Package oracle.sql

Class CharacterBuffer

  • public final class CharacterBuffer
    extends Object
    This class allows the program to construct an array of bytes in some representation using the 32 bit values returned by a CharacterWalker.
    See Also:
    CharacterWalker, CharacterSet
    • Constructor Detail

      • CharacterBuffer

        public CharacterBuffer​(CharacterSet charSet)
        charSet - the CharacterSet in which the data is represented
    • Method Detail

      • append

        public void append​(int c)
                    throws SQLException
        Append the (posibly multi-byte) representation of c.
        c - a value in the 32 bit representation of characters of charSet.
        SQLException - if c is not a value in the 32 bit representation of charSet.
      • getBytes

        public byte[] getBytes()
        The accumulated data
        an array of bytes containing the representation of all characters that have been appended.