Class OracleXid

    • Constructor Detail

      • OracleXid

        public OracleXid​(int fId,
                         byte[] gId,
                         byte[] bId)
                  throws XAException
        OracleXid() -- The constructor that constructs an OracleXid with given formatId, global transacrion Id and branch qualifier.
        fId - format ID
        gId - global transaction ID (no copy performed)
        bId - branch Qualifier (no copy performed)
        XAException - if the size of gId or bId is more than 64 bytes
      • OracleXid

        public OracleXid​(int fId,
                         byte[] gId,
                         byte[] bId,
                         byte[] context)
                  throws XAException
        OracleXid() -- The constructor that constructs an OracleXid with given formatId, global transacrion Id and branch qualifier, and transaction context.
        fId - format ID
        gId - global transaction ID (no copy performed)
        bId - branch Qualifier (no copy performed)
        context - transation context (no copy performed)
        XAException - if the size of gId or bId is more than 64 bytes
    • Method Detail

      • getFormatId

        public int getFormatId()
        getFormatId() -- Obtain the format identifier part of the Xid.
        Specified by:
        getFormatId in interface Xid
        Format identifier. 0 means the OSI CCR format.
      • getGlobalTransactionId

        public byte[] getGlobalTransactionId()
        getGlobalTransactionId() -- Obtain the global txn id of the XID
        Specified by:
        getGlobalTransactionId in interface Xid
        A byte array containing the global transaction identifier.
      • getBranchQualifier

        public byte[] getBranchQualifier()
        getBranchQualifier() -- Obtain the txn branch qualifier of the XID
        Specified by:
        getBranchQualifier in interface Xid
        A byte array containing the branch qualifier of the transaction.
      • isLocalTransaction

        public static final boolean isLocalTransaction​(Xid xid)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling

        protected oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling()
        Compares the given transaction identifiers with this. If the format is different or any byte in the global transaction if or the branch qualifier differs from this, then false is returned. public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(obj==this) return true; OracleXid xid =null; try { xid = (OracleXid)obj; } catch(ClassCastException e){ return false; } if(formatId != xid.getFormatId()) return false; byte[] gtridB = xid.getGlobalTransactionId(); byte[] bqualB = xid.getBranchQualifier(); if(gtrid != gtridB){ if( (gtrid == null && gtridB != null) || (gtridB == null && gtrid != null) ) return false; if(gtridB!=null){ if(gtridB.length != gtrid.length) return false; for(int i=0;i<gtrid.length;i++){ if(gtridB[i] != gtrid[i]) return false; } } } if(bqual != bqualB){ if( ( bqualB == null && bqual != null) || (bqual == null && bqualB != null) ) return false; if(bqualB!=null){ if(bqualB.length != bqual.length) return false; for(int i=0;i<bqualB.length;i++){ if(bqualB[i] != bqual[i]) return false; } } } return true; } public int hashCode() { int ret = formatId; int temp = 0; for(int i=0;i<gtrid.length/4;i++){ temp = (int)gtrid[i] + ((int)(gtrid[i+1]<<8))&0xff00 + ((int)(gtrid[i+2]<<16))&0xff0000 + ((int)(gtrid[i+3]<<24))&0xff000000; ret += temp; } for(int i=0;i<bqual.length/4;i++){ temp = (int)bqual[i] + ((int)(bqual[i+1]<<8))&0xff00 + ((int)(bqual[i+2]<<16))&0xff0000 + ((int)(bqual[i+3]<<24))&0xff000000; ret += temp; } return ret; }