode yet

Cause: The SecurID card that is used to logon to Oracle, does not have a pincode assigned to it.

Action: Use one of the programs supplied by Security Dynamics to assign a pincode to the card.

TNS-12682: Login failed: the SecurID card is in next PRN mode

Cause: The SecurID card and the SecurID server are out of sync and the server requires the next cardcode to resynchronize the card.

Action: Use one of the programs supplied by Security Dynamics to resynchronize the SecurID card.

TNS-12683: encryption/crypto-checksumming: no Diffie-Hellman seed

Cause: The "sqlnet.crypto_seed" parameter is missing from the SQLNET.ORA parameters file.

Action: Add this line to SQLNET.ORA: sqlnet.crypto_seed = "randomly-chosen text"

TNS-12684: unsupported encryption/crypto-checksumming version

Cause: Encryption/crypto-checksumming version used by remote is not supported by this configuration.

Action: Upgrade the remote client/server to use higher version of encryption/crypto-checksumming adapter. If the support for lower version is needed, add the following to sqlnet.ora file: CLIENT: (to allow connections to weak servers) sqlnet.allow_weak_crypto = true SERVER: (to allow connections from weak clients) sqlnet.allow_weak_crypto_clients = true CAUTION: This parameter allows insecure network connections between a client and server. Hence, it must not be used unless the remote endpoint cannot be updated to run the higher version of the encryption adapter. User is strongly advised to carefully consider the implications of this parameter before configuring it to allow weak connections.

TNS-12685: Native service required remotely but disabled locally

Cause: A native service is required by the remote process but native services have been disabled locally.

Action: Enable native services locally or change the configuration parameters on the remote host so that no native services are required.

TNS-12686: Invalid command specified for a service

Cause: An operation which does not exist was specified for a native service.

Action: This is a programming error and should not normally be visible to the user. If the error does appear, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-12687: Credentials expired.

Cause: The credentials that are used to authenticate the user for the requested connection have expired.

Action: Renew your credentials. Refer to the documentation specific for your Network Authentication Adapter on how to do this.

TNS-12688: Login failed: the SecurID server rejected the new pincode

Cause: There are a number of reasons why the SecurID server would refuse a pincode: - The user might not have permission to make up his own pincode. - The pincode was either too short or too long. Valid pincodes consist of minimal four, but no more than eight characters. - The pincode contains any non alphanumeric characters.

Action: Reexecute the operation and make sure to use a pincode that satisfies the above requirements. If the problem persists, turn on tracing at the Oracle Server side of the connection and examine the trace file for the exact error.

TNS-12689: Server Authentication required, but not supported

Cause: Server Authentication is required for this connection, but not supported by both sides of the connection.

Action: Make sure both sides of the connection have the correct version of Advanced Networking Option, and that the Authentication Adapter supports Server Authentication.

TNS-12690: Server Authentication failed, login cancelled

Cause: Server Authentication is required, but the server's credentials were found invalid by the client.

Action: Make sure that the server has a valid set of credentials. Refer to your authentication adapter specific documentation on how to do this.

TNS-12691: TTC RPC (string) not supported by Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode

Cause: Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode does not support the specified Two-Task Common (TTC) Remote Procedure Call(RPC).

Action: Do not use functionality that issues the specified TTC RPC which was disallowed by Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode

TNS-12692: functionality (string) not supported by Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode

Cause: Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode does not support the specified functionality.

Action: Do not use functionality that is not supported by Oracle Connection // Manager in Traffic Director mode.

TNS-12693: PRCP is not configured in Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode

Cause: The client was attempting to connect using Proxy Resident Connection Pool (PRCP) while PRCP is not configured in Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode.

Action: The client should use PRCP connections only when PRCP is configured in Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode.

TNS-12694: non-PRCP connection requested when PRCP is configured in Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode

Cause: The client was attempting a non Proxy Resident Connection Pool (PRCP) connection while PRCP was configured in Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode.

Action: The client should only use PRCP connections when PRCP is configured in Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode.

TNS-12695: This statement cannot be executed with Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode with PRCP enabled

Cause: The client did not send enough information to execute the statement with Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director mode with Proxy Resident Connection Pooling (PRCP) enabled.

Action: This client needs a patch that will fix the issue. Alternatively, it needs to be upgraded to Oracle Database Release 18.1 or later. Contact Oracle Customer Support for the patch.

TNS-12696: Double Encryption Turned On, login disallowed

Cause: The user is using a Secure Protocol Adapter that has Encryption turned ON as well as ANO Encryption.

Action: Take one of the following actions: - Turn off ANO encryption. - Set the SQLNET.IGNORE_ANO_ENCRYPTION_FOR_TCPS parameter to TRUE. - Set IGNORE_ANO_ENCRYPTION_FOR_TCPS to TRUE in the SECURITY clause of the client's TNS connect string. Refer to the Database Net Services Reference for more details.

TNS-12697: PRCP: Internal error\n

Cause: Invalid PRCP state detected while collecting statistics

Action: Check with CMAN in Traffice Director mode admin to get more info from traces and sqlnet.log.

TNS-12699: Native service internal error

Cause: An internal error occurred in the native services component.

Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error. Contact Oracle Customer Support.