Class OracleXAException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class OracleXAException
    extends XAException
    OracleXAException extends XAException to leverage Oracle SQL Error number corresponding to the XA Exception.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • OracleXAException

        public OracleXAException()
        Default OracleXAException class.
      • OracleXAException

        public OracleXAException​(int error)
        Default OracleXAException class that takes an error code which is a combination of Oracle Sql No. and XA Error No.
        error - Oracle Error no.
      • OracleXAException

        public OracleXAException​(int error,
                                 int _xaError)
      • OracleXAException

        public OracleXAException​(SQLException sqlex,
                                 int _xaError)
    • Method Detail

      • newXAException

        public static XAException newXAException​(oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection conn,
                                                 int error)
      • newXAException

        public static XAException newXAException​(oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection conn,
                                                 int error,
                                                 SQLException sqlException)
      • newXAException

        public static XAException newXAException​(oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection conn,
                                                 int error,
                                                 int xaerror)
      • newXAException

        public static XAException newXAException​(oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection conn,
                                                 SQLException sqlexc,
                                                 int xaerror)
      • errorConvert

        public static int errorConvert​(int err,
                                       int defaultErrorCode)
      • getXAError

        public int getXAError()
        getXAError returns the XA Error code corresponding to this exception. The error codes are the one defined in XAException class.
        int XA Error Code.
      • getOracleError

        public int getOracleError()
        getOracleError returns the Oracle Error code corresponding to this exception. Return values are the standard ORA errors. Returns zero when one doesn't exist.
        int Oracle Error Code.
      • getXAErrorMessage

        public static String getXAErrorMessage​(int eCode)