Class BabelfishGenericProxy

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    BabelfishConnection, BabelfishStatement

    public abstract class BabelfishGenericProxy
    extends Object
    Defines the common behavior needed by all the babelfish proxies to support auto translation of queries or errors. All the proxies are children of this class and thus get the common behavior via inheritance.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BabelfishGenericProxy

        public BabelfishGenericProxy()
    • Method Detail

      • getCreator

        protected abstract Object getCreator()
      • getDelegate

        protected abstract Object getDelegate()
      • post_Methods

        protected Object post_Methods​(Method m,
                                      Object result)
        Post method interceptor. Sets the translator in the returning object if the returning object is a child of BabelfishGenericProxy
        m -
        result -