Package oracle.jdbc

Interface OracleSavepoint

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface OracleSavepoint
    extends Savepoint
    This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface java.sql.Savepoint. For pre-JDK 1.4 applications, this interface provides the equivalent functions in java.sql.Savepoint. You can use java.sql.Savepoint in your application where you do not make use of Oracle extensions. However, when your application uses the Oracle extensions to java.sql.Savepoint, you must use oracle.jdbc.OracleSavepoint.

    A savepoint is a point within the current local transaction that can be referenced from the Connection.rollback method. When a transaction is rolled back to a savepoint, all changes made after that savepoint are undone.

    Savepoints can be either named or unnamed. Unnamed savepoints are identified by an ID generated by the underlying data source. Named savepoints do not have such IDs associated with them.