Package oracle.sql


  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Clob, NClob, oracle.jdbc.internal.ACProxyable, oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleClob, oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConcreteProxy, oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleDatumWithConnection, oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleLargeObject, oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleNClob, OracleClob, OracleNClob

    public class NCLOB
    extends CLOB
    implements oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleNClob
    Use java.sql.NClob interface for declaration instead of using concrete class oracle.sql.NCLOB.
    Use NClob interface for declaration instead of using concrete class oracle.sql.NCLOB. java.sql.NClob has methods declared for all opertions. For Oracle specific methods use the interface OracleNClob.

    Obtaining NClob from the ResultSet

    java.sql.NClob nclob = resultSet.getNClob(...);

    Creating temporary NClob using factory method, Connection.createNClob()

    java.sql.NClob nclob = connection.createNClob();
    See Also:
    NClob, OracleNClob, Connection.createNClob(), Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • NCLOB

        protected NCLOB()