Class OracleXADataSource

    • Field Detail

      • useNativeXA

        protected boolean useNativeXA
    • Constructor Detail

      • OracleXADataSource

        public OracleXADataSource()
                           throws SQLException

        Create an OracleXADataSource instance.

        SQLException - if error occurs while creating an object
    • Method Detail

      • setURL

        public void setURL​(String url)
        Description copied from interface: OracleCommonDataSource
        Sets the URL from which connections have to be obtained. If URL is set all other properties like databasename, servername, portNumber, network protocol, tnsentry, and driver Type will be ignored.
        Specified by:
        setURL in interface OracleCommonDataSource
        setURL in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
        url - URL to be set.
      • getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling

        protected oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling()
        getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource